C RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome)

Shea laughed lightly at Fax's reaction to the idea of Caliban making them something special for their great news, no doubt something the redhead knew Fax would just love... Not that Fax didn't love all of Caliban's treats. "Of course he would bake us something to celebrate," Shea shook his head with a chuckle at the thought. "Don't you remember Maverick's first birthday with all of us? Caliban prepared that cake taller than he was, I don't believe I'd ever seen his eyes go so wide. I think he liked the cake more than he liked the presents."

A coy look overtook his face as he regarded the slightly shorter omega with his luminescent green eyes. "Is that so?" he teased his husband, "Well then it's a good thing you like it, because I don't plan on stopping any time soon." He gave a wink of his own and a light yelp when his own behind was swatted at, biting his lower lip with a playful growl. "I'll make it up to you later," Shea promised.

"As thanks for carrying our child," he whispered in Fax's ear, giving the lobe a light nip and lick.

Maverick snickered behind his hand, looking very much like his mother with that little motion. "Maybe, but it'll need to be big!" He waved his arms around the air to express something huge in size. Uncle Cali usually gives me sweets for free as we make them, he says not to tell any of the customers but that I am his secret taste tester." He sighed happily. "I can't wait until baby Van gets bigger and can help his mom and I. Babies are cute, but I'm excited to play games with him."

He snuggled into Fax's arms as his adoptive parent returned his hug, inhaling the other omegas scent. It didn't really bother him that both his 'parents' were now omegas rather than the stereotypical alpha and omega pair, they seemed to love each other more than his mother could ever love his fathers and he knew that. He was young but he wasn't blind, and he knew the cruelty his fathers had shown his mother. No, things were better this way...everyone seemed happy.

Of course he pulled back sharply in surprise when Fax mentioned the doctor wanting to give him a shot, red eyes wide in fear for his Mama Fax. "You don't need a shot! We use the good hand-soap to fight off germs!" His small fists gripped at Fax's shirt with dramatic emphasis as he turned to his mother. "You should have been there, momma! No one ever says no to you, or tells you what to do!"

As his shoulders were gripped lightly, his wide-eyed attention turned back to Fax, clinging to the words of the dramatic story with child-like enthusiasm. "You did, Mama Fax?" He asked, cheeks warming slightly at the praise, lips splitting into a wide grin. Shea on the other hand could only shake his head in amusement, neon green eyes watching Fax with a pleased shine to them. There was nothing that could make him happier than seeing his mate and his child getting along so well.

For a moment, Maverick's grip on Fax's shirt loosened as his eyes got impossibly wider. "A baby?" He repeated, trying to wrap his mind around those words. He'd heard his parents talk about having a baby before, and recently they'd started including him in these conversations too...he was excited but never believed it would happen so quickly. Almost immediately he jumped up and down, almost identical to the way Fax was in his crouched position. "I'm gonna be a big brother?!" He asked, as if needing another confirmation of this good news.

Stopping his jumping motions for a moment, Maverick backed up and away from Fax with a suddenly serious expression on his face. "Just, can you tell the doctor not to give me an omega sibling?" He kicked at the tower of legos with his toe, the colorful monument wobbling slightly before tumbling down to the floor in a spray of assorted colors and sizes. "I'm not a good fighter and I don't think I could protect them like a big brother should."

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


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RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by CeruleanSnowFlake - 09-18-2016, 05:30 AM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by chrome - 09-18-2016, 06:18 AM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by CeruleanSnowFlake - 09-18-2016, 06:45 AM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by chrome - 09-18-2016, 07:31 AM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by CeruleanSnowFlake - 09-18-2016, 08:10 AM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by chrome - 09-18-2016, 09:00 AM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by CeruleanSnowFlake - 09-18-2016, 10:41 PM
RE: RP Character Drabbles w/h (chrome) - by chrome - 09-23-2016, 04:27 AM

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