C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Sapphyra laughed melodically “Don’t be ridiculous sweet child, I am here to help” she smiled sweetly at him before taking his cup gently “I do, however, think that you should now rest” she said gently “Now your anxiety has somewhat lifted you should rest well”

Jace stumbled a little as he was dragged and shook his head “I can’t possibly have you pay for it after you spent so much on this jacket alone for me” he said grabbing his wallet before they left. Jace had always been incredibly independent with his money and hated relying on other people to buy him anything as more often than not in his experience it had turned around and become he owed them for whatever experience they had paid for.

Yuni nodded. "I think that's a good idea. Thank you." He gave her one last hug goodbye before heading back to his place, and sinking into the big comfy pillows and blankets.

"Think of it as repaying you for everything you have done for me," Charlie said, shushing his protests. "You could have thrown me out on my meddling ass, but you didn't. And you helped me overcome my fear of dogs-at least of yours. And thay makes me happy."
He lead the way to a brightly lit pub, with jaunty music and warm golden light spilling out of the doorway when they entered. He waved to a few of th le patrons, clearly he was a regular here and got out into the town more than Yuni. A few girls and guys looked over at Jace when he followed Charlie. Not with distrust or disdain, but rather interest.

"Your usual table is ready in the back," said one of the bar maids, smiling at Charlie. "Ooh, this is a first-who is the handsome man?" She asked.

"Taken," Charlie said, "sorry. But unfortunately for us, he's off the market." He grinned cheekily and lead Jace to the table in the back.

Jace shook his head gently “You helped me through the worst of it, I appreciate that a lot” he said gently “Yes, my dogs are good boys but they’re going to be fat boys soon if you keep giving them treats all the time”

Jace looked around the place shocked at how warm and inviting it seemed. Jace looked over at him confused “But I’m not taken, he left me” he said gently looking around, debating whether someone here would be able to peak his interest and get his mind off of Yuni just for a short while.

Charlie sighed. "I'll try to stop giving them treats. Or at least fill in some extra play, yeah?"

Charlie's heart throbbed painfully when Jace said Yuni left him. "He didn't," Charlie muttered, "God I wish I could tell." He handed Jace a menu and told him to order whatever he liked. "Please, it's on me~"

A guy came up and gave Charlie a drink, hoping he would accept. Charlie politely declined, saying he was already interested in someone, but thanks for the sweet thoughts.

Jace rolled his eyes laughing “I’m sure extra play will work all those calories off” he took a menu and smiled gently looking through before the man came up to the table and rose an eyebrow at Charlie’s response “So, who are you interested in? Did I meet them when I visited?” He asked smirking a little.

Charlie took a sip of the cider that he had ordered. The flush of the booze would be good to cover his flush. "You probably know them--Am I going to tell you? No. Where would the fun be in that? I just don't want to get people's hopes up for no reason...You should try this -it had alcohol in it, but you can't taste it," Charlie said, trying to divert the subject.

Jace laughed gently and shook his head before taking a sip of the cider humming at the warmth it made in his stomach. “Okay, you keep your secret then” he laughed gently and picked at some of the snacks on the table “These are pretty good” he said gently

Charlie smiled seeing Jace having a good time. This was the most he had eaten or socialized in so long. It made him feel incredibly happy and relieved that he was finally eating something. Even if it was just snacks, he would take it. For himself, he ordered another cider. "I told you, that is why they are my favorite."

Jace smiled gently and ordered himself a cider and sipped at it slowly. He knew that drinks like this could affect him and since he had had so little to eat he didn’t want to overdo it. They sat for a few hours drinking and snacking until they were both quite flushed from the alcohol.

Charlie was feeling pretty good at this time; humming happily and chatting with Jace about anything and even under the sun. If Jace wanted answers from him, now was a good time. "I'm glad you're here," He said, "I've been wanting to do something begin with you for awhile." He ordered dessert, which he quickly shoved towards Jace to try.

Jace shook his head gently at the dessert, he was full with snacks and couldn’t think of eating another thing. He hiccuped lightly from the cider “Mmhmm. So…the person you like, is it Yuni?” He asked trying to focus “I mean, you guys were like best friends before he fell off the side of the earth” he said and hiccuped again

Charlie shook his head. "Nah, he's more like my little brother, you know? That being said, we always did have the same taste in men... We never fought over them, though. He always let me shoot my shot first. Pretty sure you're the first dude he's been so keenly interested in. No way, I would try anythin' with my best friend's belived. No matter how handsome he is." He blushed and took a big swig of his drink, realizing what he had just implied with his sentence. When in doubt, more booze.

((Sorry, I was cooking dinner))

Jace laughed lightly “I am not handsome” he said hiccuping again, not really taking into consideration the rest of the sentence with his brain addled with alcohol. “If he really was as interested in me as you said he wouldn’t have left…” he said suddenly putting his walls back up again “You know….that night before he left…we…we slept like a married couple” he said feeling tears well in his eyes “I thought…I thought I really meant something to him but the next morning he was just gone and you can tell me every excuse for him in the book but when someone leaves you like that….there is nothing you or he could say to make it better” he said feeling the tears fall.

((you're good man. I was totally falling asleep on you earlier xD sorry about that ))

Charlie gently wiped Jace's tears. "You are handsome. Inside and out. I got to see that after all the time we spent together. To know why Yuni fell for you...he wouldn't leave you on purpose..." Why he had started to fall for Jace. Bang-up job he was doing here. He swallowed thickly. "I can tell you the whole truth about him, and why he left... But you won't believe me."

((Hahaha, it’s all good, that was me last night when I got home from work but you gotta get that one reply in hahaha))

Jace leaned into the hand wiping his tears, just wanting the contact in his drunk state “I’m nothing special…I know that” he said sadly “I don’t know what either of you possibly see in me that’s not really there” he said quietly “I’m pretty good at telling between truth and lies and all you’ve told me about him has been lies so far” he said quietly and leaned in a little more so they were barely apart, he could feel the other man’s breath on his “Maybe tonight I don’t want to feel” he said licking his lips gently, clearly intoxicated.

((I thought making him flirt back would be interesting for Charlie and for Yuni to see. Moral dilemma for Charlie. Hurt for Yuni))

((Exacty! And yes, I like that idea. Charlie is gonna need a metaphorical cold shower after this ))

"When y-youre sober, I'll gladly tell you all about what I see in you." A look of indecision, followed by pain, crossed his features. "God, you're not making this easy for me. Look, don't take this as me not being attracted to you--cuz honestly I want to fuck you into the bed --but not like this." He pulled away. "Not while you're drunk. I don't want us to wake up with regrets, in the morning."

Charlie paid for their tab. "Come on, let's get you home. You want the truth? I'll tell you."

And Yuni, who had just awoken from his nap to spill the contents of his guts, had passed the mirror on the way back to his room. He got a glimpse of Jace and Charlie barely a hair apart --and that was all he needed to see. He left the room in a hurry, back to his room. Of course, what was he expecting? Of course, Jace wouldn't wait for him... And Charlie was handsome and kind... And most importantly there for him. He curled up in the large bed, trying not to cry and failing.

((Hahaha. Poor Charlie))

Jace felt a little rejected but knew it was probably for the best. He knew that he did not feel for Charlie like that even in his drunken state. He just wanted to forget Yuni, for just a moment, every single thing reminded him of Yuni and it all just hurt. He could feel his wall crumbling again and stood quickly making his way out leaving Charlie behind as he felt his heart start beating quicker and quicker making it hard for him to breathe. He gasped for breath as he tried to get home as fast as he could, the alcohol freeing him from his wall and letting all the pain in. He couldn’t breathe and he fell to the floor gasping for air as his whole body shook.

Sapphyra saw Yuni run from the mirror and followed after him quickly knocking gently on his door “Yuni? Sweet child are you okay?” She asked concerned.

Charlie bolted out as quickly as he could after Jace, crunching through the snow thoughtlessly in order to catch up. "Jace, wait for me!" He managed to catch up to Jace, his heart pounding and adrenaline coursing through this veins. His hands shook as he lifted Jace from the floor and into a sitting position into his arms. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm here. You can relax." He rubbed soothing circles on his back, rocking Jace gently. "Breathe with me. Slowly, a deep breath in.....and out from your nose."

"I-Im alright," Yuni said. "Just feel a little sick to my stomach." He didn't want to worry Sapphyra, not when she had been so kind to him .

Jace shook violently in his arms gasping for breath before listening to his words and tried to slow his breathing down but it wasn’t truly working. “I’m so sorry” he sobbed “I don’t want to hurt you when you’ve been so kind to me but I don’t feel for you like that. I just wanted to feel anything that wasn’t connected to Yuni, just for a moment” he cried brokenly his whole body shaking and still gasping for air.


Sapphyra opened the door despite any protests and went to his side gently “I know what you saw sweet one” she said gently and wrapped her arm around him gently “You forget I am the god of love, and I see acts of love as well as acts of heartbreak” she said gently

"It's okay," Charlie soothed, " now take that deep breath for me please.." He took a deep breath in, held it, and released it slowly through his nose along with Jace. "I'm not mad, I'm more worried about you." He continued his soothing, not letting Jace go.
"I promised I'd tell you the secret; and of all people you deserve to know." He hoped this would bring Jace some peace and comfort. "But you need to calm down a little, okay?" He gently dried Jace's tears, soothing him with his soft words. Charlie was stronger than he looked, picking Jace up with a light grunt, and carrying him over to one of the chairs. He held him that way, cradled in his arms, waiting for Jace to calm down.

"I'm sorry," Yuni said, unsure what else to say. He wasn't sure who he was apologizing to-Sapphyra? To Jace for leaving? To their baby? He curled up with his knees to his chest, trying to suppress the sobs that shook his body.

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