Not a fair exchange
Ryan was up early as well. The neighbor's dang dog was barking so loudly that he just got up. He ate some breakfast and got ready even though the appointment wasn't until 11. He decided to call TEssa at 10, hoping she hasn't changed her mind about this whole thing. He pressses the call button. "Hello? Tessa? The appointment is in an hour so I'll come get you in about thirty minutes?"
"Okay." She responded. She sat next to the window until she saw Ryan pull up. She grabbed her coat and ran out the door.
Ryan waited for her to hop in and then he drove out. "Hey," he smiled sweetly at her, trying to cover up the nervousness he was feeling.
"Hey." She smiled. She seemed a little more pleasant today. She saw that he was nervous. "No matter what happens today, I'm going to be right next to you." She smiled as she grabbed his hand. She really wanted to support him and make him feel as comfortable as he could through this.
Ryan appreciated her coming to the appointment and being pleasant. "Thank you, Tessa," he held onto her hand when she grabbed his and he pulled out of the driveway. "So I guess we'll see what's going on in there," he said, letting out a light chuckle.
Soon they arrived at the place and they sat impatiently in the waiting room. He couldn't stop fidgeting and glancing at the clock.
11 rolled around and Tessa heard a nurse call his name. She grabbed him and rushed back to the exam room. The doctor walked in shortly after. "So, Ryan, you think you may be pregnant?" He asked as he looked through the chart.
Ryan held onto Tessa's hand while they walked through the halls into the exam room. When he got there he sat down on the table bed thingy, waiting for the doctor. He glanced up when the man entered the room. "Yea- yes." He said, glancing at Tessa.
"Ok," he replied. "There's one sure way to find that out. Ryan, can you hop up on this for me and lift your shirt up for me." The doctor motioned to the exam table. Tessa stood by while Ryan complied. She took her place back at his side as the doctor pulled up an ultrasound machine. He put cold gel onto Ryan's stomach and placed the probe over it.Tessa grabbed Ryan's hand and held her breath as they waited for an image.
Ryan did as he was told, laying down on the table and exposing his belly. He made a little sound at the cold gel and shivered. He glanced at Tessa, glad that she was there for this and holding his hand. He stared at the screen but wasn't able to really make sense of it.
"Well, Ryan, you are indeed pregnant." The doctor announced after a moment. Tessa just stood in silence. "I'd say about 10 weeks... Would you like to hear the heart beat?" The doctor asked. She just looked at Ryan and gave a small smile
Ryan sat quietly as he stared at the screen. There was a baby inside of him. "The heart beat? Yes please," he looked at Tessa and smiled a little. Already ten weeks along? He knew he'd have to start getting things ready for a baby. Maybe he and Tess would move in together? They'd have to talk about stuff like that first.
A faint thumping sound filled the room. Tessa's eyes got wide. She was amazed. They were going to have a baby. That was a major realization. She didn't know how he would react, but she took a chance anyway. She leaned down and kissed him quickly. She pulled back and smiled. "Okay, you two." The doctor interrupted. "You take care of this baby. No smoking, no drinking and cut back on caffeine. The nurse will get your papers ready and show you out." He said as he wiped the gel off of Ryan's belly then left the room.
Ryan listened to the heartbeat, a smile coming to his lips. They are having a baby! The sound made him feel all mushy inside. He looked at Tessa, surprised when she gave him a little kiss, and squeezed her hand. He nodded at what the doctor told him. "Alight.. Will be hard to stop drinking coffee, though." He mumbled, sitting up and tugging his shirt back down.
He looked at Tess when the doctor left the room. "man this is real! Did you see him on the screen? And his heart beat??" He was amazed at this.
"Him?" She teased. "It could be a girl you know." She sat down in the chair. "Holy hell, we're having a baby... I didn't think that I would really have kids." She said, looking at Ryan. She paused for a moment. "What do we do now?"
Ryan chuckled. "Right, right, it could be a girl." He kicked his legs a bit while he sat on the table. "I always knew I wanted kids, but I wasn't planning for this so soon," he replied. "Well we better start planning for a baby. Carseat, baby room, all that stuff."
"Whoa, slow down tiger. We still have some time." Tessa smiled. The nurse walked in and handed Ryan some papers. "Can you come back in 2 weeks?" She asked.
Ryan took the papers and nodded. "Yeah l will setup another appointment," he said then looked at Tessa. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah, where do you want to go?" She asked. She wanted to talk. She was excited about the idea of having her own family. It had been a long time since she had felt like this. She had fully accepted and even begun to embrace the idea of being a parent.
"Maybe we can go to a coffee shop and talk it over? Well I'm not supposed to have coffee.. maybe a diner?" Ryan suggested. He stood up and walked towards the door. He had also felt a bit more excited about the baby. He always knew he wanted to be a parent and he was already feeling loving towards the child.

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