C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)


Jace hugged his brother a little confused before Evan told him he was going to hang around for a few weeks if it was okay. Jace awkwardly said it wasn’t a problem before inviting him over to the camp for dinner and promised to introduce him to his partner. They headed over shortly after and Jace smiled brightly seeing his Yuni playing with the children.

((lol it was more like he was trying to give them some space but uhh I see how that looks xD I love the idea that Charlie is the kind of person who will do everything he can to make others happy but unintentionally self sabotage his own love life ))

"I'm so sorry," Charlie said, rather flustered, " I didn't mean to be rude to a guest, I just didn't want to intrude" This was probably about the fifth time he had apologized after Evan has arrived. "You're of course welcome to stay for dinner," he added.
He was mentally smacking himself in the face for this one -know the hot guy for five seconds and already insult him.

Yuni giggled. "What he means to say, is welcome. It's a pleasure to meet you and we hope you'll stay for dinner."

((Haha, it makes sense))

Evan laughed gently and waved his hand dismissively “Honestly, it’s not a problem Charlie” he said smiling brightly at him “It was nice of you to give us space, and thanks for the offer” he chuckled gently

Jace walked over to Yuni and took his hand squeezing it gently smiling at him “How are you love?”

"Do you have an allergies or food preference?" Charlie asked Evan, not wanting to insult him further by making something that would make him ill. "We're vegetarian, but willing to accommodate," he added.

Yuni squeezed Jace's hand back. "Doing well, how are you?" He sighed contentedly. "I've missed this and everyone here." Even if he had already had about four little kids pulling on his hair. And Nan telling him that he and Jace made a cute couple -which made him blush.

Evan waved him off “I am well travelled, I have eaten far and wide and am happy with absolutely anything that’s edible” he joked laughing lightly “Would you like some help in the kitchen? I learnt to prep vegetables as a cook a while back for some extra money”

Jace smiled brightly and kissed his cheek gently “I missed you so very much” he said softly and rubbed the back of his hand gently

"Careful-offer to help and Nan will put you to work," Charlie said with a laugh. "But you are a guest, I dont want you to worry yourself with this. You should relax while you're here." He saw Jace and Yuni out of the corner of his eye, though he pretended not to. It rather stung to watch them be lovey dovey. He would need to reconcile these thoughts later -probably with an apology. Since what sort of friend covets his best friend's lover and feels good about it? Especially since Jace had been hurting so badly without Yuni... "I think I can do 'edible,'" He told Evan with a small laugh.

"We missed you too," Yuni hummed, clearly meaning him and the baby, not being privy to Charlie's inner struggle. He reciprocated the kiss with one of his own. "You were right, by the way... The whole caravan knows," he added with a laugh.

Evan waved him off again “Don’t be ridiculous, I am crashing this celebration I need to be put to work” he grinned and stood heading towards the tent they prepared food in, he saw Charlie look affectionately over at his brother and his partner and went to him taking his hand gently and let him towards the tent. He usually wasn’t so quickly physical with someone, often taking a long time to do something as simple as touch but he had something telling him to do so, so he pulled Charlie along to the tent ignoring the warmth his hand felt in Charlie’s.

Jace reached up holding his cheek and tucking his hair behind his ear gently “I am shocked they knew, simply shocked” he teased playfully

Charlie was so confused by the fact that someone else was leading HIM around, that he didn't protest vas Evan led him off towards the prep area-especially since he maneuvered like he knew the area well. "Well, I suppose I can put you to work then," he said, gathering his scrambled thoughts. In contrast to Jace, Evan was seemingly rather confident and bold. Interesting.

But, it felt nice to have a regular point of contact again, with Evan's fingers curled around his. It felt nice. He had the sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't be dragging either Yuni or Jace off to his shenanigans in the coming days.

Yuni smiled and leaned into his touch. "They're happy to have you here with us," He said, "oh, I forgot to ask, was your journey to town successful? I didn't think you were going shopping for a man." The teasing glitter in his eyes let Jace know that he was kidding.

Evan smiled over at him letting his hand go as they made it into the tent, kind of missing the contact immediately which felt quite strange to him. “So, what can I do to help?” He grinned widely and stood back for Charlie to direct him. Although Evan seemed outwardly confident he was reserved as a person, not particularly liking opening himself up to people about his life or his passions and desires, liking to redirect conversation if he was questioned or talked about.

Jace laughed gently “Yes it was, I have applicants for my love coming tomorrow morning so I’ll need you out of my cabin” he teased playfully and kissed him gently “It was successful, thanks for asking”

((Ooh, maybe Jace proposes in front of the group and Charlie’s upset and Evan goes after him?))

((I like it! ))

"You say you're good with a knife, so I'll trust that my asking you to chop the vegetables won't result in you cutting your fingers off?" Charlie asked. "I'll have you contend with the pre-washed veggies while I deal with that." He gestures to the formidable looking stinging nettle, sliding on a pair of soft leather gloves.

Yuni snorted. "I see, that's important business, I guess I should stay out of your way then to make room for all your suitors." He wrapped his arms around Jace in a comfortable, but loose embrace.

He turned his attention to the side at the sound of approaching footsteps. "Hi, Nan. Jace is back, and he brought his brother."

"The more the merrier," the elderly woman said with a grin, walking over to them. "Welcome back," She said to Jace with a smile.

Evan grinned widely and winked at him “I’ve got this, don’t even worry” he said beginning to expertly peel and dice the vegetables quickly, clearly incredibly skilled with the knife watching Charlie out of the corner of his eye “I’ve never eaten nettles before, do they sting?”

Jace laughed gently “Because I had so many suitors before you, as if they’re lining up now” he teased before turning to Nan “It’s nice to be back, sorry I haven’t been over the past few months…it was just hard” he said swallowing roughly and shrugging lightly

"Thank you," Charlie said appreciatively, "And yeah, but not in the way you would think. Touching the little 'hairs' on them can give you a rather uncomfortable rash if you touch them bare handed." He ce why he was using gloved hands to toss them into a boiling pot. "Made that mistake once-never again."

Nan gave Jace a hug. "I understand. And it's out fault for not telling you sooner. But, considering that you're both here now, I'd say things worked out." She smiled at him elwarmly, pulling out of the embrace. "And Charlie has given us some interesting news as well."

Evan laughed gently “How did you even make that mistake? It’s in the name” he grinned finishing prepping the vegetables quickly “Anything else you need help with?” He asked smiling gently.

Jace hugged her back gently before he laughed gently “Oh yeah, what did Charlie say?” He grinned holding Yuni close to him grinning widely

"I was a kid, cut me some slack," Charlie said with a smile. "Mind getting me some cold water to toss these into?"

"A little birdie told me that I'm going to become a grandma again," Nan said with a cheeky grin.
Yuni nodded. "That's right-i wonder who that birdie could have been?"

Evan chuckled gently before nodding grabbing a pot and heading out to the well filling it quickly before carrying it back to the tent, despite his small and lean frame his muscles were decently defined and he could easily carry the pot by himself.

Jace rolled his eyes and shook his head laughing gently “I wonder, whoever could it be” he laughed and put his hand on Yuni’s stomach gently rubbing his thumb over the bump gently

"Thank you," Charlie said again. He quickly blanched the nettles to stop them from overcooking before they were made into soup. He couldn't help but glance at Evan-it was kind of difficult not to. He was stronger than. Charlie had given him credit for. And easy on the eyes, too. He was Jace's brother, after all.

"Congratulations to you both," Nan said, "and let us know when you've thought of names for the twins," she added, smirking.
Yuni laughed. "Twins, you say?" He put his hand comfortingly over Jace's.

Soon enough, with their teamwork, Charlie and Jace had a feast ready, which was being delivered by some of the other denizens. Some were helping serve, while others were cleaning up the kitchen area. Charlie shooed them, along with Evan, away, stating that he would take care of the mess, and that they needed to eat while the food was hot.

Evan rolled his eyes refusing to leave without helping to clean up at least a little. He found it disrespectful, especially as a guest “You can’t make me leave so we can either clean together until it’s done and we both eat then or you sulk for ages and we both get freezing cold food” he smirked over at the other man.

Jace rolled his eyes and smiled “I think we’re lucky enough to have one child, two would just be too lucky” he smiled brightly before leading Yuni to eat happily.

Nan shook her head. "When I'm right, I'm right. And this time, I'm right," She said. She didn't say anything else, they would find out eventually. She followed after them, grinning as she watched them go hand in hand.

Charlie sighed. "I'm not letting a guest be served cold food," he huffed. "Cleaning can happen after you've eaten, alright?" He threw that out as a compromise, knowing that it still might get cold if they took the time to clean first, rather than eat.

Jace smiled brightly and sat down next to Yuni before starting to grab food that he knew was Yunis favourite and started to dish it out for him, making sure to keep him relaxed and wanting to spoil him.

Evan smirked “Fine, let’s go” he said and held the tent open for Charlie grinning widely at him, waiting for him to go not trusting the man would leave if he went first.

"My love, you don't have to," Yuni said, feeling a bit self conscious. "I can get my own food after everyone else has gotten theirs." Not that he didn't appreciate the gesture, he just wasn't used to having a partner spoil him.

Charlie made a face, realizing what Evan has done. He and Jace were both insufferable. "Don't worry, I'm coming," he said, heading out of the tent flap to the fresh air outside.

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