C My dearest friend (w/ Littleittyboy)

Violet sighed. "I suppose so." She was not looking forward to that. "I will at least take solace in the knowledge that they're going to make you wear goofy, impossible clothing as well."

She squeezed his hands, thinking. "What type of wedding is ideal for you?" She asked. "I want to make your wedding to Alex perfect."

Elliot laughed gently “I suppose you are correct” he laughed lightly before sighing gently “I just want to marry him, I don’t much care for the wedding” he said softly. To be honest, he had been thinking of just going to a small church with Alex when the baby was born and marry him as quickly as possible.

Violet nodded, thinking. "I suppose the end goal would just be the marriage... But I am a little disappointed that I can't throw you two a big party that way. I'd like to make it a grand celebration." They passed by a stall with yarn, and she looked at the beautiful dyed string with palpable longing. But she didn't want to ask Elliot to make more stops than necessary.

Elliot smiled gently “Perhaps we could have a celebration after we marry. After the drama of our decision has settled because we both know my father is not going to be okay with it” he sighed gently before noticing she was distracted and smiled knowingly “Okay, go ahead, I’ll wait out here” he chuckled gently

Violet made a face at the mention of the king. She really did not like him. He hadn't done anything untoward to her, but he made her incredibly uncomfortable. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something about him just made her skin crawl. Perhaps she was overthinking it.

She beamed at Elliot when he said he would wait for her, and rushed off to get the yarn she needed for her project. Coming back a few minutes later with an overstuffed bag. "I promise you, this isn't for baby clothes. This is for something else."

((If at any time you want to skip ahead let me know and I'll pick up from there))

((Where do you want to skip to? You can just start the skip if you want, I’m happy to go to whenever))

Elliot laughed gently looking at the overloaded bag “And I truly believe you” he teased playfully heading back up to the castle, he could feel the sweat on the back of his neck and couldn’t wait until he returned to his room to rid himself of the cloak

"you'll see it when it's done," Violet promised. "If you must know, it will be a gift for all three of you." She had kind of gone past baby blanket size, trying to get the perfect gradient of colours from one to the next. So, she decided that it would be a large knit blanket for all of them. Useless now, but maybe by the time winter came and they needed it, it would be finished.

She noticed his discomfort and asked, "are you okay? Do you need a break?"

((I'm not sure where, tbh. My brain is a bit short on ideas. Maybe get to the wedding dress fitting and have some creepy king interaction? That way when she rejects him, he decides to force her hand later?))

((Yeah, we could do something like that and maybe we could also do Alex and Elliot on a date in the forest to be hidden or something too, poor Alex has been abandoned quite a bit hahaha))

Elliot hummed “A gift for all three of us” he looked at the wool smiling a little “Well, I’m sure we’ll appreciate it immensely coming from you” he smiled before signing and rubbing his neck “It’s quite warm and I can feel the sweat building, I’m excited to get back and take this off” he said rubbing the coat between his fingers.


King Vincent was a cruel and calculating man, he knew what he wanted and often knew how to get it. He stood tall, shoulders always back, with curly gray hair that was halfway down his back and dark brown eyes, similar in shape to his sons however so much darker similar to his dark intentions. However, he recently wound up in a curious issue, Princess Violet had grown up to be one stunning specimen and if only his idiot son wasn’t betrothed to her he would happily take her for himself. Perhaps she would show interest in him if he showed his interest in her.

As such, he had found out her dress fitting was today and had planned to see her as she was dressed. He knocked patiently, or appearing to be patiently, on the door until one of the maids opened it for him. He headed in the room where Violet stood on a podium the dress on and a seamstress making pinned alterations “Princess, you will make an incredibly beautiful bride” he said, his voice slightly raspy.

Elliot was ever so excited. He was spending the day with his beloved but he tried to contain his joy as he went to the stables where Alex was fastening the saddles on their horses. He sighed happily and went over to him subtly brushing his hand against his side not wanting to cause any rumours “Hello Alex, are our horses prepared for our ride?” He asked trying to sound somewhat formal and smiled at the step Alex had procured due to Elliot’s situation and inability to move like he used to.

((Yeah poor man. XD He's out of the royal loop Love the idea of a forest date))

Victoria, expecting basically anyone other than the king, was a bit startled when he appeared in her dressing room. She quickly righted her expression, though, and lightly curtsied (as much as she could while being pinned). She felt very nervous around him... As if she were being looked at by a hungry predator, and she was his favorite food. "Thank you, your highness. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" She gave him a pleasant smile-not quite the one she reserved for Liam or her boys, but kind enough not so to be rude.

"Of course, your highness," Alex said. He offered his arm to Elliot, should he need it when stepping onto the horse. "Zeus has missed you; I'm sure he would enjoy the ride."

Though he was talking about the horse, the intention was clear that he was the one who missed Elliot the most. As usual, he made sure Elliot was safely in his saddle before getting onto his horse.

((Sucks to be a peasant in our rp. He’s being ignored, Liam’s gonna be framed hahaha))

Vincent smiled back at her, his smile somewhat reminiscent of his sons but with just a touch too much of a sneer for it to seem completely genuine. He waved his hand at the maids and the seamstress who all bowed and left the room, leaving them alone.

He walked up to her and gently rose his hand running it down her side gently “You do make such a beautiful bride” he said lustfully looking her up and down like a prized piece of meat. “Pity that you are betrothed to my son” he said softly “I can always change that if you wish” he said looking up at her, the question clear and hanging in the air.


Elliot didn’t truly need to hold his arm but touching Alex without causing an uproar was an opportunity he would always take, so he took his arm as he stood on the small step and swung himself up onto the horse a little awkwardly with his stomach that felt bigger everyday.

Elliot kicked his horse forward smiling broadly over at his love before turning and kicking the horse again letting him gallop towards the forest quickly. He laughed loudly, feeling free as the wind rushed through his curly hair heading towards the forest.

((Maybe the should start a revolution, lol. Down with the bourgeoisie xD ))

Violet was quite sure that if she were to die and go to hell, it would be the possible future of being betrothed to king Vincent. She didn't let that show on her face, but she felt her skin crawl. She needed to respond to him tactfully, but turn him down. She chose not to take it as an offer of marriage to him, but as a potential annulment with Elliot. To which she responded, "That is a most kind and generous offer, your highness. But, I have found myself dearly in love with the crown prince. I couldn't imagine dissolving our marriage. He brings me great joy." She bowed deeply in apology.

It wasn't untrue; she loved Elliot dearly, it had just become less romantic now.

Alex and Hilda galloped after Elliot and Zeus, and once they were at a respectable distance from the general population, he said "Are you sure you should be riding that fast?" Since Elliot had become pregnant, Alex had become even more of a worrier. He *knew* Elliot was capable, but he was so anxious about Elliot and their unborn child. He spent a lot of nights worrying about everything that could go wrong and how to plan for it.

((Let them eat cake))

Vincent snorted lightly “I understand princess” he said gently. He could not imagine anyone in love with his negligent idiot son but she did not seem to be lying. “We’ll, I hope, for your sake he feels the same as you do” he said clearly inferring about him being pregnant with another man’s child wanting to see if she was aware of the travesty that had occurred.


Elliot rolled his eyes turning his horse to face Alex “I think our child can handle this, this is perhaps the least stressed I’ve been in months” he said gently before he awkwardly got off the horse trying to be careful of his stomach and tied the horse gently to the tree looking over at his love.

He walked over to him and gently stroked his cheek “I would tell you if something is too much for us” he said gently. He knew his sweet beloved would worry about him and more often than not he would try to ease the worry but worry clouded his mind so often perhaps he was not doing a good enough job.

Violet smiled gently. "We have grown close on our outings, and I believe he has similar affections for me," she said, not flinching at the clear implication. "I am quite lucky to betrothed to someone who is also such a dear friend." And of course, she really meant it. Farce or not, she loved Elliot and his little family. A family she wanted to be part of.

Just not part of it in the way the king was implying.

"As long as you feel up to it, I trust you." Alex tied up his horse, and wrapped Elliot up in a hug. "Would you like to see your surprise?"
He had been to this particular part of the woods this morning before the sun had risen, planning a perfect picnic outing. Alex cut a large basket he had tied up in the tree, bringing it to rest on a large quilted blanket. And lots of pillows. "I've put all your favorites in here," he added, opening the basket.

Vincent mumbled under his breath a little before turning to her “Well, my son is incredibly lucky then” he said going to her and holding her cheek gently. “I will see you soon princess” he said gently before standing back bowing and then letting the help return to the room.

((Maybe after the fitting she goes into town to see Liam to make herself feel better?))

Elliot couldn’t help the bright smile that lit up his face at the surprise before bursting into tears due to the hormones “You…did…this…for..me?” He said in between sobs, Alex would be accustomed to his emotional outbursts recently but often they were of sadness or random bouts of anger, they weren’t often of happiness.

Elliot knelt down on the blanket still sobbing as he picked up one of the pillows and held it to him.

((Sounds good))

Violet shuddered after he left, not quite believing what had just transpired. It couldn't have. Yuck. She was going to have to keep a closer eye on him now... But first, time to get the hell out of the castle. Without her friends, the air was stifling. And she wanted nothing to do with being alone with the king-even if they were in separate rooms.

She washed her face, feeling slimy where he touched her. After which, she grabbed the overstuffed bag of sweets, and made her way into town. She knew Liam was working today.

"Of course my love," Alex said, gently pulling his crying prince into his arms. He cuddled him until such a time as Elliot felt ready to eat, wiping his tears and placing gentle kisses all over his face. "I love you."

Liam whistled to himself as he stocked the shelves in the small store. He turned seeing the princess and felt his cheeks redden before realising she looked distraught about something and he quickly made a pot of her favourite tea before she had even set foot in the store.


Elliot laughed softly at the gently kisses on his face and wiped the remainder of his tear “I’m sorry, I love you so very much” he said happily and held his cheek gently rubbing his thumb along his cheek repeatedly just staring at the man he loved so much before feeling the baby kick him wildly and he laughed putting his hand where the baby kicked “I love you too little prince” he said shaking his head.

Violet entered the shop cautiously, not wanting to disturb Liam if he was busy with customers. "Good afternoon," she said pleasantly, brightening when she saw Liam. "As promised, I've brought you an assortment of tartes, tea cakes, and cookies."
"You don't ever have to be sorry with me," Alex said, beaming at his most beloved. When Elliot addressed their child, he laid his hand over Elliot's, feeling the baby kick. "Your daddy and papa love you so much, little princess," he added with a teasing smile.

Liam smiled brightly, his dimples showing as he poured a cup of tea for her and passed it over to her “Your favourite” he said gently before taking a sweet and eating it humming in pleasure as the sweet fruit danced in his mouth “Oh my goodness, these are delicious” he said happily before licking his fingers and blushing “Sorry, that was incredibly undignified of me to do in front of you” he said embarrassed.


Elliot laughed gently putting his hand on top of Alex’s gently “Don’t worry little prince, you’ll prove papa wrong when you arrive” he said playfully and laid back on the pillows looking at his love “All I imagine is a baby you” he said gently “Every time I picture our future, he’s just a mini you” he smiled lovingly at Alex.

Violet smiled, delighted that he had thought of her. "Thank you so much... I'm not intruding on your work, am I?" She asked. While Liam had enjoyed the food, she waved her hand dismissively at his apology. "Please don't apologize. I'm glad you like them. Gifts are meant to be enjoyed." She took a sip of her tea, delighting on the pleasant aroma and taste.

"I rarely argue with you my dear," Alex said, "but there is not way the child is a boy. If anything, she must be a girl; to take after your striking beauty." He squeezed Elliot's hand gently. "How are you feeling my love? Are you hungry?" Immediately back to mother-henning him .

Liam shook his head happily “I’m just restocking, nothing that can’t be done later princess” he said softly, caressing the word princess as if it was the most delicate thing in the world. “You looked upset on your way in, May I ask what’s upsetting you?” He asked looking concerned at her.


Elliot rolled his eyes “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m carrying him, I should know” he said and poked his tongue out. He smiled gently and squeezed his hand back gently before leaning forward and kissed him gently “I’m hungry for you” he said against his mouth seductively before his stomach rumbled and he felt his cheeks flush

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