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"Hmm...?" the young man, just turning 18 last year, turned in his sleep still clearly not fully awake. He was a teenager who had grown to be tall and scrawny at the moment. He wasn't the most popular guy at school, and tend to be reserved and quiet, especially in front of his attractive stepfather. He had become increasingly quiet at home, especially when his biological father had left his family behind for some neverending business trips overseas. The young man, Nick for being born on Christmas, was finding himself having more and more time alone with Aki - which had him dreading.
Nick had been so prone to the effect of Aki. Until now, he couldn't bring himself to call him "father". It had always been "aki", before and after the simple wedding. he could not admit to anyone that he was quickly developing an infatuation over his stepfather, who had been the most charming man he had ever known. He sometimes saw himself in Aki - the same awkward teenager who had difficulty starting conversations, that coupled with Aki's lovely looks... there was no chance in resisting.
Nick turned again, still ingering in his erotic dream where he and his stepdad had been entangled on bed, until finally his sleep -muddled mind could process what he was hearing and he came starlted awake.
"hmmm. Aki?!" he opened his eyes wide. "w-what's going on?" He said, instinctively reaching for the pillow to hide his lower body... just in case.
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Nick was stunned beyond words. He thought he was still dreaming, this was all too good to be true. His own amazingly hot stepfather, who had been out of reach from the very beginning, kissing him, on the lips. He did not respond to it at all, froze and rigid, afraid he might wake up from this dream.
It's when the warm, lovely tongue of Aki touching him that finally had him broken from his.spell. he had never imagined this - not that he didnt have any experience, his good grades and his performance in archery did earn him some girls and boys' fancy alike - but he was quitesure he was unable to imaginr this even in his most vivid dreams.
With the determination and enthusiasm unique to his age, he cupped Aki's face and deepened his kiss, taking the lead this time, revelling in the taste of his strong and muscular stepfather. He was so lovely... too lovely. His cock had sprung into action, poking through to point straight into Aki's belly. His mind wandered to the insurance slips he had accidentally seen - the very spot he had pointing had a womb, Aki had been a carrier - the mere thought of it had him even more worked up.
(Haha we seemed to have dived in this without much discussed yet... nick would be the seeder here?)
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Nick's much skinnier, but that didnt mean he wasnt as strong. Contrary to what he looked, he had years of prarcie on archery that had his arms trained and his body toned, and he enjoyed the quiet and solitary sport enough he was quite sure he would be comparable, if not even stronger, than his gym-going stepfather.
He took the lead, nibbling and engaging Aki while he helped in stripping himself. He was pale as well, but not as much as Aki who'd often stayed indoor in gyms, whereas he had to go ourdoor for practice. He looked at Aki's body with great admiration, almost in awe of the well defined lines and nibbled his way to his dark nipples. He loved his bulging muscle.
With them both naked, Nick's well endowed package was on the show. He took proud in it but just rubbed it against Aki's lowerbelly, not yet letting his stepfather have a good look of its size and shape yet.
(And, Aki would be like a herm or a male through and through? I am fine with both ideas so it's up to you :))
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(Oh yea sorry I have phrased it awkwardly HAHA yep a male with a womb is great :))
"Aki..." Nick muttered, nibbling his way down his stepfather's chest to his abdomen. He had a lovely flat stomach, and in his half dazed state, deep with desire, Nick wondered if this would stay flat that way after tonight - he had had a feeling, oveewhelming urge to impregnate the older man.
He stroked his belly and placed another kiss on him. "Aki... can I?" He askrd in such a quiet whisper, he wasnt sure if he indeed wanted to ask, afraid either of them would just come to their senses, but then without asking... he was also afraid. He looked up, meeting Aki's blue eyes with his own brown ones, dreading and also eager for an answer. He spread open his fingers, gently covering his lower belly.
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Nick's eyes lit up at the permission. He could only be dreaming, he finally decided. "Why... why all of a sudden. i thought.. i thought it had always been one-sided. I thought i hid it well..." he muttered, coming forth with his confession. He had been feeling love struck at the very first time, and later that only built up with how nicely his stepdad had been treating him. THere had been acid comments from him though - he was blinded by his jealousy taht kept building up whenvever he saw his 'parents' doing loveydovey things, kissing especially, in the morning and at night, and he just wanted to get out of the house and hid himself like an ostritch from the ugly reality.
Nick pressed a kiss - it's more like a half bite with his frustration released through it - and managed have their members alined at first. He smiled proudly at how his member was a clear winner in terms of size and length and everything - his immaturity showing, and shoved them together to create more friction.
with their pre=cum, he reached down Aki's muscular thighs and gently lifted it up halfway sohe could explore his most intimate parts. He wasn't a virgin, but he did not have a lot of experience either so he did everything a little gingerly.
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(you wanna make them separate after this for awhile, and Nick returning to Aki being quite pregnnat and fell into a fit of jealousy, not entirely sure if that had been his child(ren) that Aki had been carrying, or if that's the outcome of his father's seeds since the couple acted like everything's normal and they were excited for the new baby(ies)?
lOL in fact... they had this before? liek this had been an established relationship, or is this night the first night they spent together?)
nick's been salivating after his stepfather's body for so long, he was stroked and positioned his cock while his palms went on to stretch his buttocks. Aki had been so deliciously blessed on his bottom, Nick had never before seen any other buts that's been as peachy and lovely as his. He kneaded them, spread them and circled them by his palm, spreading his opening. He didn't have any lubricationa side from their pre, and that proved to be a problem as Aki needed more prep.
Nick attempted to just shove in, but his cockhead had been so thick it seemed like an impossible thing to do with the puckered and tightly clenched ring of muscle ofAki's. He finally realised he needed to prep Aki better, and opted to test his opening iwth his finger, pressed and rubbed, until finally teh shy opening gave permission for his entrance.
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Location: "At my rightful place, which is "King Nitrogen's" side, kneeling before him or simply, in his lap. Those places are where a true "Brood-mare" belongs, until said otherwise by such a masculine "Man".
Sexual Orientation: To be honest, I am quite deeply Detached in real-life, riddled by severe-dissassociative/brutal BDSM-addictive tendacies to an extremely persistence and long-standing Anti-socialness by nature, but still clinging to signs of what Humans call by word as "Hope", as if so to say I suppose .. erm .. ~Pokes nearby balloon, humming to pass time quicker ..~ So .. um .. merp .. merp ...
Carrier/Seeder: Carrier
Aki smirked, gazing up into his stepson's eyes, finding that he could do that forever. He was at peace and was not pushing him away. In fact the two of them were happily enjoying eachother:'s company. Each of them were happy, sharing a night of deep passion.
He gasped in pleasure, feeling his stepson's finger delving inside of him. He smiled, biting his lower lip as if he was in a deep thought or something. He was happy to be with Nick who was his beloved son. He truly was and so much more than just that.
"I love you, Nick." He said softly. He gazed up into his stepson's eyes.
(Yes, that sounds fine with me.)
I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.
A full grown, bonafide Madame.
Silent Feather
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That's proved to be too much fir Nick to hold back any further. "I love you too...." he muttered and worked himseld to have his throbbing.cock pushing against Aki, and in one swift move of his hips, he forced his way into Aki, spreading his opening and stretching him to his limit.
It's difficult force his way in, Nick persisted to get his length into Aki. He held the muscular waist of Aki, pushing in and making the larger man moan with the massive pressure and pleasure.
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(oops no problem. Do rest well the flu's serious this time of the year no?)
Nick was almost delirious with pleasure. Like his stepfather, his canal was tight and strong, clenchin down on his cock and giving him pleasure beyond descripion. he growl and clutched down his waist, slowly dragging his cock out just to slam back in again.He shifted his angles, attempting to find the toe-curling spot htat would have made Aki moan so sweetly. He lost himself in the vigorous kiss, entangling their tongue togheter as sparks of passion flow around them.
WIth their rhythm gradually building up, Nick was getting the hang of it and slamming into Aki with more force and confidence. He growled and moaned at each shuffle and shift, forcing himself in deeper and deeper, streching his puckered hole to the extreme. He was pounding into the older man with such force, the bed underneath squeaked.
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(ooops that sounded bad... it's same at my place, winter flu peaks are usually nasty)
Nick grabbed on a msucular thigh of Aki's and held it up his waist to gain more leverage, forcing his way deeper into Aki until he moaned with a gasp. The sensation at the tip of his cock told him he had fnially reached the place - the sacred opening to the child-bearing womb of Aki's. "you are gonna bear me a child... children even. i know you are fertile, so fertile nad ripe for breeding. I bet my old man's seeds weren't potent enough anymore, or i bet you would be pregnant by now.... let me do the job then. Let me make you swell iwht babies, growing big and heavy with babies.... " Nick nibbled his way onto Aki's throat, knawing and leaving a trial of hickies.
With each nudge that pressed deep into his cervix, Aki would involuntarily clench tight around his lenght. he could feel his toes curling up in ecstasy beside him, and the lovely moans of Aki's formed the best symphany Nick had ever heard. He ploughed into Aki, his packs wobble slightly from the momentum. In their heated action, Nick placed a palm onto his stepfather's abdomen. "soon.... you would swell so big, you cannot see your toes. You are carrying your stepson's babies, yet no one could know...." he muttered as his pace went erratic, pleasure overwhelming him as he came closer to climaxing.
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(haha sorry for the delay then, i am glad to be around while you are trapped xD)
Nick stroked through Aki's well defined abs and thrusted harsher than he ever had. "you are.. you would be such a beautiful pregnant mommy, i want you so big you coudl only waddle around, holding your back like it's gonna break, you would be carrying big babies like yourself.... big and fat. Swelling up with new life... " Nick muttered, nibbling Aki's ears as he hunched forward pressing their faces close. His groan turned into a growl as he was nearing the end, and slammed right into the most sensitive spot of Aki, forcing him over the edge before he deposited deep within him. He was quite sure his virile seeds would have penetrated right through his cervix, for he could have sworn AKi's lowerbelly started bulgign slightly, his womb flooded with his seeds.
Nick wasn't sure how much time had passed, he felt like floating, flying, on teh clouds and feeling so intensely content. He loved how his stepfather, such strong, musculine man, just moan and squirm, almost delirious from the pleasure that him and him alone was giving him. He returned to some of his senses and bit down hard on Aki's neck, leaving his mark not unlike an animal mating.
Nick flopped down on bed beside Aki, resting his head on his muscular shoulder. He smiled, still bracing in the aftermath of the explosive pleasure, and idly stroked his slightly swollen belly.