03-14-2023, 10:26 AM
((Sounds good c: ))
Charlie chuckled. "I knew you would be, so I figured I would lend a hand." He sat down at the table across the two of them. "Thank you so much," he added, "you didn't have to set me a plate."
Yuni leaned into Jace's touch affectionately. "Yes, thank you handsome~" he smiled at Charlie, welcoming him to the home before turning his attention to the food. He munched happily at some jam covered toast, pleased he could enjoy it again.
"And I suppose a congratulations is on order," Charlie said warmly, twirling his fork, "and a welcome to the family." He chuckled. "In case you were thinking of avoiding us, I do believe that knocking up our God means you have a new adoptive family now."
Charlie chuckled. "I knew you would be, so I figured I would lend a hand." He sat down at the table across the two of them. "Thank you so much," he added, "you didn't have to set me a plate."
Yuni leaned into Jace's touch affectionately. "Yes, thank you handsome~" he smiled at Charlie, welcoming him to the home before turning his attention to the food. He munched happily at some jam covered toast, pleased he could enjoy it again.
"And I suppose a congratulations is on order," Charlie said warmly, twirling his fork, "and a welcome to the family." He chuckled. "In case you were thinking of avoiding us, I do believe that knocking up our God means you have a new adoptive family now."