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12-18-2018, 09:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-18-2018, 10:08 AM by
Name: Maurice Durham
Age: 27
Appearance: Tall and tanned with dark short hair. He was a spitting image of his father, but with milder eyes that was inherited from his mother. His eyes were hazel in color, round and bright, if one was to look at them solely they'd be fooled by how innocent they looked - which was as far off as it could be for the young entreprenuer.
Maurice grew up like any other rich kids. He had loving parents - a coupling of alpha and omega - but he was the few among his schoolmates to be the only child. He later found that it was because his omega mother had encountered an accident while pregnant with him, and after his birth, her womb was removed which left her weakened, but alive. It therefore came as everyone's surprise when his alpha father suddenly collapsed and passed away at an acute heart attack a few days after he graduated from the university.
It had then been a struggle for him. As a young and inexperienced uni grad, he wasn't qualified, in more ways than one, to lead the enterprise that was left behind by his father. Those years had been hard and without his father, their family had lost some of its influence. He was therefore quite dismayed to find that he was right on the list of the next round of "matchmaking" done by the government.
he knew early on that his family came from a long line of alpha-omega matchings. Before, it had all been out of free love, but since the population had seen a sharp decline over the last decade, even their family could not be excluded from the list. Obviously there was also the factor that the government no longer seen them as intimidating tycoon now, who had once been formidable but had now lost some of its glory under the leadership of a young man.
This idea frustrated Maurice more than he'd care to admit. Either way.. perhaps on the long run, this wasn't bad. Their company's sruvival also depended on the government's support, so fi the government wanted him to be the poster boy, he would. If anything, that would give his comapny an edge to survive if the government ever wanted to do anything on conglomerates as theirs was.
He had only seen his "bride" through a CV. no photos were given as protocol. Dressed in meticulous tuxedo. The businessman found his hands goign clammy as his omega mother - frailed but survived the years of losing her husband with the support of her son - tied the blind on him to ready him for the wedding.
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Name: Nathan “Nate” Young
Age: 20
Appearance: Small in stature, slim with smooth, fair skin. His sandy blond hair was usually untamed. As a timid and reserved individual, he never put too much thought into his appearance and was unaware of how handsome he was. It was a natural kind of handsome, one that didn’t require much effort. His eyes were grayish blue, his lips pouty and soft.
Nate grew up in a small coastal town, the youngest of three siblings. His parents were of modest means but always made sure Nate and his siblings had everything they needed. Growing up, Nate knew he was different. He was smaller than his siblings and peers which often made him a target of harassment and bullying. It wasn’t only his siblings and peers who treated him differently - his parents treated him differently as well. Nate’s parents were always very protective of him, more so than their other children. Nate was never required to do household chores. He also had his own bedroom while his older siblings were forced to share one. This harbored feelings of resentment from his older siblings. It wasn’t until Nate was older that he realized why he was different.
Protected and sheltered by his beta parents in his small town, Nate knew very little about the “real world.” It wasn’t until his pre-teen years that he learned about the existence of alphas and omegas. He had overheard his school peers talking about it one day. So, he questioned his beta mother about the subject matter upon returning home. Later that evening, his beta father and mother sat him down and explained everything to him. Suddenly it all made sense. This is why he was treated differently and felt differently than anyone else he had ever known. He was an omega.
As if that weren’t enough shock for Nate to handle in one day, his parents also told him that once he turned 20, he would be matched with an alpha and the two of them would marry, mate and produce offspring. The government began mandating this since alphas and omegas were rare and had become more rare in recent years. Sure, there were some influential alpha-omega families who could escape “the list” But, Nate came from a family of betas with no influence in society, so there was no way of escaping “the list” for him.
Nate was devastated. The thought of being married off to a complete stranger and forced to leave everything he’d ever known terrified him. With these revelations, Nate become more withdrawn as the years progresses. He dreaded his birthdays, knowing that every birthday meant he was a year closer to age 20 - when his life would change forever.
His 20th birthday arrived. Like all of his birthdays prior, he celebrated with close family and friends. However this time, things were more somber. Everyone knew what would soon be happening.
A few days after Nate’s 20th birthday, government agents showed up at his parents’ home. They were there to accompany Nate to the capital where he would spend a few days undergoing physical and mental evaluations and testing.
Nate sat sobbing into his beta mother’s chest. The past few days had been rough. He had been away from his parents for several days in a strange city, held up in a government facility undergoing a variety of tests. But now, the day had come. It was his wedding day. In a few moments, he would be presented to his alpha. He knew nothing about his alpha, other than the fact that he came from a prominent line of alpha and omegas - and that the fate of their lineage would rest in him (Nate).
As Nate continued to sob, his beta father came into the room and said “It’s time.” Nate’s beta mother lifted Nate’s head off of her chest, wiped his tears and kissed him on the forehead. “It will be alright, son.” his mother said. “Now let’s put the blindfold on, shall we?”
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With his eyesight lost, Maurice was still able to locate his mother's hand. "mom..." he whispered. His mom had been his only outlet to his years of struggle before he finally managed to conslidate his status today. She had also been dependent on him and took comfort in him with the dear lost of her mate. They were inseparable - and Maurice had caught his mom crying at night after receiving the notice from the Government. When he approached her, she simply cupped his face like when she would often do when he was little, and smiled so sadly at him.
"oh my dear boy... what happiness would be forever lost to you. Without the sweetness of free love... I hope... i want you to treat your mate well. He'd be your lifelong partner. I am so sad you woudln't be able to choose out of your free will... but...." her voice would break and she would hug him tight, again stroking the back of his head like he was still her little boy.
"Mom..." now in his tuxedo and ready for the wedding, he once again called out for his mother. "i will treat the omega well. whether or not i love him... I will provide for him and respect him." he said, even though it was far from what his mother hoped for him, at least he would try hard not to create pain in the young omega - who was as innocent as he was.
He had succumbed to fate. Fully prepared to treat his partner as a friend. He wouldn't feel for him... he hadn't felt for anyone at all over the years. But he would live in a loveless marriage. That's no big deal at all.
Following the lead of his mother, he came into the venue. His nose picked up a peculiar scent... something that was almost addictive. Sweet, warm, timid. He could sense all that... where could this scent be from?
There was an official standing at the end of the aisle. They could only act as puppets under the manipuation of the many officers. he could see some flashlights - there must have official cameraman around. Yea, who could be a better poster boy than Maurice, the most sought after bachelor until today?
In the confusion, he felt someone giving him a ring, which he quickly put on the omega's ringfinger, then vice versa. Then there was a box put inot his hand - he knew that would be the pill... "the pill".
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Nate wiped off what was left of his tears. His eyes swollen from crying. He closed his eyes and allowed his mother to place the blindfold over his eyes knowing the next sight he would see would be of his mate - the person he would spend the rest of his life with.
In the years after Nate realized his true identity, he had heard horror stories of young omegas forced to marry old, oppressive alphas. Alphas who only viewed their omegas as pets - used only for breeding, carrying and raising their young. It was especially common of influential alphas in the capital. Nate was certain he was about to meet the same fate as countless others omegas.
Holding his mother’s hand, Nate stood up. He then interlocked his right arm with his mother’s left one - his father interlocking with Nate’s left arm. Together the three of them walked slowly out of the room and down a hallway. Distant chatter grew louder and louder as the three of them made their way to the venue. “Mind your step, son” Nate’s father said. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6” Nate counted the steps in his head. The loud chatter quieted. Nate’s heart skipped a beat and his stomach dropped. “This must be the venue” Nate thought to himself. Although he couldn’t see anything, he could feel hundreds of eyes looking at him. Through the cracks in the blindfold, he could see flashes of light and heard camera noises. All of this made Nate even more uneasy. He hated attention.
As the trio continued to make their way down the aisle, Nate picked up an unfamiliar scent. He didn’t know what it was, but it somehow began calming his racing heart and wrecked nerves, though only a bit. The three of them came to a halt. Releasing their grip on Nate’s arms, his parents turned and kissed his cheeks. “We love you son,” his father whispered in his ear. “We love you, we’ll be right here. “ his mother whispered. For several seconds, Nate stood alone. To him it felt like ages.
Startled, Nate jumped as someone grabbed his hand. The strange hand singled out his ring-finger and placed a ring on it. Shortly after, Nate felt a second hand grab his arm and place a ring in his palm. This was his alpha’s ring. With a shaking hand, Nate placed the ring on his alpha’s finger. After exchanging the rings, Nate heard the wedding official begin to speak. Although Nate could hear the official, he wasn’t listening to a word he said. His mind was somewhere else. Visions of his childhood, his family, friends and hometown flashed in his mind. Will he ever see his hometown again? From now on, his life would never be the same.
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Maurice didn't think too much when he put the ring onto his betrothed. It came all as a fuss and his mind was on how he hated being manipulated by the officers than anything else. But right now, as he acknowledged the boring mumbling of the officer, he had the spare time to sense around him.
there was a lot of people. some distanced chatters. His mom's scent was still there, standing not too far away from him. And then there were a few others around him - and he could again pick up the sweet one. He was drawn to that particular scent naturally. That was from someone near him and his heart pounded hard. What if... what if that wasn't coming from his omega? what if itw as another one within the crowd?! what if ... he'd found "the one" on his wedding - but sadly that wasn't who he would spend his life with?
Out of the confusion.. he decided to reach out. The omega that he had just put a ring on... was standing next to him. Somewhere, on his right. Maybe a few feet, maybe a few inches apart. He tentatively reach out, just moving his fingers wanting to feel the warm... and to his luck, he was right there. his fingers came in touch with something warm... he only need to reach down to clutch his hand again....
then all of a sudden the officials were there again. The long, boring speech was done and they were announced officially as "man and man" - at least they had the decency to recognise their primary gender - and then each was again "escorted" away, towards the backside where they'd each board a limousine to go to their honeymoon site - "courtesy" of the government.
The advantage of being from a rich family, the government had indeed treated them to a luxurious mansion. The place was nice, even by Maurice's standard. what he stepped on was thick Persian rugs, there was aromatic scent burning in the air, which to his annoyance, covered up everything and made it no longer possible for him to decipher the scent around him. He knew they were entering through the frotn door, still cameraed, as they were walking deliberately solemn steps.
He followed like a lifeless doll, robotically obeying whatever was told. There was no use fighting right now, he might as well comply - in essence, he was still a practical businessman. He ascended stairs, turned a few corners, before finally arriving at the master's bedroom. Then all he could do was sti and wait for the arrival of his "bride"...
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Nate was suddenly jolted out of his daydream to the sudden touch of a hand from a man standing next to him. The man’s hand then reached down and clutched Nate’s hand. It was his soon-to-be alpha’s hand. Nate’s hand was dwarfed by the alphas, fitting completely within it. Nate was unsure how to read this. The hand was warm and comforting. But Nate was shy, timid and always skeptical. After experiencing a lifetime of lies and secrets, Nate was untrusting.
Moments later, the officiating officer made the marriage “official” under the law and the couple was whisked away separately.
Nate only had a moment to say goodbye to his parents. “Good luck tonight, son” his mother told him as she cupped his face with her hands and kissed his cheek. “You’ll be fine; things will be alright and we will see you soon” his father said as he hugged Nate tightly.
The officers “escorted” Nate to his limousine, where they helped him into it and shut the door. Nate had never ridden in a limousine before. However, with the blindfold still on and given the circumstances, it was impossible for him to enjoy the experience.
Although Nate was relieved to be away from the crowds and cameras, he couldn’t help but dread what was to come. Soon, he would need to consummate his marriage. He knew he would need to take a pill to induce him into heat. He had never been in heat before. The last couple of years, he had been on suppressants in order to keep him safe and his identity hidden in his small town. The thought of losing all control of his body and giving into desires he had no control over terrified Nate. The physical pain scared Nate as well. The size of the alpha’s penis, the knot, the large amounts of alpha seed that would stretch his abdomen and of course the long, uncomfortable months of pregnancy. Although Nate knew most of this from his own research, he underwent a “crash course” two days ago while undergoing tests at the government facility. The scientific explanations provided by the crash course did little to calm Nate’s nerves. In fact, it made him even more anxious.
The limo came to a halt, the door opened and Nate was guided out of the car and into a mighty mansion. As Nate walked slowly down the hallway with the help of the officers, his heart rate grew faster and faster. Aromas began filling the air. He heard a door open and was guided through the threshold by the officers. The officers sat Nate down on a bed and began removing his shoes. They helped him remove his jacket as well. “Now lay down” one of the officers said. Nate obliged. “We’re going to leave now, but remember to keep your blindfold on.” Nate nervously nodded his head. “Good luck!” the officer said as they both chuckled. “He’s about to get ravaged” he heard one of the officers whisper. “Yeah he won’t be able to walk tomorrow!” the other officer replied. Nate feared they were right.
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The opening and closing of the door, the tease left by the officers, the receding footsteps - with his vision stripped, Maurice knew that they were left alone. The alpha reached up to remove the blindfold and squinted his eyes. The light wasn't strong, but agitating enough to his dilated pupils.
He took a deep breath and stretched - at least the officers did not dare lay a finger on him, both because of him being an alpha and also because of his status. He blinked a few times more and looked around, taking in the surroundings.
Then he saw the figure laying on the bed. A little one - his little one. Somehow this idea just filled his head. Approaching the bed slowly, he came up from under and saw the slight trembling. The man - boy - was clearly frightened, he coudl see he wanted to curl up and protect himself, but was too frightened to make a move.
"shh...." he was whispering before he noticed. Reaching out, he guided the omega to sit, loosely holding him around his shoulder, he gently lift up the blindfold, using his own shadow to shield him from the interior lighting.
"Nathan?" He whispered. He knew the name from the portfolio he was offered, but he wasn't sure if the reciprocal was given. "I'm Maurice. you're safe in here." he said in such a gentle voice, he was surprised himself. Granted, with an omega mother, Maurice knew a bit on how to make an omega feel better, but he always assumed he would just treat his omega as a distant stranger, someone hwo he would share a room with. He couldn't explain why he was feeling so tender against this small boy.
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Nate heard the door shut as the officers left the room. Although he was relieved they were gone, he was still uneasy. The room was quiet, but he could sense his alpha was present. Nate felt the need to ball up and protect himself, but was afraid to make any sudden moves - not knowing how the alpha would react. He never knew any alphas personally but knew they had tendencies to be aggressive.
As Nate’s heart raced and body trembled nervously, he could sense the alpha moving closer to him. “Shhhh...” the alpha calmly whispered as he sat beside Nate and placed his hand on Nate’s shoulder while gently lifting up Nate’s blindfold with his other hand. The room was bright, but the alphas body shielded Nate’s eyes from most of the interior lighting.
“Nathan?” The alpha whispered. His voice was deep, but gentle. “I’m Maurice, you’re safe in here.” In that moment, a calmness came over Nathan. Whether it was the alpha’s gentle voice or his calm embrace of Nate, whatever the alpha was doing was working. It was helping Nate to feel more at ease.
As the alpha’s face slowly came into focus, Nate nervously replied, “Nnniiice to meet you, Maurice.” His voice cracking a bit out of nervousness. Nate was finally able to see in full view his alpha in front of him. To Nate’s surprise, he wasn’t the old, creepy balding alpha he imagined. Maurice was young and strikingly handsome and for some reason, looked strangely familiar.
After a few seconds, Nate understood why his alpha looked so familiar - it was Maurice Durham, from the famous Durham family. Maurice had a reputation within the country of being a play boy and often graced the covers of tabloids. To many, he was considered to be the most eligible bachelor in the country. Nate was in shock. He could not believe that he was now officially married to Maurice Durham. How could this marriage ever work? They were from two completely different worlds.
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The omega's grayish blue eyes were so clear and innocent, Maurice couldn't quite tear his eyes away from them. He smiled gently at Nathan. "Nice to meet you too." he replied, noting the crack but didn't address it. NAthan... he's only a boy. He mustn't startle him. He was too precious.
He didn't falter when the boy tilted his head sideways looking at him. "hmm?" he smiled... until there was new panic filling those eyes. "Is there a problem?" he frowned. He thought Nathan had calmed down, but now hew as stiff all over again.
"Is there something on my face?" he touched his own face , looking at Nathan. "Do you have something to tell me? pray, don't be afraid of me. I know we are strangers, but ... please don't panick over the situation. No matter what happened, I would shield you from any harm." he said rather determinedly. he knew for omegas strong and powerful words would usually calm them. He had only too much experience with his mother distraught in numerous episodes after the passing of his father.
"now,... if you don't mind. perhaps we could look for something to eat? and change into something more comfortable." he said and pulled away from Nathan to grab the silky robes that was probably meant for them to use AFTER .. the consummation.
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From Maurice’s reaction, Nate knew that Maurice was reading his facial expressions and body language. Nate never really could hide his feelings very well.
“Is there a problem? Is there something on my face?” Maurice asked. Still, Nate remained silent. He wasn’t fully listening to what Maurice was saying. All he could think about was what a poor match they were. And that his once quiet life would be no more. He would be destined to a life in the public eye - forced to bear and raise Maurice’s children while Maurice paraded around the country making event appearances. “Could these two completely different souls ever be in love?” “Would it be possible for playboy Maurice Durham to be faithful?” Nate thought to himself as his heart and mind continued to race.
“No matter what happens, I will shield you from harm. Now, If you don’t mind, perhaps we could look for something to eat? And change into something more comfortable.” Maurice then pulled away from Nate and made his way to a pair of silk robes. Nate wasn’t really paying attention to everything Maurice said as his mind was elsewhere. He only heard the last part - “whatever happens, I will shield you from harm.” He didn’t expect these gentle words to come from the famous playboy. “Of course he’s only saying this to get me into bed.” “He must do this with all his conquests.” Nate thought, still anxious about the whole situation.
Without hesitating, Maurice began removing his clothes. He unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a perfectly chiseled torso. Even shy, timid Nathan couldn’t resist staring. Maurice was the perfect specimen of an alpha. Maurice then began to remove his pants and underwear. Slightly embarrassed, Nathan turned his head to give his alpha some privacy. “It’s alright, you can look at me, we’re married now” Maurice said jokingly as he tried to ease the tension in the room. But, it wasn’t really working.
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(LOL haha my style, I usually prefer for myself to do my character's dialogue..... ;))
Maurice was more delighted than he would admit seeing the omega blush so beautifully. He smiled but respected his, well, husband, and turned slightly away. He didnt like seeing Nathan tensing up so much. He wanted to get to know this marvelous boy, even though they had only knwon each other for minutes. There was something very attractive about this shy boy, something beyond the fact that he was attracted to his scent and his looks, Maurice knew he was hooked.
He slipped into the robe, tying it up on his front but there was still a lot of chest showing with it stretched open by his muscles. "You dont want to change? Do you want me to help?" He smiled coming closer to Nathan.
"Do you want me to call you Nathan? Or are you ok with nicknames?" Not wanting to spook his new husband, he simply flipped open the robe to lay it on the bed. He reached out wanting to pat Nathan' dirty blond hair but the omega looked like he would have a panic attack if he dared touch him, so he withdrew, simply letting the boy do things at his.own pace. He stood up awkwardly and scratched the back of his head. "Err, maybe i would give you some.privacy. i'd start hunting for a bit of snacks, I am sure they have some around."
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(Oops! Sorry...still learning here :) )
Nathan kept his head down and turned slightly to the side as Maurice changed into his robe. “You don’t want to change? Do you want me to help?” He heard Maurice say. Nathan didn’t want to change and he certainly didn’t want Maurice to help. He wanted to go home and back to his quiet life. But he knew that was not an option.
Still, Nathan remained silent as Maurice asked him what seemed like a laundry list of questions. Nathan wondered whether or not his silence and body language would demonstrate to Maurice that he just wanted to be left alone. Or would his silence send his alpha into a rage?
At the corner of his eye, Nathan saw Maurice place his robe on the bed. And then, to Nate’s surprise, Maurice did something unexpected. He didn’t go into a blind rage at Nate’s silence. Instead, he told Nate that he would go and search for some snacks so that Nate could have some privacy.
Although Nate had no appetite, he appreciated the gesture. The Maurice Durham he thought he knew (from all the tabloids) had been full of surprises this evening. Still, Nate remained skeptical.
Knowing he had no choice in the matter, Nate reluctantly changed into his robe shortly after Maurice exited the room in his quest for snacks. With Maurice gone and his blindfold off, Nate finally got a chance to see the entire room. It was impressive. The bed was huge, the biggest he’d ever seen. It was perfectly made and covered with fluffy pillows. There was a giant, beautiful rug covering much of the floor in the bedroom. In the center of the rug was a sofa and two chairs. Fire crackled in the fireplace which sat on the opposite end of the bedroom from where Nate stood. There were two doors leading out of the bedroom. Nate assumed one was the bathroom and the other lead to the rest of the suite. But, the most impressive perhaps were the floor to ceiling windows on one side of the bedroom overlooking the capital city. There were so many skyscrapers. For several minutes, Nate stood by the window in awe taking in the amazing view.
:: knock knock :: Nate jumped when he heard two knocks behind him. He turned his head and saw Maurice standing in the doorway with a plate of food and a bottle of Champagne.
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(no problem ;) well i guess everyone's diff, i'm just more picky than others i guess.... but well, figured better say it frankly so there wouldn't be any mistunderstanding. If you find any of mine not comfortable for you, do let me know as well.)
Maurice was greeted with his 'husband's' back when he came back. Yes, Husband, that was a strange word indeed for someone he'd just get to know. But he would be alright if that's Nathan... he was a sweet boy and he wouldn't mind spending the... wait. that was immature and perhaps a wishful thinking at this point. Maybe nathan didn't want that with him... he couldn't help but think bitterly. At least, with the first signs Nathan was showing, he didn't think the omega was as accepting of him.
He knocked - and still Nathan jumped. It was cute... but Maurice always wished his husband would warm up to him soon. He WANTED him to warm up to him and open up to him...
"I got these.... i would have found something non-alcoholic but that would mean i have to go hunt for the kitchen. figured we could settle with this." maurice shrugged explaining, coming in to place the plate on the teatable, right in front of the sofa facing the fire.
"Come take a seat? i won't bite." he smiled at nathan, taking a seat first himself. He filled both flutes with champagne and gestured for Nahtan to take one. "hmm, strawberry with chocolate. Hmm." he said taking a bite, relaxing against the sofa. This was his wedding night and maybe it was strange to be starting it with eating, and probably NOT ending it with consummation... but he wanted to take things slow. Instead of just claiming the omega's body, he would rather take his heart first.
"oh, and this." he said remembering. The tiny pill still in his pocket. He hurried over to the pile of clothes he'd folded up to fish the pill out. "there. I'm gonna bottle it up so you won't suspect i had laced your drink with anything." he said showing nathan exactly what he was doing. he would do anything to make the omega more comfortable.
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Nate was pleasantly surprised at how tender Maurice was being with him. Nate appreciated that. And it was working - Nate was slowly warming up to Maurice.
Nate was particularly surprised when Maurice walked over to his folded pants to retrieve the pill. Instead of giving it to Nate or placing it in his drink, Maurice placed it into an empty glass on the table - in plain sight of the omega. “There. I’m gonna bottle it up so you won’t suspect I had laced your drink with anything.” Maurice said as he smiled and winked at Nate. Nate couldn’t help but smile back. Maurice was doing and saying all the right things.
Nate slowly made his way to the sofa where Maurice was sitting. The silky oversized robe drowned the omega’s tiny body. But, modest Nate made sure the robe was tightly wrapped around his body with as little skin as possible showing. The omega sat beside the alpha on the sofa.
“Thanks for the food. And the champagne of course.” Nate said as he looked up at Maurice. “Yyyou asked earlier if I, err, had a nickname. My name is Nathan, but my family just calls me Nate.” Maurice smiled. He seemed to be pleased that his omega was finally talking to him. Nate grabbed one of the champagne flutes and took a giant sip. “Hopefully this will loosen me up.” He thought.
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Maurice chuckled. "Don't thank me... all these are courtesy of the 'authority'." he said with sarcasm. "They're really generous in these little things as long as... .never mind. We shoudln't mention about those brutal idiots." he said dismissing it, not wanting to address the issue of him being poster boy for whatever regime the government had in mind. Even though it turned out to be alright - in terms of how Nathan was - he was still holding a grudge against them for this 'arrnaged marriage' thing.
"Nate. hmm, ok. that's sweet." he smiled at the nickname - and his eyes widened slightly at the big gulp the omega was taking. Perhaps he had underestimated his omega and maybe he was more tolerant to alochol than he'd assumed.
He refilled Nate's flute and offered him the plate of snack. There were cubes of cheese, crackers, even fruits on top of the chocolate dipped strawberry Maurice had been indulging in. He groaned and shfited a slight bit on the sofa watching the omega's sweet lips envelop over the food, and had to look away to avoid inappropriate reactions.
"Let me introduce myself again. I am Maurcie. There's only my mother and myself in teh family, my father passed away a few years ago. I am... sporty?" he quirked up his brow feeling strange describing himself this way. "And I have my own company. I can't say i have lots of free time, but the advantage of running the company myself is, i could fix my own quarters right above my office. It's pretty neat and usually i just head home to live with my mom during weekends, or long holidays. You are welcome to choose whichever side to live in, as long as you're comfortable." he said. It was pretty stupid already discssing about such mundane things in such a setting, but he really didn't knwo what else to start on to loosen the omega up.
(ah, are we making Nate go drunk ;))
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(Not totally wasted, just a little drunk/tipsy so he can relax and loosen up. Sound good?)
Maurice was a charmer, that was for sure. And his words were working their magic on Nate. By referring to the government officials as “brutal idiots” and opening up to Nate about his personal life, Maurice was slowly breaking down Nate’s walls. For the first time within the brief period of knowing each other, Nate was able to relate to Maurice.
“He was forced into this just like me” Nate thought to himself as Maurice continued to open up. Nate smiled and sipped his champagne as Maurice spoke about his mother and how he lives with her during the weekends and holidays. “He clearly loves her. That’s sweet” Nate thought. This side of Maurice was never shown in the tabloids.
Maurice stopped talking and Nate took it as his cue to tell Maurice a little about himself. By this point, Nate was starting to feel the champagne. With his guard slightly down and the champagne kicking in, Nate began to open up to Maurice.
“I’m from a small town on the coast. My parents own a small tourism business. I have two older brothers. One of my brothers is married, the other is not.” Maurice was smiling down at Nate as he talked. He seemed legitimately interested in hearing about Nate’s background. Nate took another swig of his champagne. “My 20th Birthday was a few days ago. I have never lived outside of my hometown. And, until the other day, I had only been to the capital city twice. So, to be honest, I’m a little nervous about living so far from home and in a strange place.”
Nate took another sip of his champagne. It was going down quickly. It must be his nerves that were causing him to drink so fast. “Also, I want you to know that I know who you are and that I’m sorry for being so quiet earlier. I was just caught off guard seeing you, Maurice Durham, in person right in front of me. And of course all of the other stuff that’s happened over the past few days.” Nate took another nervous sip of his champagne. “I said too much” He thought to himself as he nervously awaited Maurice’s response.
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(yea that sounds good ;))
Maurice nodded solemnly. it was perfectly understandable for the omega to feel anxious for leaving his home and start living in an entirely foriegn household. it also didn't hlep that his family was so far away, frequent visits to them would probably not be possible. "I see. i'm sorry you are forced away from your family... and I'm also sorry that frequent visits back home wouldn't be that practical. But if time allows, I will see what i can arrange to have your family flown in to visit you when you wanted. Or vice versa. I'll see what i can do." He said not liking the union with this omega meant that Nate would be so far away from his family.
"and a belated happy birthday, Nate." he added with a warm smile. "i'll remember that... it's the 4th January right?" it was in the dossier he was given. and he made a mental note to himself he would remember to celebrate with him from next year onwards.
"it's alright. It could be intimidating, i know. and my reputation wasn't really that flattering. but please, don't judge me from what you'd heard or seen. I'm just Maurice in front of you." he said. "And i crave to know the real you as well, Nate." he reached out to hold the omega's hand, finding it ratther warm and when he looked up, he finally noted the lovely blush on Nate that was making him even more attractive.
"oh dear. Are you ok? you're heating up." he said pressing a hand on his warm cheeks without much thought.
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“Oh dear. Are you ok? You’re heating up” Maurice said as he placed his hand on Nate’s blushing cheeks. Nate’s glance met the floor as he hung his head down in embarrassment. Embarrassed that he brought up the fact that he knew who Maurice was. He shouldn’t have mentioned it.
There was no denying that Nate was attracted to Maurice. But who wouldn’t be? Maurice was handsome. His smile was infectious. And his body was just about perfect. But it was more than just a physical attraction that Nate could feel. There was something about his smell and gentle way that Nate was beginning to swoon over.
“Thanks for saying that. I know that family visits from here on out will be hard. But, I appreciate you saying that you’ll try to make them happen as much as you can. And thanks for remembering my birthday.” Nate said as he looked up at Maurice with his big innocent eyes. Maurice’s large alpha hand was still caressing his cheek, but moved under Nate’s chin as he lifted his head to look up at Maurice.
It was at that moment that Maurice leaned in and kissed Nate. The moment Maurice’s lips met his, butterflies began to fill Nate’s stomach.
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Nate was too adorable for his own good... that was what Maurcie was thinking right before he pressed a kiss on his husband's plush lips. He tasted even better ... the freshness of the strawberry he just swallowed, the slight bitterness of the champagne... and on top of it all, the natural sweetness of his love. Nate tasted so good, Muarice pressed forward further to get more of the omega.
He suckled and pressed on further, eagerly, and dominnantly, claimed his place in Nate's. He pried open his mouth and engaged them in a heated kiss. There was little mewls from his husband, fueling further his passion and soon he was holding the back of Nate's head, thoroughly devouring the smaller man.
There were small hands pressed against his chest, but the struggle was weakening and Nate's face was turning so red, Maurice eventually released him. He chuckled at the omega panting. "Don't forget to breath Nate, you have to start learning to breath during a kiss. .... for i intend to do that quite often - if you aren't oppose to that." he ruffled Nate's hair fondly.
After that kiss, the tension between them somewhat dissipated a little. Maurice pulled Natecloser to himself and hugged him. He wasn't sure if Nate was aware of all sorts of lovely sounds he was making. The omega was also snuggling close to him and he was happy to see the omega was warming up - and apparently he enjoyed the physcial touches.
He stroked Nate's back soothingly. "I'll tell you a little more about myself... " he started, his voice soothing and he was half expecting Nate to drift off while he rambled on about his daily life.
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Nate was taken aback by the alpha’s sudden moves. Nate had never been kissed like that before. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. But, luckily for him, his new husband seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Nate placed his tiny hands on the alpha’s hairy, muscly chest trying to keep his alpha at a distance - as if he ever had a chance. But, quickly, Nate began to give way to the passion as butterflies continued to fill his stomach. His alpha tasted so good on his lips. There was something about his taste and smell. He was dominant yet gentle. Rough yet passionate. Nate was experiencing emotions he’d never experienced before. His heart was racing and he was panting heavily. Maurice pulled away. “Don’t forget to breath, Nate. You have to start learning to breath during a kiss...for I intend to do that quite often - if you aren’t opposed to that.” Maurice said through chuckles as he ruffled the omega’s sandy blond hair.
Maurice pulled Nate closer to him and Nate rested his head on the alpha’s bulging chest. He could feel his alpha’s heartbeat. He didn’t understand why, but he felt so safe in his alpha’s arms. Nate’s quick, erratic pants slowed to a more calm and steady breathing as Maurice stroked the omega’s back and talked about his day-to-day life.
Nate’s eyelids were heavy. It was a combination of the champagne and the fact that Nate hadn’t had much sleep over the past few days with all that had been going on. But, it was more than just that. For the first time in a long time, Nate was at peace and truly felt safe. And he had no idea why.