Top Secret Birthing Facility (New RP Idea)

Plot: Men are being taken out of the army and brought to a top secret facility where they are impregnated with anywhere from 1 to 5 eggs at a time. The Eggs will be hatched to produce more soldiers. The pregnancies last one month and the eggs are the size of ostrich eggs.

How many eggs:
How many batches:

Name: Josh
Rank: Private
Pregnant: Yes
How many eggs: 4
How many batches: 3

My time is coming again I can feel it. These fucking eggs will be coming soon and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I tried last time. Refused to push the humongous eggs out of my ass but I lost that fight. They come even if you don't push. Its part of the formula. A simple solution right? Wrong. It take 10 times as long and leaves you in worse shape. That was the day I accepted my fate. I will live the rest of my life here pushing eggs out of my ass once a month until I die. As if on cue I hear a pop and feel a gush as my water breaks. 'Here we go again.' I think as my hand falls to my huge orb of a stomach and the first contraction hits "AAHHHH"

They always know when it is your time. Even if you don't call them. The come and take Josh to the hospital wing, strip him down and set him up on one of the many beds in the room, putting his legs in the stirrups. He knows he will have a long labor before he can start pushing. It is always that way. He looks around the room and surprisingly sees a lot of empty beds. His thoughts are brought back to his slowly progressing labor as another strong contraction racks his body. "UGGGGHHH" heee hee heee. He tries to pant through the contraction. All he wants is to get these eggs out and go back to his room.

It has been hours and Josh is getting closer to pushing. He can feel the eggs making their way down slowly towards his opening. He wants so badly to just bear down but he knows he has to wait until the urge to push rises in him. Soon enough he feels the urge to push. He bares down hard, pushing with all he has "NNNNGGGHH AHHHHH" He can feel the first egg moving down slowly. He can tell its huge and he is not surprised the last batch were as big as ostrich eggs if not bigger. "NNNGGGHHHHH Come on. come on" He pleads with the egg to come out. It emerges more and more with each push until he gets to the widest part of the egg. He pulls himself up by the bars on either side of him, grabbing his legs for more leverage and bringing them up as close to his face as he can. He learned it helps when it comes to the widest part, during his first birth. He waits for the next contraction to start before pulling his legs back and pushing with all his might "GGGGAAAHHHHHHHH" his face is red and he is gasping for air as he lets go of his legs and falls back on the bed and the egg falls into the basket below

(Still waiting and hoping for people to join in!)

Soon enough the next egg has dropped down into the birth canal. He grips the bars on either side of him and bares down feeling this egg move down faster. The burn comes quickly and soon he is at the widest part. He pulls his legs back and pushes hoping it will come out with this last one "UGGGGHHHH A LITTLE MORE. ALMOST THERE" and with that the egg pops out and falls into the basket. "Two more, Only two more." He breathes out heavily.

The next egg comes as quickly as the one before. So fast in fact that he didn't even realize it was crowning at first. He doesn't waste any time, he grabs his legs pulling them back as far as they will go and bares down but eases up a bit when he realizes this one is really small. He decides to save his energy and just gives small pushes. The egg is out after the fifth push and he relaxes before the last one.

Josh's contractions start up again a few minutes after the third egg was out. He starts pushing instantly but suddenly realizes that this egg was much bigger than the rest. "SHIT! HOW AM I GOING TO GET THIS EGG OUT OF MY ASS?!" He pushes again trying everything between arching his back and holding his legs but nothing got the egg to move. Finally he pulls himself up on the bed and gets in a low squat and curls around his belly pushing with all his might "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK" He finally feels the egg start moving down his birth canal, slowly crowning. "ITS TEARING ME APART" He bares down again pushing harder than ever. Not worrying about tearing. He just wanted to get this humongous egg out. He finally gets the egg out to the widest part and stops, trying to catch his breath. He looks down to see the massive thing he is giving birth to. It is at least double the size of the biggest egg he has ever given birth to,(the size of an ostrich egg) "How am I going to do this without it killing me?" He asks himself as another contraction nearly paralyzes him. He grabs both bars and spreads his legs as far as they can go and bares down harder than ever before. Unfortunately The egg doesn't budge. Josh knows he needs to get this thing out as soon as possible so he lowers himself down to an almost sitting position, leaning against the back of the bed. He props his legs up on the bars on either side of the bed and starts pushing, reaching down and grabbing the egg, pulling as he pushes screaming at the top of his lungs. With one last huge push and tug, the egg pops out and he throws it down in the basket, collapsing on the best panting and fighting to catch his breath

A while later they came back and took Josh back to his room to recover. When he wakes the next morning he is extremely sore and still exhausted from his births the day before. He sits up in his bed thinking about his life before he was brought here. He was a private in the army. Serving his country for the greater good. They had come to him one day four months ago promising him that what they wanted him to do could save every life he swore to protect. How could he refuse something like that? They brought him to this facility and kept him in this room. Within a weeks time he was hugely pregnant with his first batch. He was terrified, sure, but he was also very curious about what exactly he was carrying. They didn't move of kick inside him so he was pretty sure they were human children, but he wasn't expecting eggs. When his time came the first time, it caught him off guard. He was just waking up, he went to stand and his water broke beneath him and pain filled his entire body. They came and got him taking him to the room and sitting him on the bed, spreading his legs and leaving him there to labor alone. He was scared but he was a soldier. He could do it. Even though it had been his first time, he knew what to do for the most part and what he didn't, he figured it out as he went. He snapped back to reality. He had accepted his fate long ago. He knows what will happen and he knows what is expected him. He knows that in a few days time he will wake up hugely pregnant and in a month he will give birth once again Probably to the most he has had. He wonders if anyone has given birth to more than five eggs. Is it possibly? If it is he wants to be impregnated with as many as he can without dying, he is helping his country after all. So he will give birth as many times as he can before he enevitably dies doing so.

Two days later Josh wakes up and he is once again heavily pregnant. He does notice, however, that he is bigger than he has ever been. He rubs his giant orb, smiling as he knows its full of eggs. He wonders how many are in there. knowing that he will not know for sure until he gives birth in a months time. For him, the process can not end fast enough. Even through all the pain and suffering he experiences giving birth to the eggs, it is his duty, therefore he loves it. There is never a day that he would refuse to do it because it is what he was chosen to do.

(still hoping someone will RP)

(01-22-2014, 11:01 AM)missingyou421 Wrote:  Plot: Men are being taken out of the army and brought to a top secret facility where they are impregnated with anywhere from 1 to 5 eggs at a time. The Eggs will be hatched to produce more soldiers. The pregnancies last one month and the eggs are the size of ostrich eggs.

How many eggs:
How many batches:

I'll join, sounds like a lot of fun.

Name: Dylan
Age: 19
Rank: Private
Pregnant: Yes
How Many eggs: 5
Ho many batches: Not sure what the difference is between eggs and batches, I'll edit this when I do.

Dylan had just returned to the room next to Josh's. This was his first pregnancy in the army and he had not been here for very long, only a day or two. Dylan was just impregnated a half hour ago and he was just starting to feel the symptoms. He is very young, and while he is very excited about his new duty and fate, and somewhat scared about the month to come.

Josh sees Dylan being taken into the next room and gets up going in "hey I'm Josh. First time?"

Dylan turned and saw Josh, he studied him for a moment. It was clear to him that Josh was more experienced and a lot older than him, While Dylan is a recent adult, his mind was still that of a child.

He looked again and noticed that homongous belly Josh had, which was much larger than Dylan's, whose bump was just forming.

"Yes, im really excited!" Dylan almost had a spring in his step. "Im Dylan, So im assuming youve been here a while?

"yeah this will be my fourth batch and you will love this. Trust me. We will probably deliver at thee same time too I can help you out"

"I'll take your word for it" Dylan loved the idea of pregnancy, but the labor part always feared him by what hes been told about it. It will all pay off in the end though. "I could use the help, what with this being my first time and all." He grinned.

"Yeah but you will get the hang of it pretty quick I promise and the growing should be done soon" looking at his growing stomach

"You think so?" Dylan placed a hand on his belly, he could feel it growing. Dylan takes a glance at Josh's belly. He takes his hand off his own, and hoping that he isnt intruding asks, "Um, is it okay if I feel yours?" He blushes a little, hoping that he is still making a good first impression.

"of course." he takes Dylans hand and places it on his belly

Dylan blushed once more, very happy. Josh's belly had a strange, warm sensation that amazed Dylan. "Wow." Thats all he could say, he was so fascinated.

"Yours will be big soon enough trust me" Laughs

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