04-11-2017, 03:33 AM
Aden curled up on his side and tried to rest he sat up a bit taking the cup of water and the pill downing it without a second thought, it didn't really do anything to dull the pain though Aden had hoped it would. Every time the pain struck him it only seemed to get worse and the time between them shorter. Something was wrong with him and he didn't know what it was. No longer was he silent when he felt the pains he didn't care about hiding it anymore, there was no point and he found him self groaning when it became to strong. Aden almost regretted Howard's offer to go to a doctor now he was begging to get scared. He was currently sitting up with his back against the rock his head tilted back and his eyes closed he was still sitting on the sleeping bag but he was uncomfortable no matter what position he took up so it didn't matter to much.