The Alien Vessels (private Rpg with SRuiz)
The trerat moaned and pulled Dilan down for a kiss. "Yes, I did. Now enough talk. It's playtime." He wrestled tongues with the other male and pulled at his pants to remove them with his hands. "Don't worry it's not the liquor. I just want you now."
Dilan smiled as he was pulled down by the other. Obliging to the other's eagerness, he began to pull down his own pants, a large bulge wrestling to get out his underwear. The male leaned in closer to the other, grabbing his waistline as he resumed his first task, slipping off the other's pants as they rolled down to his ankle. "Let me get this straight. YOU of all people is interested in me?" A grin formed across his face as he was about to tear house depending on his response, slamming the male down on the bed aggressively.

Vector used his ears as indicators while partially opening his eyes to see the creatures. Moving his wrist every now and then to give off the appearance that he was stirring in his sleep, he began to build sweat around the area's where he was pinned at. In seconds after doing so, the male's body was producing a form of lubricant. He just had to play everything accordingly and he would be free of one problem and on to the next.
The trerat purred and returned the aggressive manner as he flipped them over. He nipped the male's neck and rubbed their cocks together. "Yes, that's right. I want you and your body. You are perfect for my needs." It kissed him passionately as it pinned him to the bed. "I don't think I can wait any longer. I want to be inside your body." The moment it said that it revealed it's tentacle styled cock and moved towards the male's entrance and shoved it's way inside with force. It sensed the first male was attempting to escape and intended to punish him for it soon as he was done with the second male.
Dilan smiled as Vector returned his feelings back for once. However, the male was not intending to be the one to catch the ball. "I'm so glad you feel that way" he said as Vector apparently beat him to the punch. The male saw the sight of the cock. At first he thought differently, but the male realized it was not Vector. Before he had time to react, the creature began shoving the monster cock inside him. Being an aggressive person himself, the male was not screaming or anything, only grunts escaping his mouth. "So...who or what are you?"
It chuckled and kissed him as it shoved it's cock harder and deeper into his body. Until met resistance and shoved it's way into his stomach and locked into him. "I am a trerat and you human are going to help me with a little problem I am having." It smirked and stroked his belly. It checked him over for any signs that could cause it trouble. Then it copied his voice. It commanded the computer system to place all the rooms on complete lock down and block out any way to the outside world. As it thrust into the human's body roughly. "My how interesting you aren't screaming in pain. Good you are strong that will serve my purpose very well."
Dilan let out a small chuckle as the creature obviously tried to get him to break a little, but he was resisting. "Trerat? Why does that sound so familiar." The male tried to figure it all out. Hearing his voice be replicated, the male smiled. "OH! You're that kind of alien. What exact purpose is this I need to serve for you?" He was quite the curious male given his current predicament.
The trerat chuckled as it felt it's loins stirring as the first of the eggs started to slowly moved down it's cock. "You are going to be the carrier of my eggs. Yes, that's right it's already starting. Mmm...yes just look it's about to enter your body now. It chuckled and started work on it's special glue to pin the the human to the mattress including his hands. It used extra glue and watched it harden. "Then your belly is going to swell up by the second before they finally hatched and you will be able to see first hand the birth of a rare species." It moaned loudly as the first egg pushed past the human's ring of muscles and moved into his stomach before popping out and settling as the next one readied it self.
"Oh is that right?" The voice did not come from the person on the bed, but rather a voice from behind. A male sat in one of the chairs near the windows that gave a great view of the stars being passed by. He inhaled deeply as a blue ring of fire ignited on the black cigar. Exhaling deeply, a smoke trailed of over to the two. "Did you get all of that Aya?" A clicking sound was heard as the male present turned into a robotic form, locking the creature's tentacle in place. "I have everything I can find on the creature. Perhaps a specimen is required for further knowledge. I am sealing off all exits within the room" the female animatronic voice chimed as the doors locked up. "Very well" Dilan said as he dumped the ashes on the floor, electric surging around his arms. "So while I am in a very good mood, I am going to ask once: Where is Vector?" He smiled as energy blue eyes revealed themselves in the darkness. He waited on the creature's actions before taking an appropriate response.
The trerat smirked at him. "Clever trick commander. But why should I tell you?". It sat up and broke off it's tentacle. It regerated it's tentacle with ease. As it signaled the children to start impregnating Vector again and sneak up behind the commander. "Such power will do well to serve me. You should feel honored to bear my proud race."
Dilan stared at the creature posing as his friend. "Because I'm a very curious person" he remained in his chair, a smile clear across his young face. The male pulled out a handgun. "Such power, you say?" The male aimed the gun at the creature, firing mock rounds at the creature. "So back to that question?" Obviously the male was not worried about anything the creature tried. The smile remained on his face as he crossed his legs, curious about what it was planning once again.

Vector slipped his hands and lets out the liquid after applying enough sweat to them. The male got out his bed, wasting no time to grab the sub machine guns stationed under his bed as he headed for the door quickly. He would just have to dress himself up with some of the spare clothes elsewhere. Right now, he had to get out the room from the creature's lurking in there.
It smirked and sat on the bed and patted the spot next to it. "Well then if you are so curious why don't you come over here and sit down next me. Or are you too scared and have to hide behind you little toy?". As the trerat spoke the commander it knew that Vector was broken free from the bonds. It had already sent orders to impregnate him again. One of the children was posing the gun he was carrying and wrapped around his arms as the others tied his legs up and started to glue him with a thicker and stronger glue to the floor that he couldn't escape from with his legs spread open. Then one of them moved between his legs and got rid of the glue blocking his entrance and started to shove it's way inside with force.
Vector watched in disbelief as he was almost out the door. The creature's masqueraded as one of his guns. As he tried to get it off of him, the others began to pile up, tying him down. He fell on the floor with a loud thud as he tried to fight them off. Watching as they tried to glue him up again, he looked at the other gun, pulling the trigger, several rounds went off on the creatures. More than just regular bullets, they were coated with a form of coolant. The male kicked them off afterwards as he wasted no time in fighting the others off as he yanked the one trying to enter inside him again, flinging it across the walls.
Dilan stared at the alien as he shrugged. "Meh...I've tangled with worse..." The male lowered his gun as he hopped out the chair. Walking over to the other creature, he sat down beside it. "So what were you saying?"
The trerat chuckled and smiled at him. "Quite the brave human aren't you?. You love your friend don't you?. want him under your body moaning and panting with pleasure don't you?. Well I am borrowing his form. Come now you don't need that gun. You just want to talk don't you?". It stroked the commander's arm and purred in his ear. "You're curious aren't you?. About how I reproduce aren't you?. About how we pleasure the creature's body as we enter them?". The trerat knew that Vector had fought off it's children. But it was smarter and wasn't going to be fooled. It commanded the child to enter Vector at all costs. The child got up and entered Vector's body again this time when he pulled it off it managed to leave a broken part of it's tentacle deep inside his body that would grow into a clone of a trerat and cause him pain as it grew and laid more eggs inside him. The tentacle wiggled deeply into his stomach without him noticing.
Dïlan shrugged with a raised brow. "Sounds tempting, but I don't look at him like that. Besides you're probably some icky creature underneath that skin" the second the trerat came into contact with his skin, it would feel bits of it's energy or life force draining.

Vector kicked the frozen babies away as they broke into pieces. The same one however. tried to wiggle it's way back inside him. The male shoved it back out and fired at it while it was in the air. Looking at the others while he grabbed his other gun, he fired rounds from that one to make sure it was the real one while also prompting them to run back. With a clear for the door, he ran over to his desk, pressing a button on the screen of a computer. As the door slid open, he closed ot fast, telling the computer to seal and "clean" the room. With the process beginning instantly, silver dust like particles began to fill the air, freezing everything it came into contact with. He headed off to the locker room to freshen up and change into his spare clothes, unaware of what was growing inside him.
"Oh so you think I am an icky creature. Well then allow me to show my true form." The trerat knew it had to work fast that's it's children were killed. But a new one was growing slowly in the human. It was a new breed of trerat that would be stronger, faster, and produce a stronger glue one the human couldn't break out of or slip out of. It closed it eyes and lost it's human's appearance and turned it's skin light blue and it's eyes silver with a six pack and muscles. "Now do you think I am still an icky creature?. It leaned and purred in his ear. "Well what do you think?". As it distracted him it slowly moved it's tentacle towards the back of his neck with a small stinger for weakening it's prey without him aware of the fate in store for him. It was strong enough to take down a elephant and lasted until the trerat drained it out the prey. This time it knew it was the true commander. The poison would also leave the prey helpless to scream but see, hear and feel everything.
Dïlan only nodded as the creature began to change his form. He stared as the humanoid figure finished it's transformation. "Now was that so hard" he asked the obvious masculine figure. "Now I don't have to refer to you as cousin It" though it was the future, what person could resist visiting the cinema's that aired really old films. He jumped back the second he felt a prick on the back of his neck. "Using a toxin on someone eh?" The male slowly staggered on the bed in an effort to fight the toxin. As his body numbed, he fell harshly on the bed as he could only move his eyes. "Everything is going according to plan" he thought as he waited on the creature to continue with it's plan.

Vector emerged out the shower quickly, drying off. The male could not deal with the smell on him. Placing on a full set of clothes, he placed his hand on his stomach. Not seeing any changes to it, the male assumed he was still traumatized by the recent events. He made his way to the elevator, pressing the button labled 3. He was heading to the med wing to make sure he was alright.
The trerat chuckled as it watched him. It stroked his belly gently and pressed his belly button. "Don't worry you are going to be able to get a fresh creature soon enough.By the way, I knew about your little plan." It chuckled at the scent of commander's panic. Now to show you how I impregnate others." It climbed on the bed and moved it's tentacle like cock towards his bellybutton. It pressed down and continued to fight against the resistance as it forced it open almost tearing it a bit. "Yes, so nice and warm inside." It pushed harder and entered his stomach directly. It released a small tentacle into the commander's stomach without him knowing. As insurance in case anything happened it. It moaned and continued thrust into his belly.
Dïlan remained unphased, mainly because he was paralyzed. The more the creature touched him however, the more energy he was gaining, a liquid seeping out the back of his neck as his body began to work against the toxin. That and his personalitt just did bot prompt him to panic in most cases. The male however would not have enough time as the alien began to belly fuck him. He chuckled. "So this is how you reproduce" he said as it was obvious the process was too late. He did not look at all concerned about the current situation. In fact the smile remained as he obviously knew something the creature did not, the tentacle it tried to sneak into him slowly forcing it's way back inside it.

Vector walked past the Mess Hall and into the Med Bay. Not seeing signs of the Doctor, he sighed. His stomach however growled. He did not realize how much of an appetite he worked up. He walked over to the Mess Hall, searching for things he could snack on quickly as he waited on the doctor to return from her break.
The trerat chuckled and kissed him. "Hmm...interesting you aren't human aren't you?. I know you are draining the toxin out of your body. I can feel the wires inside you. Now are ready for my donation of fresh eggs into your body. Please accept them as a gift to study." It thrust harder into his body and started implant the eggs into his belly. It could sense it's child growing in the human. It would need lots of food to grow and become stronger. It would finish here and get rid of the commander first. Before it left to check on it's newest child progress and witness it's birth. "Tell me what are you?"
Dïlan got off the bed with the cock like tentacle still attached to his body. He began moving his body around to work out the numbness that was fading quickly. "Nothing like a good body routine to work the joints, eh?" He looked at the other, but did not answer him directly. Instead he walked back over to his chair, relighting the cigar. "I'm human very much" he said with a puff. "I'm just not what you call the first generation of humans like my bud Veck." He began to wonder about Vector for a few, almost forgetting about him as he was engaging the alien. "Then again, could I consider myself second with prototype biotics like this" the male could bore the ancient alien with what happened, but he would cut to the chase. "Long story, we went to war. A nice alien helped save me after an explosion, I can stull age and die, but it's rather difficult, then there's" the male dragged on and on. "So back to my question, where is Vector?" Since he was in lockdown with the creature, everything was cut off.
Vector sat in a chair, slowly nibbling on pretzels and a form of paste reminiscent to Nutella while drinking a bottle of soda to cure his dry throat.

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