The Star-Man's Womb

"Jeremy, they're moving! I'm feeling movement again! They're fluttering around just like they used to!" Trian grabbed Jeremy's hands and placed them on his belly. "Well, okay, they're only flutters, so you probably can't feel it, but still! They're finally moving again!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy smiled and kissed Trian. "That's great."

"Yeah. It is." Trian resumed digging around in his bag. "I have something for you. Ah! Here it is!" Trian pulled an omni caster out of his bag and handed it to Jeremy. "Your very own omni caster."

I'm just here for a laugh

JEremy's eyes lit up, the gears in his head turning as he looked it over. Tempted to take it apart to figure out how it worked.

"Give me your translator a minute." Trian plucked Jeremy's translator out of his ear and synced it to the omni caster. He then gave the earpiece back to Jeremy. "Okay, it should automatically translate text and voice into... whatever language you're speaking." Trian smiled. "It should be fairly simple for you to use. Go on, try it."

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy nodded and started fiddling with the device.

"Okay, so, in the contacts section, you've got two people in there already. Me, and my twin sister, Treyza. Speaking of whom, I was supposed to call her right after you and I hooked up again." Trian started calling his sister on his own device. "She is going to kill me."

I'm just here for a laugh

"We haven't 'hooked up', technically."

"Well, I mean after we reconnected. Taking this long to call her... I am a dead man." Trian gulped.

I'm just here for a laugh

"It's not like she can kill you while you're here, right?"

"Nope, just when I get home." Trian said. A female ditherian picked up and appeared on the holographic screen.
"There you are! Trian, do you know how worried I've been?! You were supposed to call me after you got back with your human; what the hell took you so long?!" She shouted.
"Sorry, sorry. I lost track of time. We've been having fun." Trian said sheepishly.
"Well sitting here wondering if you're dead hasn't been fun, let me tell you!"

I'm just here for a laugh

Jeremy snickered.

Treyza looked at Jeremy. "Oh. Is that your human? I didn't see him there. I was temporarily blinded by rage. Jeremy, right? Yeah, it was Jeremy. So, you got my brother pregnant, huh?"
"Treyza is the only member of my family who knows that I have a human lover, let alone that I'm carrying said human's children." Trian said.

I'm just here for a laugh

"Uh...It was an accident....?"

"Yeah, Trian said the same thing. Don't worry, I'm not mad. You're taking responsibility. The rest really isn't my business. You aren't worried about being with him, though? I mean, it's dangerous for you too."

I'm just here for a laugh

"Dangerous? How? Nobody here knows that he's alien."

"You didn't tell him?" Treyza asked incredulously.
Trian blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "A lot of thongs have been happening since I got here, okay?"
"Important enough that you didn't tell him?

I'm just here for a laugh

"What's going on?"

Treyza sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay, so while Trian was missing, the ship he had been on was found. Everyone was dead. The passengers not accounted for were searched for by council guards. But they didn't find Trian. Some family members freaked out and hired some less than honest people to find him. Buy they weren't the ones who brought him home; that was a search and rescue ship. So when they asked for payment, our family refused, since they hadn't done the job they were hired for. I guess they figured they could give Trian back to us after kidnapping him. Fortunately their attempt got fucked up."
"Law enforcement put me in witness protection, basically, and I'm hiding out here from them while they round up the guys who want my ass." Trian said. "They were confused as to why I wanted to hide here, but no one would think to look on a pre-voyaging planet, so they allowed it."

I'm just here for a laugh

"OH MY GOD." Jeremy nearly dropped his caster.

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