hidden consequences.

James helps Jace to the car and starts heading to . The hospital where Jace works.

Jace leaned his head back "We're not going to make it" he said quite calmly moaning quietly as a contraction hit once again "This baby wants out now" he said feeling the baby begin to move lower

James looks at Jace still driving. "Baby. We're almost there. We can make it. Just breath." He says quiet though he hides it well his voice gets that small higher tone to the normally deep voice which says he knows they won't and he is panicking trying to figere out the next step

Jace reaches over taking his hand "Hey, its fine. Trainee doctor here remember? I know what to do. All you need to do is pull over and follow my instructions. We will be okay" he said touching his stomach "If you don't pull over I won't be able to keep our baby alive"

James pulls over to the side of the road holding Jace's hand as he puts the car in park paying full attention to Jace excited but worried. "Should have left sooner. Might have made it." He says quietly offering a bottle of water that he keeps in the car.

Jace moaned quietly as another contraction rolled through him. He took a sip of the water and smiled softly "It would have been rude to leave our own reception though, wouldn't it?"he smiled shortly

James nods quietly. "Would you like to move to the back seat?" He asks quietly obviously nervous and worried still.

Jace held his face in his hands kissing him lightly "Hey, it'll be fine, Ill be fine, just breathes" he said laughing softly at the irony. "Im going to be fine. Just-ooh...okay. Yeah, that one hurt. Um, we need to hurry if you're going to move me"

James picks jace up and carries him easily to the back seat laying him down and pulling down his pants standing in the way of anyone driving past possibly getting a view. James has calmed himself and gives Jace a loving look before grabbing blankets from the back and towels before coming back into view between his legs.

Jace laid back moaning before he began pushing tears welling in his eyes before falling as he cried out pushing. "I-I need you to-to support the head when it comes out and-and i need you to tell me when its body has turned when the hea- ow, ow, ow, ow!" he cut off crying

James nods hating to see Jace in so much pain he watches as their child makes their way down and into the world. James suddenly looks excited. "The baby is crowning Jace!" He says trying not to cry in happiness.

Jace smiled weakly at the excitement in his husbands eyes. His face scrunched up in pain as another contraction wracked through him he took a deep breath and pushed slowly being careful not to rip. He sobbed in pain "Make it stop!" he cried out

James reaches for jace's hand. "Keep going baby. Your doing amazing. Our child is almost here. You can do this" he squeezes jace's hand encouragingly watching though he wishes he could take the pain away from Jace.

Jace sobbed quietly and pushed again. At this point sweat covered his entire body. He leant back before pushing again

He reaches a hand down to support the head. "Baby your doing so good. Take a break while the shoulders turn. Have some water and just breath." He says quietly offering the bottle of water with one hand while supporting the head with his other hand.

Jace shook his head "If i drink the water, Ill be sick" he said and gasped breathing heavily through a contraction

James nods wiping some of the sweat away as the child begins to turn so that their shoulders fit. He watches as Jace breaths heavily through the next contraction. "So beautiful." He whispers in amazement

Jace laughs humorlessly "You really wouldn't think so from this end" he grinned before gasping and whimpering as another contraction hit

James looks up to see Jace wince at the next contraction. He never did say why he was at the hospital that day they found that Cale was pregnant. He holds the child's head and whispers. "Push on the next contraction babe. The child has turned. Soon. And then we can get you to the hospital. Its not far. One exit away. Just a little more and then you can hold our child. Your doing so good. .Jace I love you so much."

Jace smiled lovingly at him "I love you too" he said softly before groaning and pushing hard. He dug his fingers into the seat, his face a bright red at his effort

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