C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace shook his head “You can’t run this one unfortunately” he chuckled gently and kissed him softly again “Charlie can come with me if you just want to stay here or go visit your family?” He said gently and rubbed his cheek lightly “I’m sure Charlie can get some great ingredients and we can cook a big return celebration feast” he smiled gently at his love.

Yuni beamed, excited at the prospect of seeing his family today. And the big dinner with everyone, of course. "Are you sure that you don't need me?" He was clearly worried, after how his last experience in town went. Not that he didn't trust them, he was just a worrier.

"Anything you need," Charlie said emphatically. "Just say the word."

Jace smiled warmly and stroked his cheek “I promise we’ll be okay, you should visit your family” he said gently “We won’t be gone all day and we can be together as soon as I get back” he said smiling brightly at his love.

That was really all the convincing that Yuni needed, kissing Jace's fingers when he stroked his cheek. "Okay, have a good day love." He was excited to visit his family, but first, he was cleaning up from breakfast.

Jace smiled brightly before getting up and grabbing the plates to quickly clean up before getting changed into something more appropriate for town. He smiled over at Charlie as they left the house and went towards town.

"Be safe and have a good time," Yuni told the two of them, watching them depart. He waved at them until they were out of sight before he and the two dogs meandered over to his family's home.

"So, what's our super secret can't tell Yuni mission?" Charlie asked when they were on their way to town.

Jace laughed and rolled his eyes “I don’t trust that you’re not going to say anything” he chuckled gently “What are you planning on getting to make for the festivities tonight?” He asked smiling gently.

Charlie made a face. "Fiiiine. Well, Im going to get some of the fresh nettle leaves growing near the woods and make a soup. I promise you, tastes better than it sounds, especially with some potatoes, garlic, and freshly churned cream," he said excitedly. "Plus, it's a lovely green colour. Yuni loves carrots the most, so I'm going to make a maple glazed carrot dish with some syrup I've been saving~" he added. "What about you?"

Jace rose an eyebrow at him “What about me what?” He asked smiling gently “You know I’ll eat whatever you serve me” he chuckled gently.

Charlie snorted. "Well, I appreciate that. But, do you have a favorite dish you would like served? I don't eat meat, but I am familiar with cooking it, so something it is not off the table for you, should you ask." They were nearing the town now, judging by the amount of people that were starting to mill about on the road. He could see the farmer's market in the distance, and he vaguely wondered about the spices that might be in stock.

Also, it was still not fair he wouldn't tell Charlie about their real mission. He respected Jace's decision, but he was still going to sulk about it.

Jace shook his head “I like all the food you make so make something you like and I’m sure I’ll like it too” he said winking at him. He headed into town “Meet back here in an hour?” He asked smiling at him

Charlie nodded, blushing slightly at the wink. "Of course, I'll see you then. Let me know if you require any assistance until then."
He watched Jace leave, contemplating what dessert to make. Perhaps a sweet honey bread? Or should he splurge for some really expensive sugar? Oh well, he would decide what to make when he got to the spices stall.

Jace laughed “I’m sure I’ll be fine” he teased before heading to the town. After an hour he had returned to the spot and was waiting patiently for Charlie.

Charlie had come back with a whole host of items, his arms loaded down with various ingredients. He had decided not splurge on the expensive sugar, deciding that this was an occasion that happened so rarely, it was worth the splurge. He smiled at Jace and said, "mission accomplished, how did you fair?"

((Be back in 30))

((All good))

Jace reached out grabbing some from him chuckling gently “My mission was a success, thank you” he grinned, loving the frustrated look on Charlie’s face from the not knowing.

"I got it," Charlie mumbled, despite the fact that Have already had the stuff. "Thank you. Shall we go back?" Maybe if he looked carefully, he could find out what Jace had gotten in town-a clue to what the mission was. "Glad to hear it was successful."

Jace laughed gently “Why is it frustrating you so much that I have kept this secret?” He grinned as they began to walk back together. He made sure to carry at least half of the groceries especially since Charlie had helped in the morning while he was with Yuni.

"It's fine," Charlie said with a grin, "I'm just curious.. you don't need to carry all of that."
They walked toward the commune, and they could see in the distance, the white haired god and the dogs playing with some of the children. Or rather, they were clinging to his hair and robes, trying to show him various new things around the area that had happened in his absence.

Jace chuckled gently “Yes, I know, but it won’t be a secret for long” he laughed softly before hearing his voice being called, not from his love but from the direction of his house. He turned and looked shocked “Evan?” He said kind of shocked before heading towards his house.

Evan stood on the front steps of the house grinning broadly at his older brother. Evan looked very much like Jace with the same wide green eyes and of medium height but he wasn’t as stockily build, still muscled but in a leaner fashion, and had his dark curly hair meeting his shoulders instead of short like his brothers. He was also more pale, avoiding farm work and preferring to stay out of the sun when he could.

((Sorry Evan; Charlie has other plans lol))

Charlie stared in bewilderment after Jace when he ran off, until he saw the other man standing there. 'Ah, they must know each other,' he thought. He then waved to Jace calling, " I'm going to head back first so I can get started cooking tonight's dinner-take your time. And thanks for your help."

He gave Jave and Evan a polite wave before turning away, heading back to the commune to begone dinner prep.

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