Arranged marriage. (DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.)
Erumollien had climbed out of bed and left the room to change into his formal attire. It was yet another day that he must hold open court and then he must attend the High Council meetings, then he must ride to the farmlands and oversee how the farmers were faring and help where he can.

Slipping on his gooden robes and a dark red sash, he deemed himself ready the moment he placed his circlet upon his head. Stepping out of his own chambers, he looked at Beriadan who was waiting for him. King and advisor needed only to exchange a glance before they rushed to the throne room so they may avoice beginning late.

Erumollien's throne had been crafted from roots grown and twisted into shaping a mighty looking thrown that is connected to the Earth, his father had loved the throne for what it stood for and when his mother still lived, she would be found seated upon the King's lap to show unity as they both debated over varying things that their subjects sought counsel for.

"Beriadan, go to my consort, you must teach him." His cousin made to protest but he glared at his cousin, daring him to speak, "If it truly concerns you that I've no keeper, then call Mellimeldisiel. She can watch me and guide me during open court." Beriadan shot a steely look at him before bowing and leaving.

The advisor made quick work of finding the High Councilwoman, sending her off to the throne room, he knew that she can easily steer Erumollien into doing what he must due to her age. She was formidable and ageless as was expected of their people, but he knew in that mind is the mind of a mother and grandmother who brings everyone into her embrace.

Recant the consort's door, Beriadan knocked and waited for the consort to come out.

"Breakfast in the dining halls, lessons will commence while doing so." He paused before adding, "The Dwarvenking, his husband and children shall be present. Do try not to make this awkward." He smiled tightly before bowing stiffly to the consort and leaving for the dining halls, speaking with the guards not to expect the king for the morning meal.

He will be damned though if his cousin decides to lock himself in the study and misses his midday meal several times in the past.

Taking a seat at the table, he greeted the Dwarvenking Torsten and his consort, Keiran, then his cousin's godson, Adalsteinn and the Crown Prince's daughter, EydĂ­s.

He noticed the concerned gaze sent his way by the Dwarvenking, the advisor only shrugged and pulled a face.

"Burying himself in duty once more?" Torsten asked wryly, the advisor did not answer for their ally already knew it.

"The boy reminds me too much of myself from years before." The Dwarvenking muttered before he continued to break his fast.

Beriadan only waited for the consort to arrive before he ate. Though he did place the food he wanted on his plate and asked for raspberry wine from a passing servant.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - by DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-20-2017, 03:14 AM

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