C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

"No, not at all, I'd love to share. If you don't mind me dropping in again," Yuni said, waving his hands. "You're one of my first friends here in the village," he added.
"He thinks that we would be a good match. That I could convince him to settle down, raise a family," Yuni huffed. "But sometimes, even parents are wrong."

Jace smiled warmly “I would love the company” he said gently “I believe that no one but the person them self could make that decision, I have always wanted children and a family but I know many men who only wanted that later in life”

"Then, I'll be looking forward to finding creative ways to show up," Yuni giggled. "Children are such a joy," he agreed, a warm and gentle look in his eyes. "But, that life isn't for everyone. And I would never force that on someone. I want to have children of my own someday, but I want my partner to be someone I love with all my heart."
He hadn't really meant to reveal that much, and he blushed at the bold admission to a complete stranger.

Jace laughed “How much more creative could you be then screaming in a lake” he laughed gently and shook his head “I’ll find you riding one of my cattle” he grinned

Jace nodded gently “I know but some change their mind” he shrugged gently “I always wanted love and children but when my fiancé left me for someone with more money I decided love isn’t for me which means children are unlikely in the future either”

Show up riding a cattle, hmm? Yuni filed the thought away for later.
He also decided in this moment that he would make it his mission to make Jace's dream come true. He would find a beautiful mortal that he could love and have children with. Someone who could see the handsome, funny man for who he was, and not the amount of coin he was worth. He would speak with the god of Love and see what they could do.

"You deserve better," Yuni said with determination. "I have to go back to my side of the lake now," he added, looking at the low hanging sun in the sky. "But I will return soon with a surprise. In the meantime, I will send some prayers to the god of fertility on your behalf. Since we share a name, maybe he'll be inclined to listen." He gave Jace a soft grin.

Jace smiled warmly at him “Okay, I will see you another time them” he said and walked him to the door “Do you know your way home?” He asked “Would you like some company on your way home?” He asked gently

(Should we skip a little?)

(Sounds good to me! How far? If you've got ideas, I'll let you take the lead)

Yuni accepted the company, walking with with Jace and engaging in idle chit chat. He stopped when they approached the temple, which was glowing lightly thanks to a a particular kind of bioluminescent lily that he crafted. They filled the surrounding property with their soft, ethereal glow. "This is it," he said, pointing to the small commune that surrounded the temple. "Thank you, kind hearted one, for everything." He carefully plucked one of the glowing lilies; this one a warm orange, and passed it to Jace. "Take this to light your way home." After pressing the bloom into his hands, Yuni placed a chaste kiss on Jace's cheek as a thank you.

(I don’t in particular, do you have any? Also, should men be able to get pregnant or it’s just that he’s a god?)

Jace looked around shocked at the glowing flowers before taking the lilly handed to him and blushing a little at the soft kiss to his cheek that left a warm spot after his lips had been taken. “Thank you” he said softly before heading home

(( Okay, I think I have an idea. It's basically because Yuni is a god. He's intersex, but he has the capability of changing his body to suit his partner. That's why everyone assumed he's a woman; because pregnancy is usually only with women. But trans men having children and adoption aren't uncommon; especially in Tuni's experience. The couple he spent time with was a trans woman and her wife. Do you mind being the god of love that Yuninasks for advice? I didn't assign them a gender or look, so you can choose what you like. ))

As promised, Yuni made the trek to Jace's far sporadically over the next few weeks. He took what Jace said very seriously and appeared frequently in odd places or with unusual gifts. At some point, Yuni had swung down from an apple tree with a bouquet of fresh fruits of all different colours and flavours, excitedly showing them to Jace. "This is one of my favorites," he went on, "it's so sweet like honey. It makes a delicious beverage when pressed and chilled." He offered the aggressively pink variation of th peach for Jace and I taste.

(Okay, sweet, but would Jace know? Like when they are together in that way would he look like a man with a penis or would that be absent?)

Jace gasped loudly and grabbed his chest “Yuni! My heart!” He said gasping for breath and laughing at the same time “Could you refrain from jumping out at me from such obscure places” he said and took the fruit biting it gently and moaning softly at the sweet taste in his mouth “Wow, this is the most delicious fruit I’ve ever eaten” he said happily taking some more bites

((Since he hasn't revealed himself to be a god yet, he chooses to take a male form. So if they hook up while Yuni is pretending to be a human, he wouldn't have reason to think he could get Yuni pregnant. But if they hook up later while he is more of his natural form, he would have a womb, female organs, and a more pronounced clitoris/penis. But he's cool switching to whatever makes his partner comfy. Tbh if they are together while he's male presenting, Yuni probably wouldn't realize he could get pregnant either in that form))

Yuni laughed; "I'm sorry for scaring you, I just don't want you to be bored of seeing me." He grinned when Jace showed his appreciation for the fruit. He busied himself with petting Jace's cattle while Jace enjoyed his snack. Yuni was probably the reason his Cattle would look to Jace for a treat when he came out to the fields, since he would show up with snacks for them as well. Also of note over the weeks, was the fact that Jace's crops has started to grow in abundance. They were already thriving before, but it seemed with Yuni's visits, every crop was a bumper crop. All the flowers turned their little faces to see him, it seemed.

(I think that would be cool because they both wouldn’t be expecting it)

Jace smiled warmly “I don’t think I could ever bore of seeing you” he said smiling gently. Jace was incredibly lucky, as he thought, that his crops were growing well, his cattle were in great shape, he would have a great harvest and be able to get enough money for the winter time.

(I like that idea)

"Handsome flatterer~" Yuni hummed, looking at him with an undisguised warmth in his eyes. "Flattery will get you everywhere, though." Like most gods, Yuni had a definite praise kink. Honeyed words were the sweetest, after all.

Well, it got Jace almost everywhere with him. He still hadn't invited Jace to his little commune. He was a bit afraid to. Not because he thought his people wouldn't like Jace; the peaceful group took in people like stray cats. But rather, would Jace still accept him if he knew the truth? The worshippers knew their deity lived among them, and didn't hide it. But treated him like a normal, if a bit naive, mortal man. What if Jace found out? His stomach did an uncomfortable flip.

Jace couldn’t help but feel his cheeks warm at the compliment “Well, that’s very nice of you to say” he said rubbing the back of his neck. “Would you like to come back to mine for some sandwiches. I made some jam with the berries you brought for me last week”

Yuni's eyes lit up with undisguised delight. Jace's food was always amazing. From the outside, it appeared like Yuni himself was a stray cat; coming back to Jace to some food and attention. But he had become fond of the man in the their time together; and he didn't see any reason to stop visiting. "Yes please," he purred, sliding off his favorite cow and hopping over to Jace. He waved at the cattle and promised them affection soon.

"I'll press these other fruits for us to drink," he offered

Jace smiled brightly over at him “We could picnic, there’s a small park not far from my house, if you would prefer not to see my walls and be in an open space” he said gently and rubbed his neck awkwardly, almost ashamed of his small house. He didn’t understand why he needed to suddenly impress Yuni and why his house was so unimpressive to him but he wanted to provide him somewhere else to eat if he wished it.

"Wherever you like is fine with me; I just like spending time with you," Yuni said. "I like your house. It feels very welcoming. But, I am also curious about your village. About the people, the park, the animals... What's it like?" He asked. He was still pretty new to this "human" thing, and much of the village life was still a mystery to him. "I would like to learn more about your people... So that I might feel closer to you."
He said that quite casually, not intending the words to have a heavy weight. He was coming to see that people are the products of their community, and he wanted to know about the people that shaped Jace.

Jace smiled warmly “Well I appreciate spending time with you as well” he said gently. “We’ll we shall have lunch first and then we can go into town” he said gently “I don’t spend much time in the town, not since she left me” he said softly rubbing his neck gently

Yuni gave Jace a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "You don't have to force yourself if you're not ready." He really liked the farm; it was tranquil and welcoming. The house was small, sure, but seeing it made Yuni happy. He felt welcome; almost like he had a second home here. The yard had plenty of space for the crops, the livestock, and room for Jace's future children to run and play.
Future children? He was a little jarred by the thought, but dismissed it. His main job was ensuring fertility and fortune, so he figured he could be excused for having babies on the brain every now and then.

Jace couldn’t help but feel a tingle when Yuni touched him and smiled warmly “I’m sure I’ll be okay” he said softly and walked back into the house grabbing some bread and the jam he had made. Ever since he had been eating the food Yuni had brought he had felt healthier, stronger and more like himself than he had in so long.

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