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The L&D ward at Goldriver Hospital was quiet this morning. There had been no laboring patients on the ward since the newest father and his newborn had been transferred upstairs to recover in the Post-Partum Ward. The staff knew though that it was only a matter of time before their quiet was disrupted and new patients were admitted. While they waited they used the time to clean the labor and delivery rooms to prepare for the next wave of patients to arrive.
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The phone at the nurses station began ringing breaking the quiet on the Ward. "Labor and Deliery," Nurse Elsie greeted as she answered the phone. As the person on the other end began giving her information about an incoming patient. She quickly wrote it all down before hanging up. A pregnant male who was near term had been in an altercation and was being treated down in the ER. Because of the stress of his encounter and because he was so close to term the ER doctor was recommending he be admitted for observation and possible induction.
"We have a pregnant male heading upstairs," she called out to a couple of orderlies as she walked down the hall. "Make sure Room 3 is ready for him," she added as she continued down the hall to find the doctor on call and get them caught up on this newest patient.
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Marcus Fletcher had been tangled up in the wrong crowd for years now. He knew it wasn't good for him, and it certainly wasn't good for his baby, but he was working on trying to get free of the others around him. There was a bit of a problem, though, he'd gotten into a knife fight. Not intentionally, of course, but he still wound up with a few gashes. Marcus drove to the hospital himself, not wanting anyone else to get involved with the hospital staff or a possible police report.
The nurses were pretty alert as soon as they saw he was pregnant and bleeding, but he was relatively calm for the situation, trying to say he was fine. "I'm not in labor, okay, I still have a couple more weeks," he tried to tell the nurses. They stitched Marcus up where he needed it, and bandaged all of his wounds.
"We're gonna move you to labor and delivery, okay? The doctor thinks you might need to be induced and think someone should be watching you, anyway," a nurse explained as she and another nurse moved his bed to the elevator and up to the ward. Marcus looked around as he was brought up to the ward wheeled into the room. He had dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin, which all contrasted against the pale blue hospital gown and white sheets in the hospital bed. The nurses parked his bed in the room before saying goodbye, leaving the room for the labor and delivery nurses to tend to him. Marcus rubbed his large belly as he sat idly in bed, letting out a long sigh, feeling a kick from the baby. "Yeah, I don't like this too much, either."
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Dr. Abigail Foss was notified by her nurse once her newest patient had been settled into his room. She had just got off the phone with the doctor in the ER and understood why he had sent this patient to her. Based on his injuries it was clear that he had not been in a good situation prior to being admitted and it would not be safe to release him back to that situation given his advanced state of pregnancy. Although he hadn't said much about what had happened there was still a risk of him going into early labor from the stress. Quickly tying her long straight red hair into a ponytail she grabbed his chart and headed to his room to examine him for herself.
Reaching his room she knocked on the open door before entering. "Marcus? Hi I am Dr. Foss and I will be taking care of you and your little one while you are here," she says going over to the bed and shaking his hand. "Can you tell me about what brings you in today?"
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Marcus looked up when there was a knock on his door, glancing over the woman who entered the room. "Nice to meet you," he mumbled, returning the handshake, hesitating at the question. He didn't want to tell the truth, not really, not sure if he would be seen as a danger and have the baby taken away. He had an apartment set aside, and he hoped that he could be released from the hospital and go to his little home with his baby.
"Well," Marcus started, leaning back against the pillows. "I got in with the wrong people, I'm working on getting out of it I got into a knife fight, got cut up pretty bad. I came to make sure the baby was alright, 'cause I'm sure they didn't really enjoy the spike of adrenaline and all. But I'm good. I'm not dangerous or anything."
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Dr. Foss gives him a reassuring smile. "Thank you for telling me all that. Don't worry, no one thought you were dangerous. We are just worried about your health and the baby's. Now before we continue let me just explain what is going on. You are right that the adreneline and stress of your situation can sometimes affect the baby. Because you are in your third trimester the ER doctor felt it would be a good idea to have you admitted up here so that we can monitor you both and if there are any issues we can take care of them. What I would like to do is put you on an IV to give you some fluids and antibiotics to prevent infection in your wounds. I would also like to set you up with a fetal monitor for a few hours to we can watch the baby." She pauses a moment to let the information sink in.
"Before we do all that though I was hoping you could give me some information about your pregnancy. Can you tell me how far along you are? Have you been under a doctors care for the pregnancy? Have there been any complications or problems during the pregnancy?"
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Marcus nodded as the doctor explained what was going on, rubbing at the sides of his belly. "I'm thirty-eight weeks, I've been with a couple different doctors but I've kept up with the medications and ultrasounds and everything. There haven't really been any problems, but my feet and ankles swell up pretty easily. That's common, though, isn't it?" he asked, looking towards his feet.
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Dr. Foss writes down the information that Marcus gives her, "Yes foot and ankle swelling is very normal with pregnancy especially near the end. Since your fight have you been feeling anything out of the ordinary with the baby? Any discomfort or contractions?" She asks trying to get as much information as possible before deciding on the next steps.
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"The baby's been kicking a little more than usual, but I thought that was just because of the fight," Marcus shrugged. "I've been feeling some contractions, but they're mostly the fake ones, the, uh, Braxton-Hicks, I think. And they're not, like, uniform. Sometimes I'll get one and have one a couple hours later, sometimes it'll be a couple of days."
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"Okay, if you feel them getting stronger or start coming regularly make sure to let someone here know," she says as she moves over to the sink in the corner of the room and washes her hands. "I will be sending my nurse in here in a few minutes to set up the monitors and IVs but before I go I would like to perform a rectal exam to check for signs of dilation. If you are wearing underwear can you please remove them then put your feet flat on the bed and let your knees fall apart for me?" She asks as she dries her hands and moves to put on a pair of gloves preparing for her exam.
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"Yeah, of course," Marcus nodded, shuffling around in bed to follow the doctor's instructions, trying not to be nervous. It's not like this was anything perverted, she's just doing her job, he told himself, laying on his back and setting up his legs like she asked. He let out a long breath, the baby's weight squeezing the air from his lungs.
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"I know it is not a comfortable positon but I promise you can get comfortable again as soon as I am done," Dr. Foss tells Marcus as she closes the curtain around his bed before moving next to the bed and seeing his discomfort as he gets into position. "This can be a bit uncomfortable but I want you to take slow deep breaths during the exam, that will help with some of the discomfort. Are you ready?" She asks as she places some lubricant on her gloved fingers.
Seeing him give her a small nod she lifts the sheet over his leg. Placing her lubricated fingers against his opening for a seconds to let him get used to the feeling. Then when she is ready she places pressure on fingers and as gently as possible slides them inside him and begins to move them around to conduct her exam.
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Marcus couldn't help but let out a hiss at the feeling of the doctor's fingers entering him, taking deep breaths as she instructed him to do. He squirmed slightly as the exam continued, letting out a sigh of relief when the exam was done. "Everything look okay?"
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The doctor covers Marcus back up and removes her gloves. " Everything looks good," She tells him. "However, you are already dilated to 1 cm. This can sometimes happen up to a week before labor begins but because of your accident it is something we will definitely keep an eye on while you are here. The good news is that if labor is starting you are far enough along that the baby should be okay. For now just try and rest. My nurse will be in in a few minutes to get you set up on the IV and monitor. I will come back in a few hours to check you again. If you need anything in the meantime just hit the call button attached to the bed," she tells him as she makes a note on his chart before giving him one last reassuring smile and heading out of the room to find a nurse.
A few minutes later a bubbly brown haired nurse enters the room and pushes the curtain away from the bed. "Hello Marcus, I am Nurse Elsie and I will be taking care of you today. How are you doing?"
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A young pregnant woman wanders in mto the ER. Sbe is heavily pregnant with twins, but is badly beat up. Cairi hasn'r had a home in months after being thrown out by the baby's father and got into a fight with some randos in an alleyway where she was napping who thought she would make an easy target. She is covered hesd to toe in wounds from bruises to scratches to gashes. She stays conscious, but collapses as soon as she gets through the doors, trying to be careful of her babies. "Ungh....."
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Marcus smiled at the nurse who came in, feeling better about him and his baby being safe now that they were at the hospital. "I'm good, how're you?" he mumbled, beginning to feel tired from the late hour and the night's events. He held out his arm for the nurse to put in his IV, rubbing at his belly as he felt a few little kicks.
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The ER staff moved in quickly as they saw the battered mother-to-be collapse in the waiting room. They quickly got her on a gurney and moved to a treatment room where they got her into a gown and started treating her wounds. Getting her on oxygen and an IV the nurses worked to get her comfortable as she was treated by the doctors as they also monitored the babies. Although the young woman was clearly in a state of shock they did their best to keep her comfortable. By the time they were done treating her scrapes and gashes it was clear that she was in early labor. Making the decision to keep her in the hospital they moved her upstairs to L&D.
Nurse Martina watched as her newest patient was wheeled into a patient room. Seeing the state the woman was in she couldn’t help wonder what was going on in this town today as this was the second patient admitted with injuries. Following the orderlies into the room she watched as they settled the pregnant woman in before leaving the room. Stepping over to the bed she gave her patient a kind smile. “Hello, I am Nurse Martina and I will be taking care of you today. Can you tell me your name and how far along you are?” She asked kindly.
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Elsie smiled as she put on her gloves and set up her supplies. “I am doing well. Thank you for asking,” she tells him in a sweet voice. “Now I know it is late and you must be tired so let’s get you set up so you can get some rest, okay?” She adds as she takes his arm and sets up his IV. She moves quickly through the procedure with only a small warning of a “quick pinch” as she inserts the needle. Once the IV is set up she moves down by his side to set up the external monitors, having him lift his gown to expose his belly. As she works she makes light conversation getting to know her patient as well as putting him at ease.
When everything is done she covers him with a warm blanket. “You are all set up now. I am going to let you get some sleep now,” she tells him as she double checks that the monitors are working. “I will be able to monitor you and the baby from my station but if you need anything just use the call button. Dr. Foss will be in in a few hours to check on you. In the meantime is there anyone I can call to come stay with you? Anything I can get you? Do you need any pain relief for your wounds?”
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Marcus felt a little more relaxed at the kindness of the nurse, letting her do what she needed, snuggling up under the warm blanket. "No, I'm okay. Thank you," he answered. His wounds were sore, yeah, but he'd dealt with worse, it wasn't a problem. As for anyone being attend, the father hadn't been interested in raising a child, so Marcus resigned himself to being on his own. It was intimidating, but Marcus was willing to do whatever he needed for his baby.
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