C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace couldn’t stop his sobs, the alcohol completely destroying the one tether he had left to not being broken. He held onto Charlie tightly as he cried trying to calm down and control his breathing but he found it incredibly difficult “The reason doesn’t matter” he cried “He left me”


Sapphyra hummed gently to him “Don’t be ridiculous sweet one” she said softly “I know what you feel, don’t ever apologise for feeling love” she said gently “However, I do want you to try and calm yourself, if not for your sake, for the sake of your child” she said gently.

Charlie continues to soothe him, rocking him gently. "He did leave," He agreed, acknowledging the facts, "but not because he wanted or planned to... This is going to sound absurd, but it is the truth-I swear on Nan's head."

He took a deep breath of his own, before continuing forward, hoping the truth would snap Jace out of this. Seeing him this broken hurt his heart. "Remember the party we had for the god of fertility? That was for Yuni." The one who was very suspiciously named after said God. "It was his going away party; Yuni is the god of fertility that we all worship. He lives with us in the blooming seasons of spring and summer, then retiring to rest in the late fall and winter when his power wanes. Normally, he has more time to say goodbyes than that... He wanted to tell you before he left. But he spent too much energy, and had to leave to recharge before he was supposed to go."

Yuni took a shaky breath, trying to calm himself down as he looked at Sapphyra. He didn't know what to say. He looked at her with huge, watery eyes. He wasn't crying anymore, but he was very clearly on the verge.

Jace looked at him still crying but also looking completely confused “Yuni is the god of fertility? That’s what you’re trying to tell me…” he said sceptically “There is no way the god of fertility…he’s not” he said his brow furrowed but somehow it made sense, his crops growth boomed once Yuni began helping him, as did his livestock. He felt his heart beating quickly “The god of fertility is in love with me though? That doesn’t make any sense” he said unable to wrap his head around it.


Sapphyra smiled kindly at him “I promise you, he loves you very much. Heartbreak can make us do crazy things sweet one, but I promise his heart is yours and I’m sure they didn’t do anything because they both love you” she said and held her hand out “Come, let’s go and check the mirror” she said gently

Charlie laughed a little, unable to help it. "Of all the things I've told you, the most difficult part to believe is that he loves you?" He smiled, incredulous. " Of course he loves you, silly man. How could he not? You're kind, strong, and handsome...you put other's needs before your own... you're quite the catch.." He blushed and cleared his throat, realizing he was probably speaking more for himself than heesnt to. "And when he returns in under two months, he will tell you himself again."

Yuni followed Sapphyra to the mirror, looking a bit skeptical but trusting her. When they turned in, Yuni was surprised at what he saw. His heart throbbed. "Jace," he said, feeling guilt twist in his stomach for making him cry so.

Jace looked at his hands “I mean the fertility thing makes sense…my lands blossomed, my livestock too…I didn’t do anything much differently this year so it makes sense but loving me doesn’t, he’s a god and that’s all very nice things you say about me but it doesn’t differentiate me from many other humans never mind other gods” he said softly “I….I never told Yuni this but Brittany wasn’t the last person I was engaged to. After her I was also engaged to a man in town who left me for a travelling salesman. I’ve been left too many times and every time it hurts more but this was different, I’d never felt I wanted to give myself to someone like I did with Yuni, what if it was just because he’s a god? What if I am meant to be alone, for my heart to be broken again and again until I die alone?”


Sapphyra held Yuni close gently “Now, do you remember what I said about Jace?” She said softly after his confession of being alone “I told you, until you walked into his life his destiny was to be alone forever, Charlie is across from him and also loves him but Jace would have never returned those feelings even if you weren’t in the picture. You changed his destiny Yuni, only you are the love he can keep”

((I know this is forever away but I was thinking when Jace gets pregnant that it’s 6 months before Yuni goes into his resting phase and then he ends up in labour the day before Yuni’s back and they try and almost delay it so Yuni can be there for him?))

((I like that idea! Also, how do you feel about writing pregnant sex? I figure one of them will want it at some point, especially since they've been separated so long;but I also want to know what you are comfy with. ))

Charlie listened to Jace's concerns and story patiently before replying, "Our stray cat god chose you. He came to your farm and made it bloom for you. He did this to make you happy; because he's in love with you." He wiped Jave's face gently. "You have the love of an immortal man-you won't ever be alone ior forgotten." He turned a bit pink, "that's kind of romantic when you think about it; to be loved by one who is endless? I'm not the god of love, and neither is Yuni-thank the gods cuz he'd be shite at it-but I can say this: knowing him as long as I have, you are different to him. You're special. All of us in the commune are his family, but you're his most beloved person."

Yuni teared up, for many reasons. His heart ached for Jace, who had been alone and abandoned, and for Charlie, who had fallen in love with someone who would never return his affection. But also, with joy, because he lived Jace so much, and was happy to be his person." He hugged Sapphyra, happy with what Charlie said. He even laughed at the "shite" part, giggling softly.

((Yeah, I’m completely fine with it))

Jace laughed lightly at the stray cat joke and wiped at his face gently “So…he’s immortal right? What does that mean for us then?” He asked biting his lip a little “I can’t believe he’s a god…b-but does that mean I’ll grow old and he won’t?” He asked confused “Will he have to watch me grow old and die…?”


Sapphyra hugged him back gently rubbing his back “He’s right, you would be useless without me” she teased playfully before pulling back and gently wiping his eyes “Two months truly isn’t that long” she said gently

Charlie shrugged, not really knowing the answer to Jace's question. "Maybe, maybe not. There are mythe of men becoming gods and vice versa. Saints, and immortal lovers. Some say that if you're a god's lover, you stay forever young by their side.... But all of that is out of my wheelhouse, as I have never been a god's lover." He added, "I don't know what that means for you -that is up to you two to figure out." He grinned at Jace. "Two months, and he'll be back, and you'll have your answers."

Yuni giggled. 'I wouldn't know what to do without you. I know it's not that long... I can manage, as long as I know he's okay."

((Should we skip til when Yuni returns? If you want to you can just start it))

Jace bit his lip lightly and nodded sighing “It’s going to be an incredibly long two months” he said sadly fiddling with his jacket lightly. “Thank you Charlie, truly, for looking out for me while he’s been gone and stopping me from doing something stupid”


Sapphyra smiled and held him close “And while you’re apart you can look after your new little one” she said putting a hand on his stomach gently.

((Should it be surprise twins?))

((Sounds good! And yeah, Yuni wouldn't be expected twins either))

Charlie agreed, two months was a long time to wait when you were eager for answers. "If you don't mind, I'll keep you company until he comes back home."

And keep him company he did. It was little awkward the next day when both of them were sober, and secret feelings had been revealed. But Charlie greeted him the next day like nothing had changed; having had breakfast sitting out on the table waiting for him as well.
And time continued to pass like that, quiet but anxious for the day spring would arrive. The caravan had started rearranging their wagons and tents, shedding off the heavier winter protection; a sign was surely drawing near.

As for Yuni himself, he was more well-rested than he had ever been and ready to go home. More well-rounded, too, surprisingly. He was barely into his second trimester, but his stomach, which had grown from the tiny little anxiety bump,was more distended than he ever expected for how far along he was. His hips had rounded out a bit, trying to make enough cushion to accommodate his and Jace's growing baby, as well as his chest, normally very flat, was swollen and puffy. He looked quite a bit more like the fertility god that the humans worshipped. He wondered if Jace would recognize him this way.

Before his departure, he gave Sapphyra one last hug, squeezing her tight with all the affection he could manage.

Jace had felt quite awkward the following few days, not only because of secrets revealed but because of his breakdown. He wasn’t one for sharing emotions and breaking down so easily in front of Charlie had made him feel somewhat weak.

He had sold a few of his cows to make enough money to celebrate properly for Yuni’s return making plenty of jams and bought fresh bread, he’d even bought them a new fancy bed with fancy sheets for them to share once he had returned.

Sapphyra smiled warmly and hugged him back gently “I will see you in nine months” she said gently “Take care of yourself and your child, and Jacw too of course” she smiled and kissed his head gently

Charlie was the first one to see Yuni, since he was working in the fields where Yuni reappeared near the chickens. He got a bright smile on his face as he saw the god, clothed in loose, flowing robes. "Yuni! Welcome home!" He waved.

Yuni wasted no time in running over to Charlie, little more careful now, but with no less enthusiasm. He gave the other man a big hug, squeezing him as tightly as he could. Charlie was about to return the hug with the back breaking force he usually did, until he felt the firmness of Yuni's stomach and his eyes widened. "You're-"
Yuni nodded, rubbing the bump. It was pretty well hidden under the flowing robes, but anything else would be obvious.

Charlie took that as his cue to leave; there would be a lot the two had to talk about. He gave Yuni a peck on each cheek, welcomed him home again, congratulating him, and then striding off to finish his work. He would be pointedly be avoiding the house today until someone came to fetch him or relieve him from duty.

With anxiety fluttering in his stomach, Yuni made his way to the house. He didn't look the same. He kept his god form, letting Jace see what he really was.

Jace was trying to make the house look perfect. Now that he knew Yuni was a god he felt his little house was just not enough and so he tried to make it somewhat more elegant despite the little money he had and little space.

He heard the dogs barking frantically and felt his heart rate pick up. Yuni. He went to the door opening it quickly and saw him walking across the grass towards him. He felt the widest smile cross his face, though he was glowing like the god he was, he was still his Yuni.

He ran towards him quickly and grabbed him spinning him around happily before pulling his face close to his “Gods, I missed you so much, I love you” he said happily and kissed him softly trying to convey all his feelings into the one gesture

Yuni laughed happily as Jace picked him up and spun him around. He squeezed him tight, before kissing him back. "I've missed you too," he said, tears in his eyes. He couldn't stop them. He was just so happy. "I love you so much," he sniffed, the biggest grin on his face. "I'm finally home."

Jace held his face gently in his hands as if he let go Yuni would disappear “I’ve missed you so much, I forgot how beautiful you were” he said gently just stroking his cheeks lovingly. He had not noticed the bump when he spun Yuni around but could tell something was different just in his face “What is it love?” He asked softly

Despite the tears, Yuni's face was full of warmth. "Handsome flatterer," he teased, wiping his eyes. "Nothing is wrong, I promise," Yuni said gently. "I've just been crying a lot these days, I'm sorry." He gently guided the warm hand on his cheek with his, down to his lower belly, and lightly pressed against the billowy fabric, where his skin was firm and round.

Jace wiped his love’s tears gently before one of his hands was guided down and he looked shocked “What?” He asked his heart beating quickly as he felt the hardened stomach of his love. He was somewhat confused, sure Yuni was the god of fertility but was he not in the human equivalent of a man’s body when they spent the night together? Or was this child someone else’s? No, that wouldn’t be it, he knew Yuni, if this was anyones child it was his.

Yuni blushed, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "I'm sorry this is so sudden, and that I couldn't tell you sooner... I didn't know I could conceive on my human form," he babbled, feeling the anxiety spike again. "I'm sorry," he sniffed

Jace looked at him surprised “We’re having a baby?” He asked joy spreading across his face “We’re going to be a family” he said happily before kissing him desperately pulling him tightly towards him

Yuni nodded, that yes, they were having a baby, but barely had time to think about it when he was pulled into a kiss and a hug. He hummed happily. "Yes, we're a family, if you would like." He fidgeted with his hair a bit before saying, "err, my body has changed accordingly... In my non-human state, I'm... I'm not strictly male," he offered, feeling a bit embarrassed.

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