The Coffee Shop

(It's up to you. Areous and I are kinda doing our own thing at the moment.)

I walked into the coffee shop looking for a little bit of coffee to drink, as well as something to munch on. I placed a hand on the bulge in my stomach, which was large enough to indicate I was three months pregnant with multiples. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I called out as I looked around for a place to sit down.

(Okay, sorry about that; it's a habit of mine.)

oh a new person, welcome~~))

Henry glanced up from where he was cleaning a coffee maker, hair pulled up and apron on. His eyes twinkled as usual at a new customer and he offered smile, standing straight. "Hey there. We're almost closed...but i can offer you something quick or to go?", he said, offering an apologetic smile. He noticed the bump, curious but hiding it well. He looked like he was far in...

"I'm going to drop my computer off at home," Caleb said as he hoisted his computer bag's strap onto his shoulder. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

He looked up, nodding with a smile. "Yup! I'll be done soon, don't worry~"

Caleb waved as he stepped out of the cafe. He fished out his car keys and unlocked his small car. He opened the passenger seat door and placed his bag down before getting in on the other side. It was a five minute drive to his apartment building and a few minutes to get up to his flat. The whole trip took about twenty minutes, even after a few minutes staring at himself in the mirror and giving himself a pep talk. He took a deep breath as he stepped out of his car once he got back to the coffee shop.

Henry served his customer and quickly cleaned up, herding the last few people out with smiles and 'come back soon's. He wen tot he back room and pulled off his apron and hair tie, shaking his long hair out and smoothing it back. He smiled at himself in the mirror. God but did looked nervous. He was quiet and didn't often ask people out ( even if no one believe him on this) but Caleb was different...... something about him. Taking a deep breath, he went to the door, making sure to lock the lace down.

Caleb ran his hand through his hair as he walked up to Henry. It had been years since is last first date and nearly a year since his last real date, one that didn't require him sitting in a hospital room and feeding his date. Heck, was this even a date? He was just hanging out with some guy he met at the coffee shop, right? "Hey," he said nervously.

The tall man smiled nervously, feeling twitchy. he wished he didn't, this wasn't a real date, or was it? He wasn't 100% sure.... It was also weird, the man had just recently lost his partner in life, so he didn't really want to count it as something real. he didn't want to rush the poor guy. "Hey!", he lifted a hand in greeting, "Want to get going. I figured we could walk around while there's still light then maybe see a movie or go someplace to eat. It'll be cold tonight anyways."

Caleb nodded. "Sure. Sounds great. Feel free to lead the way. I have no idea where anything is."

He chuckled lightly, eyes warm and twinkling again. "That's okay, you're still pretty new I guess..", his hand twitched, he wanted to reach for him but knew it was still early, so early for the guy, "Let's go through the little park we have here and then go get something to eat, nothing fancy. I thought comfort would be better?" The breeze, still warm from the day, blew his hair around his face.

Caleb nodded. "That sounds great." Oh god, I'm repeating myself. He thought.

The other male didn't notice, humming in agreement as he showed him the park. It wasn't very big and pretty but had some nice paths and lights with a couple ponds and seat here and there. It was quiet, late for the normal comers and go'ers. "It's pretty nice, I like to walk home this way", he spoke softly, showing him through.

Caleb nodded. "It's very nice. The fountains are soothing."

Henry stopped them to enjoy the fountains for a few moments before he pointed east. "The place I was talking about is that way, it's a small family dinner. Very nice", he explained, gently leading him that way.

"The view alone is nice, I'm sure the food is just as good."

Henry lead him through the rest of the park and down the street, turning the corner to find the dinner right there. It was named. "The Lost Boat", the gentle lights showing off a almost pirate theme. Not quite but close he thought with a chuckle. he opened the door for him, waving him in and following behind. He got a table in the back corner for them and helped Caleb sit before joining him.

"This place looks nice."

"Mmmm I like it, they are nice and the food is good.", he chuckled, tucking a loose piece of hair away as he pulled a menu up, face turning thoughtful.

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