C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Sapphyra smiled gently “Then you are doing plenty to make him happy sweet one” she said gently “I promise you, you are leading him to the path of love” she said gently before returning to nurturing her flowers “Does anything else bother you sweet one?”

Yuni presented her with a sprout of his favorite flower; a token of thanks to her for listening. "No, thank you. I feel much better now. I'm sorry if I was being thoughtless with my question." But it had been weighing heavily on his mind and he had to do something other than keep turning it around and around in there.

Sapphyra smiled brightly at the gift “Thank you sweet one” she said setting it down in some soil “And you are always welcome to ask me about anything that worries you, I wish I could give you more direct answers but alas, I need to keep the important things secret” she smiled softly

Yuni nodded in understanding. Some things were not meant to be known, even to the other gods. He gave her a soft hug in parting, his cheery demeanor finally restored. He thanked her again before leaving, bouncing happily on his way back to his home. He had to tell everyone that they would be expecting company the next day.
"About time you invited the boy over," Nan said approvingly. She was the elder and unofficial grandmother of the little caravan of vegetarians. She had also taken Yuni in as a grandchild, despite knowing in fact that he was a god. To her, he was another part of her large family. "But child, this is the fifth time you have changed the colour of the flowers at the entrance to the caravan. Relax. He will not care if they're yellow, pink, or any other colour."

Yuni stopped fidgeting with the flora. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. "It's his first time here, and I want to make a good impression."
"You're fine. What other man is going around changing the literal landscape for his boyfriend? You've made quite the impression already." She waved her hands dismissively at his concern.
"He's not my boyfriend," Yuni said, turning pink.

Jace had changed his shirt three times trying to find one that wasn’t completely worn down by his farm work. He sighed gently tugging at his final option before heading out across the farm nervously. He brought with him some of th jams he had made from the fruits he had been given wanting to make a good impression on his friends family. He swallowed nervously as he got closer, he felt so strange that he was nervous but chalked it up to simply wanting to impress his friends family.

At the time of Jace's arrival, Yuni was helping to wrangle some of the caravans children for lunch. That was quite difficult, since they were mostly toddlers and toddlers were not exactly prone to scheduled meal times. But luckily, children seemed to really like Yuni, clinging to his hair and clothes as he made his way to the large table in the centre of the caravan. "Come on little ones," he soothed, "everyone worked hard on the food, so we should enjoy it."

At that time, Charlie approached th large wooden table with a steaming plate of foood. Big enough to feed several people at once.

The kids all tugged on Yuni to sit with them, and he gently plopped them all down. "I will soon, but we need to get all the food in the table first, ok?"

Jace watched Yuni for a minute feeling his heart swell a little at the interaction between him and the children. He swallowed roughly and shook his head feeling his cheeks flush for a moment before he moved closer to join them “Hello” he said gently smiling at Charlie and then Yuni, keeping his eyes on Yuni for a little longer.

Charlie waved him over. "Come on over, you're in time for lunch. I hope you're hungry."
Nan walked over to Jace and gave him a big hug in welcome. "Come on in, boy! We've heard a lot about you. Yuni won't stop talking about you. I see why, though. You're a handsome fella," she chuckled.

"Nan," Yuni squeaked, shaking his head. "Please." Once all the kiddos were sitting down and eating, he made his way over to Jace as well.
"Alright, alright," the elderly woman chuckled, "I'll leave you to it. After lunch, I trust you boys will show him around?"
"Of course," Yuni said brightly. He bounded over to Jace and gave him a warm hug. "I'm so happy to see you! Welcome!" Every other member of their little family cheerily said welcome as well when they saw Jace.
Yuni took Jace's free hand, gently leading him into the center of the camp, where there were two open seats prepared for them.

Jace squeaked as he was hugged by Nan, not used to being embraced, he hugged her back gently. He felt himself blush as he was complimented and looked over at Yuni nervously.

He hugged Yuni back holding on for a few seconds longer before pulling back smiling brightly “I brought some jams too, just in case” he said smiling nervously as he held onto Yunis hand nervously following him to the open seats. He sat down next to Yuni, sitting quite close to him.

"Thank you so much," Yuni said. "That's very thoughtful of you." He smiled appreciatively at Jace's offering. He put the jam on the table. Then proceeded to serve Jace and the others before taking a portion of good for himself. "Charlie is a good cook--well everyone here cooks really well," he hummed.
"Stray cat," Charlie laughed, "give him food and he'll come."
Yuni laughed good naturedly and poured some of the peach cider for Jace. Internally, his heart was pounding and he was panicking. He was so nervous. Were they too much for him? Did Jace like his family? Did he think it was weird? Most of them weren't related by blood, after all. Sure, there were a few married couples, but a majority of the people were basically strays like him; found family who all gathered together for a common cause. They were basically all aunts/uncles/cousins to the kiddos here and to each other.

Jace smiled warmly and laughed gently at the stray cat joke grinning over at Yuni “I think he’s more like a house cat, he’s affectionate and kind and wants love…and food” he laughed “But he’s not afraid of strangers like a stray”. He realised he had been focusing too much on Yuni and sipped at the peach cider humming happily “This is delicious” he said happily.

He was terribly nervous and kept having to wipe his hand on his pants to remove sweat that was building. He wanted them to like him, so much and hoped he was making a good impression.

"I'll agree to that," Yuni said. "Especially since all of your cooking is so delicious." He grinned at Jace happily. If Jace was worried that he wouldn't be welcome, he should have no reason to fear. The more the merrier was a general policy around here, and if Yuni could vouch for his character, he was always welcome.

Yuni's cheeks were burning at Jace's compliments. "Th-thank you," he said. "You make your home so warm and welcoming, I don't want to leave." In truth, he didn't want to even leave Jace's side.

Jace laughed gently “It’s not hard to be warm and comfy when it’s so small” he grinned. Once they had finished eating he stood and helped to clear it up thanking them all for the wonderful food.

After cleaning, the children, young ones around five years old started playing with a ball they had and Jace joined in laughing in joy as he played happily with them.

Yuni smiled, watching Jace play with the kids. He was so naturally good with them. Charlie joined in, spurred on by the children wanting to set up teams. Jace's team against Charlie's. What were the rules? Who knew? The idea was basically just to kick th ball around and keep it away from the other team. But other than that, there was no solid foundation for who won or lost.
Yuni cheered them on from the sidelines, happy to watch from a tree above. That is, until a stray kick from Charlie launched the ball directly into his face. It made a rather forceful "plap" sound as it collided with his face. "I think that's a foul," he said, laughing. He held the stray ball and tossed it back into the field.

Charlie rushed over to the tree and climbed up to check on him. He had kicked a ball. Right into a god's face. If there was one way to get removed from the caravan, that would probably be it. Not that Yuni would, but still. "Oh gods, are you alright?!" He asked, panicked. He touched Yuni's red face, looking him over. "I'm so so sorry." He held Yuni's face gently, checking the injury.
"I'm fine," Yuni said.

Jace grinned over at Yuni as he cheered from the sideline. He gasped and went to go over to check on him as Charlie did before stopping himself swallowing roughly watching Charlie be gentle with Yuni, he felt his stomach twisting violently feeling upset and unsure of why. He looked away feeling like it was an almost intimate moment between the two. He got the kids to start playing again trying to distract himself a little and avoided looking in that general direction

"Go finish your game," Yuni said with a smile. "I'm just going to get back on the ground, since apparently the tree isn't safe either."
"I'm so sorry," Charlie said again.
"It's alright," he gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.
Charlie nodded, finally reassured before hopping back down to finish the game.

Yuni turned his attention back to the game as well, noticing that Jace was distracted. "If you don't pay attention," he called, "they're gonna steal the ball from you Jace."

Jace smiled very lightly, barely even considered a smile at Yuni before he continued to play the game trying to concentrate but all his thoughts were on Yuni and Charlie and if they were perhaps a couple, but surely Yuni would have mentioned that when they met the prior day. He was concentrating so little one of his team had the ball and called out to him but he didn’t turn in time and the ball hit him straight in the back of the head causing him to fall over and become a little dizzy and disoriented as he tried to sit back up.

"Charlie, you are an absolute menace with that thing. Time out, time out!" Nan called, heading to the field.
"Oh no! I'm so sorry," Charlie said. He was close to tears with worry. He started to rush over to Jace to check on him, when Nan stopped him. "Why don't you take the kiddos to do something a little less dangerous?"
He hung his head in shame. That was fair. He agreed, and promised to check on Jace later.
Yuni had hopped out of the tree the second that he saw Jace go down. "Jace! Are you okay?" He carefully had Jace lay back down after the hit. "Just a second, you don't want to get up so soon after getting hit. I don't want you falling over." He checked Jace over, realizing the ball hit him quite hard. But there didn't seem to be any physical damage beyond the banger headache he was sure to have and the dizziness. He put a cold cloth on Jace's injury and gently propped his head up with a pillow. "Do you feel tired?" He asked with concern. Hopefully not, that would be the surefire sign of a concussion. He knelt in the grass by Jace's side, fussing over him like an anxious puppy.

Jace winced as the back of his head was touched “I’m okay, I’m fine” he said gently before sitting up a little again “Yuni, I’m fine, don’t stress” he smiled gently at the other man “It’s my fault I wasn’t concentrating” he said and rubbed the back of his neck gently sitting up properly. He took some deep breaths to steady the dizziness. He stood slowly making sure he wouldn’t fall over as he did “Honestly, I’m really okay” he said as Yuni hovered around him, he could feel his heart squeeze happily at the way Yuni was looking out for him.

"Are you sure?" Yuni asked. "You got beaned pretty hard there." He hovered anxiously near Jace, ready to catch him at the slightest sign off wobbling. He looked like an anxious mom anticipating the fall of a walking toddler, ready to step in. "I'm sorry. Charlie has uh, a lot of power behind his kicks .. but not a lot of control."

He tried to calm down, but seeing Jace collapse scared him more than just about anything in his life. He put a hand to his chest to steady himself, and sighed. "I'm glad you're okay."

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