C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy)

Jace smiled warmly at him “I have missed treating you like this for months, I have time to make up for” he grinned down at Yuni and kissed his forehead gently sitting the plate in front of him before getting his own.

Evan chuckled gently at the pout on the other man’s face as he made his way to the table grabbing a plate and passing it to Charlie before grabbing one for himself.

Some of the younger residents of the caravan "oohed" when Jace kissed Yuni, along with a chorus of "they kissed" which made Yuni laugh.
"Thank you, handsome," he said, mentally promising to spoil him that night.
Charlie accepted the plate, but as one of the cooks, made sure that everyone else's plate was full before his. He then took his place on Yuni's opposite side, so Yuni was sandwiched in between him and Jace.

Yuni, who was so happy to return home had sent the spring flora into a frenzy of blooms with his joy. The air was filled with the gentle sweetness of spring blooms.

Jace laughed gently at the children before he sat with his own plate and took Yuni’s hand gently as he did so. He ate happily looking around at the group, happy they could all be together.

Evan squashed himself down the end with some of the kids eating his food happily, not particularly talkative as he ate his food.

Once they had finished the meal Jace stood and held his cup up “A toast to the god of fertility’s return, may this be the best season yet” he said smiling brightly at Yuni before clearing his throat a little more “And, as we are surrounded by all your family and mine” he said eyeing Evan down the line “I would like to take this time to ask Yuni an incredibly important question” he said brightly and pulled out a ring which looked like golden strings woven together into a ring. He stepped back a little and knelt down smiling lovingly at Yuni “Yuni, I love you so very much, from the first moment in that lake to our last moment together I want to be with you forever, you are my heart, please, be mine forever? Marry me?” He said, and despite being fairly sure of the answer he was still incredibly nervous

Charlie had felt bad that despite the fact that he had tried to save Evan a seat, he had gotten squished out. He would move so that Evan could sit by Jace. He could sit by Yuni any other day; Evan was going to be leaving soon. He was about to stand up when he noticed that Jace had called a toast. It was unusual for him to speak, but not unwelcome. He turned his attention to the scene that unfolded before him.

Yuni was in tears before Jace had finished his lovely speech. He could blame the hormones, but it was also the sweetest thing that anyone had ever said to him, and the happiest he had ever been. "Of course;" he sniffed, "Nothing would make me happier than to love and be loved by you forever." He accepted the ring, having it being slid into his finger only made him cry harder. Nan passed him a tissue because he couldn't stop the happy tears from flowing. "Jace, I love you. I'm so incredibly lucky to have you. And that you've chosen me-Im speechless. I'm so happy I could cry-oh, I am crying," he laughed.

Everyone toasted their congratulations, cheering loudly for the happy couple. Charlie did the same, clapping Yuni on the shoulder warmly before being pulled into a hug by the god. He didn't let it show on his face, but it felt like his heart had plummeted to the pit of his stomach and sat their uncomfortably. He politely excused himself, under the pretense of refilling the water jug, before taking it to the tent.

He should have been happy; the two people he adored most were getting their happy ending. But all he felt was loneliness. This new development had brought with it the revelation that he would be sleeping by himself from now on. Yuni would be moving in with Jace-of course he would it only made sense. And Jace. That still hurt. He didn't mean to fall for Jace, and was kicking himself for it, but it had happened. And he wouldn't be able to cuddle him anymore, either. He hated himself for it, but he had come to love waking up to his presence, eating meals together, looking after him. "God's, I am such a horrible friend," he muttered.

Jace gently wiped the tears from Yuni’s face happily fighting his own. He had never thought that he would be truly loved the way that Yuni loved him. He kissed him gently and dipped him down in a dramatic way kissing him happily and holding him steady before pulling him back upright happily. “I love you so very much” he said happily.

Evan cheered for his brother and fiancé before seeing Charlie sneak off and followed after him hearing his mumbles and smiled a little sadly “I don’t think you falling for my brother makes you a bad friend” he said gently, trying not to frighten him “Don’t worry, I’m just perceptive, I don’t think anyone else realises” he said going up to him “I think you would only be a horrible friend if you consistently tried to tear them apart for your own benefit”

Another chorus of "eww they kissed" and giggles came from the kids, but the general mood of the place was one of joy.
"I love you too, I'm so happy to have you," Yuni kissed Jace back, giggling at the dramatic dip and and then wrapping his arms around him.
"About time," Nan teassd.

Regardless of how Evan tried not to statyle him, Charlie jumped slightly anyway. "Oh, hey, what can I help you with?" He asked, straightening his expression. Regardless of what Evan saw, he was going to deny it, push it under the rug. "Of course, I would never do that," he said with resolve. "You don't want to miss the festivities, do you? You helped make a delicious dessert, it would be a shame for you not to get any."

(Sorry, I don’t know why but this didn’t come up with a reply for me for some reason)

Jace smiled gently and stroked his cheek happily “Well, I did have to wait for him to return before I proposed” he chuckled gently

Evan moved closer to him gently “I can eat dessert anytime, I think you need me more right now than I need dessert” he said shrugging gently “If you want to talk I can listen or I can just stand here in silence or I can start cleaning, it’s up to you”

((You're good, I thought it was my phone not working))

Yuni beamed, happy to be celebrating with Jace and his family. Now, just his family, he supposed since Jace was part of it. "I never expected this but I'm... I'm so glad you want me to be a part of your family."

Charlie started to clean up. "I'm fine, really. I appreciate your concern. Besides, nothing is wrong." His hands trembled as he picked up and started to scrub the cookware. He wasn't fine, but he wasn't going to say it. He didn't want to admit it, especially to Evan, who barely knew him. He didn't want to burden someone else with his issues.

Jace smiled gently and kissed his forehead “You and our baby are my family, forever” he said gently and stroked his cheek with one hand and placed his other on Yuni’s stomach gently

Evan reached over and gently removed the cookware from his hands before pulling the other man into his arms gently “Perhaps I just need a hug then” he said softly trying to give Charlie an out if he wanted it, if he truly didn’t wish to speak

Yuni leaned into his touch, like a happy cat. "And you have a large family now too? Us, Charlie, Nan, and everyone else as well."

Charlie hugged Evan, lightly, not wanting to put his full weight on him. He didn't want to, but he felt himself tremble with tears that were threatening. "I'm sorry," he said. He wasn't sure if he was apologizing to Yuni and Jace, or Evan for inconveniencing him. "I'm sorry."

Jace smiled warmly “That I do” he said looking down the table at all their family.

Evan tightened his hold a little rubbing soothing circles on Charlie’s back gently “Never apologise for feeling” he said gently

"I need to apologize--how I feel is selfish," Charlie muttered. "The two people I care about the most are celebrating the best day of their lives, and yet I don't feel happy for them." He felt his eyes start to sting with tears. "I m-mean I wouldn't be happy if they weren't together, either... Because they care about each other so much. I couldn't stand to see them sad if I could help it, but-" He cut himself off, feeling the liquid sadness pool in his eyes and roll down his face. He wasn't going to be happy with the outcome regardless, so why bother to justify it.

Evan gently wiped the tears from his cheeks “How you feel is never selfish, it would only be selfish if you acted on it” he said gently and pulled the man tightly to him rubbing his back gently

Charlie nodded. "Still, I don't need to bother you with this-you barely know me." He pulled away, feeling the irony of thos situation keenly. He had told Jace something similar not too long ago.

Evan smiled warmly at him “Don’t worry about it, I want to help and make you feel better. I know what will help” he grinned and went to his bag and pulled out a small block of chocolate “This is made in Sweden so it’s the good stuff” he winked and broke a piece off for both of them

"Thank you," Charlie said, grinning a little bit. "But you don't have to, I'm sure that was expensive." He eyed the chocolate with as bit of trepidation, knowing where it came from and how much it probably cost Evan.

As the two lingered in companionable silence, Charlie asked, "How did you know? You said you're observant, that's incredibly observant-unless I'm worse at hiding things than I thought."

((So how long is Evan staying? Since he likes to travel))

Evan rolled his eyes and put the piece of chocolate in his hand “Eat it, I offered” he smiled gently before shrugging “You get perceptive when you live like I do, it helps to survive” he shrugged a little “And sometimes it’s fun to make games with what you perceive, like creating a story of star crossed lovers or bitter rivals” he chuckled gently

((I’m not sure lol))

Charlie took a bite, happily enjoying the taste. At the "make games" comment, he chuckled and asked, "and what story have you made for me?"
((Fair, I was gonna make a cliche idea and suggest that they hook up before he leaves and leave Charlie with a baby. Drama lol ))

((But wasn’t the idea for this one that it shocks them that Yuni gets pregnant and then Jace gets pregnant because of Yuni being the god of fertility?))

Evan chuckled and shrugged “Well, you’re a chef, world renowned obviously. You have a crush on my brother but Yuni is your best friend and practically brother so you would never do anything to destroy that relationship so your struggling at the moment with the idea of them but you also love them” he shrugged

((That is the idea, but I did mention that Charlie is trans, so it is possible. Doesn't have to happen, but throwing ideas out c: ))

Charlie snorted at the world renowned bit. "And that is way too close to the truth, so another bite of chocolate for me," he said, nibbling on the piece. But he was smiling, so he wasn't upset by it. "I imagine you see a lot of interesting people on your travels," he mused.

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