C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace watched Yuni examine each and every flower with a vested interest, never seeing someone so interested in even flowers often considered weeds.

He turned to the new gentleman and shook his hand smiling warmly “Pleasure to meet you Charlie” he said letting go of his hand before looking at the back he carried “What fruit have you brought to sell today? If it’s some of the delicious ones Yuni has fed me I may need to purchase the whole bag” he laughed gently

Charlie waved his hand dismissively. "A friend of Yuni's is a friend of mine. Stop by the tent city, and we will be sure to give you plenty to take home with you."

Yuni nodded with agreement. But his stomach did a little flip; worried about Jace coming to meet everyone. "Anything you want, just ask."

"Consider it a thank you for always taking in our resident stray cat," Charlie teased. But his laughter held no ill will, and Yuni chuckled along with him.

Jace grinned widely and looked at Yuni fondly “I suppose he very much is like a stray cat” he laughed gently at the comparison.

He nodded at the suggestion “Well , it is just across from my house so it wouldn’t be too much trouble to get there” he smiled gently

Yuni made a face at Jace for the comparison as well, but it once again was accompanied by a laugh, so he was just fine with it.
Charlie adjusted his bag. "Well, I gotta go now, but don't be a stranger, okay? We'd love to have you over." He waved at the two of them as he turned to leave.

Speaking of turning, the gears in Yuni's head were turning. He knew that Jace wasn't ready for a relationship, but what if he met the right person? And Charlie was clearly single.. Charlie could have and wanted a family someday... Setting the two of them might be an ideal match. Or at least try and foster something. He wanted Jace to be happy.

But for now, he waved to Charlie, promising to see him later. Then he took Jace's hand in his again before they continued their tour of the town. They passed by a rather expensive looking shop, and Yuni being distracted with all the shiny, glittery, things, didn't realize there was a woman in front of him until they almost collided. "Oh, I'm sorry, Miss ," he said quickly.

((I was thinking it could be Jace's ex??))

Jace watched Yuni curiously, he could see his mind running a mile a minute and wondered what on earth he was thinking about now.

He looked at the store Yuni was looking at and only wished he could afford things from such a place so he could gift Yuni with something before they knocked into someone.

Brittany looked at them sneering a little “Watch where you’re going!” She snapped a little before noticing Jace “Jace…?” She asked shocked to see him in the town.

Jace froze a little, what were the chances of bumping into her. He swallowed roughly “Brittany…” he said softly feeling himself start to worry and his hand sweating inside or Yuni’s.

Brittany brushed herself off dramatically “Why on earth are you in this side of town?” She asked before noticing their hands “Oh…you must be Jace’s new fling” she said scrunching up her nose slightly “You are aware he is unable to purchase anything on this side of town?” She said, almost as if she was trying to warn Yuni that Jace was on the poorer side if he was unaware.

Yuni squeezed Jace's hand when he felt Jace start to sweat. He didn't have to know who she was for certain to guess their relationship. Judging by her attitude, he was his ex. He stood a little taller, but kept a calm and collected smile.

"He is more precious to me than any of these shiny rocks," he stated. "I do not need any trinkets from him to know his worth." He turned his bright smile back to Jace, subtly signaling that her drama was beneath him. "Shall we go look at the other stalls?"

Jace felt the squeeze of his hand and felt his fear settle just from the comforting touch. He smiled warmly at the compliments Yuni gave him feeling that bubble of affection for the man settle in his chest. He nodded about moving on “Of course” he said softly.

Brittany sneered a little at the brushing off of her “I don’t think you understand, he can’t afford anything in town” she said laughing softly “And I’m sure you’re aware Jace but if you marry a man you will never have that family you always wanted, the one I have” she smiled sweetly at them both

Yuni said, "Not all riches are material value. Jace has wealth in abundance where it matters the most." He was already leading Jace away when he heard Brittany's latest dig. It caused his heart to sink a little, but he dismissed it. He would never stand in the way of Jace achieving happiness. He was already thinking of how to make his wishes come true.

Once they had gone a fair distance, Yuni realized what he had said. "Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to imply that we were dating." His face turned pink. "She made me so mad, I forgot to correct her."

Jace shook his head gently “It’s okay, you were defending me and I really appreciate it, I just lose my mind around her…especially now she’s changed” he said sadly “I think…I think I should just head home” he said removing his hand from the other man’s sighing a little “Perhaps I can come visit you tomorrow at your home?” He said softly

"Do not listen to her," Yuni said with a huff. "She is not worth your ire."

Yuni nodded. He hated to end on such a sour note. He wanted to make Jace happy, but he was leaving sad. "Of course, we would love to have you. Would you like me to walk you home?" He asked. He put his hands at his side, feeling dejected not to be holding Jace's hand anymore. He didn't expect to feel the loss so keenly.

Jace nodded knowing Yuni was correct but being unable to actually feel better because of it. “If it is okay with you I would prefer to walk by myself” he said softly, not wanting to dampen the usually chipper Yuni any further “I will visit tomorrow” he said smiling lightly before he turned heading back to his home

"Be safe on your travels home," Yuni said. He fidgeted for a moment, clear indecision on his face .He wanted to give Jace a hug, but didn't feel like it was appropriate considering the mood. "I look forward to your visit."

Yuni went towards the path to his own home, feeling down. It was Jace that had been hurt today, so why did he feel like crying? The tears were starting to sting his eyes when he got back. He furiously scrubbed at them, trying to keep his face composed. He still had to see the god of love; and he needed to be presentable.

((If you wouldn't mind being the god of love Yuni asks advice of?))

((Yeah sure, do you have a name for them? And what sort of thing do we want them to say?))

(( I was going to leave the name and gender up to you if you like? I'll make a little opening for the dialogue. Yuni is basically just going to ask them how to make Jace happy. If there's any way at all that they can improve Jace's love life since he is not the god of love and has no influence in that domain))

Yuni bowed to his elder, like the other worshippers in the temple. Just because they were both gods, didn't mean that they were equal. Yuni was a younger deity, and as such had to show appropriate reverence to his elders. Looking at him now, he wondered if Jace would still recognize him. He was in his natural form, which meant shining silver hair, lightly glowing skin, and wherever he stepped, it was like spring had appeared from underneath him. His eyes were depthless like the sky, wide and clear.
He stayed bowed appropriately low until he was addressed. "My lord, thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

The petite young lady, who had childish features including wide eyes and plump lips moved around her small garden nourishing her plants gently. Most called her Yvette but her real name was kept a close secret with only those around her calling her by her true name Sapphyra. She laughed, sounding like chimes in the wind, “Yuni my child, you know I do not care much for the titles given to me and you know I am always happy to see you young one” she said and held his cheek gently “For what reason did you need this meeting so urgently though?” She asked

Yuni stood up when he was addressed,I just smiling at the goddess Sapphra. "Thank you," he said. Worry creased his brow before beginning. "I understand how selfish this is, but I was hoping you could offer your advice. I am unable to make one of my precious humans happy...it is outside of my realm to do so. " He explained the situation with Jace, leaving out the bit where his heart sank seeing him sad. Not because he meant to omit such details, but because he didn't realize his feelings as what they were.

"How can I make him happy? Is there any way I can find his destined mortal for him?" He asked. "I cannot make people fall in love. I can only bless such unions with children, not make them. "

((Apologies if there are spelling errors I don't know where my glasses are))

((As a fellow glasses wearer except for long distance completely understood haha))

She moved closer to Yuni and gently reached out holding his cheek “What you are doing sweet one is plenty” she said gently “I can not tell you who his destiny is but I can promise you, you are helping him realise it” she said smiling brightly, a secret clearly hidden in her speaking.

Yuni leaned into her touch like a cat, returning her affection in kind. "It doesn't feel like enough," he said sadly, feeling his heart sink again. "He was so sad today when he left. I know that's the way of the world, humans will not always be happy. But, if I can prevent some sadness, I try to. And the look on his face... It hurt to see "

Yuni, ever the dense godling, didn't quite understand her not-so-hidden message.

((It's such a pain TTuTT ))

Sapphyra smiled gently “Yuni, humans are strange creatures, we know this but…has this human not changed since he has made your acquaintance?” She said smiling gently “Was he not sad when you met him?”

Yuni considered her words. "I think he has become happier," he said finally, "He smiles a lot when we're together, so when he's not smiling, I find myself strangely sad as well." His face was tinged a bit pink. "I hope I can continue to make him smile." Yuni beamed at her, feeling better and reassured.

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