C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace loved the skin to skin contact and gasped when Yuni told him to cum, unable to hold it back anymore he cried out spilling his seed into his lover holding himself above him with one arm, the same way he held himself up the first time they were together “I’m sorry” he muttered “I wanted to wait for you” he panted heavily, it had been so long he was unable to stop himself.

Yuni came not long after, loving the sound of Jace's cries; the delicious sound bringing him to his own end again. "Why sorry? I loved it," Yuni said, reaching up to kiss him again. 'I wanted you to come."

Jace kissed him gently back rubbing his side softly “I know, it’s what pushed me over but I wanted to make you feel good with me, I barely moved in you” he said breathlessly lying down next to Yuni and pulling him close gently.

Yuni snuggled to him happily. "That's okay, my love. I felt amazing... Besides, we have a lifetime together to make love," he hummed. Besides, Yuni was very much in love with, and into Jace's voice, into his happiness. He was supremely turned on by Jace's pleasure, feeling second hand giddiness from it.

Jace held him close and drew gentle circles on his back “Well, as long as you are happy, I’m happy” he said gently and kissed his head ever so gently before laying back tired from their activities

It was Yun's turn to take care of Jace; wiping his body down with a cool cloth. "Of course, I'm happy," he hummed, "I'm back home with you." Once he was finished cleaning the both of them off, he crawled back into bed with Jace, laying his head on Jace's chest with a content sigh.

Jace pulled the blanket over them with his free hand holding Yuni ever so close “Please don’t be gone when I awake” he said gently kissing the top of Yuni’s head tiredly before falling asleep holding him close.

"I'll be here," Yuni promised. Soon fell asleep with Jace, contentedly listening to his heartbeat.

When morning came, Yuni was still curled up with him like the sleepy cat he was. His arms were flung around Jace's torso while his legs were intertwined with Jace's. It would probably take some complicated maneuvering to detangle from him without waking him.

Jace woke early, feeling more content than he had in months feeling his love curled around him. He decided to forgo his chores for a few hours not wishing to disturb Yuni. He simply held him close and drew patterns on his back with his fingers as he waited for him to awake

Charlie, who knew that the two of them would like privacy this morning, was already on the farm doing chores. He had picked up the habit of speaking with the cattle as well, talking about Yuni's return. Mostly about how everyone was glad to hear he was okay, and that he was happy that Jace and Yuni were finally united again. He offered the cows a treat, knowing he wasn't going to be judged for his thoughts. He concluded with the thought that it was hard to sleep the previous night. Back at the commune, he was always with Yuni. And the past few months, he had been curled around Jace. Getting used to sleeping alone was... Odd.

Some time later, Yuni awoke, stretching and making a noise of content before looking up at Jace. "Good morning," He said with a smile. "Did you sleep well?"

Jace smiled warmly down at Yuni “The best sleep I’ve had in months, how about you?” He asked gently drawing patterns on him for a moment before he stood pulling on some shorts going to make them some breakfast knowing Charlie was probably either here or on his way over as well, he set out three of everything.

"Me too." He hopped out of bed with Jace, giving him a sweet good morning kiss before getting dressed himself. "I could definitely get used to this~" he hummed. He slid his clothes back on, but not before running his hand over his stomach and saying, "Good morning, baby~"

Jace was right-Charlie was on his way already. The last of the morning chores for him was feeding the dogs. He stopped at the entrance to the small home, knocking politely and waiting for a response.

Jace smiled and went over to Yuni leaning down and kissing his stomach gently “Sorry darling, I didn’t say good morning to you” he said softly and stroked his belly gently before standing and going to the door. He opened it and smiled “Charlie, come on in” he said happily opening it widely before going back to finishing the breakfast for the three of them

((Okay, so obviously we need to make someone for Charlie but should it be a woman or a man?))

((lol I suppose so xD His main issue is just getting used to sleeping alone. He and Yuni were basically always together back at the commune, so this is a strange development. His favorite cuddle buddy is gone lol. Hmm, probably a man. He's more inclined to men than women. ))

Yuni giggled, happy to see Jace talk to the child. "I'm sure they're happy to hear from you too."

Charlie gave them a bright smile as he entered. "Good morning," he called, "I hope you had a good rest-all your morning chores are done for today." He smelled the delicious scent of food on the stove, and said, "wow, something smells wonderful."

Yuni agreed, for once. His stomach had finally started to settle down now that he had gone past the first trimester, so he was finally interested in food again. His stomach growled loudly with need.

"Time to feed the stray," Charlie joked.

((Okay, maybe Jace has a brother who shows up who’s a bit more of a free spirit? Kind of crazy but lovable? Jace hasn’t spoken about him because he’s more of a traveller and doesn’t often stay in one place all too long?))

Jace smiled gently “Only the best for you two” he winked placing the toast and roasted veggies on a plate for them happily. “Thank you for doing the chores Charlie, I would have done them at some point I just was tangled up in bed” he teased Yuni.

He got some jam for himself feeling like the sweeter spread this morning before he went and sat down next to Yuni happily “My stray cat” he chuckled softly and kissed his head gently before eating.

((Sounds good c: ))

Charlie chuckled. "I knew you would be, so I figured I would lend a hand." He sat down at the table across the two of them. "Thank you so much," he added, "you didn't have to set me a plate."

Yuni leaned into Jace's touch affectionately. "Yes, thank you handsome~" he smiled at Charlie, welcoming him to the home before turning his attention to the food. He munched happily at some jam covered toast, pleased he could enjoy it again.

"And I suppose a congratulations is on order," Charlie said warmly, twirling his fork, "and a welcome to the family." He chuckled. "In case you were thinking of avoiding us, I do believe that knocking up our God means you have a new adoptive family now."

Jace smiled warmly “Making you breakfast after you helped out for the last three months, not to mention this morning alone, is really nothing” he said shaking his head gently.

Jace flushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly “I mean, it wasn’t like that, that wasn’t my intention, not that it wasn’t a great result…I…I don’t know what I’m saying” he chuckled nervously

Charlie waved his hand. "What are friends for? We help each other when times are tough."
Yuni said, "I really do owe you Charlie... Thank you for looking after him. I can't thank you enough."
Once again, Charlie dismissed the thanks, just happy things had worked out for the best. He chuckled at Jace's nervousness. "Relax," he soothed, "no one is going to be mad. Regardless of how it happened, that is a blessing. Everyone is going to be happy to meet the baby."

Charlie had a loud mouth, so s obviously everyone already knew that the two were expecting.

Jace laughed gently “I think you meant to say ‘no one is mad’ “ he said teasingly “Yuni has been back since yesterday, you went home last night and I have a feeling that there’s no way you haven’t told every single one of them about our situation” he said laughing gently.

He kissed Yuni’s head gently “I do, however need to go into town today, are you able to go into town Yuni or do you need to stay here?” He asked gently unsure if due to the pregnancy he now had to stay in his godlike form.

"You're right," Charlie said rather sheepishly. "Currently, everyone has a bet going on whether or not you're having a boy or a girl. Nan insists that it's twins," he added with a shrug. He didn't know about that, given that the only one who had actually seen Yuni besides Jace was him... How could Nan possibly know that? He shrugged the thought off, just deciding not to question it.

Yuni gave Jace s gentle kiss in return. "I can appear human for awhile," he said, "it just takes too much energy to do it all the time like I used to. But, a trip into town should be fine." He frowned, looking worried for Jace. "Are you sure..? I can run any errand you need."

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