Closed Under the Sea
Ian really knew how to move his body around Nathan's that would result in Nathan wanting for more. Nathan could feel his husband's hard on rubbing deliciously against his opening. They were dry humping each other to the point where they would climax soon. Nathan locked his ankles around Ian's hips to pull him impossibly closer.

His clit was frequently poked by the tip of Ian's big cock, "Hmmh..feel how wet you make me..just shove your big dick into me hard, babe.", Nathan grabbed Ian's hand and guided it to his opening that's soaking wet and sticky
"You are not only wet..... you are also hot." Ian chuckled using a cheeky pun. Indeed as the pregnancy progressed Nathan felt even hotter around his canal... could be his body's reaction to develop and prepare for the youngs. He lifted that big scalr for protevtion and was warmed by a rush of fluid. He playfully pressed around his opening causing Nathqn's tail to jerk and created a wave. Ian was pleased by the reaction of Nathan. "As you wish babe." He smiled and replaced his teasing finger with his iron hard cock, slamming right into Nathan with a forceful slam.

Nathan squealed. And Ian had to chuckel at the hilarious sound made by his husband. He couldnt stop laughign that even his cock withdrew a bit.
Nathan blushed hard, embarrassed for sounding like a girl, "Stop laughing!" He squeezed Ian's cock with a little bit of force that made his laughter ceased instantly, Nathan smirked.

"'s so good." He's going slow and steady as if he's afraid he'd hurt our merbabies, every thrusts was calculated and purposeful, "Faster..." but he wouldn't listen and keep taking him closer to his orgasm slowly. Nathan tried to buck his hips but Ian held him down by the hips firmly. Ian was taking charge tonight and it only aroused him more, he enjoyed being dominated sometimes.
The squeeze from nathan was very effrctive, but Ian soon overcame the stimulation and smirked, clasping his hands around Nathan's hips and started his slow grinding, no.matter what Nathan said to urge him.

Ian closed his eyes to really feel Nathan. He smiled wickedly when Nathma squirmed and struggled, vut still couldnt get out from his grasp. He pressed himself closer to Nathan, their noses just inches away from each other. Ian's eyes were a shade darker now. He would thrust deep into Nathan and grind him.on the sweetspot, then withdrew painstakingly slow, dominating the rhythm and everything now.
Nathan has resigned himself to the fact that Ian wouldn't listen to his pleas so he stopped struggling and let Ian manhandling him for once. The slow movements turned out to be a nice change to their usually fast paced, passionate love making. "You're so big, Ian..yes, right there..yes..yes......." He loved that Ian knew his body inside out, he knew exactly where his sweetspot was and he definitely loved it when Ian would purposely press his hard dick on it.

"I'm close, baby."
"Hmmm cum for me then, babe, you are so nice...." feeling the little signs, ian suddwnly changed his pace and slammed into Nathan hard and fast, thrustint so much the current around them was getting the water murky. Nathan's and his own tails were tangled up, clenching each other so tight. "I am close as well babe.... cum, now." He said in his husky voice, coarse and raw with passion. "I am gonna cum so much our babies would be swimming in my seeds once again, 3 lovely babiess...."
"I'm cumming..right...noooww, IAAAAAAANNN!!! Ohh Iaaaann" his body was shaking violently as the intense orgasm washed over his body. He rubbed his belly that looked a little bit bigger from being pumped with Ian's warm seeds. "You're amazing as always, babe."

He cuddled Ian's side and laid his head on his chest, listening to the heartbeat that's slowly settled into a nice steady rhythm. He drew small patterns on his chest lazily.
How tightly Nathan clenched arounf him triggered his own orgasm, and it was an aamzing feeling to have Nathan simply trembling with his orgasm overwhelming him. He laid his hand on top of Nathan's and smiled, quite satusfied with his handiworlk. "You are equally amazing... that's what makes us a pair." It was a cozy feeling to have his husband just laying lazily o him.

Nathan's belly had remained as bloated the next morning, and it took some time for both to realise the babies had indeed grown fast to have them achieve that size even without Ian's "input". After that, Nathan's belly ballooned up very rapidly. Triplets apparently grow at 3 times the speed of a single pregnancy.
Each day Nathan woke up to a bigger belly than the day before, the water definitely helped him to move around easily but his swimming had decreased in speed and partly because he didn't want to risk hurting the babies.

It didn't help that his appetite had gone through the roof, he ate at least 5 times a day and each portions were by no means small. He's also craving for super spicy food which will make his stomach ache and Ian would be forced to be taking care of him, he didn't want to be a burden to Ian because he's already busy and tired enough being the one bringing home the bacon.
It was fun seeing Nathan swim now but he wouldnt comment on it. Ian would just watch Nathan swimming without the elegance he always tried to upkeep, his hand almost constantly on his belly. It made his gesture a bit awkward, but Ian loved the slightly clumsy new way of navigation of his husband.

Ian noticed Nathan's new craving, especially when they pass by shops that sold spicy food, the want in his eyes were pretry ovious even though Nathan wouldnt outright say it. Tonight, he decided Nathan deserved a little treat and brought back home a small box of take away. "Babe? How are you today?"
"Feel like I'm carrying 3 merbabies inside of me." He swam rather awkwardly towards his husband and gave him a small peck on the lips. "How was work?" He begged Ian many times before to let him work and help them financially but Ian wouldn't budge, not that they suffer financially, in fact, they're pretty loaded as Ian inherit his parents' company.

They ate the takeaway for dinner, he's pleasantly surprised to learn that Ian had bought him his favourite spicy food, "Thank you, baby. How do you know I've been craving for this?" He talked with his mouth full and only when the food was half gone he then realized that Ian hadn't even touched his food and instead just staring at him in amusement. Nathan blushed and cleared his throat shyly, "Would you like to share the food?"
"Work is.... work. We just got a big contract signed, so babe, our education fund for these little guys are getting a huge fat cheque again." Ian smiled and held his husband's waist, and then swam down to peck his increasingly rounded belly. "Hey little guys. Not giving your mommy too much trouble right?" Ian smiled and teased Nathan, looking up at him with amused eyes.

He let his husband took care of the box of takeaway and was once again amused by how much and fast his husband ate now. At least he had the sense to eat nornal food first before.trying for thr spicy ones. He chuckled when Nathan managed to blush as he wiped his.mouth, finally he had cleared away half the food. "Yea I to share some.... but not the spicy ones though." Ian smiled and took his first bite of food. He's ready his husband would be feeling some stomachache, but he was prepared to take care of his husbamd for that.... he even got the medicine for it just in case.
Nathan woke up in the middle of the night to a mild stomachache and he quickly swam to the toilet not wanting to wake Ian up. The spicy food made him got a slight constipation and made his opening burned. He must have spent quite some times in the toilet when he heard a knock on the bathroom door and Ian's calling up to him.

"Go back to bed, babe, I'll just be a second." He quickly finished his business and slowly rubbed his burning opening. He went back to their bed and saw Ian waiting up for him with medicine in his hands. He took the pills and smiled at him sheepishly, "You're the best husband in the world." He kissed Ian to show his gratitude.
(Hmm constipation ;) i hope you are fine with it for i could play with that some more... it just resembles birth so much I kinda enjoy that as well. Btw, so, it's supposed to be at the front through the same opening as his birth canal or a different one at the back?) Nathan obviously enjoyed the super spicy food, Ian sort of expected this. He wasnt awoke when Nathan got off bed, but when he disappeared for long, Ian was woken up because of the lack of his husband's warmth beside him. He chekced out on Nathan by knocking on the door and went to prepare the pills waiting for his husband to emerge from the bathroom.

How Nathan swam was even more awkward than before. It actually resembled the mowvement his huabnd took when they had too much sex during any weekends.... that awkward flexing of his hip and back muscle were tale-tale signs of him not feeling too well, espexially on parts that were more embarrassing. Ian returned the kiss and smiled. "You know, I also got the balm ready.... if you need it for the burn, i.could apply it for you." He smirked and rubbed Nathan's belly, up with his palm.
(Yeah, I'm cool with it. Ok so Nathan has 2 openings to make more things possible ;) )

"Ok, you can apply it on me." He laid back down on his back and closed his eyes. He could feel Ian's hands gently applying balm and some pressures on his sore opening, he couldn't help the soft moans that slipped out of his mouth occassionally and he knew that Ian was now purposely massaging his opening more than what was necessary. He tried to focus on the massage but his stomach was still painful and he felt like he needed to go to the toilet again.

"Babe, no funny business please, my stomach still doesn't feel good." He went to the toilet and sat himself on the toilet bowl once again. He pushed and pushed but didn't feel the big turds coming out. "Nnnnngghhhh............"
(Hmmm yeaa sexy ;))

Ian smiled and as evil as he was to his husband, he wouldnt let this chance slide. His opening was swollen slightly, and soon Ian was fidning himself exploring the cavity with his finger more than just applying the balm. The warmth was so much, and Nathan just clenched on him tight when he pressed inside of it. He was almost taking this opportunity to squeeze Nathan's bum which was filling out nicely because ofrhe pregnancy when his husband shied away from him and swam to the toilet.

Ian was still frozen on the bed, wondering since when his husband was getting so agile. He followed Nathan at the door, but it was the moan from Nathan that urged him to push open the door. It's quite a site. Nathan's hands were clecnhing tight on the toilet bowl, his face flushed with his effort. Even his belly was slightly raised up from his hard pushing. Ian smiled and put his hand over Nathan's lower belly and rubbed it. "Dont force yourself too much.... let ir come by itself. You feeling stomachache again?"
Nathan couldn't speak so he just nodded and scrunched up his face again while pushing hard. "It won't even come out with all the hard pushing I did." He had never had a constipation before do all this was new and took him by surprise. "What's happening to me? I swear I will never ever touch spicy food ever again. Nnnngghh!!" He pushed until his face turned bright red and his whole body shaking.

He turned his head to look at Ian with sad eyes, tears started to pool in his eyes. "Help me, baby." He's tired and sore, he just wanted to go back to sleep and try again tomorrow.
"Dont, babe, dont push too hard or the babies could get the wrong signal. Let's try again tomorrow and if that didbt work as well, we could always use some help. Glycerol could be helpful, and then there's always some more measures." Ian stopped Nathan when he tried so hard his whole face and neck turned red. His stomCh still gurgled but with Ian's testing finger at his opening, he was quite sure that stubborn log wasnt going to budge anytime soon, despite Nathan's hard effort.

Ian took Nathan in his arms holding his upper body while his husband's tail swayed in the water miserably. "Let's get back to bed. No.point tiring yourself up in the middle of the night. It would all work out tomorrow morning." He said and rubbed his cute belly. It had been genuine worry for Ian as too much pushing had a chance of triggering premature uteral contractions, leading to disastrous outcome. He carried his husband from the toilet and got them both backto the bed and made sure he had his palms on Nathan's belly to lessen his discomfort as they got ready to sleep again. "Try to ignore the pain.... if you want to go again tonight, wake me up babe. I want to be there with you." Ian kissed Nathan and said.
Nathan hadn't even thought about their babies' well being and he stopped pushing immediately although the urge to push was strong. He let his husband carry him to their bed, he clung to his husband tightly even when they're already on the bed. "My stomach hurts......" he sniffled now and then. "I didn't think about our babies until you pointed it out, I could have hurt them seriously..I'm the worst parent ever!!" He cried into his husband's chest.

He couldn't sleep that night, his stomach grumbled and he's just restless. He didn't want to disturb Ian who's softly snoring behind him so he just laid there trying to be still and willed himself to go to sleep.
"Shhh babe, it's not your fault. You didn't know... it's alright, it's ok babe." Ian consoled him holding his husband close. His tears were falling so much it saddened him. "Babe don't cry, you know your tears are daggers that stabbed into my heart right?" Ian joked trying to lighten up the mood.

Ian fell asleep while patting his husband's back. It was the uncomfortable moan and slight fidget of nAhtan that finally roused him from his sleep again. The whimpering and moans were so much, and apparently Nathan had been uncontrollably trying to push, mimicking the position of sitting down and pushing as he struggled between sleep and consciousness. Ian tugged Nathan close to hismelf and slipped a finger down on his opening and rubbed it gently, drawing circles on it and frowned when he felt something hard pressing down this time. He decided to pick Nathan up and get to the toilet once again - maybe this time it would work.

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