hidden consequences.
(Shall I pretend Jace was with them the whole time?)
Jace looked at James concerned at how he seemed to be acting. He wasn't normally as soft spoken as this. He shrugged it off before going to the lakes edge, knowing his brother would kill him but not caring he pulled his shirt and shorts off, his slightly defined muscles showing as he got in the water
Cale blushes and very quickly turns away from the water as his brother gets nude. "Jace!" he whines slightly embarressed. Jame's doesn't bother to look away as he sits on a hill just in front of the water. he wraps his hands around his knees and stares out at the water thinking about what he is going to say. the way he is sitting is perfectly normal for James it's just how he sits most of the time. the fact he is thinking about what he is going to say alerts that something really is going on. he is watching Jace move through the water gracefully. and decides that he is not going to bring up what he was going to say. being an expert at distracting conversations he drags everyone to reality. "is there anything i can do to help keep this a secret? i've seen how he gets picked on at school already. though most end up with a bloody nose. it's in the best interest this is kept hush hush."
Jace smiled "Its okay, I've got his back in the hallways and throughout lunch and I can probably find something to do in most of the classrooms" he said studying James carefully. Something was up and he was going to get to the bottom of it. He turned to his brother poking out his tongue "Im not naked, I have underwear on" he teased before swimming over to where James was "Whats up?" he asked, his eyes bright with helpfulness
James realises he got caught staring and he averts his gaze to the water next to Jace. he has gotten used to his eyes making people uncomfortable. "just worried for my friend who happens to be like a kid brother to me." he says. he has a deep voice at all times. but it's also a shy quiet voice never being one to express his feelings for anything. and stays away from most everyone except Cale. his voice is lowered so as to make sure no one but Jace can hear him not even Cale or Erik. he has always been good at keeping so quiet when he speaks that no one can hear him.
Jace tilted his head looking at him frowning a little "That's a lie" he said quietly "I mean sure you are concerned for him and stuff but there's something else....is it medical? Is that why you were in the hospital? You were near us so you were in the pregnancy ward so something to do with a baby....hmm...are you pregnant too" he asked quietly so they wouldn't hear "Because you never text or called anyone to tell them about leaving. So that means you were there on your own..."
Jame's still has not looked up as he mummbles something about frito's and a job and his little sister. he grips his knees closer to himself his hair falls into his eyes making the ironic effect of making him look more demonic than human as he scowls at the grass near his feet which are close enough if he stretches out they would be in the water. He has always had a small crush on Jace but never said a word. in fact no one has seen him have a date boy or girl in the whole time they have known him. he looks at the ground his mind racing quickly to find a new topic that would distract Jace. Cale starts to shiver and James takes off his own shirt handing it to Cale. James doesn't mind the cold. his chest is tan as he is native american and is well muscled which is surprising. he has a nice set of abs and his pants sit low on his waist showing his happy trail.
Jace frowned getting out of the water his underwear dragging down a bit so his 'v' was visible. He went and sat next to James, probably a little closer than friends might but he didn't care at the moment "You can tell me" he said softly reaching out and gently touching his arm
James doesn't move he becomes a statue which is fairly normal. he doesn't even turn to look at Jace staring at the ground. he has enough muscle to him that his stomach is naturally hard even if he were pregnant they would not be able to tell that way. Jame's hair on his arm stands on end as Jace touches him. he finally moves but he repositions himself to curl back up around his knees unknown to everyone to hide what he feels beginning to grow in his pants which this position will only cause him pain since one he has a percing through the tip. and two his pants are rather tight against his crotch. he stays silent though letting them think what he wants. Cale looks at James and sees the hair on his arm standing up and giggles causing a death glare from James at his friend. so what ever is bugging James is someting Cale knows about. in fact the past few nights at the hospital someone has been leaving flowers and a note for Jace. no name. and it's written in calligraphy.
Jace looked at James worriedly but when his brother laughed his look just turns to one of confusion "Whats happening?" he asked to both of them confused as he looked between both of them, his hair had fallen into his face and he ran his hand through it to push it back. His green eyes so unlike his brothers pierced into them both. He sat back on his hands, a slight six pack visible on his incredibly pale skin as he looked between them waiting for an answer
Cale opens his mouth to answer James and James takes this moment to stand up and jump into the lake diving under and out of sight he doesn't bother to take off his pants or the chains on them so when he makes the dive the chains jingle loudly. the chains are the weight that pulls Jame's pants down all the time and he just dived in with that weight. he resurfaces seconds later out of hearing range of the group. Cale just starts laughing again. and all he can manage is. "someones got a secret admirer." before he breaks out laughing again.
Jace looks quite confused between the boy and his brother. He didn't understand what he did to upset James as he was just trying to help
Cale giggles and sits next to his brother. "Jace didnt take the dive because of you. he gave me the death glare. you know the one. the 'i swear if you tell i'm never speaking to you again' look? James has had a huge crush on you for several years. and now he is turning 20 and has been having troubles with sexual tension. he rarely can get it up. but when he does it doesn't go away for quiet a while. his sister really is in the hospital though." James goes under again and just sits in the water for a few minutes.
Jace blushes brightly "Oh...." he says suddenly shy as he looks at the boy in the water then at his brother "Are you sure about that?" he asked quietly andbit his lip softly
Cale nods and notices that James has not come back up he gives an odd look trying to see if James had swam to the other end and hopped out or something he isn't anywhere to be found. "thats odd... he isn't one to enjoy getting his hair wet unless it's a shower or a pool." Cale is starting to get scared. "Jace can you see him?"
Jace frowns looking around, he quickly scrambles to his feet suddenly worried "Stay here" he said diving into the water quickly looking for the young boy
James is on the bottom of the lake eyes closed tugging at his pants chain. it somehow got stuck and bubbles are rising faster as he runs out of air struggling to get free. he has a hard on for sure and is embarressed that Jace gets to see the bulge in has pants ontop of the situation he is in.
Jace finds him and quickly helps to untangle the chain from what it was caught on. He wrapped his arm underneath James' armpits and swims to the surface quickly. He pulls him to the edge of the lake before kneeling in front of him and checking over him worriedly "Are you alright?!" he asked his hands cupping James' face as he stares into his eyes waiting for an answer
James is gasping a hand raking down his chest before he finally manages to wheeze out the words. "chest. burns." James is trying to avoid eye contact still. he is amazingly talented at not blushing and letting it be known but he has no control over it as Jace's face is inches from his own. his pants have sagged down due to the water weighing them down. he has slender frame down there his hips widening just barely. the one thing he has to cover is his penis since he had not been wearing underwear today. he had only planned on stopping by the hospital and to head home to be honest he went out in his pajamas for the most part. a shiney piece of metal shines catches Jace's eye before he reaches a hand down to hide it. the park is empty save for Cale and Erik who are too caught up now that they know James is ok they are out of sight currently resting under a pavilion together.

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