Closed Kitsune mischeif (SeanWoods221)
"Here take a seat." Miroku urged as he helped Sean to a chair.

At this rate, they weren't gonna be able to stand for much longer so having him sit down now was best. At least the kits would be well fed when they were born.

"You hungry? I'm a pretty decent hunter so it won't take long to get something to cook." Miroku offered.
"Sure." Sean replied as he sat down onto the chair.
"Alright be back soon." Miroku said before taking off.

Hunting was easiest in his real form and in a flash once outside, there was a large fox bounding about the woodlands. He was gone for ten minutes though when he returned he had a rather big boar and was back in his human form. HIs creamy white hair was sticking up and there was even a small twig in his hair, for now he was unaware just how much Sean had possibly grown while he was gone.

"Hope you like boar meat, well it's honestly a pig so you've probably had it before." miroku said with a big smile.
"I have." Sean said as he continues to grow bigger.
"Wow...." Miroku muttered as he took in Sean's large stomach, honestly should've stopped by now so...why hadn't it. "I see you've been busy. You doing alright though?"

As much as he liked mischief he always did try to draw the line before someone got hurt. Setting the boar down on the table, he went over to the fire place and tossed a few logs in before working on getting a spark to ignite.
"I'm fine, but I'm still growing." Sean replied as he started to rub his belly.
With the fire going, Miroku easily skinned the boar and positioned it above the flames to cook. It take a little for it to be done but the time would be filled with something worth puzzling.

"I see, I wonder why..." Miroku muttered as he glanced a the talisman "Let me see if removing it helps stop the growth."

Going over to Sean, he reached round and removed the item. Though there was no telling if it would work or not, after all with a good amount of time growing Sean could've just absorbed the magic that the talisman had to offer an thus removing it made no difference.
When the talisman was removed, Sean continues to grow.
"Hm....well I must admit I am certainly confused by this turn of events. Sorry..." Miroku admitted as his ears slanted.

Well they were gonna have a lot of half breeds, probably cute little things too.
Sean started to rub his still growing belly.
Well maybe it wasn't so bad. The human wasn't complaining an honestly it felt like everything he said fell on deaf ears. Oh well. Giving a shrug, he tossed the talisman in the fire. Since it was useless now and had been used, keeping it would be a silly idea. The magic clearly didn't need it anymore to affect the human so why give it a detour? Instead he focused his attention onto the boar and took a seat in front of the warm fire.

"So other than food, ya need anything?" Miroku asked.
"Not really." Sean replied as he continues to rub his belly.
"Alright, if you're sure." Miroku answered as he turned his gaze to the boar, only to end up turning it.

Now the other side had to cook. He'd end up having to turn it two more times but oh well. Humans were such picky creatures, meat just had to be cooked. Oh well.
"How long will I be like this?" Sean asked.
"Well it shouldn't be long honestly considering how fast you grew." Miroku answered. "But you should be able to get a nice meal in before any labor starts up. You want a leg or does it not matter to you where the meat comes from?"

His ears twitched as he turned the boar, a few more minutes and it would be done an ready to eat.
"I'll take a leg." Sean replied as he continues to rub his belly.
With the boar done, Miroku cut off a leg an gave it to Sean. He made sure there was plenty of meat on it considering how one leg probably wasn't going to fill em up. Not with that many kits in there. Leaving the other legs be, Miroku merely took a some from the side and started to eat that. The meat wasn't bad now that it was cooked but still, humans had to have everything cooked, it was just so time consuming.
Sean started to eat the leg.

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