C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

It took Violet a moment to process the slew of words that came out of Elliot's mouth. But when she did, she said, "I'm glad to know that you aren't ill. I was worried that you've been on your death bed." She sighed with relief. Shaky relief, since she had just had her worst fears confirmed. "But it was the opposite. A new life. Congratulations." And she really meant it when she said it. Despite the fact that she wanted to cry right now, she gave the two of them her most genuine smile. "Of course. I'll do whatever I can."

Her eyes started to sting and she rapidly blink her eyes, trying to fight off the incoming tears. "My apologies, I've got something in my eyes. I guess I'm not used to this climate yet." It was a weak excuse, but it was all she had.

Elliot sighed in relief when Violet confirmed her support and that she would help, he pulled her into a tight hug holding her close. “Thank you so very much” he said gently sighing softly “I’m sorry I could not be who you truly wanted but I really really appreciate what you’re doing for us and I will repay you in any way I can” he said and wiped her cheeks gently “I really cherish our friendship miss Violet” he said smiling warmly. He knew she had feelings for him but he knew he could never return them, not in a way she desired.

Alex felt a wave of relief when Violet said she would help them. He hugged Elliot tightly before turning to her with all the kindness he had. "Thank you so very much. From the bottom of my heart. If you need anything, I mean anything, just ask."
Violet was horrified when she realized she had failed to blink away her tears. Horrified, then shame as she felt them fall. How did she know she failed? Because she felt the comforting embrace vof Elliot's arms around her. Oh no. She had failed miserably.

"I will cherish it too," she said. "You're my first friend here. I'll never forget that." She straightened herself out, wiping her face. "I'm sorry. I've gotten my horrible tears on your nice cloak." She furiously scrubbed at them, with little success. "Please don't apologize. Falling in love is a celebration, not something to apologize for."

Her expression turned serious. "And if your father even thinks about harming a hair on that baby's head, I will consider it a declaration to back out of our truce. It will be an offense of the greatest degree. And I don't think he wants this deal to go south. Not when he had been trying to get an in on our naval power for years."

Elliot laughed gently “I’m a prince, I have plenty of cloaks” he teased trying to cheer her up gently. He smiled warmly over at Alex “It definitely is worthy of a celebration” he said before sighing gently wishing it was as easy as that. He felt tears well in his eyes at the declaration of backing out if the king tried to harm the baby “Truly, I really appreciate your support Violet. Until the child is here though I don’t want him to know, I’m afraid if we give him reason he will try to hurt our child before they even come into this world” he swallowed roughly before looking between them “He…he already told me that as soon as they are born he will kill them” he said shakily

Both the people who loved Elliot dearly wrapped him up in a hug. Jealousy aside, they were united in the desire to look after the prince and his baby.
"My lips are sealed," Violet said.
"We're never going to let that happen," Alex added. He caressed Elliot's belly lovingly, a promise to both of them to keep them safe.
Violet moved away to let Elliot's partner comfort him now. She was feeling a bit better, at least. "I should apologize for eavesdropping on you though. That wasn't my intention when I came here tonight."

Elliot put his hand over Alex’s gently smiling at him tearfully before turning to Violet “It’s okay, I have wanted to tell you for quite some time I was just scared” he said smiling sadly “I’m sorry that it was eavesdropping and not me telling you what is happening” he said gently “I hope, with my whole heart, that you get everything you desire Violet, I want you to find true happiness and love just like us” he said reaching out and squeezing her hand gently.

Violet smiled at the loving family. "Thank you. I have answers; I feel much better knowing that you are well. I can finally sleep at night." She feigned a yawn, trying to find a way to exuse herself so that they could resume their night in peace. "Speaking of which, I'm going to head back to my room. But if you have need of me, you know where to find me."
Alex was appreciative of her tactful exit, and wished her a goodnight before they parted. He then turned his attention back to the person who mattered to him the most.

Elliot smiled warmly at her before bidding her good night and turning to Alex once she had left. He smiled brightly, a large weight off his shoulders as he kissed him gently pulling him to the bed happily before pushing him down and laying on his chest sighing happily. He felt the child move inside him but was unsure if it would be able to be felt on the outside yet so moved so he could put his partners hand on his stomach “Do you feel anything?” He ask d gently

Alex happily cuddled Elliot to his chest, sighing in contentment. That was the best way the situation could have gone; and he was relieved for it. And with one less worry, that means Elliot would be less stressed. And that is what mattered the most to him. He returned the kids, peppering the top of Elliot's head and forehead with adoring kisses.

When Elliot put his hand on his stomach, Alex's eyes widened with surprise, feeling the little movement beneath the taut skin. "I-Is that our baby?" He asked, incredulous.

Elliot smiled so brightly he was surprised there wasn’t a beam of light coming from his mouth “It’s our baby” he said tearfully and kissed him gently pulling back again “I love you so very much, one day you will be my husband and we’ll be a family” he said tearfully

((my phone wants to correct loving to 'living' and well I should hope they're living, or we have issues xD. ))

Despite not being prepared for this, and fatherhood being far from his mind all those weeks ago... Alex was truly happy in this moment. He wouldn't change what happened between them. Their circumstances for sure, but not anything leading up to this wonderful love and this baby. He kissed Elliot gently and said. "Marriage or not, you two are my family. I love you both so much." He couldn't wait to make it official, though. He wanted a matching wedding band with the man he loved. Before he realized it, Alex was crying, tears of joy. "I love you El." And he would never stop loving him, despite the risks to their relationship.


Elliot couldn’t stop the tears from falling down his own face as Alex also cried. He stroked his cheeks gently wiping the tears “I love you, my family” he said putting a hand on his stomach “More than anything in this world” he said happily

((Any ideas for this between now and the birth?))

((Hmm, I wonder if on one of the nights they should properly introduce Elliot to Alex's family as his partner? I mean, we could always have it be a 'whoops here is a surprise grand baby's situation. But if we do introduce them, Elliot is basically getting insta adopted into the family with food for the baby and fussing over them. Do you have ideas? I also was thinking bof having Violet leave the castle more and start exploring the town; what do you think? ))

Alex laughed at the two of them, both giddy and teary about the situation. He hadn't felt this good in such a long time. Maybe things would work out for them. They had to. He gently kissed Elliot's stomach, quite a few times, actually. He had to let the little one know they were loved.

Speaking of little ones... "Do you have any names in mind?" He asked.

((Yeah, or maybe because he has siblings and worries about them accidentally saying something he could tell his family he’s expecting a child but not that it’s with him at the time? Prepare them that they’re going to have a niece/nephew/grandchild but without the details to keep them safe at the time? And that’s all good with Violet, were we going to rp her love story too? Also, if you wanna skip any time feel free and I’ll just jump in from that))

Elliot stroked his hair gently as he kissed his stomach laughing lightly as he looked down at his love. He shook his head smiling gently “Not yet, what about you? Any names that you would like?” He asked gently

(( Sounds good to me! That way some people don't spill the beans.I would like to have more to do with Violet; I'm kind of fond of her as a character. And it would expand the world a bit and add a bit of depth to it I think. I'm gonna have him pick up with his friends telling them that's where he's been)

"I think I have a few names," Alex hummed. "Angel," he gave Elliot's stomach a kiss, "beloved," another kiss, "my love," and on and on with every silly nickname came another kiss until he ran out of things to say. "I guess we should have a list of names for a boy or a girl."

((Yeah, whatever you prefer))

Elliot laughed gently and lifted him up “You’re silly” he said happily and kissed him gently stroking his cheeks lightly. “We need to be careful, my father still wants to kill them and we need to figure out a plan for that. Perhaps I shouldn’t have the baby here?”

Alex frowned, thinking. "This is going to sound rather insensitive, but hear me out-what about the farm? My family would love to meet you-well first I gotta tell them about you I suppose, or at least that there will be a baby..." He paused, collecting his jumbled thoughts. "But, all of us have had some experience with delivering babies; my mom and I have the most. Just horses and cows, mostly, but I think the logic still applies."

It was a moment later that his brain caught up to his mouth and said, "N-not that you're a horse or a cow, my love. That was not what I meant at all.' He covered his face with his hands and wondered if he should ask the gods to strike him down now.

In th time since their secret had been revealed, Violet was often popping by to see Elliot. Not only did it look good on the surface, as a future "married couple" but also because she wanted to ask Elliot questions about the kingdom in a less formal setting. Where he didn't have to wear those awful capes all the time. And so she could coo over his little baby bump, happily adopting the role of a big sister or doting auntie. "Auntie Vi is gonna spoil you rotten, kiddo. Whatever you want, just ask. A ship, maybe? Your own crew?" She joked, laughing.

Elliot bit his lip and smiled warmly at Alex “I think that would be wonderful, it’s more private than anywhere else, no one will hear me scream” he joked “I think, for now, you should perhaps just tell them you are having a child, not that it is with me” he said nervously “To be safe”

He laughed at the comparison and shook his head playfully “It’s okay, I know what you meant” he grinned at him

Elliot watched her happily, he was so glad to have Violet on their side, she was a truly wonderful person and he had become incredibly close to her over the past few weeks. He knew in another life they would have been wonderful together.

He rubbed his lower stomach gently “I think as the future prince or princess they will be plenty spoiled” he chuckled gently “Now, what questions do you have for me today?” He grinned knowing she was often brimming with questions, he had noticed lately though she had more questions about a specific area and the people that worked there and wondered if she had her eye on someone.

"Nonsense," Violet said, sitting next to him with a book in her hands, "there will always be room for more spoiling." Today's topic was about the imports and exports of the country, since the two countries would be trading with each other on a regular basis. Particularly, the spices that her Homeland could not grow, given the briney air and the rather tremendous heights most of her people lived in. "There is a a particular shoppe here in town that deals in the most wonderful tea and spice blends," she said. "I have become very fond of them, and would like to know more about them."

Elliot smiled gently and leaned back a little “Hmmm, yes, I think I know the one you’re referring to, on the north east side. Owned by a family, the husband and wife have been running it for almost thirty years, their youngest son helps them, he’s now in his early twenties. There are two other children, one works in the banking sector and their daughter married a minor noble. They have spices from here and afar and work in collaboration with a lot of travellers that come through often. What else would you like to know?” He smirked a little at her waiting for a question that she really wanted answered

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