hidden consequences.

Jace smiled happily as James touches his stomach. He lays his head on his shoulder kissing his neck lightly as he slowly fell to sleep his arm on James' chest

James has them sleeping fully naked outside all night.the hand on jace's stomach is rubbing happily in the morning even though his ey.es are closed. He kisses the ring on jace's finger then kisses jace as he wakes up.

Jace hums happily giggling softly as he remembered everything from the night before. He shivered slightly from the cold touching his bare skin

James carries Jace into the house and to the bed covering them both up as he smiles at him.

Jace smiles lovingly at him before gasping as his stomach turned and he ran to the bathroom awkwardly because of their night activities before vomiting loudly into the toilet

James follows knowing its morning sickness he rubs Jace back letting him know he is there and wouldn't be leaving he was there as support and his loving fiance.

Jace spat into the toilet before going and brushing his teeth once again. He sighed shakily

James kisses his cheek lovingly and rubs his stomach. Knowing the morning sickness will pass eventually.

Jace hums quietly at the feeling of his tender stomach being rubbed as he leant back into him

James keeps rubbing jace's stomach feeling the hardness of his stomach lower down.

Jace smiled softly turning around to him

James kisses Jace when he turns around to face him. James is just so excited that Jace is pregnant.

Jace kissed back gently wrapping his arms around him happily

(Skip to further in like the wedding Jace being about 7 or 8 months along?

(sure, can you please start?)

James stands in front of the alter their friends and family in the audience. His hair is curled for the special day as he stands waiting for Jace to follow his flower girl down the aisle

Jace had his hair curled slightly away from his face and wore a complete three piece white suit which shows his baby bump prominently

James wears a matching suit and grins happily seeing Jace walking up the aisle with his baby bump. He has been so excited unable to wait for Jace to be at the alter by his side.

Jace smiled widely when he saw James. His steps quickened slightly until he stood next to him

James takes jace's hands and faces him happily as they go through their vows. The preacher announces they may kiss and James leans in kissing Jace passionately as he leads him out headed towards where they are having the after party.

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