03-30-2016, 06:24 AM
He chuckled lightly "look at what he is, and it makes sense." Luce said with a purr "Rio, for all intent and purpose is a puppy demon. His kind are the most rare, near impossible to summon, they only come to ones with a pure heart and whobis... lonely and broken in some way. You know the summoning system as well as o do, it likes to be... ironic and cruel." He looked out at the watter as it rippled a little
"If you lust for power, itll send you a demon like Amar, if you wish to take over the world, itll send you a demon who constantly ruins everything or stands out like a becon in a dark forest" he explains "it never does what you want, unless you have pure intent"
"If you lust for power, itll send you a demon like Amar, if you wish to take over the world, itll send you a demon who constantly ruins everything or stands out like a becon in a dark forest" he explains "it never does what you want, unless you have pure intent"
Available for conversation, pm me.