The Alien Vessels (private Rpg with SRuiz)

Kravahn chuckled and moaned as he continued to lay more eggs into him. "Yes that's it just keep accepting more eggs into your warm belly. You will give in me soon enough. Yes, you are going to bear me many strong children." He purred happily as he watched Vector's grow with each egg that entered into it.

Vector groaned as his belly began to expand. He watched in horror as Kravahn was laying more eggs inside of him. "No...." he moaned as he struggled not wanting tp give in to the creature. The male had been raped by it twice now and it was not stopping for the third time. The male refused to give up as it violated his body.

Kravahn purred loudly as he continued to lay eggs into the human's belly and watched as it grew. "Yes, so big and healthy. I can make this experience very pleasurable for you. All I ask is for you to give in into it." He stroked Vector's cock gently and licked his at his other nipple before suckling on it as the child continued to drain his first one.

Sorry to post here, but I really don't want to see this one die :/ If anyone is unable to continue this, I would gladly fill in

Thanks! It's alright. Yes please I am not sure where Sruiz is.

Oh, awesome!
Vector let out a loud moan. His once flat stomach continuing to push out as Kravahn layed at least 7 eggs in him. For some strange reason, a part of him liked it... He felt the newborn feed on his chest. "How long till they are full grown?" He was nervous for the future. "Am I to become you mate forever?"

Kravhn purred happy with Vector will bending to his own. "Good boy, that's it feels good doesn't it. "They will be fully grown in an hour. As for taking you as my mate. That depends if you decide to be a good boy for me and keep your legs wide open for me. When ever I wish to take you". He flicked his tongue against Vector's belly button and kissed. "Now stay here, while I go pay the others a visit."

((I was busy with exams and my bday this past Sunday. With no other way to inform you what was going on, I had to wait it out. ))

(( I'm so sorry D: Maybe you could continue with Vector and myself with the captain, or vice versa? ))

So SRuiz and I decided that he would continue with his characters and I would just hop on with my new character that gets impregnated by Kravhn, and held captive with Vector
Name: Danny
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200
Physical Description: Short, close cropped black hair and blue eyes. Well built arms and chest with a very slight belly.

Danny walked down the corridor of the ship. Since joining the crew in his 18th year, Danny had loved every moment of this experience. His favorite though, had been when he met Vector. Danny had fallen for the man the moment they had met, however, his fears had always stopped any advancements he may have made. But tonight was the night. Tonight he would tell Vector how he really felt. "This is it." He sucked in air as he came to Vector's door. He knocked twice. "Hey Vector, it's Danny. Listen, could we talk for a second." The intercom stayed silent for a minute. Perhaps Vector was still asleep...

Slowly succumbing to his fate, the male watched as Kravahn laid all thirty eggs inside him. Feeling the baby suckle away, he could do nothing. Sure the belly was small, but he was going to swell up larger than before with life. He did not want to be the monster's personal breeding machine. With a growl, he was getting hungry again, the newly laid eggs causing him to work an appetite faster. Hearing the metallic sounds against the door, his head shot towards the door. The voice was vaguely familiar, but Vector could hardly make out the voice. He had to warn whoever it was one way or the other.

Danny hoped that everything was okay. He was about to turn away when a slight urge inside him told him to check to see if the door was locked. When he went to push open the door, it immediately slid to the side. He was not prepared for what awaited him. In the room was a man strapped to a bed with some kinda of fluid, naked. An alien suckled at his chest and he had the belly of someone who was pregnant. It took Danny to realize that this man was his crush. "V..V..Vector? Oh my god Vector! What happened to you!" He ran to Vectors side, not noticing the door slam and lock behind him.

Vector's yellow eyes shifted on the door as it whirled and spun open. It was not locked that entire time. Now someone was going to see him with a baby suckling away, noting that it was getting bigger, along with a belly that was beginning to grow all over again with life. Taking in the sights of the other male. Not wasting time, the door had shut and locked. "Forget about what's going on with me, you gotta get out of here" he moaned slowly as his stomach jutted forward. The process was happening all over again. "It's still in here"

"Vector we need to get you-" Danny was cut off by a chuckle. "So this is my new breeding vessel..." something hissed from a shadow against the wall. Before Danny could even see what it was, a strange goo shot forward and pinned him to the ground, covering his mouth. "My my, what a pretty thing you are" the creature hissed. In a flash Danny's clothes were off, and he felt the creature on top of him, though he could not see it. "Time to extend my family tree," the creature laughed. Danny felt something plunge through his naval as he blacked out.

Kravhn purred as it held the male down. He stroked the male's hair out of his face. "Such a strong carrier and so warm". He chuckled as he smirked over at Vector and watched as his belly swelled by the moment. "Aww don't give me that look. You should be happy that you have company now. So now you won't be so lonely. That's is if he doesn't try anything stupid or you don't." He moaned as he felt his eggs travel into the male's belly and started to swell. " let's see I wonder how many I can impregnate in this one to his limit without tearing him apart?". He chuckled and stroked the new male's belly as it swelled under his fingertips. "That's it little ones grow nice and strong. I will feed you soon enough". He stood up as his cock remained secured inside the male's belly laying his eggs. "I see you are hungry. Allow me to feed you". He smirked and locked Vector's lips into a deep passionate kiss. He forced his mouth to stay open with a feeding tube that served to feed his species vessels and their young before they are born.

"Fuck you" Vector spat as he tried to get loose again. He tried to shift his focus away, but the alien was breeding away with the other male. The tall male struggled to slip loose, but nothing was working. Eventually the alien had returned talking about how it would feed them soon. Before he could even squirm, lips were locked. Instead, the male could only gag as he tried to push the creature off. Feeling something else in his mouth, he tried to bite down in hopes that it was Kravahn's tongue. Remembering what it said about feeding, he realized it was a tube. He tried ti shove it out as the male obviously had thirty one mouths to feed.

Kravhn chuckled as it continued to push the tube down Vector's throat into his stomach. He purred as he stroked his belly and felt the life wiggled inside it. He started to move his throat muscles and poured a thick liquid down Vector's throat to feed the babies growing inside his belly. He felt them wiggle around happily with the meal and grow stronger from it. "That's it little ones eat up. It's good for you. It's going to help you grow big and strong".

Danny's head was throbbing. He opened his eyes and realized whatever goo was on his mouth and neck were gone. Well that was good at least. But any relief he had felt was completely vanished when he glanced at his stomach. His once, barely noticeable belly (from years of eating) was replaced by a massive stomach. It looks as if he could be pregnant... The scariest part was that it continued to swell before his eyes, along with a popped naval. "What... What the fuck is happening to me?!?!?!" And then he noticed the creature sitting on top of Vector...

Vector gagged as the began pumping whatever it was pumping into his belly. With his arms only pinned and the creature out of range from his legs, he was once again helpless. His stomach began to grow from the feeding as the eggs grew larger than the last time. Turning his head slightly, the dark skin male could only hope the other was free. Judging from his belly, though, he was pregnant as well. Only muffled noises escaped his lips as the feeling of fullness was far from happening.

Whatever that creature was on Vector, it chuckled through the tube that was shoved down Vector's mouth. Somehow, it was able to speak. "Why, you are filled with my seed. Inside you now, my children are growing. Some are live, others eggs." With that, Danny's belly jutted out and continued to grow. He let out a moan as the skin grew taught. "Ho..w.w.. How many are there?" The alien laughed from atop Vector. "Why, at least ten I should think." Vector felt something inside him kick. "And... How are they coming out?" The alien purred this time. "Why, through your anus I would imagine. However, my children sometimes... have a mind of their own. And be prepared to nurse them. My babies are extremely hungry." Then, Danny's belly jutted out again as it grew. Along with it, his nipples swelled out, preparing to feed the newborns. He was terrified. Beyond scared. Yet... there was another emotion there. Was Danny turned on by this?

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