C Lone Survivor w/ michime

"How long will it take?" Cassian asked. He didn't mind being here for the rest of his life, but he was sure sooner or later, he would become too old to carry children, or he would tie from exhaustion or old age.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You don't have to worry about time," the answer was so simple, "you're the life source for me now.  Nothing will be out of your reach." 

Just to prove the point, the webbing managed to roll both of the breeder's nipples and tease the testis.  "I'll make sure you feel undescribable pleasure."

Cassian nodded, moaning when he was continually teased. He felt the eggs shift, gasping softly as one settled into place. "I think... is it time?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

The leftover nub shifted a bit taking a few readings inside before a chirping sound built from a low but steady bepeat to one that was right over him.  "You'll be safe" came at the same time a 10 foot tall insectid dropped on the trunk.

Cassian flinched and instinctively protected the eggs as a large insectoid faced him. "I assume this is the one who will be taking me?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

The insectoid nodded with a high pitched chirp that would have called happy if on earth.  The creature reached out with its front legs exposing a large pouch on the upper body.  The chirping continued for a moment before turning into words.

"Gaxali," the creature pointed to itself with one leg.  "Bring home."

Cassian nodded, a blush forming over his face. "You'll have to move me, I... I doubt I could get up."++

✨don't look at my sin✨

Gaxali buzzed in agreement before it moved toward the womb.  The back legs pressed against the massive belly the small fiberous hairs tickling the stretched skin while it used its front legs to cut the vines and tendrils that kept Cassian prppoed against the tree.

Gaxali manuvered the womb into position before the insect lifted up the entire weight and placed the womb in the pouch.  Two quick hops and Gaxali was in the air traveling to the place were new life would begin on the planet.

Cassian let Gaxali do what it needed to adjust him to pick him up. He groaned as he was lifted, sitting heavily in the pouch, rubbing his belly, attempting to protect his eggs. He gasped softly when Gaxali lifted off the ground, knowing that the insectoid wouldn't let him fall. He hoped so, anyway.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The flight was short the light barely dimming before Galaxi touched down on a small land mass in the middle of a large rolling network of purple tinted liquid- basically this planet's equivalent of water. 

Galaxi pulled the womb out of the pouch then set Cassian down on the soft, squishy ground.  "Seeds go in," came with a point to the purple liquid.  "Float current.  Grow."

Galaxi's chirp language made it difficult for full sentences but small words came through easily enough.  The insectiod would be better understood after more time as the planet's womb.

Cassian swallowed thickly as Gaxali explained what he was supposed to do, gently sliding into the purple water. It was shallow where he landed, relaxing in the water. He hoped that laying the eggs would be similar to a human birth, where he would know when to push. Or maybe they would just... fall out.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The nub that sealed the seeds in the womb began to dissolve the moment Cassian slid into the water.  A few breaths later, the water wicked up and completely dissolved the Novium plug the first step in the birthing process.

Cassian felt the nub dissolve away, letting out a shaky sigh as he felt the eggs slip further towards his hole. He pushed experimentally, which seemed to move the egg just a bit.
He pushed a few more times, until his hole was bulging around the egg.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Gaxali patted the womb's head then sat down and its back legs.  It watched as the womb struggled a bit to push out the seed only to pat Cassian's head when the first seed floated to the surface then carried away by a gentle current.

Cassian took solace in Gaxali's pats, knowing that they were meant to be encouraging. The birthing process was actually relaxing, with the gentle sounds of the current and the lovely scenery surrounding him. The eggs were difficult to push out at first, but after the first five or so, Cassian found a rhythm, and he easily delivered the rest.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Good.  Grow," Galaxi said after the seeds had been delivered and floated down the waterways.  It picked up the womb from the water, put it back in the pouch, hopped twice again, and took off into the air. 

Cassian watched as the seeds floated away, wishing he could see what they would become as Gaxali took him away again.

✨don't look at my sin✨

This flight was longer than the other with Galaxi being the womb to a marshy swamp area covered with twisted trees, thick tall grass, and something that resembled a giant clam in the center.  Galaxi set down and pulled Cassian out of the pouch again before he set the breeder on the hard ground.  "Stay!"

Cassian did as he was told, sitting on the ground and looking around the swamp. It was easier for him to move now that he wasn't so heavy with eggs, but he still felt lethargic after delivering them.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Galaxi dug a trench around the the clam shell before prying it open and setting the womb inside.  While the outside looked like a clam, the inside wasn't a thick muscle but instead rows of some reddish mushy material.  "Safe."  The insectoid said as it got in next to Cassian.  It pulled down the top.  "Sleep."

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