The Alien Vessels (private Rpg with SRuiz)

A Space Crew picks up an unknown plant that actually contains an alien life form. The Alien gets loose and begins breeding with almost anything it gets it's sights on. Will it be too late for the crew to kill the creature before they die a terrible and painful death growing within their bodies? In actuality, something more gruesome may befall them as this "extinct" race did to numerous races before.
Please tell what your characters names are and what they look like!

Name: Vector Ruiz
Age: 20
Height: 6'2 physically fit
Weight: 220 lbs.
Occupation: Deckhand and Engineer of the Poseidon
Description: Pierced ears, yellow eyes, black hair stylized in mohawk

The alien can take on a human form if you want. I leave all creativity for it in your reign. ^^

Sure! Thanks! The alien is called a trerat. It's true form is a slug like slime creature. It's very smart and strong. It captures it vessels and pins down with a glue like gel while it runs around borrowing their form. The way it impregnates it's victims is by crawling into their bodies in their slug form and lays it's eggs before exiting out of the vessels body and taking their form. It's slug form doesn't have eyes or a mouth. Just a pair of tentacles to sniff out it's victims. It also can impregnate it's victims in a human form by using it's tentacle like cock.

Great that sounds awesome. Should I start or should you?

You please

Vector trailed down the halls in his civvies, but armed nonetheless. The light skinned male had some errands to run before retiring for the night. Since they were in space, only time could tell when it was night or day. Vector hopped in the elevator, taking himself to thr lower floors, the docking bay. He had to check on the acquired specimen from visiting the lost planet. Not finding much, they only came across the plant. Vector had to check it off and he would be on his way.

((I hope this helps))

(Sure that's perfect!)

The trerat was sleeping quietly in it's form it made of the plant. It had seen the group of strange creatures land on the planet. It was alone and about to die soon if it didn't find a healthy vessel to feed it. It drain the plant of it's life and transformed into the shape of the plant in hopes that the creatures would bring it along on the ship. It's patiently was paid off as the creatures picked it up and carried it on their ship. It decided to study it's surroundings and find a way to cut off any threats to it's goals. It woke up and stayed still as the creature checked it over. It studied the creature and decided it would be perfect for breeding. It waited until the creature's back was turned and slipped off the table and hid. It would wait until the creature had let it's guard down before it striked.

Vector examined the plant thoroughly. He checked for any slight change such as if the temperature effected it. Once he was done, he ran a scanner across it. Paging to his higher ups, the analysis was complete. He used the pen and began checking everything off. He turned his back, walking off quickly as his combat boots echoed faintly. His next job was to check off the equipment. With the cargoes tjat stored food and supplies, the male turned towards the elevator once more.

The trerat waited until the creature was done with it's examination. It blended it's self in the ground and followed the creature to the strange box with that they used for transporting to different areas in their ship. It hid it's self in a corner and waited patiently as the box shook a little as it moved upwards. It planned to follow the creature to it's home. Where no one could disturb them. It waited until the box stopped moving and opened again. It followed the creature closely behind as it exited the moving box and started walking down a hall.

Vector had arrived back to the crew area. The male chuckled as he joked around with numerous crew members. He had finally made his way to the lab room. Vector handed in the report to their ship's doctor. Turning off, Vector made his way to the ship's control room. The male had to assign thr ship's A.I. to autopilot the ship. Once the command was done he began to relax for the trip. They would be heading back to Earth in a matter of days. Hours had passed as he relaxed with the crew. He stood up to stretch, letting out a yawn. With nothing better to do, the male walked to gus room. After getting into a black tank top and just his underwear, the male began to drift of in sleep.

The trerat studied the creature as it interacted with others like it and got a better idea of the ship's lay out and controls. It waited and watch as the creature it was tracking finally entered it's chambers and locked the door. It almost purred with pleasure as it waited for the creature to remove it's outer coverings. It was still still wearing strange covering but it didn't matter. The trerat would find a way to slip past them. It waited until the creature was asleep before approaching it's nest. It extended it's tentacles to the reach the top and pulled it's self up onto the nest. It studied the creatures coverings closely and moved it's tentacle under the top covering and felt around for an entrance. It found a dip and pressed it but it didn't give away. Curious about it it rubbed the dip and was interested by the swallow knot of flesh. Before it would do anything else it worked on spilling a thick gel from the tip of it's body to hold the creature in place. It worked carefully to not disturb the creature's rest. It pinned all of the creature's limbs and decided to slip into the creature's lower coverings and study it better. It brushed it tentacle against the creature's strange limb. It looked like a another tentacle.

Vector had been in the first few stages of sleep. The male was completely oblivious to the creature that had snuck in his sleeping quarters, but that did not mean he was not feeling the creature brushing up against his body. A smile formed against the male's face as he had a completely odd dream. The dream involved him, the Commander, along with the nice purple skinned alien that stationed herself down in the engineering room. Of course, the dream itself made the man feel awkward to the point it caused him to get aroused in his sleep as a certain force brushed against his member. The male groaned slightly before the sleep trance was cut. He was present in his room, but after not being able to move his body around for a few, the male figured he was in a form of sleep paralysis as something was obviously on him. Vector figured his body would usually wake up as it would on those rare occasions he got the symptom, but it was well over a few minutes which made him realize he was not asleep but rather pinned by some kind of liquid that kept him in place.

The trerat continued it exploring as it pressed on certain areas of the creatures body with it's tentacles. It didn't notice the creature had woken up nor did it care. It was on a mission and it wanted to complete it. It moved down in between the creatures legs and poked at a strange pink shivering bud on the creatures body. Curious about it reaction it poked it again and felt it give a little. It almost purred with happiness as it decided to shove it's tentacle against the bud again and fought against the resistance. The bud led to a strange tunnel. Curious about where the strange tunnel ended at it. It continued to feed it's tentacle into the tunnel until it reached a dead end. It rubbed at the area and shoved its way inside. The tunnel ended at what seemed to a stomach or womb of some sort. Pleased with it's find it started to push it's second tentacle inside to join the first.

((Testing all this week. We could continue over through YIM or something.)l

Okay. I sent a request from grievonknight

((Sorry for the delay. Had writer's block.))

Vector watched as the creature began to explore his body. His initial response was to get loose. He was bound by a strange liquid substance however. The male watched as it began to go lower around his body. Not sure what kind of creature it was as it burrowed itself under the thin fabric of his clothes. Feeling something near his entrance, he began to squirm even further. When it was pushed in, he cursed loudly in protest in an attempt to get to his comm link.

Trerat wiggled around deeper into the vessels entrance as it pushed it's way into the warm area that would hold it's eggs. Once's it's tentacles was inside and started on moving the rest of it's body inside towards the vessels holding area. It growled when it felt him attempting to call for help and swatted it's last form of help from it as it moved half of it's body into the vessel staining the creature's entrance almost be beyond it's limits.

Vector's body strained as he tried to get loose to reach for the comm link. The male only grunted in pain as his body felt like the creature was ripping him apart. Before he had time to try again, a tentacle came out of his clothing to smash the comm link. Not being one to try and figure out what just happened, the male shifted his body off the bed falling on the floor as the covers cushioned an otherwise painful fall. He began to squirm and wiggle his body towards the door. If his limbs were pinned under the liquid, he had other means of getting loose. He just had to push past the pain he was now in.

The Trerat growled with displeasure as it was disturbed and moved a remaining tentacle to form it's special glue to hold the vessel still on the ground with covers as punishment. It shoved itself harder into the creatures womb to cause it more pain as a warning about resisting it. It continued it's quest into the creature's body as the creature's belly swelled from it's entrance.

Vector writhed in pain as the same substance began to layer his body once more. Now pinned in the covers belly first on the ground, the male could not see anything. Instead, he had a constant pain as his entrance was being stretched beyond its limits. Whatever it was, it was wrecking havoc to his body as he felt his stomach bulge under the covers. With the room being sound-proof, no one would be able to hear him say anything.

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