C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace smiled warmly and shook his head gently “I told you that it was alright” he laughed gently but took one anyway eating it, he hummed in appreciation “Wow, that’s so delicious” he said happily licking his fingers delicately “Charlie, they’re so good” he smiled brightly before popping another in his mouth happily, letting it sit and melt in his mouth.

((Wow, haha, they really be wanting them together))

Charlie grinned and waved them off. Yuni attempted to share the treats with the others, but was gently rebuffed. There was an assortment of delicacies in front of them, and those were made specifically for Jace and Yuni.
Yuni, slightly disappointed (but not so much because they were delicious) said thank you once more and popped another chocolate in his mouth. He chewed happily before picking up a third, presenting it to Jace with a smile. The intention was clear that he wanted to feed it to him.

In all honesty, no one was really sure if aphrodisiacs would even affect a god, but the atmosphere between them seemed to be fruitful regardless. So even if the treats were a dud, it appeared to be a successful gift.

((They all know that food is the way to Yuni's heart lol xD ))

Jace laughed gently at the request from Yuni and took the chocolate in his mouth happily, his lips brushing Yuni’s fingers as he did so. He hummed happily as he ate the chocolate, once again thanking Charlie for the treats. Once they had finished he helped clean up before saying his goodbyes for the night to the others before looking at Yuni and smiled gently “Would you like to walk me home?” He asked gently, trying to almost apologise for the previous night when he chose to walk by himself.

Yuni protested that Jace was a guest and that he didn't need to help clean up, but he did it anyway. They tidied up before the festivities reached their conclusion, with people gathering around the fire and dancing together. In couples and groups alike, they danced to the tune of a lute and a very enthusiastic (if not good) singer.

Yuni's face was flushed. He wasn't sure if it was how happy he was, the alcohol, or remembering the feeling of Jace's lips against his finger tips. Or, unbeknownst to him, the fancy dessert. But he was in a wonderful mood when Jace asked him to walk him home. "I would love to." He plucked one of the last brightly glowing lilies and tucked it behind Jace's ear. A symbol of affection from him. Maybe her wouldn't understand. But he hoped so. They were his favorite flowe, after all.

Jace laughed gently at the gesture and reached up touching his hand gently as he placed the flower behind his ear. He felt himself blush at the sweet gesture and took Yuni’s hand before heading back to his home “Tonight was incredible” he said gently on his way back “The food, the dancing, the community” he said happily smiling brightly over at Yuni “Is it bad that I wish that celebration happened more often? That I want the god of fertility to go?” He laughed gently, unaware of what that truly meant.

"It is a wonderful night," Yuni agreed. He couldn't stop the feeling of sadness that overtook him when Jace said he wished for the god to leave. For him to leave. He kept the smile on his face, if a bit wobbly. "We have this event every year. So, if you stick around, you'll get to be a part of it. We love having you visit."

((Thought it would be a bit mean but obviously mean no harm you know?))

Jace laughed gently “If I stick around? I live here silly, my house can’t move” he teased playfully nudging the other man gently “I will always be here” he said, a little more serious, implying that if Yuni ever needed him he would be right there. He stumbled up his steps a little and opened his door before turning to Yuni “I suppose this is goodnight?” He asked biting his lip lightly before his eyes flickered down to Yuni’s lips for a moment, his heart beating wildly in his chest. He couldn’t take that last step, he wasn’t good enough for the sweet man in front of him, he wasn’t even good enough for that awful woman in town.

((Oh I loved it. It was well put. I applaud you for that line.))

Feelings of love and happiness flooded Yuni 's heart. Of course he loved that Jace was here. That he would always be here. And hopefully would wait for him to return home in the spring. "It doesn't have to be goodnight if you don't want it to be," he said, taking a few steps to meet Jace on the last one. "I don't want it to be." He noticed the way Jace bit his lip; it was so endearing and sweet. He was melting all over again for this wonderful man. He tried to reach Jace at his level, reaching up to stroke he face gently.

((Thanks :$ ))

Jace felt his heart start to beat rapidly looking at the other man “I don’t want it to be either” he said leaning into the gently touch on his cheek before he leaned down and kissed Yuni gently at first before something clicked inside of him and he deepened the kiss lifting Yuni up so he could wrap his legs around him as he carried him inside.

((So because Yuni is a ‘man’ at the time does he only have the one hole and it just goes into his womb anyway?))

((Yup. I'm just gonna pull the 'magic' card on this one. Because he loves Jace and wants to bear his children, God powers say it can happen xD ))

Yuni needed no prodding to do so, wrapping his legs around Jace tightly. He returned the kiss with an equally passionate one. His body was warm and he felt himself react quite strongly to Jace's touch. He felt briefly embarrassed that he was so noticably excited, but he didn't want to stop.

((Ah yes, magic god power, classic))

Jace closed the door behind him, knowing his house so well he didn’t even break the kiss as he made it to the bedroom and laid Yuni down on the bed gently moving his kissing down the side of his face and down his neck desperately pulling at his clothes until he had his shirt off and kissed down his chest and stomach as he pulled his pants and underwear off before pulling back looking at the naked man in front of him “You’re so beautiful” he said gently before leaning back down and kissing from his knees up his thighs on both sides teasing him gently

(( hehe I figure he just hasn't realized th extent of his abilities yet and he found out the hard (?) way what he can do. Surprise, a baby))

Yuni made a sound like a pleased purr when Jace kissed his neck. He supposed he really was a cat. Looking up at Jace, he said "speak for yourself. You're the most handsome man I've ever seen. Inside and out."
Romantic thoughts were briefly halted by the pleasure that Jace was bringing him. He ached for more, the little teasing kisses were not enough to satisfy.

Yuni was just as desperate to rid Jace of his clothes as Jace was to do so for him. He reached his fingers under Jace's shirt, feeling the labor hardened muscles appreciatively before getting impatient and tugging at the shirt. Once that pesky item was out of the way, he slid his hands into Jace's pants, teasing his member. If he wanted to tease Yuni, two could play that game. He gave him a devious smirk before pulling his pants down to expose his manhood.

Wow, that was glorious too. And Brittany had thought money was the better option? Her loss.

Jace groaned loudly as he was touched before kissing him gently again running his fingers down his body gently before moving his lips back down kissing along his collarbones and down his chest and stomach before gently taking his exposed cock in his mouth teasing the very tip with his tongue and holding his hips down with his hands refusing to let him move as he slowly deepened his mouth on him watching Yuni’s face as he did so until he felt him hit the back of his throat. He moaned around him appreciatively and reached over grabbing some lotion with one hand and rubbing it over his length before reaching behind and gently teasing his hole with one finger as he sucked on him gently before pushing it in gently

Worship had never been as good as the treatment that Jace gave to his body. All of his senses were alive and tingly with pleasure. It felt so wonderful.

"Jace," Yuni whined, a bit breathless and definitely impatient. "You tease." He was frustrated, but held himself still when Jace took him into his mouth. He gasped, not expecting it. But it felt so good. He realized after a beat that he had been biting his lip, watching what Jace was doing. "Th-That's amazing, he moaned." He couldn't move, but he wanted to so badly.
When Jace stuck a finger in, he gasped at the sensation. It wasn't bad, but it was unexpected. However, Jace was skilled with both his hands and his mouth, and soon Yuni was wiggling impatiently, yearning for more. "Jace please," he begged, feeling desire building in him. "Please give it to me."

And when his desire was granted, he bit his lip again, feeling the other man's member stretch his hole. He hissed with delight, loving the feeling of being filled by him once he had adjusted to his girth. "I wanna kiss you, I want to touch you too."

Jace loved watching Yuni wriggle and writhe under his touch and wanted to obey his every command so when he asked for more he was more than willing to do what he wanted. He pushed himself in very slowly grunting and groaning as he did, his whole body tingling and joy filling him from the centre.

Once completely submerged in Yuni he kissed up his neck once more and kissed him gently waiting for Yuni to be okay with the intrusion before he started to move slowly in him watching his expressions lovingly as he began moving quicker and grabbed onto Yuni’s own member pumping him in rhythm with his own pumps holding his weight with just one of his muscles arms above Yuni’s head. “Fuck Yuni, I love you” he said without really meaning to but it didn’t make it any less true.

((I think it would be kinda a dick move if Yuni left without any sort of goodbye. I wonder, should be leave a note that says something like 'will you wait for me to return in the spring?' ))

Yuni was putty in Jace's hands, melting with the pleasure and awash in the love he felt for him. He gazed at the man he loved, amazed that this was happening right now. His expressions of joy, of desire-desire for him of all things- of determination as he thrust into him, all equally wonderful and fascinating. He appreciated Jace's body, tan, sculpted from his hard work, even the tan line from his shirt was heavenly. Maybe Jace was a deity too; after all, he had claimed all of Yuni's love and devotion.
And he was strong. Not that he had ever doubted it, but his strength was equally impressive as the rest of him. He wrapped his arms around Jace's neck, clinging to him as Jace thrust inside him. He kissed from Jace's neck up to his ear, where he gently took the lobe between his teeth and ran his teeth over the sensitive little patch of skin. He sucked on it, trying to give Jace as much pleasure as he gave him. He moved back down to Jace's neck, adoring the skin with his kisses as they made love. He moaned in his ear as Jace stroked his member with the thrusts
When he heard Jace's groaned confession, his eyes went wide for a second, then creased with adoration. "I love you too. So much."

'I never want to leave your side,' he thought. 'I want to be with you for a lifetime. Make you happy, loved, raise children together...' He felt a strange sensation in his body, a kind of delightful tension inside when he made the realization that no, he didn't just want to raise children with Jace, he wanted to bear children for him. The thought of being bred by the handsome man above him turned him on even more. Oh, how he wished it were possible.

((Yeah, or maybe it will be like he didn’t think he had so little time and had to disappear without saying anything? I mean, leaving a note will probably cause a lot of confusion for Jace but it is up to you))

Jace couldn’t keep his eyes off the man underneath him, so surprised at the faces and noises he was making just for him. This magnificent creature with his soft caramel coloured skin, those bright eyes that often distracted Jace much more than they should, the long cotton coloured hair tangled around his head right now, Jace loved every inch of him.

The soft touches from Yuni almost sent him over the edge “I’m so close” he muttered panting heavily as he continued to thrust and pull on Yunis own erection as he kept moving inside him before crying out loudly and in an almost animalistic manner, continuing to pump his partner until he also came between them.

He pulled out slowly and laid next to the other man panting heavily, a light sheen of sweat on both of their bodies. He couldn’t keep his eyes off the other man, his full attention on remembering this moment forever. He wanted to be with this man more than anything in his life, even if it meant they could never have a child of their own, all he wanted was him.

((Hmm I think you're right, this. I appreciate hearing what you think, though. It makes me a better writer, and for a more fun RP I think. I'mma go with the option of him not realizing how little time he had left ))

Yuni kissed Jace softly. "Come for me, beloved," he whispered, feeling on the edge of climax himself. He loved the desperate noises that he made and knew that he must sound similar; consumed by desire and chasing their ends together. When he finally spilled inside of Yuni, the almost animalistic sound is what finally sent him over the edge as well. When they finally parted, he was sweaty and exhausted, but so completely satisfied. He gazed lovingly at Jace, scooting closer until they were touching again. He was fairly certain that this is what was so wonderful about being human, this love, this passion.

Or maybe it was just Jace. Jace was the most wonderful sight to him in this moment. He placed some soft, languid kisses all over Jace's face; kissing his forehead, cheekbones, his nose, the curvature of his mouth, those luscious lips. He wanted to memorize every feature of him, burn it into his memory forever. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face if he tried. "You're amazing," he said.

Meanwhile, back at the caravan, festivities were winding down and people were tidying up for the night. Charlie looked at the path from their home to Jace's farm. Considering that Yuni had not reappeared after walking Jace home, things must have gone well. He smiled, happy he could see his best friend happy.

((Okay, not a worry, I like bouncing ideas off each other too))

Jace chuckled tiredly feeling the soft kisses all over his body before he got up and went grabbing a wet rag before returning and ever so gently wiping down Yuni, removing the sweat and sticky residue of their time together, being ever so gentle and slow wanting Yuni to feel loved before he quickly wiped himself clean and then laid back down pulling Yuni into his arms gently and kissed his head softly.

He could feel the exhaustion taking over him but desperately wanted to stay in this moment forever. He sighed contentedly before mumbling “I love you Yuni” before drifting off to sleep.

((How should we do this? Since it was unexpected, maybe Yuni should wake up in the realm of the gods until he gains his strength back to take mortal form? And how should we handle the aftermath? Should they tell Jace who he is and what happened?))
If there had ever been any doubt in his mind that Jace loved him, the idea was quickly wiped away with the sweat on their bodies. He couldn't believe he had been so lucky to find Jace. He had fulfilled his mission, at least in part. Jace was happy and so was he. He snuggled into Jace's arms and sighed contentedly. "I love you too." He also fell asleep rather quickly, not aware of how tired he actually was

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