Closed Traveling Merchant (w/secretsparrow)
It had been a while since he let himself be dragged into conversation like this, and he liked it so much he forgot the reason that he didn't like it in the first place. Though he then reminded himself that not everyone is like Aden, that's why. He removed his hand and looked away from him for a long moment then back at him again,Why do you want to leave?"he asked instead, not sure why anyone would leave their home, especially one that was so quiet and cozy,"What about your friends and family?"he looked at him once again, his fingers coming up to run through his hair slightly, titing his head so their eyes met again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Why? I don't know I've lived her my whole life. Nothing ever changes nothing new happens it's all kinda the same. I mean.. Don't get me wrong I like it's just, I want something new, something dangerous even maybe. I love the idea of seeing new things and meeting new people. I could always come back but I don't want to stay here forever." Aden said quietly his green eyes looking back into Howard's Blue ones
The man removed his hand from his hair and stroked the side of his face with his knuckle gently, the other reminded him so much of himself before... He looked at him seriously,"Sometimes it's better if things stay the same."he said quietly. "You don't understand how much you have until it's all gone."his eyes turned sad and he looked away before taking the journal from the young man to close it up again and place it back inside of his bag.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Sometimes you can't understand what you have until you walk away from it. No, I get what you mean though." He said softly "But at the same time it doesn't matter much to me people here consider me a bit strange I just want something new. I'll come back in time. Anyway, were talking about this like it's really happening." Aden shurgged watching him place the cube back in his bag. "I can't go, I have to help with the shop."
He didn't know how to convince him otherwise or express how much he wanted to have a life like his, just to go back to normal and have his family back, he was a strong headed person though, just like himself and he sighed lightly before he nodded some in reply to him. Howard then turned his attention back onto Aden,"I think I want to show you one more thing... Is that alright?"he shifted closer to the younger male, despite looking the same age as him, he could feel that he was older and yet he liked that aspect of this. Without waiting for a reply, he came in slowly closer until he could feel the human's breath on his lip then pressed his lips against his.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aden's eyes went wide at first, he wasn't sure what to think and found himself rooted in the spot and then slowly he closed his eyes relaxed and kissed back smiling ever so lightly. He put a hand around Howard without really thinking about it. He looked up at him quietly for a moment it felt like a dream, had that really just happened? Did they kiss? and Aden didn't hate it, in fact he rather... liked it.
Howard felt Aden tense and toned back the kiss just a little, until he had relaxed and he did the same as his own arm wrapped around the young man the same time when the others did, as if in sync. Aden had pulled away first to look at him and he met his eyes with his own small smile, not saying anything as he simply kissed him again, deeper this time as he let himself be lost in another's touch for the first time in a long time. *
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
After everything that happened Aden fell asleep with Howard and would awake early the next morning only to realize he was late, he was supposed to open the shop an hour ago and his parents would be wondering where he was about now. He threw off the covers and got dressed as quietly as he could glancing over at Howard, it wasn't like he would leave before they could talk again, his things were still at the shop but Aden didn't want to wake him.
It had been a bit too late to worry about waking Howard as Aden had begun to get dressed, he woke up at the first sign of movement from the other and watched with half lidded eyes as he got up from the bed,"I didn't mean to keep you all night."he smiled lightly, his voice gruff from sleep. The older man sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair, then reached out to the other, running a hand over his back then pulling away again,"Tell your old man he can keep whats in the bag, tell him don't worry about it for now."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aden turned around as he threw on his shirt and grabbed his jacket. "Wait, are you sure? I mean it's not a big deal it won't take long." Was Howard taking off already? Aden could guess he was he saw the merchant every few months if he happened to be lucky. Still, this time he couldn't help but want the man to stay with him for a bit he had enjoyed Howard's company.
Howard sat up slowly, stretching and letting his bones pop as he did, he looked to him then down to his wrist,"I know it's not, I just have this schedule I made and I have to stick to it."He watched him finish gathering himself,"I'll see you soon, don't worry." The man stood to his feet, "I think I'm done disappearing for a while, this"He looked at him, moving to kiss him deeply once again for a few moments before pulling away,"You have my word."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aden wanted to belive him and so as he pulled away from the kiss he gave a small nod. "Alright then I'll see you latter." He hated to rush but he was already late. So without much else to say he turned and headed back to the shop once outside he sprinted the rest of the way arriving just in time to be asked a million questions from his parents though he assured them he was fine.
Howard watched him leave the room and waited a few moments before going to clean himself off then drag his own clothing onto his body. He felt awkward even by himself now as he collected his bag and moved to leave the inn, placing down his horse and activating it before packing his things onto it's saddle. The man glanced back only once before climbing onto it, continuing his journey onwards.

Meanwhile, Aden's parents hounded him with questions, though his father seemed to be angry instead of worried like his mother. "Where have you been? I leave you alone for a day and you run off to God knows where."his fathers eyes were narrowed and his mother worked to calm him down.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"I'm sorry, look I just got side tracked ok? A costumer needed help finding the Inn I just went to show him where it was. I spent the night with a friend and overslept." Not the whole truth not a whole lie either and he figured they would take it. "But the costumer was so happy he said that you could have that bag he brought in and what ever is in it." Aden said nodding toward the sack unsure his father had looked at it yet.
His father didn't look amused as he watched his son, pushing open the shop door and frowning while his wife followed behind him, both parents inside in front of their son now as his mother glanced back,"Did you at least have fun?"she asked, trying to lighten the mood as well as get the topic onto something else, no need to get upset over something that's already happened. The old man huffed, though didn't argue any more as he rose an eyebrow at what his son said,"Oh really?"his brows unfurrowed, his anger subsiding slowly,"Who was the customer?"he moved toward the counter and began unraveling the rope from around it, checking inside silently.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Eventually Aden would calm his father down enough and got to work. for awhile, life continued as normal until it suddenly wasn't and he found himself getting sick every morning. It wasn't just that he was sensitive to certain smells to, and suddenly there were foods he couldn't eat. Aden brushed it off as some type of allergy or perhaps a persistent bug because it did eventually go away. After that, he began to gain weight, mostly around his belly he suspected something was up but the only thing that crossed his mind seemed insane, impossibly insane. He tried not to worry to much and to avoid the questions got baggy cloths. It was only when he felt the fluttering of kicks inside him that he had to accept, and try to wrap his mind around what was happening. No one else seemed to have realized yet. He had put on a bit of weight was really all they could guess thanks to his new cloths choice.

It was late afternoon and Aden was just cleaning up a bit his parents once again where out of town and would be for a good week. So at least, at the moment he could relax a bit and not have to worry about dealing with them.
The sound of a mechanical horse approached and then footfalls as the person on top of it climbed down, the man looked well worn. His eyes were sunken and lips chapped, it had been a dry summer and he was glad to be getting out of the heat in a familar place. He grabbed his bags and shut down his horse to stuff it into his pocket, shuffling heavily into the shop where the ac was and he sighed. Dropping his things and sinking down against the wall and door, tossing off his hat and gloves, pulling down the bandana from around his mouth. He was covered in dust,"Jack?!"he called, there wasn't anyone inside of the store, probably due to the sandstorm coming in and he looked for the old man who owned the shop,"Jack, I need some help!" Howard shrugged off his jacket and held his side firmly, a grimace on his face and dark blood on his hands and staining his clothes.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aden came out of the back room quickly his eyes were wide. "H-Howard?" he sutured when his eyes fell on the blood. He knew that the man had called for his father but he wasn't around. "What happened to you?!" Aden was gone only for a moment to get a first aid kit. "Here, put an arm around me." He said moving him to the back room getting him settled on the bed there. Aden looked closer at the wound trying to see what it was, he didn't know a lot about first aid but he knew enough, he had learned from his parents.
Howard looked up at Aden and winced as he cursed this moment, he didn't want to see him, not now and not like this and yet it was happening. He groaned when he was lifted up, trying to keep his free hand against the wound as his other gripped the human's shoulders. It felt like his insides were trying to come out of the deep wound in his side and his vision went white with pain as he was laid back. His entire body held some scratch marks and it was obvious he had been in a tussle as the deepest wound was a deep bite. Though he was lucky as no chunks were taken out of him.

He could tell that Aden was an amateur at this and couldn't help but wish for Jack to be here instead, his old friend would have stitched him up in no time flat. Though sadly that just wasn't happening and his dark eyes watched the young man do what he could for him. The bleeding stopping and getting some of the mess cleaned up, he licked his lips dryly and met his eyes,"Thank you."he was greatful for any type of help he could get.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Who did this to you?" Aden cleaned and stitched up the wound then got the blood that would still be in the hallway. There was blood on his T-shirt he would have to go change but he didn't bother just yet. "Where have you been?" He tried to keep the anxiety out of his voice and any sort of anger but hadn't Howard said he wouldn't really be going away last time they spoke. Aden had thought that meant he wouldn't disappear for months at a time. They needed to talk.

He felt the fluttering, like something was moving inside him and again, even though he knew somehow the theory he had was correct he still tried to shove it away. He disappeared for a moment and came back with some water he helped Howard drink he remained quiet. Last time they had been together Aden had been so intent on making conversation and now, he seemed content with silence.

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