C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Setting: High Fantasy/D&D-esque
Creator: The one the humans and other deities know as the elder God; created all of th lands and other deities. Made both the God of Marriage and the God of Fertility

Fertility God:

Name: Yuni
Age: appears to be in early 20's, but is immortal

Appearance: Tall and slender; with eyes like a clear blue sky and long shimmery hair the colour of cotton. Has a light brown complexion. Wears flowy robes and hair is adorned with flowers, sometimes woven into it.

Appearance in lore: Basically the exact opposite depiction as he actually looks. Humans have it in their heads that fertility can only be female; he is often depicted as a short woman with wide hips, large breasts, and round stomach.

Symbolism: Lilies are most associated with him

Role: To bless homes with children, along with safe and easy delivery. Sometimes worshipped in more rural areas for land fertility/crop abundance.

Personality: Falls in love easily, easily hurt (emotionally), and is a bit more naive than the rest of the pantheon, due to being one of the last gods created. He's determined and kind, though. Very curious about human/humanoids on the planet.

Yuni, a fair haired, fresh-faced deity made his way to the temple of his future spouse, the God of Marriage. The creator had told him that he was crafted just for this god; to be his love and mutual support. And what the creator didn't say was that Yuni was created to try and wrangle the marriage deity in, in hopes of getting him to settle down. Who ever heard of a deity of marriage and family who couldn't commit?
He was brimming with exited energy; he would get to meet his spouse today. So full of delight was he, that the trees and flowers bloomed in his path wherever he went. He knew so very little of him; only that he was the most attractive man in the whole pantheon. He was so lucky. 'I hope my appearance pleases him,' Yuni thought. Despite making his way into the place of worship disguised as a human devotee, there was an unusual aura about him.

Yuni was ushered inside. And what he found shocked and horrified him. It really shouldn't have, but when he learned that he was to be the spouse of the god of MARRIAGE the last thing he expected to walk into was a harem. His future husband lounged with a circle of devotees (scantily dressed, he noticed) around him. Two sat on either side of him, another sat grinding on his lap... Yuni was horrified.

He let loose a rather undignified shriek at the sight. Which got the attention of his fiance and all his... Attendants.
"Oh, who are you?" He asked, grinning at Yuni. "A new worshipper?"

Yuni frowned. "I most certainly an not! I am your fiance!'

In the silence that followed, you could hear a pin drop. The god regained his composure quickly though, and said. "Oh no. I don't know what scheme that old coot has cooked up this time, but there is no way in being tied down to some deity if .. what's your specialty now, girly?'

"Fertility," Yuni huffed, "and it's "Yuni', not 'girly.'" What a horrid man.

"Absolutely not," the god said, "there is no way in hell I am getting baby trapped by the likes of you. You can just make your way back to the creator and tell him I'm happy as I am."

With a quick snap of his fingers, Yuni was pushed out of the elder god's temple, and back to the mortal world. H plummeted into his oasis with a splash. He dredged himself out of the lily filled water, fuming. What an absolutely horrible man. "I don't want you either!" He shouted, feeling tears prick his eyes. As rude as he was, to be outright rejected before he even got to know him... It was a horrible feeling.

Name: Jason ‘Jace’
Age: 21
Appearance: Medium height, stocky build due to the farm work he does, naturally pale with a tan from the sun he is exposed to, curly brown hair cut reasonable short, often considered feminine eyes as they are big and slightly slanted, they are the colour of the forest with flecks of gold.
Personality: A slight critic to love after being betrayed by a woman he was to marry although sweet and kind to all including animals despite being a farmer and working on his family’s farm for most of his life.


Jace was tending to the crops in the outer fields whistling to himself as he worked. He heard a loud splash into their lake at the back and was worried that one of their cattle had made it past their fence. He sighed a little before heading over and stopping to stare at the most beautiful man he had ever seen with lilys floating around him in the water.

After Jace took a moment he walked over to the edge where he could hear the man yelling “Are you okay?” He asked ever so gently reaching a hand out to help the man out of the water.

Slightly embarrassed by having been caught shouting at the sky, Yuni flushed red. But his embarrassment didn't last too long, as he met the eyes of a strikingly handsome mortal. God of Marriage who? He was admittedly a little starstruck ad he was helped out of the water. "I-Yes, I'm alright, thank you." He chuckled as he wrung out his now see-through white robes. "Lovely day for a swim, huh?"

Jace laughed lightly and shook his head “If that’s what you wish to call it” he smiled gently “Come, my home is this way and we can get you something to wear that is not soaked through”. He grabbed the tools he had laying about and headed back up to his house “I’m Jace by the way, and your name is?”

Yuni gave Jace an appreciative smile. He hadn't quite mastered the whole "materializing clothes out of nowhere" truck like some of the elder gods. So, it would have been an incredibly soggy journey back to his temple without Jace's kind invitation. Still, he didn't want to impose... "Are you quite sure? I don't wish to impose upon your kindness," Yuni fretted. "I'm sure that I will dry soon enough."

Although it didn't appear that Jace was letting him refuse; already gathering up his tools. "Jace, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Yuni." He didn't see the harm in telling the human what his name was; he looked nothing like the depictions of himself in mortal story books. Who would believe he was anything but a mortal as well? He wrung out his hair, braiding it loosely to get the wet mop out of his face.

Jace smiled warmly “You are not imposing and you will dry much faster near a fireplace and with some different clothes” he said continuing up the land to his small house on the very edge.

Jace nodded smiling “Yuni…that’s interesting, named after the god of fertility?” He asked gently as they reached the house and opened the door, holding it open for Yuni to enter. His home was small but gave a sense of warmth and comfort.

"Thank you so much," Yuni said happily. He didn't want to admit it, but there were goosebumps on his arms from the chill. Luckily, they reached the house in no time. "Yeah, that's right," he said in response to Jace's question. Would be believe that the actual deity was standing in his home? Probably not.

He stepped inside, careful not to drip on or touch anything until he was dry. He took in the layout of the small house, internally marvelling at the various things. "You have a lovely home. Very cosy." And warm.

Jace smiled gently “You don’t have to try and be kind, I know it’s very small” he laughed lightly and grabbed some wood putting it in the fire to make it burn hotter. He went to his room and grabbed some clothes and a towel.

He smiled warmly at Yuni handing him the clothes and towel “You can change in my room if you wish, I will heat us up some soup” he said smiling gently before heading to his kitchen.

Yuni shook his head. "Small isn't a bad thing." Sure, he was used to larger, more open spaces, but that didn't make this any less inviting. "Thank you for everything. I'll be sure to repay you in any way I can." He took the offered towel and clothes, then headed to the bedroom. He stepped inside and quickly slipped off his garments; setting them down to dry himself off. What a turn of events; he had gone from being betrothed to a handsome God, to literally falling into a strange's pond.

When he had finished toweling and changing, he scooped up his damp clothes to be dried by the fire. But before he left, he noticed something green in need of his assistance. A little plant bloomed on the windowsill, strong but small. He brushed his fingers over it, imbuing it with some of his energy. Then he headed back to the main room of the home

Jace smiled warmly “There is nothing to be repaid for, I was simply helping” he smiled gently before the man left to change. He grabbed a pot and filled it with some leftover vegetable soup he had before placing it in the fire to warm.

He looked over as Yuni returned “So, what brought you to my lake?” He asked smiling gently “And whom were you yelling at?” He asked as he sat down on one of his comfy chairs

Yuni hummed appreciatively at the soup. It smelled so delicious; he couldn't wait to taste it. He took a small sip, eagerly nodding his approval at the taste. He was a bit taken aback when Jace asked about the lake incident. He was hoping that Jace had forgotten.
"Well, it's a long story but the simple explanation is that I got into a bit of a spat with-" well how to explain it? "A man who I was previously betrothed. He not so tactfully shooed me out." There were a lot more politics involved than that, but that was the simplest explanation.

Jace smiled and put some of the soup in a bowl for each of them before grabbing some bread from his kitchen and tearing it passing a piece to Yuni.

Jace made a bit of a face at the explanation “So you were yelling at them from my lake?” He laughed a little “I know how you feel, it doesn’t feel good when you believe you are to be with someone forever and they turn around and leave you”

Yuni sighed. "I kind of fell into the lake unexpectedly," he shook his head. "sorry for disturbing your peace " He accepted the piece of bread gratefully.

He nodded sympathetically at what Jace said. Clearly, his pared down explanation had struck home somewhere. It sounded like he was still a bit sore about it. "I'm sorry," he offered. "I'm sure you'll find the one meant for you." He gave him a sweet smile.

(Cue Yuni trying to set him up lol)

Jace laughed gently “The intrusion is most welcome, breaks the monotony” he grinned and drank some of his soup looking at the other man.

Jace laughed a little bitterly “I’m sure I am no longer looking for love, in my experience it only causes pain so what is the point?” He asked cynically

(Cue Jacks cynicism)

"So I should drop into your lake more frequently?" Yuni teased. "Or should I try something else to keep it interesting?"
Yuni nodded sagely. "That's understandable. Admittedly I don't know a lot, but I from what I understand, you don't really look for love, it finds you." He shrugged. "But the scope of my experience is plants, so..."

His eyes lit up. "Oh! It just occurred to me! We're sort of neighbors. I live in the other side of the lake."
Not exactly a lie, his temple was located on the opposite side of the lake from Jace's house

Jace laughed softly “Well if you drop into my lake more frequently would that not then become part of the monotony?” He smirked a little and sighed “I am getting to the age where many are already married and those who are not are not really people that I would connect with”

Jace scrunched up his face lightly “Where the temple is…? The one for your namesake?” He asked confused “Your parents must be extremely dedicated to fertility” he laughed gently

Yuni nodded. "That sorts it, then. I'll have to keep you guessing. You'll never know where I drop in from," he chuckled.

He could sympathize with Jace's concerns. Most of the people he knew, albeit deities, already had families of their own. Granted, the God of Love had many lovers... They were still a family. The few humans he'd spent time with were the same. He spent a week with an expectant mother and her wife, looking after the little kids that were already running around. It was a lovely time, but not something he could really identify with.

In fact, most of the other deities found it odd that someone whose whole pillar of existence was fertility was barren. That he had not already taken up a spouse. Ideally, he and his would be fiance were well matched. In theory. Family, marriage, and fertility all went hand in hand. But in his case, all he personally cultivated was plants. And collected little forest creatures around his temple.
"You have no idea," Yuni sighed. "My father is very devoted. Thinks he knows best and is the perfect matchmaker." His father being the eldest god, if course.

Jace laughed lightly “I’ll try and not expect you then” he teased playfully and grabbed a blanket passing it to him gently.

Jace shook his head “I never understood people trying to matchmake, I mean they do not understand the deepest desires and wants of the person they are trying to set up” he said and shrugged lightly. His deepest desire was to be loved and have children he could dote on and love.

"Oh, it won't be every day, you won't know when to expect me,' Yuni assured him, accepting the blanket gratefully. 'll bring gifts, next time, though. There's a very lovely garden on the other side of the lake. Lots of lovely fruits and vegetables, beautiful flowers, too." Ones that he was sure Jace had never seen; since they were his own personal creations.

"Most of the time, the people being set up have nothing in common," Yuni agreed. "The premise of my last relationship (?) was based on the fact that father thought I could "domesticate" him." He rolled his eyes.

Jace shook his head “Please don’t feel like you need to thank me with gifts” he said softly “I wouldn’t want you to feel that I only helped for payment of some kind” he said concerned he had somehow put that forward in thought.

Jace but his lip “That is a terrible choice of a partner, why would your father put you in that position” he said shaking his head gently

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