Arranged marriage. (DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.)

King Tristan stayed still, remaining that way. He was curious, choosing to ask about the various symbols at a later time. He was not prepared to be mark once more with bitemark on his shoulder just like his neck. He cried out once more, not struggling one bit like his body told him to do. He knew that his overwhelmed body was being pleasured by pain as his heart raced hard. He was being obedient like his father taught him to do. 

"Very well Erumollien, prepared I am." King Tristan was now laying on his back, staying calm instead of fearful. He spread his legs, exposing his entrance. He was a virgin but that was a positive. Now he was to be deflowered by the King he was slowly getting to know. He prepared himself for the other King's thick, well sized cock. He felt as if he was finally able to be where he was truly meant to be.

King Tristan was hopeful for the future. He smiled, enjoying the moments he spent with Erumollien. He felt comfortable. He looked up at him, soaking up the King's words like a hungry sponge.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Pressing a kiss once more to the top of his consort's head, he gently pushed himself inside of his consort's entrance, letting out a low groan at the tight feeling of his consort.

"I assume this is to be your first bedding?" He grunted out as he began thrusting himself in and out of Tristan slowly so he may ease his consort and have him grow accustomed to the sensation.

His hands gripped Tristan's hips to steady his consort as he continued thrusting in and out of Tristan, pressing his lips against his consort's back as he continued to attempt to pleasure his consort.

King Tristan smiled, letting his soulmate turn him around on his stomach. He bit his sore, lower lip, not minding the pain from the bite he received upon it. He gasped softly, once more like many times before, the reason was because of being stuffed with the King's length like a Thanksgiving turkey. In instinct he gripped the covers of the bed, moaning shakily. He felt even more aroused when he heard a few masculine groans from the other King. He continued to breathe shakily, feeling bliss. He was happy. He was beyond that word.

"Yes, it is." King Tristan smiled, enjoying each thrust from the other King. He was in pure heaven. He was and so much more. 

King Tristan was graciously thankful that the other King was being gentle at first. Being his first time was new territory. He kept a tight grip on the covers of the bed that him and his lover were making such sweet, intimate affection upon. He felt the mattress upon the bed rocking back and forth in sync to the King's sensual thrusting. He felt as though he were a lit firecracker, ready to burst in a symphony of many colors. That was in a positive way, a very very possible way to be. He loved this for his first time.

King Tristan moaned till his voice was hoarse. He began feeling as though he could go for many hours on end. He sighed happily, wanting to soon take the reigns of what was an intense lovemaking session but was patient. He would ask at a later time if the King or him was not too tired.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

He did not feel much, his movements were made to appear and feel, as if it were tender, loving touches, he had learned to make his actions feel as if it were done with an emotion he did not truly feel. Letting out a low growl at his consort, he pulled at Tristan"s hair as his thrusts began gaining speed and strength, shivering mildly in pleasure.

"You have taken to this well, despite this being your first bedding." He grunted out as his thrusts became stronger, the slap of flesh against flesh becoming louder in the King's chamber as he pleasures his consort as was required.

He could feel the height of his climax nearing him and he trembled at the sensation.

"Forgive me for any pain that may strike you from this day forth." He gasped out as he thrust himself into Tristan a few more times before proceeding to bite down upon an unmarked area of his consort's neck, thrusting a final time as he spilled his seed into his consort.

Their Binding was done. But now his consort was bound to a fading king and every moment his grief pains him, Erumollien dreaded to think how his consort shall react when he too begins to feel the unbearable pain he'd had to cope with when a,most anything can offend or hurt his odd intended.

King Tristan moaned, feeling his body reacting to the King's powerful thrusts. He kept a tight grip on the covers of the bed. He moaned in pleasures or groaned in pain from time to time. Her felt the bed rocking violently because of the movements. He gasped whenever his sensitive haired head was gripped and yanked. He was captured in the pull of desire, lust and more. He felt as though his first time having sexual bonding was beyond what the feeling of bonding was. He wanted this to never end. He was blessed to have a King to share he bed with that evening.

King Tristan sighed happily, feeling out of energy but happy.

"Thank you, Erumollien." King Tristan replied breathlessly to the other King. Something about this being his being his first time was beyond the word magic. He closed his eyes, focusing on the King and the sexual desire he felt burning heat of lust.

When the other King finished King Tristan felt the warm presence of his seed flowing into his womb. He panted heavily, sighing with such sensual breaths.

By now King Tristan was used to the bites, wearing the aching  bite marks and tender bruises like trophies. He closed his eyes as he was being bitten again, this being his third and final time but he did not mind. He moaned a final outburst until he was filled up with the King's thick, creamy seed.

Soon, King Tristan would be impregnated by the King's child. He relaxed on the bed, feeling invigorated.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"It is no trouble." Erumollien murmured out as he slid out of his consort. He got up off the bed and wiped away the sweat from his body before he headed for his wardrobe and taking out a fresh pair of trousers and put them on before going back on his bed. Turning away from Tristan, he sighed to himself and prayed silently to be granted a dreamless sleep before allowing himself to succumb to his slumber.

He was not granted a dreamless sleep, for once again he saw his sister's corpse with arrows sticking out of her back as she protected him as was required of her station, his brother being killed as he fought to protect his patients, his father's head being thrown his way and he woke once more with a breathless gasp crying out as a hand reached up to his chest to assure himself that he was at least present and that he was still there.

He looked to his sleeping consort and sighed, he will not be required and if Tristan finds himself offended and hurt in his actions then he clearly did not know the pressing matters of his kingdom. Sliding out of bed, he changed into fresh formal robes and plaited his hair before placing his circlet upon his brow. Leaving his chambers, he ignored the gaze of his guards, he knew they can identify a bonded fëa from an unbounded one and soon word will spread that he'd bound himself to one that did not even know how to care for him and whatnot. He also knew his council will seek to find him a mistress who can be his foil and will care for him like a proper spouse should.

He found himself too weary to care and he locked himself in his study where he began filing his paperworks, reading each agreement, signing some treatises, figuring out how each trade route would be of a benefit to his merchants. He ignored the time passing and spent time burying himself once more under his duty as king, ignoring the pang of hunger or the pain of grief, he chose only to feel his loyalty to his kingdom seeing as he had nothing else to offer his loyalty to.

King Tristan smiled, falling into a light slumber. He was not aware that he would have the same nightmare that the other King had. After an hour he got up sharply into a sitting position on the bed with a scream, looking around the room frantically. When his eyes directed themselves to the other side of the bed he was worried because the other King was not there. He got up as fast as he could, trying to realize as to exactly where his beloved soulmate was. 

Soon, King Tristan wandered up to the wooden door of the study, softly and gently knocking a few times on it. He wanted to have a conversation with the King. He was not aware as to where he knew where the King was. Something in his mind told him exactly where. He meant to figure out something. He did not desire to bother the King when busy but he had to.

"Erumollien? .. may I talk to you for a minute?" King Tristan said softly, trying to forget the horrors of the strange nightmare he had. He was not aware that it was the same nightmare that the other King had as well. He was still fearful about the strange nightmare, wanting to have a conversation that he needed. He wanted the agony to stop.

King Tristan tried to control his emotions, the nightmare was unfamiliar and intense. He felt his heart racing. His breathing was like a marathon that was unstoppable. He wanted to forget as to what his mind tried forgetting. He was seeing the nightmare of what he was unable to forget. It was like a recorder on rewind.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien was in the middle of writing a letter to an ally of their kingdom when he heard a knock. Sighing, he massaged his temples before pushing away the memories that resurfaced of a familiar moment whenever that door knocked.

Rapid knocks was heard from his door and Erumollien sighed, massaging his aching head.

"Go away! I'm doing something!" He snarled out to whoever was behind his study. His words were unheard and his sister opened the room, she had foregone her usual leather armour she usually donned on training days and was wearing her dark blue gown, the perfect reflection of the night sky. Upon her brow was a circlet of mithril which curled and twisted to appear as if the water had decided to crown her with its touch.

He did not trust her mischievous smile as she sat upon his desk and plucked his quill from his fingers. He let out a growl to warn her, she paid him no heed.

"Erumollien, dearest of all brothers! Come, you must leave your stuffy dungeon and live a little!" Airemana exclaimed as she pulled her brother, the Crown Prince, the Heir Apparent, along while Glandur swept in the room as well to pick up all of Erumollien's paperworks and tucked them all into his large sleeves.

"Glandur! Airemana! I have my duties right now, Adar will not be pleased with me if I do not finish reading through those treatises!" Erumollien shouted out as he reached for his pale haired brother's sleeve.

He was suddenly pinned to the floor when he leapt over his desk, he snarled out insults and curses in their tongue but his sister only laughed.

"Tut tut, dear brother! What would father say to your actions!" He heard a peal of laughter from Airemana, Glandur knelt down so he may be gazed at properly, his brother's dark eyes danced with mirth. Erumollien scowled.

"Erumollien, I believe you are mistaking our father for our uncle. Father would wish for you to smile and dance for a few moments, chase after women's skirts or kiss men's necks and offer them your heart." Glandur stated simply, tugging at his brother's dark hair, "He would not wish for you to waste away here where none will see your heart or your smiles, where none will hear your songs and laughter." Erumollien sighed, he never liked being unprepared for his kingdom, but his brother and sister truly wanted him to have fun.

Even if they were in the middle of a war, he wanted to indulge his baby siblings.

"Very well," The crown prince conceded, offering a hesitant smile, "tell me what you want me to do."

There was silence, then Airemana spoke first.


Figuring that whoever was at the door was simply his cousin, he sighed, "Beriadan, you know very well that I have my responsibilities to the kingdom. I cannot leave until I have at least made a dent in my paperwork, just leave some bread for me as usual." He felt he was wrong in his assumption but who else would seek him out?

Beriadan was the only family he had that cared enough to fret over him. Overbearing it may be but he still cared. Even if it was in the manner that mother hens often would care.

Opening his study doors, he was surprised to find his consort there looking shaken. Reaching out through his bond, he sifted through his consort's thoughts and untangled what he could, he was grateful Glandur had taught him how to make use of his bonds to learn what ran through his bond mate's thoughts. He stilled at the memory of his kin's deaths.

"What's wrong?" He still asked, he chose not to tell his consort that he already knew. How could his consort have...he closed his eyes and leaned against his doorframe at the realisation.

"So the bond did take effect." He murmured to himself. A hand reaching out to pull Tristan into his study and making his consort sit on one of the spare chairs in front of his desk.

"Tell me what's the matter." He coaxed gently.

Adar - Father

King Tristan knocked on the door a few more times. He waited for the other King to open the door of the study. He wiped tears of fear from his eyes, staying awake even though his body and mind told him to slumber. He was much too afraid to. He tried not to close his eyes, that would make the curse known as nightmares play in his burdened mind once more. He kept his emotions in check but soon he broke down, not able to forget all unknown  pictures that played without end in his mind. He walked into the large room known as the study, taking a shorter walk over to the chair that was offered to him.

Nervously, King Tristan looked down as his shaking hands, trying his very best not to let his fear take control but he was not strong, nor was he in control. He breathed fast, trying to keep the many beats of his racing in complete control.

King Tristan swallowed the lump of uneasiness, feeling as though he would never desire to slumber again. He fidgeted in the wooden chair, breathing deeply to slow his breathing down to a normal pace. He managed it slightly, feeling drowsy but scared to sleep. Truly he was. He was terrified as to what else his mind would play. He would stay awake and that was it. He did not wanted to see the images of what was an unknown series of flashbacks. It was truly awful.

King Tristan looked up into the King's eyes,  wiping his tears away. He always felt embarrassed for shedding tears but he was not in complete control. He soon gathered up strength to talk to his soulmate.

"I .. I had a nightmare." King Tristan said with a shaking voice. His body quivered also beyond his control. He wanted to sleep but was too afraid to fall into the realm of slumber.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Returning to his paperwork, Erumollien began sorting through various contracts and petitions, skimming what each roll entailed before he decided to respond to his consort's words.

"That is my memory." He said bluntly, setting his quill aside as he gave the feather a gentle stroke, recalling his sister's playfulness before she had to fight and kill in his name.

"The woman impaled by arrows was my sister, she was my Shield and Sword as well as my Dark Hands, ready to do everything if I so commanded it, the man with pale hair and dark eyes, protecting the injured was my brother, he was the heart of my family and he was the perfect image of my mother, and the man whose head was thrown your way in your nightmare was my father, he was my tutor and pillar. He taught me all I know as king now." To prove a point, he allowed a memory to wash over him, to come to the very front of his mind.

He recalled the moment their family portrait was done. He recalled Airemana seating herself between him and his father's feet and Glandur leaning against his seat, all of them in their formal regalia looking stern as if they could hold no smile...all of them save Glandur who was unable to prevent his smile for who else could the painter be but his brother's beloved? Erumollien felt a somber smile paint itself upon his lips. He recalled scolding his brother until he realised his brother cannot be faulted for being happy.

"I lost my family to this war," He said softly, "killed by your soldiers if I were to recall." He could remember Beriadan swearing fealty to him the evening when he had managed to find it in himself to look at his father's corpse, stitches running round his neck.

Ignoring those memories that had surfaced, he pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing, "This is something that comes with bedding a high elf, you feel what we feel and see what we see." He explained, "I normally have my walls up to keep Beriadan from feeling anything but after the war..." He shrugged, he did not wish to say that he no longer had the strength nor will to bring his walls up once more. The loss of his family was enough to take away any will he had to partake in anything that had made him smile and it had stolen away his strength to build his walls to protect his cousin from his thoughts or emotions. Now he cannot keep that from his consort either.

King Tristan was surprised to hear that he and the other King were both sharing memories. He was curious, now knowing the other King was suffering. Now, he knew that he would see the King's thoughts, dreams and most of all .. the King's nightmares. He was beyond tired but was afraid to fall asleep or leave the other King's side. He now knew as to why. He felt terribly about not being understanding about the King's troubled past. He would be more in an understanding way, this he mentally promised himself. He felt as if he was in a whole new realm when he saw the memories of the other King.. He felt like a fool now.

King Tristan nodded, wanting to stay by the other King's side. He wanted to be there, wanted to be a listening ear. Truly he was. He was weary but he would not dare to fall asleep until his soulmate did. He was worried, staying sitting in the chair.

"I .. I understand, Erumollien." KIng Tristan said, looking at his mate who seemed distracted. He was also that way, trying to distract his drowsy mind from any urge to fall asleep. So far he was able to fight slumber.

"I apologize that you lost family to the war." King Tristan said softly, looking down at his hands.

"I have lost many dearest to me in this burdensome war as well. We can make sure that we can prevent others in our kingdom's from perishing. Our two kingdom's can finally be in peace." King Tristan said further to his soulmate.

King Tristan wondered as to if the nightmares would be more intense or gentle. He looked at the pictures on the wall, curious st each one his eyes had gazed upon. He was about to ask anything more about the nightmares but he became ill, rushing to the restroom area and kneeling down. He emptied his queasy stomach of anything in it that he previously ate. He did not know but he had morning sickness. He groaned weakly, knowing that it was rude to have just have left the study but he would apologize. 

"Ugh .." King Tristan groaned, feeling his entire body consumed by uncontrollable quivering."Gods .."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien bitterly laughed, "You have your father still, child." He pointed out, silver eyes flashing with grief as he pushed his memory of his father's beheading to Tristan's own mind.

"I have lost mine, when I bound you, it was meant to be my father's duty to apply the symbols upon my skin, it was one final act of a father to his son before the son leaves his father and mother's embrace to join himself with someone he either cares for or has a duty to." He sighed and rolled up the contract he'd been staring at for some time now.

"The war is already over, are you truly too young to realise things like these?" He was weary and he felt all his nine centuries weighing down upon his shoulders as he fought to even do the simplest things that once made him laugh and chase after his siblings, "You must realise, Tristan, that peace can never be fully found." He looked outside the stained glass window that overlooked his garden that he'd opened to the public, "Peace will never be found, but we can find contentment."

When he noticed his consort's illness, he simply nodded to himself. He would not be required to bed him now that he is expecting. Within a few months he will be able to see the child's fëa.

"Go and rest, Tristan." He gently ushered his consort outside the rom before returning to his desk. That was, of course when Beriadan chose to stride in.

"You know, at this point I'm assuming I will be your mistress if I keep doing the duties of a consort." His cousin announced as he pulled Erumollien away from his desk and out the study.

Erumollien did not protest that fact. After all, Beriadan cared for him so many times during his healing sleep, comforted him by reminding him not all is lost when he was deep into his grief and forced him to eat or go riding when he refused to leave his study, all of which was meant to be done by his..."better half" due to the fact that Erumollien would never have done anything like that willingly or by himself. But of course, his consort would never seek out a tutor for High Elven culture or even what the kingdom expects from the High King's consort.

Erumollien sighed and tuned himself in so he may listen to his cousin's rant.

"You have not eaten a single damned meal in some time now save for some bread and wine, what is wrong with you?" Beriadan growled out as Erumollien began to fight against his cousin.

"I still have to do some things!" Erumollien pointed out before he was flipped onto his back by Beriadan.

"Cousin, you best shut up, follow me to the dining halls and eat your damn midday meal since you did not appear to break your fast this morning." Erumollien glared at his advisor before shoving him off and getting up.

"Ego mibo orch.!" He spat out, his cousin just rolled his eyes.

"Such immaturity, honestly."

Ego mibo orch - Go kiss an Orc.

"I understand Erumollien .. I wish that we could be at peace but that is broken." King Tristan said. "I have to hold onto hope no matter what. I have to hold onto something even though it does not exist."

King Tristan remained in the restroom, laying down on the cold, hard floor. Swiftly he sat up, gasping as he panted. He stood up to his feet, returning to the King's room. He was not exactly sure as to why but he wanted to be with him. He was not aware that the other King was troubled about something. HIs eyes were open but he could still see the gruesome, awful nightmare. He shook his head, trying not to scream as he saw one of his kingdom's knights who was responsible behead the other King's father. He quivered beyond control, seeing the blood staining the knight's steel bladed sword, hearing the thud of the father's head as it was expertly sliced through the neck beneath his chin.

King Tristan rubbed his emotional eyes as tears streamed down his saddened face.

King Tristan got into the study, not seeing the other King. He was safest when around his King. He rubbed his eyes, looking down at the knob of the door that he was standing outside of. He looked around, running into the room he saw in his mind. He saw his King struggling and came to the other King's side. He was guided by his King's thoughts and saw what he saw.

King Tristan looked at the stranger, glaring at him as he stood at his King's side. No matter what he did not leave. He would not make a mistake like he did a time before when his King was suffering in a coma.

"Leave him alone!" King Tristan shouted at the other person bothering his soulmate, surprising even himself.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Beriadan and Erumollien were just shoving at each other as they made their way to the dining halls, both their circlet were no longer properly set upon their heads due to their scuffle. The moment they heard someone shout, Beriadan let out a curse and Erumollien raised a brow at his cousin.

"I am doing nothing violent to my cousin," Beriadan huffed, "we're having a horribly playful scuffle."

Erumollien rolled his eyes, "He is forcing me to eat when I have business to attend to." He responded, making to leave before Beriadan pulled at his hair to keep him from leaving.

"Try to escape dear cousin and you won't know what hits you." Beriadan sang out with a warning glare, "You haven't eaten in days, not even after you awoke from your healing sleep." Erumollien shrugged.

"I will yank on your hair and choke you with it if you don't eat like a sane person." Beriadan hissed before shoving him to the dining halls' direction.

The advisor turned to look at his King's consort before he sighed and bowed his head.

"So you are not spineless after all." He remarked before he made a swift gesture to invite the younger male, "If need be, I shall teach you our culture and our kingdom's expectations for you." He did not wish to hear no, for if he did...then he would be the last vote before the High Council seeks a mistress for his cousin.

King Tristan looked at the other person. He glared at him, angry that his King was being treated unfairly. He followed the King and the other person, clenching his hands into fists at his sides as he listened well. He was learning to control his emotions, teaching himself. He walked beside his King into the next room which was the dining half and what a splendid location it was in the castle. He wanted to help his King, wondering as to what the advisor was truly capable of.

King Tristan stayed by his King's side, willing to do anything for him. He adored his King, now being at one with him.

"Sir, there is no need to be rough with Erumollien."  King Tristan said.

King Tristan kept his eyes on the advisor, focusing more about keeping his King at ease. Or as long as that could be.

"I would be honored to study your expectations and culture. Anything for my King." King Tristan promised to the advisor, he was eager to know about everything about High Elves.

King Tristan was prepared, speaking to the other King, his leader and soulmate. "I will be your pupil but please let Erumollien from your grasp."  He said with much rising courage. He loved Erumollien,  wanting him to trust and confide in.

King Tristan looked at the advisor, eager to know about the High Elves. He wanted his soulmate to be proud of him.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Beriadan snorted into his wine goblet and looked at Erumollien.

"He treats you as if you are a maiden." The advisor laughed and shook his head turning to look at Tristan with a glint in his pale eyes, "The first thing you must know is that this had always been my treatment to my cousin, if you think this unfair then you say that the late Princess Airemana's treatment to her King and Brother unfair." He still had ice in his voice when he spoke, but now at least he was starting to explain instead of giving biting remarks.

Beriadan smirked when he noticed his cousin's mark upon the consort's skin, an unacknowledged consort? A consort is a consort indeed but an unacknowledged one in regards of their place in their spouse's heart means that he is still not on the proper place of a consort. He is still below the advisor and was still viewed as a Lord.

Erumollien looked at Tristan curiously, he found it amusing that he would act protective of him. But he shook his head and took a loaf of bread, breaking it and handing half of the bread to his cousin who spat out an insult at him before eating the bread.

He remained silent throughout the meal, speaking only with his cousin regarding matters of the kingdom or speaking to a High Council member who brought up concerns regarding the guilds or travels. He was still eating little and this led to Lady Mellimeldisiel handing over a bowl of soup and reminded him that she had seen his great grandfather grow up and that meant she had seen him grow as well.

Beriadan only gave him a cheeky grin before continuing his meal.

When he had finished his small midday meal, he got up and excused himself, leaving immediately for his study.

Beriadan looked at his cousin's consort before speaking, "Lord Tristan, we best get to lessons while eating. More time spent being taught, the easier it will be for you later on." He spoke as he took to playing with his wine goblet.

"I believe we best speak of my cousin's better half?" He proposed, he'd been wanting to slap the consort due to his ignorance but his bond with his cousin made it known that the younger male knew nothing about their culture (which is a mistake, honestly, this youth did not study this in diplomacy at all?)

King Tristan looked at the advisor, wanting to prove he was eager. He did not know but he was willing to be taught. He was happy to  learn about his soulmate's advanced came customs, festivals and so much more.Truly he did. He was prepared. He wanted to prove to the other King that he was the right choice. He spoke only when he was questioned, he was patient. He was blessed to be with such a passionate King but now it was his turn to prove himself to him. 

'Very well, I am ready to be taught.," King Tristan said softly. 

"I wish to prove myself to Erumollien"  King Tristan explained further.

King Tristan wanted to be trusted and loyal to his beloved. He looked up at him, eating the piece of bread that was offered. He listened, sitting up straight like he was taught by his father.he stayed silent until he was spoken to. He did not be disrespectful. He learned quite a lot, not wanting to miss anything that the advisor had spoke of what he needed to know. He was curious. He wanted to be able to speak to his soulmate in the right way. He was being a great pupil.

King Tristan remained where he was sitting. He did not leave the dining room until his teaching was complete. He was full of bread and that relaxed him. He was full, truly he was full. He felt as though he would soon learn all about the KIng's customs.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Picking at the threads of the fine tablecloth, Beriadan, turned to look at Mellimeldisiel who in turn spoke to the other High Council members. The advisor sighed and looked at the vacated seat of his King and cousin.

"The High Elves do not believe in soulmates,"He stated bluntly, "We see you looking besotted at Erumollien and we think it unfounded." He continued as he poured himself more wine and took to downing it,he contemplated asking for Firewine but he supposed he should not be deep in his cups when he teaches his cousin's spouse.

"We believe in those we call our better halves," Beriadan explained, "That is spent with time and patience, our better halves complete us and balance us." Beriadan shot a glance at the consort and scoffed, "You failed in doing both, unfortunately."

Mellimeldisiel shook her head, "You act so infatuated with our king that we think you have deluded yourself into loving him. You do not complete him, you do not balance him, you let him do as he pleases when it is clearly no good for his health whatsoever." The Lady spoke sternly as if she was a grandmother scolding a child, which given her great age, she was.

Beriadan thought hard before he decided to explain how Better Halves worked seeing as he did not have one yet he shrugged, "The Late King was kind and merciful, he knew how to court kingdoms and how to gain allies, but in the face of judgement, it goes to the Late Queen to sentence the accused for she was pragmatic and showed no favour when judging her people." Beriadan took another sip of wine, "She balances him and his flaws, the Late King offered her his laughter and easy smiles and the Queen offered him her strength and knowledge in warfare and combat. They complete one another, they act as one." The Lord took a long drought of his wine and poured himself another goblet full of wine before continuing, praising the Great Father for gifting the High Elves with the capability to withstand wine's effects.

"My King and Cousin has his strength, that he can offer, and his fierce loyalty which the kingdom owns as of the moment," He smiled thinly and it was clear it bothered him that his cousin's loyalty was pledged to an entire kingdom, "but he has his grief, he has his obsession with burying himself under his duty, he has the pain of living without his beloved siblings and parents, all of which is a great trial to cope with." Beriadan explained, "He does not need one who shall take inaction over action, especially if he had not eaten in several days," Beriadan stopped himself from growing a harsher tone than he already used, he took a deep breath, "We do not swear fealty to you as custom demands for you do not show that you are capable of being his better half, you do not offer him comfort, you seek it from him, you do not pull him from his duties when it is clear he has not broken his fast at all, you in fact become furious at me for fulfilling your duties for you when it is clear that none shall pull your spouse from his thrice damned study, you do not seek him out when it is clear in his eyes that he is haunted and grieved, you just stay ignorant, you do not even bother to get to know him, you just look at him as if you've loved him from the day you met, when it is clear that you know nothing about his life, you barely even know what had mattered to him so much before the war, before this damn war stole away his family." Beriadan ignored his goblet and stared at the consort.

"And now, you carry his child, one that is sure to be treated as a bargaining chip for our people's peace, one that he had helped create out of mere duty, Binding himself to you, forced to endure his pain and yours without receiving a balm for it." Beriadan shook his head, "You need to balance him, and he in turn shall balance you, you both must fill what had been left as emptiness, give him a family he can live for, give him comfort when he is haunted and grieving, give him what he never seeks for he deems those things unnecessary, take action when you see he chooses duty over his own wellbeing or his own kin, do not treat him like he is to please you all the time. He barely knows you, we do not love immediately but when we love, we do not love lightly." His voice had become gentle when he finished speaking, stabbing his piece of bread that his cousin had shared with him, he glared at it before sighing.

"As long as you remain too docile, you will get nothing from him, you will simply remain a duty to him that he must uphold." Beriadan sighed and prayed to the Great Father and the Mother of Starlight that the consort listened instead of feeling sorry for himself as he was wont to do when someone chides him.

King Tristan looked at the advisor, feeling badly for what he did. He tried to be a loving other half but nothing seemed to work. He sighed softly, directing his eyes down at his hands. He felt as though he was not being the best better half to his lover. He tried to delve into the depths of his saddened mind, staying where he was sitting in the dining room. He did not give up hope though. As much as he wanted to he did not, he could not. He wanted to be respected by the rival clan but he knew that it would take a time. Quite a long time to learn and thrive. He was willing to earn the King's love and most of all .. trust.

"I apologize, I did not know." King Tristan said. "I am willing to be more patient for my better half. I promise"

King Tristan wanted to be a High Elf but knew that it was probably not be possible. He looked up at the advisor, wanting his lover to be proud of him at his side. He was to be more eager to listen to everything the advisor said.

King Tristan got up, stretching his arms up above his head. He nodded before leaving the dining room after being taught. 

King Tristan went to search for the other King. He soon found him, walking into the room after knocking a few soft but still noticeable times. He walked up to the King, letting him know that he would be more understanding.

"Erumollien, I apologize for not being understanding to your grief and troubles. I have been selfish." Softly, King Tristan said, honesty to his voice. He wanted the King know that he would be there for him. He did not care about himself like a self centered fool. He needed to be a voice in which to provide words of truth to the King.

"We can talk for as long as you wish. I want to be more of a listening ear to you. I must learn to be be more patient." King Tristan explained. He gazed up into the other King's eyes, letting him know that all he spoke of was the truth. He was eager to listen.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"Make no promises you cannot keep." Beriadan warned, he was harsh he admits it to be a fault of his. But he needs to be to be able to direct his cousin to a path to ruling the kingdom in a manner that they need not sacrifice anything more for their peace.

Erumollien meanwhile had chosen to go back to his chambers where he took to reading more of the paperwork he had to sign, adding some suggestions on changes that can be discussed with those that had proposed the contracts he was reading over now. His brows furrowed as he scratched some parts of the contract our before proceeding to write more amendments. He shall have to discuss this with his council later.

Hearing the knocks, he sighed and ignored the newcomer as he focused on his papers, muttering the words to himself as he sought to find anything that may need his council's discussion.

He heard his consort's words and he shrugged absentmindedly, "Ignorance is bliss, you are younger than I am and I do not have much expectations from you seeing as you are one to be easily infatuated." He said calmly before setting aside the paperwork and took out a piece of parchment with his daily agenda scribbled upon it.

He raised a brow at his consort's words and rolled his eyes before taking out a piece of parchment and writing a missive to be sent to a distant relative, calling for a falcon from his House, he tied the parchment to the bird's legs and bade him fly.

"You speak as if it is out of duty, not out of want. Your only duty is to be a consort and that is all." He said calmly as he took to his paperwork once more, furrowing his brows at some lines he'd read at a proposed law that he must take to a meeting, "While I appreciate your renewed interest, you do not specify you only speak generally. What am I to gather that you would want to learn of me? My breathing pattern?" He sighed and tore apart yet another letter regarding a mistress for him and cast the shreds aside.

"You speak as if in earnest but do not ask questions, you act subservient when that is not required, what do you think I am? A tyrant? I do not seek this from a better half if that is what you are doing, I do not know if I have a better half." Getting up from his bed, he threw his papers aside and leaned against the wall wearily, "You keep speaking of patience when we are a race that cares not for that. Time is too quick for us and so we choose action over inaction, we ask questions made to be answered or sought answers for, yet here you are, barely asking anything of me when you say you wish to speak with me." Erumollien spoke, he ignored the Phantom presence of his siblings teasing him.

"Oh come now, Erumollien! You cannot make him smile like that!" Glandur would have scolded him.
"Oh, Mother of Starlight, you are hopeless with showing that you wish for him to be specific, you emotionally constipated oaf!" Airemana would have taunted with a playful punch or shove.

Glandur would have asked him if he had anything to do and if not, was his dear big brother free to join him for a race through the Glen? Airemana would have pulled him out of the room by now and would have led him to the archery range as she speaks to him about her day while he fires back with his own experiences for the day. He recalled his father reading contracts with him as he was asked questions about what he must bring to the High council to or which he can decide for himself. He remembered how as a child, his mother would sing to him during his lessons on the lyre and she would ask him what he thought of those songs they sang.

He never realised how much he missed his siblings' conversations or his mother's songs or his father's gentle words. He ignored the fact that a tear had slipped down his cheek and looked at his consort.

"Believe me, you need not trouble yourself with anything other than living here." He rasped out before leaving the room and bolting for the memorial halls where he threw himself upon his family's memorial, praying for strength and begging for their aid, their guidance, it was yet another moment when he had to remember his family.

Why must he lose his family? He was still unprepared for this role, he never asked to be king, but it was his duty pressed upon him. He never knew why he broke, why he weeps, he only knows that he was broken. That he had cracked underneath all the pain and horrors he'd seen.

He never understood why he spoke calmly or harshly, why he can fake so much smiles when it always was a sharp lance to his heart that he had to act like nothing was amiss. But he never showed it to anyone, he was raised as a ruler who can reassure his people. Not someone who was free to his emotions. When was he truly free?

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