C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

((Yeah, I guess Yuni would wake back up there anyway and I’m not sure. I mean, they kept the whole thing a secret for the celebration and such? Maybe they try and make excuses and Jace isn’t buying it and thinks he just left?))

Jace awoke in the morning sighing happily. It was the best sleep he had had in such a long time. He stretched out cracking his back and rolled over expecting to see Yuni. He frowned a little and sat up grabbing a shirt and some shorts he walked out confused at the empty house “Yuni?” He called out and with no answer he could feel his chest tighten and tears prick his eyes. He wrapped his arms around himself and headed outside looking at all his animals trying to see the cotton coloured hair he knew.

((Sounds good to me. Can I think of any proper excuses right now? Absolutely not. Feel free to suggest some if you have some. I feel like Charlie is gonna be the loudmouth that finally drops th deity bomb.))

Yuni had expected to wake up cuddling Jace; since he was a notorious cuddle monster that refused to let go, even in his sleep. What he did not expect, was to wake up alone in his bed, cuddling a giant pillow. He bolted upright in panic. No. No no no. He knew this place. It was home, but it wasn't *his* home. He thought he had more time. He needed to get home right now, to find Jace, to tell him what was going on, that he hadn't left. He bolted out of bed, and ran out of the lavish room. He just needed a little more energy. A little more time.

He wasn't looking as he completely blew past some of the other gods, including the goddess of love. He was just so frantic.

The people at the caravan were none the wiser to Yuni being gone, at least not yet. They figured he was still with Jace.

((I can’t, I mean they don’t have to be good as Jace isn’t going to believe them anyway))

Sapphyra gasped as she was ran past before realising Whit it was and excused herself running quickly after Yuni. “Yuni! Stop!” She called out to him chasing after him quickly.

Jace could feel the tears on his face and desperately wiped at them. Surely he was simply missing him somewhere, he wouldn’t leave him, he said he loved him. He headed towards the tents wondering if perhaps he went home for some reason but he had a lump in the pit of his stomach saying otherwise.

Yuni only halted after the second time he was addressed, his brain and body in a disconnect. He turned back to Sapphyra with a look of urgency in his eyes. "I-I-Im sorry, but I must go back," he said, tears in his eyes.

Charlie was out tending to the garden early in the morning when Jace came strolling up to the tents. He was perplexed not to see Yuni with him, until it hit him. Yuni ran out of time on earth. He wasn't here anymore. That explained the weird emptiness of the place. Everything still hummed with beauty and life, but it was missing something.

((Fair enough. What do you think bof Charlie eventually getting tired of hiding it and just telling him the truth?))

Sapphyra sighed gently “Oh sweet child, you know you can’t go back now” she said gently wiping his tears softly “It is okay, he will wait for you” she said knowingly and pulled him gently in for a hug

Jace looked around before spotting Charlie and went up to him “Charlie…have you seen Yuni?” He asked chewing his lip a little trying to hold back his tears, he didn’t know what happened but his heart was breaking anyway.

"What if he doesn't?" Yuni sniffed, feeling very small. "I thought I had more time, I didn't even get to say goodbye, he's gonna hate me forever." He hugged her, his shoulders shaking with the sobs.

Charlie mentally steeled himself, preparing the answers as bestvhe could. "He isn't here right now, he had an emergency he had to attend to and had to rush off." He patted Jace on the shoulder reassuringly. "It might take him awhile to return, family drama being what it is-I assume he's told you about his biological father and the great cock up that relationship is-but he will be back. I promise." He saw the desperation on Jace's face and added, "Like the spring, he always comes back. You just gotta be patient. He wouldn't forget you. He's absolutely crazy about you. For weeks, all he talked about was how handsome you are, and how kind." He blushed, realizing he got way off topic.

Sapphyra rubbed his back gently “You forget child just what I am the god of. I promise you everything will be okay, you need to take care of yourself” she said lovingly “All will be well, I promise you” she rubbed his back gently

Jace felt his lips quivering “So, he just left? Without saying anything? Without even a goodbye?” He said shakily, he didn’t know Charlie all that well and didn’t want to burden him with his feelings. Even being told about Yuni’s praise of him didn’t make him feel any better. He should have known, love always let’s you down in some way. He could feel his wall come back up and he wiped his face steeling his expression “If that’s how he wanted to end things he could have just said so” he said, his voice now an almost creepy monotone as he turned heading back to his house trying to hold onto the pain so he never would make a mistake like that again.

Yuni sniffed and nodded. "I know, you're much wiser and smarter than I. I handled it in the worst way possible. I didn't mean to-I didn't intend to fall in love with him, especially not to hurt him." He tried to give her one of his sunny smiles, knowing that she was always right, but it wasn't in his heart to do so. He just couldn't.

Charlie tugged at his hair, watching Jace leave. Oh that couldn't have gone worse. Oh shit what was he gonna do? He wasn't supposed to tell him, being that Yuni had been living his life as a mortal, but the consequences of checking that rule up seemed a lot less dire than whatever the hell happened to Jace just now. Oh fuck oh fuck. He had to keep an eye on him if there would be a Jace left for Yuni to come home to.

Sapphyra smiled warmly at him wiping his tears gently “Love does work in mysterious ways but I must admit that until you met him I never saw love in his future” she said gently “He was destined for loneliness until he met you” she smiled gently “Which means, he will wait for you, perhaps I can take you to the mirror of the living and you can watch him while you rest”

Jace entered his house, his mind blank and his chest full of pain. He looked at the bed and all the pain and anger came to the surface and he started to pull the blankets off and started throwing things around the room screaming and sobbing at the same time.

Yuni's eyes lit up appreciatively. "Please," he said, "I cant relax unless I know he's okay.' His heart squeezed painfully. He was supposed to be the one? And he had left him like this? His head was spinning and he felt dizzy and weak. He had really overdone... Everything.

Charlie gave him a bit of space, knowing that it was going to be a rough day for him. He was going to have to sort out a lot of feelings. Around lunch time, he sheepishly made his way over to Jace's house with a tray of food. He noticed that the animals hadn't been tended to yet, so he put the food in a wicker basket while he started to rend to them. He didn't have as much of the animal part of the h farming know how, but he figured it couldn't be that hard. And one less thing for Jace to worry about.

Sapphyra smiled gently and wrapped a supportive arm around him knowing how tired he must be feeling. She led him to the small room nodding at the guard before grabbing a chair for him and gently settling it in front of the mirror “All you need to do is place your hand on the mirror and think of him” she said smiling as she stood back a little for privacy.

Jace had destroyed his room, flipped and thrown as much as he could before moving to the kitchen and doing the same, smashing fruit Yuni had brought him as well as the jars of jams he had made for them. He had finally ended up sitting in the middle of the kitchen with a bottle of rum that he had had in the cupboard for years hoping that it would numb him. He was about halfway through the bottle but didn’t feel any better so kept drinking.

Yuni smiled at her, grateful for her help. He didn't know what he expected to find, but he hoped Jace was okay. He just wanted Jace to be okay. He placed his hand on the mirror, the cold surface feeling good to his warm palm. 'Please be okay, Jace, please please please,' he prayed, waiting for the mirror to show him.

He popped in at just about the time that Jace was smashing up the kitchen and downing the rum. This was so much worse than he thought. He didn't think it could be good, but he didn't want to see Jace destroy himself either. He begged Jace through the mirror, knowing he couldn't do anything but praying anyway, "please stop. Don't hurt yourself, please. Please."

Sapphyra moved forward to pull him back not expecting to see Jace in such a state, she gently touched his shoulder going to pull him back.

Jace wasn’t sure what to do now. Why bother when he was to be left alone again and again. He stared at the broken glass surrounding him and grabbed a shard rolling it over in his pal thinking horrible thoughts as his dogs started to bark at the door and he dropped it going to answer it “Charlie…” he said in the same monotone as before except he would easily be able to smell the alcohol on his breath and see the mess surrounding him.

Yuni didn't want to move. He stayed in place as much as he could, watching and begging for him not to hurt himself. "Please," he sobbed, "please don't hurt yourself. Please."
Charlie, who always compared Yuni to a cat, was more like one than he was, being terrified of dogs. He was sure they were nice, but he got bit by one as a little kid, and that anxiety stayed with him. But he swallows the lump in his throat, looking at Jace. 'Dear gods man, you're hands are bleeding!" He didn't know exactly what had happened, but he could guess. Oh Lord it was worse than he ever thought. "I brought you some lunch, but we need to deal with your wounds first, may I come inside?" What had he been doing? Juggling glass?

((Excuse me it is too early to have feels, what have we done ))

((Haha, a little dark but you know, drama))

Jace could tell Charlie was fearful and commanded the dogs to stop and sit, they obeyed him quickly. He looked at his hand noticing the blood for the first time “It’s fine” he said shrugging before entering the house to the kitchen again and poured some of the rum on it to clean it, not even wincing at the sting. “What do you want Charlie?” He asked monotone “Here to give me more excuses why he left me? The one you made up not good enough?” He asked before taking another swig of the rum himself.

Charlie shook his head. "No, I just want to look after you while he's away." He swallowed thickly, taking a clean strip of his shirt sleeve and wrapping up Jace's hands carefully. "I can't tell you why he's away, I'm not allowed. But I know he wants to be here with you. But he actually, physically, can't, okay?" He bit his lip, not sure what to say to talk Jace down. "So please, don't hurt yourself. Please, stay with us for a little while longer. A few months. I will stay with you until he comes home, so please." He felt tears bubble in his eyes. Not just his own, but a deep, overflowing well of grief and love. Yuni?
The two of them were always attached at the hip at the caravans, maybe they were still connected somewhat.

Yuni passed out in front of the mirror, begging for Jace to be safe with tear tracks on his face.

Jace snorted a little “Yeah…sure” he said not believing a work coming out of Charlie’s mouth. He just wanted to drown in his own misery “Just leave me alone” he said heading to his bedroom with his rum. He laid on the bare mattress and sipped at the rum looking af the roof.

Sapphyra gently lifted him up and carried him to his room, she was much stronger than many gave her credit for. She laid him down gently and wiped his tears before stroking his hair and singing him a gentle lullaby to calm him

Charlie did not in fact, leave him alone. It took him a few minutes to stop crying, the tears just not stopping. "Damnit Yuni, I'm trying," he sobbed, "please stop crying. I can't handle it." He sounded like a fucking lunatic, but everyone was a little out of their minds here.
When he was able, he stood up and started to clean up the place, keeping an ear out for anything suspicious from Jace. He fed the dogs, despite being terrified. "Good babies, he soothed," trying to keep calm.

The dogs could sense his fear and sat patiently, obviously trained well to deal with anything. Jace ended up passing out from the alcohol and once asleep his wall slipped away causing tears to fall down his cheeks and his chest to ache.

Charlie smiled at them, calling them good babies, beautiful babies. Slowly getting vused to them. "I'm sorry I'm bothering you and your dad, but is it okay with you guys if I stay awhile? Make sure your dad is all better before I go home?"

He started doing his best to med what Jace had destroyed, cleaning up all the broken glass and starting to salvage what he could. After Jace had fallen asleep, he quietly went into Jace'd room and covered him with a blanket. He'd have to sort out the bed sheets later. He hadn't seen in a hot minute, he was going to have a time with that.

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