04-09-2017, 05:52 PM
He smiled happy that they were ok with his. "Of course you will!" Aden said softly hugging them both one last time before grabbing his things and heading for the door. he had only a few things with him, cloths a note book, and the books he would need because, he had promised to help Howard find things. He had a few survival things he had picked up a knife, the first aid kit but other then that he packed lightly.
He met Howard outside giving him a smile. "Ready?" Aden asked, he was grinning clearly excited. "Lets go." he was happy to be going, anywhere that wasn't here. to be seeing new things. Who knows when he returned maybe he would have stories like Howard did.
He met Howard outside giving him a smile. "Ready?" Aden asked, he was grinning clearly excited. "Lets go." he was happy to be going, anywhere that wasn't here. to be seeing new things. Who knows when he returned maybe he would have stories like Howard did.