03-14-2023, 10:53 AM
"You're right," Charlie said rather sheepishly. "Currently, everyone has a bet going on whether or not you're having a boy or a girl. Nan insists that it's twins," he added with a shrug. He didn't know about that, given that the only one who had actually seen Yuni besides Jace was him... How could Nan possibly know that? He shrugged the thought off, just deciding not to question it.
Yuni gave Jace s gentle kiss in return. "I can appear human for awhile," he said, "it just takes too much energy to do it all the time like I used to. But, a trip into town should be fine." He frowned, looking worried for Jace. "Are you sure..? I can run any errand you need."
Yuni gave Jace s gentle kiss in return. "I can appear human for awhile," he said, "it just takes too much energy to do it all the time like I used to. But, a trip into town should be fine." He frowned, looking worried for Jace. "Are you sure..? I can run any errand you need."