C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Setting: Medieval/High Fantasy

Elyria, a land known for its fertile soil and abundant natural resources enters into an alliance with a neighboring country of greater stature. To seal the deal, it is requested that the future king, the eldest son marry the country's eldest daughter. The alliance is made, and everything seems to be going off without a hitch.

However, the alliance is put into a precarious position when the prince sleeps with his best friend during his heat. The memory is hazy, they could pretend it never really happened, and go on their separate ways. Or will they put everything at risk for an illicit love?

Best friend/servant. Managed the stables
Age: 25
Appearance: Medium height, but with an athletic build due to his upbringing. Has short, well-kept black hair that barely touches his cheekbones (when uncombed). Piercing blue eyes

Personality: Big brother type. Has a gaggle of younger siblings to look after, and that leaks into everything he does. Tries to be the one everyone can rely on.

Name: Elliot ‘El’
Age: 23
Appearance: Tall but thin, medium length curly dark brown hair that goes just to his shoulders though he often complains that he wants it shorter it is not seen as acceptable. Bright green eyes and pale skin. Can clearly see from one glance that he has never worked a day in his life.

Elliot couldn’t believe that the woman he was to wed would be here in no more than a week. He had never wanted to marry for convenience, he knew he must but he had hoped that they would at least have some sort of love and feeling involved.

El sat in his room swirling some scotch in a glass before sipping at it, relishing the burn that travelled down his throat. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone at his door and turned to see Alexander and smiled over at him sadly “Come, join me” he said softly and poured a glass for his friend.

He had often imagined a life with Alexander, one where he confessed his feelings and they were allowed to be free. It made him sad it would never be a reality as he didn’t even have the courage to admit his feelings in the first place.

Having several generations in service to the royal family had it's perks; it let Alexander loiter in places servants shouldn't be. Particularly, at the side of the country's crown prince. Who was also his most cherished childhood friend. And maybe something mor le; if he were allowed to think of that. Which he was not. There wasn't a hint of blue in his blood. So he did not bother to entertain any ideas.

When Elliot gestured for him to attend his side, Alexander did so without delay. He frowned when he saw the scotch in his friend's hand... Never a good sign. He gave El his warmest smile, and asked. "Long day, huh? Want to talk about it? I'm all ears "

Elliot swirled the glass in his hand, staring at the amber liquid before taking another sip. “I have but one week before the princess arrives and we are to wed” he said gently.

He looked at Alexander sadly “I wish I could have married for love, my duty to the kingdom has always been there and I knew one day I would need to marry and provide heirs but…I only hoped I would at least have a say, at least be able to feel something for my partner” he said.

He stood with his drink in hand and began pacing the room taking a sip every now and then. Before long the glass was empty and he threw it at the wall opposite them watching the glass shatter magnificently “I do not want this”

A week?
It felt as though ice coursed through Alexander's veins; the beedi was such a shock to his system. He knew there had been talks of marriage, but he didn't think it was so soon... A week before this time of theirs would come to an end.
"You should soeak with your parents," he began, "Duty is important, but surely they understand love."

He wondered who it might be that Elliot was speaking of. He took Elliot's hand in his, very gently, massaging soothing circles on it with one of his thumbs. "Tell me, what would you want? What would make you happy?"

He would grant it if he could, no matter the cost.

Elliot laughed loudly “My parents do not care, I am to combine our kingdoms no matter the personal cost” he said sighing. “My parents do not understand love, their marriage was one of convenience and strategy” he said sadly.

When his hand was touched he could feel something similar to a jolt of electricity run up his arm, the rubbing of his hand almost instantaneously calming him down and fueling a fire in his belly. He swallowed roughly and looked up at the other man, wishing he had the courage to say it was him he wanted but he could not and just stared into the other man’s eyes trying to convey that way.

Alexander felt the electricity in his fingertips too, but he was trying to ignore it. "You shouldnt have to be their pawn " What was he saying? He knew that nobility had their certain rules that were above him and he shouldn't interfere.
But then he said, "let's get out of here." For one night let them have the fantasy of running away. "let's sneak out like when we were kids."

Elliot laughed softly “All I’ve ever been is their pawn” he said sadly “I truly wish it could be different but it’s what I was born for” he sighed gently.

He smiled widely at the idea of escaping even just for a night “Where should we go?” He asked brightly, realising Alexander was still rubbing his hand while talking and he quite enjoyed it.

"let's go out to the town," Alexander said brightly, "there's a festival going on." He gently pulling Elliot along with him, only releasing his hand for a moment. He shucked off his cloak and handed it to Elliot. They would dress Elliot up like a commoner so that the two of them could attend the festivities unnoticed.

Elliot blushed a little as he was dragged along, relishing in the simple hand holding they were doing. He took the cloak and wrapped it around himself enjoying the scent that was simply Alexander that surrounded him before following him again.

Alexander fussed over Elliot a little more, until he looked decidedly un-prince like. Once he was satisfied, he gave Elliot an approving smile. "Alright, let go." And squeezed his hand again as they made their exit.
Having done this often in the past, the two were nimble and quick; they easily crept by the guards on duty at the edges of the property. They clung to the shadows, leaving the palace grounds unnoticed. Finally, the town was in sight. The festivities were already in full swing, as noted by the joyful noise and delicious smells.

Elliot smiled warmly as he was fussed over, his heart beating quickly at the closeness of them both. He eagerly followed reminded of a simpler time when they snuck out as children.

He looked around the festival happily and smiled brightly at the colours and smells, he had forgotten what these festivities had looked and felt like and how happy they had made him. He went to a small stall selling their favourite local food and bought some for the both of them handing one to Alexander happily.

"Dessert is on me, then," Alexander said, happily accepting the food. He chewed happily, appreciating the time with Eli. Good food was always made better with good company. In fact, he couldn't bimagine being with anyone else in this moment. His eyes lingered on his friend just a little too long. He felt warmth on his cheeks, and he knew it wasn't from the food. "In fact, anything else you want today is on me, ok?"

He just wanted Eli to have fun and not worry about anything else

Elliot shook his head “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m the…” he looked around ensuring no one was listening “more well off of us both, please let me be the bank tonight” he said softly looking at the other man, noticing the warmth in his cheeks which felt similar to his own.

He cleared his throat a little and smiled at some kids dancing to some local musicians. He went over to them and began to dance with them happily, ensuring the cloak always remained over his head.

Alexander watched happily as Eli danced. He liked this view; the smiling happy prince. This image suited him so much more than the melancholy man with the whiskey. He stayed off to the side, a bit embarrassed to join in. He had two left feet when dancing was concerned.
"Big brother!"
Alexander turned to see his three younger siblings; twin boys and a girl, rush over to him. He smiled and waved to them. They rushed over.
"Are you here with the pri-"
One of th boys quickly placed a hand over the girl's mouth. "Shh."
She looked sheepish before trying again, "are you here with your crush?"
Alexander's eyes widened, briefly glancing over to Eli before saying, "No, a friend and I are here today."
The girl, Mary, far too observant for her ten years, rolled her eyes. 'So that means I can go ask the handsome man for a dance?'

'Get in line,' Alexander said with a laugh, pointing to the kiddos dancing with him.
"Sorry sis, but Alex has first dibs " David, the technical older of the twins said. "Go ask him." He gave Alexander a gentle shove. In most cases, he wouldn't have been able to budge Alex, but he was caught off guard. He stumbled forward to Eli. He looked a little bit uncomfortable at suddenly being thrust into the center of attention.

Elliot laughed freely as he danced with the children before noticing Alex out of the corner of his eye entering the circle and a small amount od shock crossed his face being aware how Alex felt about his dancing ability.

He reached his hand out smiling brightly before pulling the man to him and the children, happily dancing with them, laughing as Alex tried to keep up. The band changed to that of a slower song and he blushed a little before holding his hand out to Alex “May I?” He asked gently and at the positive reaction from Alex gently lifted him up so his feet sat on top his own “Now you needn’t worry about mis stepping” he said looking down at the man his heart beating quite rapidly as he moved them slowly

The intrusive siblings nulled about the other patrons, joining in the jovial dance. Before he was allowed to apologize, Alex found himself within Eli's grasp. His fidgeted nervously at seeing his feet on top of Eli's. "I'm rather heavy, you know?" His physique was more for lifting and other manual labors, moreso than dancing. Not that he was inclined to move. So long as Eliliot was alright with him there, he would stay. He gently squeezed his new dance partner's hand before saying, "I'll be in your care then. I'll do my best."
He hoped that Eli didn't hear his own heartbeat; it was so loud in his ears, surely everyone else heard it too.

Eli laughed gently “Don’t be ridiculous” he said softly holding him steadily. He smiled warmly at the other man staring into his eyes, he swore he could barely hear the music over the thudding of his heart. He swallowed roughly and felt his cheeks redden as he realised how very close they were, he could feel Alex’s breath on his face. He reached his hand up touching his cheek gently “I wish…I wish I could choose who I could be with” he said speaking the hidden secret for the first time.

He was failing at his mission to cheer Elliot up. He had intended to make this a happy, memorable night, but when he saw the sadness and yearning in Elliot's eyes... He knew he had not succeeded.

He also knew he wasn't successful in keeping his own emotions in check. They were close enough to kiss; his eyes kept flicking to Eli's lips as if to emphasize that thought. He had never dated anyone before, only having eyes for one man. And now that they were touching... He closed his eyes at Eli's warm hand on his cheek. Which was just as well, because he felt a burning sensation behind his eyelids that he could not let show. "Me too," he breathed. Alex opened his eyes and smiled, gently taking Eli's hand.

"Just kiss already," Mary hollered, ruining the intimate moment.

Elliot’s heart beat rapidly after Alex said he wished it too. When he heard the yell he stopped and pulled his hand back breathing rapidly. He wished with all his heart to kiss him but he was betrothed to another and it was so wrong.

Elliot swallowed roughly looking away “We should get back to the castle” he said quietly his heart still beating so heavily in his chest. Ignoring his emotions was always what he was taught to do and he held his shoulders back trying to hide the pain he was feeling as he left the square needing to get back home and be miserable in his own room.

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