The Star-Man's Womb

"What's a kitten? Okay. Are they cute like dogs? Or, dogs like Kiba?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"No, they're baby cats." He took Trian's hand and lead him to a room filled with kittens.

"Holy..." Trian picked up one of the mewling kittens. "What is this little fluff ball?" He started petting the kitten, and a looked of alarm spread across his face as it began purring. "Why is it vibrating? Is it about to attack me?"

I'm just here for a laugh

"No, it's just purring. Cats just do that. Usually it means they're comfortable."

"Are you sure? Because I don't want my face to get clawed off." Trian carefully put the kitten down. "Let's go see some other pets."

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy chuckled. "Alright."

Trian walked into the small animals section and started looking at what they had. "Aaw, look at these little guys. They're so furry and small."
An employee came up to Trian. "Hi, can I help you out with anything?"
Trian nodded. "Yeah, can you tell me what this is?"
"That's a fancy rat, sir."

I'm just here for a laugh

"They certainly are fancy."

"What does a regular rat look like?" Trian asked.
"Uh, not too different, I suppose. Dumbo rats are a different breed, their ears slant backwards."
Trian pointed to the mice. "And these are a breed of tiny rats?"
"Those are mice, sir."

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy bit his lip as he held back a laugh.

"Okay, and this is some sort of chubby mouse?" Trian asked.
"That's a gerbil, sir." The employee said, sounding somewhat confused.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Trian, how about we go look at the toys for Kiba?"

"Hang on, these little things are so cute, I wanna know what they are." Trian said. He turned back to the animals, looking at the hamsters. "These are tail-less gerbils?"
"Sort of. They're hamsters."
"Okay, and these are giant hamsters?"
"Guinea pigs."
"And these are long-eared guinea pigs?"
"These are long tailed, short-eared, super fluffy rabbits..?"
"Those are chinchillas. They're like super rabbits. Sir, the labels describing each animal is right here."
"Oh. So they are." Trian said, blushing. He grabbed Jeremy's hand and walked away. "Come on, before I embarrass myself further."

I'm just here for a laugh

"What are you talking about?"

"I just asked this poor employee about animals everyone apparently knows about when the labels where right there."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Oh I know," Jeremy chuckled.

"Shut up!" Trian said, and he playfully pushed Jeremy.

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy smiled and laughed.

The two men bought some toys for the dog, and left the store. "That chinchilla looked awfully soft. If I weren't so embarrassed, I'd have asked to hold it."

I'm just here for a laugh

"We could just go to a different pet store."

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