Arranged marriage. (DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.)

King Tristan felt breathless at the presence of his other half's smile. It was a positive way that he was breathless. He smiled at his beloved, feeling loved, cared by and providing him with a new, beautiful life to cherish together. He was amazed at how skilled his lover could sketch, smiling in approval of each drawing that was created. He loved each one but knew that one was to be chosen. He wondered which sketch he would choose. He would pay much attention as to which would be approved. He loved all of them, knowing that only one and one only could be able to be picked. He accepted, it was hard because each was truly breathtaking. He felt as though they were sketched from heaven. He would pick carefully.

King Tristan smiled, eager to let the architects meet him. He was also eager to introduce the babe to his room. He could imagine it, the child looking up at the designs from the crib with curiosity. He could not keep back a warm, fatherly smile at that thought. He was wondering as to if the child would have features like him and like his better half. As for now all they could do was wait. He was curious with each passing day about how the child inside him was doing. He was at peace.

King Tristan felt at peace, feeling stronger than he ever had. He had a large stomach by now but he did not complain. He wanted to be able to carry his other half's child so he would bear through it. He never had been with child before.

"Thank you, Erumollien." King Tristan said. "I would love to pick out one of your sketches for the nursery."

King Tristan could not stop smiling, he was too happy. He wondered as to how painful childbirth truly was. He also wondered when he was to be due but he put those thoughts of worry to rest. All he could think about was the babe's room would look like. He humned softly, waiting until his better half had finished with his beautiful sketches.

When the sketches were handed to him he nodded, patiently going through each one by one.

"Hmm? .. this will be quite a difficult challenge to pick just one sketch because each of them are finely detailed. If one is meant to be chosen from the seven choices I choose the one with the deer and the white and gold room."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien's eyes widened minutely in surprise, he smiled. "Thank you for choosing my design based off of my family crest." He almost whispered, he had always cherished his House's crest for what it stood for.

He looked at the sketch and smiled softly, "Do you wish to know what my House crest means?" He asked, looking at Tristan, a hand going once more to rest upon Tristan's swollen middle, feeling the sudden energy that the babe had when the babe began kicking energetically at his hand.

King Tristan smiled, sitting down beside his beloved husband. "Something drew me to this sketch."

King Tristan felt as if life was on his side, wanting to be awake and never sleep. He never wanted to miss anything that he and the other King did together. He was at peace, his desires were finally on track. He loved everything about his lover.

King Tristan smiled, gazing into his other half's eyes. "Our firstborn will be strong just like you, Erumollien."

King Tristan was very curious as to what the other King's House crest truly meant. He stayed where he was, feeling as if he could be with him forever, even after many years would pass. That is true love. He eagerly felt the movements of their unborn, finding himself smiling happily as the babe was kicking as if excited. He felt closer to his husband with each touch.

With each rough kick like movements of the unborn babe he smiled, gasp or winced. He did not complain, he felt as if he was doing something right, the goal he had was to bring the babe into the world. Life was a part of birth and birth was life.

King Tristan was so happy to have gained the other King's love, cherishing it more than a pot of gold or a diamond.

"Of course. I desire to listen and learn about your House's crest." King Tristan said with a nod, curiousity on his mind.

King Tristan had matured, taking each word that his lover spoke seriously. He loved him with a passion, burning hotter than fire itself. He was eager to be in his lover's arms forever, never wanting him to let go. Love was like rope, never unwinding or breaking apart. It was strong and was able to climb to safety and that strong rope was his beloved husband.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien smiled, "The deer means Love, Grace, Peace, Beauty, Fertility, Swiftness, Regrowth, Spirituality, Abundance, Benevolence, and Watchfulness, the white is meant to symbolise purity, whether it is purity of heart or soul, no one is certain. He explained as he sketched the white deer of his House's crest then sketched out the oak branches behind the deer's head almost as if it were a crown. The golden oak branches. "The oak means Authority, Leadership, Wisdom, Rulership, Resolute Will, Safety, Generosity, Dignity, Truthfulness. Courage, and Steadiness." He paused before continuing, "Gold is meant for illumination, for what it can be used for illumination as can vary from head to head. For me, it is the illumination to my path, though that I am still unsure in."

He was still surprised at how willing he'd suddenly become to please Tristan. Though he's still unsure as to why but he was attempting to make sense of that desire to please his spouse.

King Tristan was curious indeed, wanting to know about the House crest. He stayed quiet, listening with open ears. He heard each and every single word, soaking up the information like a dry, hungry sponge. He nodded, letting the King know he was listening eagerly. He was not entirely sure as to what led him to pick his lover's House crest but he was still proud. He was blessed to soon have a son who would soon breathe his first lungfulls of air for the very first time. Soon the day of destiny would arrive and the child would have his name and be part of the two kingdoms. He rubbed his slightly aching stomach gently like many times before. He was curious as to why the movements of the unborn child were rough but knew that he did not know better.

After birth, the babe would be a Prince and would be praised by the whole entire two kingdoms.

King Tristan smiled, watching as his beloved sketched once more. He looked at it with much more curiousity. He was proud to carry the Prince of the kingdom. He was also glad that the son would be taught to speak of the kingdom when older. He knew that his King was slowly getting used to him, also taking things nice and steady. He also was slowly gaining his love. He was now a patient man, making sure to not be fast and rushing things. He was easily patient, knowing of a reward in the process. He loved it when he and his lover simply struck up conversation while laying in bed beside one another and passing time like a breeze.

King Tristan felt as though he was feeling so many emotions at once. He was aware because of hormones. He was mostly happy and that was all that he was focused on. He wondered as to if the babe within him, feeling him move around as if he was trying to make more room in the cramped space he made his home. He didn't know of the world outside of his father's heavy, fertile stomach. King Tristan was pleased that he had a strong brave husband to speak to or confide troubles to. He was safest when with his lover or in his strong but gentle arms. He never wanted to leave him for another, never. He had a deep adoration for his caring lover.

"I am sure that our son will also enjoy looking at his room like I did with your sketches." King Tristan said, a bright smile on his face.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien smiled faintly, "As I would hope so." He murmured, "If our child takes pleasure in the room then I am glad." His Hpuse crest meant a great deal to him, but he would often keep his pride for his House under a mask so none can call him arrogant.

Looking at Tristan with his hand placed upon his spouse's swollen belly, feeling the rough movements of the babe within, Erumollien smiled softly.. "I...cannot understand the emotions rushing through me." He murmured, "But it is pleasant...and I think it is in thanks to you and our child." If it were not for the fact that he was injured, he would have asked his husband if they could have intercourse feeling aroused af the sight of his spouse heavy with child.

"I feel the same. I can take the reigns this time, you deserve to be pampered this evening." Lustfully, King Tristan's tongue licked his own lips, not taking his eyes off of his beloved Erumollien for even a single second. He blushed as he felt aroused as well. He smirked, feeling as if he could stare at him forever and ever. That was not possible but he could dream, couldn't he. He felt as though he and his lover would burst into flames with how passionately they felt for one another. If life was heaven then this was a feeling that he never wanted to run from.

King Tristan smiled as well, gazing into his lover's eyes with a loving curiosity. He could not ever hold back his desire for him, he was wrapped around his other half's finger like a golden ring. He was also proud of his beloved Erumollien, loving him with pure passion and adoration. He was like a God, having the features of one and was happy that he had earned his love. He felt the violent, harsh movements of the baby's kicking, wincing and feeling as if his stomach would burst open but that was not even entirely true. It felt as though it was like that though. He was a thousand percent positive that he would be with his lover forever and ever. If forever was true then he would truly.

King Tristan smirked, letting hungry eyes gaze at his lover's features, loving everything that they had seen. He was eager to make such passionate love, leaning his head in and letting his eager lips place kisses below his lover's strong chin. He smirked once more, feeling as if he could do that forever and ever. His flesh was delicious, the flavor dancing upon his tongue. He wanted to be the one that the other King could love, adore and depend on, knowing much more about the King than before. He was happy to have such a kind, strong and eager to love beloved.

King Tristan moved slowly, making sure to straddle his lover's legs carefully. He did not want to crush him so he tried not to move too fast. He took each article of clothing off of his body, doing the same with the King's ones. He was aware about the wound on his lover's back and was slow in which movements that he had did as he was upon the King. He placed more kisses upon a lower area of his lover's body, making sure not to hurt him in any way. He knew passion could be fast or slow in pace. He was blessed to be with his other half, feeling as if fate was true, real.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Breathing heavily, Erumollien took hold of his spouse's hips as he gently pulled Tristan down to rest atop him. Though his body ached, he managed to ignore it and focus on the sensation of having Tristan close to him.

"Are you certain you wish to do this?" He murmured, brows furrowing in concern as he took hold of Tristan's hand and pressed gentle kisses upon his spouse's knuckles.

"You are not required to, you know." He added, he still cannot understand why he suddenly changed in his attitude towards his spouse seeing as he was considerably stiff and formal with him before and now he was...amenable to following his spouse's words when before he would have ignored them.

And though it confused him, it did not bother him.

King Tristan was eager to pleasure his beloved. He was out of breath due to carrying around the full weight of his beyond swollen stomach. He continued taking things nice and slow with their sexual bonding. He was also careful not to cause his beloved any pain. He leaned his head down, placing more well deserved kisses down the length of his lover's neck with his eager lips. He was sure not to be take any more time than what was needed. He was blessed to be with Erumollien. He smirked, wanting him to be inside of him. He felt as though he could truly be the lover he could be. He breathed softly in pleasure, feeling as if he was in heaven on earth. He was in that, never wanting to come down from it. He was happy to be with his mate for as long as time would allow. He was that. He loved tthat he had a lover to lean on and be embraced by.

"Yes, I am certain." King Tristan replied, a loving smirk forming on his face.

"I do this out of my love for you, true love to be exact." King Tristan said further.

King Tristan's body moved in sync as he rocked his hips back and forth. He bit his lower lip, feeling the familiar presence of his lover's manhood filling him up. He loved that sensation of fullness. Once more he smirked, wanting this very moment to never end. He rode his beloved for as long as time itself would allow, taking control and riding him instead of bouncing up and down on his lover's hips. His lover was still healing from his back wound. He showed his beloved soul mate how much he truly loved him. He always did. He did not stop his pace of rocking, feeling a strong urge to speed up but took his time. He moaned with each movement of sexual gestures, letting his lover know that he loved him and would never let go, not even after death. He sighed from time to time, moaning as if he was slowly creeping on to the way to his climax.

King Tristan felt as if he was in peace, slowly picking up a bit more speed but was still careful with his wounded lover. He kissed his lover's lips, loving how in sync him and his lover was. He wanted to pleasure him, making sure he was not hurting him. He was focused only on pleasuring his one and only soulmate, hearing the delicious sounds of lovemaking.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien shivered in thinly veiled pleasure when he felt himself inside of Tristan, his hands tightening its hold on his spouse's hips as Tristan rode his member.

"You are amazing." He breathed out, once again surprising himself at the amount of affection he'd injected into his tone.

The shards of pleasure coursing through him whenever Tristan moved or unconsciously clenched around his length made him moan out. He did not know how much he'd craved for such intimacy until it was given to him by his husband. He still cannot understand the feelings he harboured for Tristan but he can admit that it was pleasing.

Very much so.

King Tristan smiled, feeling himself lurking closer and closer to an intense climax. He moaned, not stopping his pace of riding upon his husband's thick length. He rocked his hips, his rump doing a grinding like motion against his lover's hips. He felt his lover's rock hard length filling his opening up and felt like he was ready to let his climax flowed free but held on for longer. He stayed slow and sensual with each of his movements, not stopping until he felt his lover releasing his climax. He was happy. He was. He kissed his lover's soft lips with his own, letting his lover delve in what was loving, affection and so much more. He moaned, panted and preserved such outbursts for his beloved Erumollien and him alone. No one else.

"You are too, my love." King Tristan said breathlessly. "And gods above .. you fill me up Erumollien!"

King Tristan felt as though he could go all evening but soon he felt his climax flow free from his own member. He was soon heavily panting, moaning as if he had no control over his body or mind. He liked that to be honest. He felt his swollen stomach slightly moving in a gentle back and forth movement, feeling as If he loved him more than ever. He soon sighed with relief, his body finally able to relax. He was happy now that he earned his other half's loving. He truly was that way and so much more than that. He continued to mount his lover's length, riding him so sensually, passionately and sexually.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien groaned as he felt himself being ridden by his husband, his nails digging into Tristan's hips as he moved his hips in sync with Tristan's.

"Sweet Mother of Starlight," He gasped out as he felt his body shudder in a jolt of pleasure, "I can feel myself getting close."

He did not exactly note the fact that with Tristan, he was only ever aroused by him. All his life he had ignored every suitor, every woman or man that wished to bed him or we'd him. His focus was always upon the kingdom and his kingly duties.

Who knew that Tristan would have changed his thoughts in regards to that? The fact that Tristan had taken charge in the situation instead of stepping aside had opened his eyes that perhaps his consort was capable of being his better half.

His thoughts were cut short as a sharp spike of pleasure darted through him and he stilled before holding Tristan still as he thrust deep into his husband and spilled his seed into Tristan, letting out a cry as he did so.

King Tristan moaned, feeling his lover's manhood delving inside of him like a predator chasing prey. He cried out in painful pleasure as he felt his lover's sharp nails in his flesh. LIfe seemed to be much more worth living. He wondered as to exactly how long he could stay still. He was eager to always be beside his beloved Erumollien, always and forever. He felt as though he could be anything that he dreamed with him by his side. He was soon to be a father and that was his now realized dream. He quivered in pleasure, staying still while he was being filled up by his lover's thick, creamy seed. Bliss.

King Tristan bit his own lower lip, gently kissing his lover's strong chest and a side of his neck. He was happy. He sighed happily, feeling relaxed than he ever was. He loved time spent together without any interruptions by anyone in the kingdom. He wanted this very moment to never ever end. He felt blessed to have Erumollien in his life. Truly he was and more.

"Fill me up with your seed my dearest Erumollien." King Tristan replied with a moan, breathing hard and gasping as well from time to time when the pleasure grew to be too great and many more miles beyond. Life was bliss, blessing the lovers. 

King Tristan smiled, feeling truly happy when he was by his lover's side. He was behind the word pleasured. He nuzzled his lover's chest, being gentle. He was eager when he felt his lover slowly approaching an intense climax. When his hips were held he felt himself being hot like a wildfire. He looked down into his lover's eyes, never wanting to look away. He sighed happily once more, feeling tired after a sensual night, he placed a gentle kiss upon his lover's lips a few times.

King Tristan panted heavily, smiling as he laid beside his lover. He was much too tired to redress in his formal silks. He fell asleep a few minutes after. He dreamed about many many things, staying close beside his beloved husband. He was so blessed to be with a man who loved him for him. He was truly happy for the first time in his whole entire life.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien sighed in relief when he finally released his seed into his husband and pulled Tristan close to him.

"That was wonderful, thank you." He murmured, voice low as he rested his cheek on Tristan's head, closing his eyes as he let out a shaky breath.

He figured he might as well let Tristan sleep, he settled deeper into the pillows and whispered softly, "I'm confused by my feelings for you."

"You are welcome, I love you Erumollien." King Tristan said softly, a shy blush on his face. "I am honored to share a bed with you each evening. I want to tell you that I am blessed to be with you as your other half. Thank you for helping me."

King Tristan slept for a while, soon slightly awakening to the gentle feeling of his lover laying close beside him. He closed his eyes, resting once more. He felt the presence of his lover's comforting warmth, not wanting to escape. He was also blessed to have gained his lover's trust and most of all .. the true power of his love to guide him. He sighed softly in his sleep, smiling and never stopping for even a single minute. He rested for a while soundly on the bed, wanting to rest without any harsh movements from their restless babe. He managed a few hours before the pains started up against from resting. He sighed softly, getting up to his bare feet and began walking around, holding his aching stomach. He leaned against a few sturdy walls of the hallway, feeling as though he would vomit from the pains that he felt. He was in true, unbearable pain. He never knew that such pains had existed. Could it? maybe it could be more than severe.

With effort, a tired King Tristan held his large belly as he waddled back to the room where he belonged with Erumollien.

King Tristan returned to the bedroom. He was existing for his beloved Erumollien and a second life inside him, also. He was extremely aware that only the strongest would be able to survive. He laid back down beside his husband once more. He was rather scared and eager to soon hold the soon to be born child, mentally preparing himself for that one day of birth. He was brave when his beloved other half was around him. He was never truly loved but now he was. He rubbed his still tender, aching belly. He felt miserable, the reason was because of the child being rough with what was rough movements. At the same time he was happy to be carrying the babe. He was pleased to soon give birth to the grown child. That child would thrive and grow in the kingdom. He was to be a prince by birth. He was positive that the babe would be strong.

King Tristan smiled, dreaming of the same little boy that was his soon to be born son. He wanted his lover to not be confused. Love was like running a race, two people would be complete to do such a feat together. He was also confused but he adored his beloved soul mate. He was happy, feeling so very blessed to be in his lover's warm, comfortable arms. He never trusted any other man but now he did. He dreamed of anything when in his lover's mighty, smart, strobg and crafty presence. He yawned softly, feeling relaxed beside the King. King Tristan smiled, trusting and living with his wise beloved.

King Tristan loved to be with his beloved, He was happy to carry a child, not complaining. He was proud of himself, eager to soon birth the unborn child. He hoped that the gender of the babe would be a boy. He sighed, feeling his breaths become easily panted while walking even though it was a few steps. Carrying around the child in his stomach was murder on his petite hips. It was but still he did not complain. It was his first time being with child. He felt as if he was a balloon being filled up with air but couldn't expand further. He felt like he would explode if his stomach grew any further.

Life was some times a hardship, wanting the discomfort to disappear.

King Tristan winced, holding his swollen, heavy stomach with his hands.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien wasn't certain if what he'd felt for Tristan was love but he figured he may yet to learn to love his husband. But time will tell if he shall. But for now, Erumollien just smiled and nodded along in agreement with Tristan.

He had fallen asleep, holding Tristan close to him as he slept. He was unaware of Tristan's pains as he was deep in sleep but he woke up when he realised that Tristan was not with him that moment. Frowning, he pushed himself to get off the bed to search for Tristan and the moment he saw Tristan, he rushed to Tristan and held Tristan up, gazing at him concernedly.

"Tristan, what's wrong?" He asked, worry tinting his voice.

King Tristan waddled like a penguin for what seemed like a long time even though it was much more less than that. He tried to be strong but the babe within his belly refused to be gentle and understadable. He accepted that since the child was not aware. He was still loving to the prince inside of him, wanting the pains that he felt to cease for a while so he could slumber once. Hopefully. He looked up, relieved that his other half was now there for him. He felt a need to complain but still stayed brave and strong. He was tired but the child had other plans, trying to get into a good position to slumber.

"Our babe was a little restless so I decided to walk around for a while." King Tristan said softly, wanting his lover not to worry. He kept back a groan of painful agony, trying not to cause his beloved Erumollien to become more concerned.

King Tristan felt as of he was being weighed down by a heavier gravity. The such gravity was pregnancy. He was a strong young man but he did quite well when it came to carrying a child, he did not complain a bit. He was relieved when he felt his beloved helping him to stand back up. He was so thankful for a caring and strong lover. He felt much more blessed. He walked bavk to the bed, letting his lover help him as much as he felt that he would truly need. He was happy to be with child. Life was like a whole new world that King Tristan was in, feeling the child was strong and eager.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Erumollien sighed and nodded, the babe does seem to be larger with a bright fëa that should belong to two souls than one. It made him concerned if the babe was big or if there were in fact two babes in his husband.

Bending down, he lifted Tristan into his arms, grunting in pain when he felt his wound open a bit. "Off to bed with you then, I'm certain the babe is protesting your movement." He huffed out as he walked back to their chambers and laying his husband down on their bed before lying down beside Tristan, "Would you prefer I hold you and see if the babe will be soothed by both our presences?" He asked, leaning close to Tristan and pulling his husband close, his hands immediately going to rest on Tristan's swollen middle, feeling his child...or children's kicking and moving about.

"He is very lively." He commented as he felt a particularly strong kick from one side of Tristan's belly.

King Tristan nodded in understanding, wanting to walk but let his lover hold and carry him. He soon was in the comfortable bed that the two lover's shared, falling into the depths of a light slumber. He rested, feeling comfort by his lover's body heat. He slumbered, sensing his own body relaxing and becoming calm. He was tired, not minding the harsh kicks, stretches and other harsh, rough movements from the babe. "I would love if you could hold me." He said softly to his lover.

King Tristan was proud of having a loving husband, knowing that he was figuring when his son would soon be born in the world. He did the best that he could, not ever wanting to be a nuisance like some women because of pathetic complains. He carried the fully grown babe, his instincts told him that the babe would soon be born but knew that he needed to be patient. He was proud about that. The child would be a Prince. He could see it now, a wailing newborn taking first breaths.

King Tristan wanted to have a strong name for the babe. He and Erumollien could discuss about that topic at a later time. For now he dreamed in slumber. He stayed still but in his dream he was running after the child who was soon to be their newborn son, smiling. He sighed softly in his slumber, it was a breath that held true happiness and content. This was bliss.

King Tristan would ignore the pain and bring a child into the world for the first time. Soon it would be time.

King Tristan smiled with a happy glow, feeling as if he was able to be a true father just like his beloved husband would be as well. Truly he was blessed indeed. He smiled at his husband, never wanting to leave his husband's side, he was safe there. He was his happiest whenever his lover was close by him. He did not regret being in a relationship with his beloved. He wanted to never end, staying in his lover's open arms. He would never ever leave. He smiled, yawning as he awoke. He took a bath and put on new silks that were the colors of his own kingdom. He was blissful with each slow, sluggishly passing day. He was so very happy, wanting this to never end. Never. He looked at his stomach, noticing how large it was.

"Indeed my love, our son certainly is." King Tristan said, looking into his lover's eyes. "He is strong like you."

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"I only hope you can cope with the birth." He murmured, the Elvenking had been present at Glandur's birth as well as Airemana's and he had heard his mother's cries of pain while his father worked to keep her awake with the healers. The fact that he may have to do the same frightened him but at the same time, he looked forward to it.

"For now though, let us banish such thoughts from our minds and rest. I am certain we need it." He murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of his husband's head before he decided to succumb to sleep, holding Tristan close.

((Should we skip to the birth?))

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