The Chosen (story rp, open.)

Aster merely grabbed a knife and cut the the back of his hair off, continuing until it was at a nice short design of his usual brown and black. The spell he used also made his ears shrink to a human's as well as add a few additions to his slight youthful appearance, such as a partially thick stubble. If they were to be the part, it was best to fully become it. That meant those posing as females as well.

"To an elf, a male and a woman give off different scents. I can only imagine what someone close to a dragon could do." His next spell was fairly simple. Embracing Shiloh's hand, he would feel a tingle shoot up his body that would make him fully look the part. That meant replacing some body parts with another that belonged to a woman's. "It's only temporary for however long we need it. Shall the two of us get started then?" His usual shirtless armor was replaced with something more Yeoman like, something similar to a human archer in the Imperial Army.

"Yes, good idea Aster". He nodded and held Jeremy's free hand. Once he returned to his side dressed up as a female. "Yes, let's leave now". He told the group and gathered their items together. He blushed at the sight of Jeremy dressed up as a young female and made a personal note to see about getting him more. Once the war was over and they could be mated with each other.

(01-09-2015, 01:23 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Great, now I need you two to act like you are in love and talk about your future wedding together. I need you both to pretnend to be excited about the wedding and beg one of the priests to marry you after we find Ryne. While the priest and others are setting up for the wedding. We will sneak Ryne out and replace him with a shadow clone." Koji explained

"there is a wedding dress here. I could use it, so we would look like a newly married couple," said Jeremy, getting a wig with long red hair, a veil and a white dress "We could say we are just married, and that we need somewhere to stay."

"Yes, that would be a good idea." He smiled and nuzzled Jeremy. He kissed his cheek and held him close. "We will need rings as well". He replied and looked around for a vendor selling wedding bands. He found a pair of simple gold bands for them. He haggled a price with the vendor and paid for them before slipping one onto Jeremy's finger. After he put one on his own finger.

He couldn't help but let out a little sigh as aster cut his hair off , he always found long hair attractive on a person one reason he had never touched his with a knife in his life, but soon jumped when he felt a hand in his own and in the next minute when he looked down the void at the front of his dress that barely clung to his body soon swelled with a large line of cleavage that made the dress close to too tight.
" Y-You sure this was really necessary?" As he shifted his legs he felt something else different as well and his golden eyes fixed on aster in slight irritation that he'd really stripped him of everything making him 'manly'.

~Help me I'm human~

"Yes, we have to make sure we look convincing enough to be allowed into the temple. Besides, it's only temporary". Koji replied and kissed Jeremy's lips. "So my beautiful wife, shall we continue onward with our journey?". He said

"Relax" Aster said as he examined him a bit. "You should see,feel and smell yourself just fine. Everyone else on the other hand, not so much. Think of it as an additional layer to your body, one that will disappear once the clothes are gone." There needed to be a major difference among them from before. He was certain the figure that took Ryne off was bound to remember faces and races. That made him question the golden Riptor with them. It was quite the rarity indeed at least. He focused back on Shiloh once again, thinking of how he could act a bit more humanly.

(I hope everything is going well for you.)

Koji smiled at the pair and held Jeremy's hand. "Please while I am in this form, call me Heero or husband". He smiled and kissed him again.

(Yeah, I am good. How about you?. My updates might be a little slow for the next two months. I am going to be visiting family and sometimes their internet gives out)

(01-10-2015, 06:35 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  "Yes, that would be a good idea." He smiled and nuzzled Jeremy. He kissed his cheek and held him close. "We will need rings as well". He replied and looked around for a vendor selling wedding bands. He found a pair of simple gold bands for them. He haggled a price with the vendor and paid for them before slipping one onto Jeremy's finger. After he put one on his own finger.

"Oh, Koji. That's so cute. They are so beautiful." Jeremy says as he looks to Koji with an obvious love.

(01-12-2015, 12:50 AM)Monkeypaws19 Wrote:  Koji smiled at the pair and held Jeremy's hand. "Please while I am in this form, call me Heero or husband". He smiled and kissed him again.

(Yeah, I am good. How about you?. My updates might be a little slow for the next two months. I am going to be visiting family and sometimes their internet gives out)

Jeremy smiled and kissed Koji too, running his hands through Koji's chest softly. "Sure, my handsome Heero. And while i'm on this form, call me Ella, please."

He decided to try out what little acting skills he had and clasped his hands in front of himself standing just a bit taller, though with his short stature he really couldn't, to make himself seem more lady like. If acting like a human and looking like this was something it took to get Ryne back he'd suck it up and do as he was told for now. He blushed seeing Jeremy and Koji hoping he and Aster didn't have to do something like that. He didn't want to admit he didn't like the older man, Shiloh always felt put off by his slightly overpowering Aura and thought to himself it would be best to keep away from him then make the Elf mad in any way. He did admit he was a attractive man and he knew he was drawn to Aster a little because of that. Maybe once they spent some time together and he knew more about him he'd feel his attraction grown into one that was something more then personality.
He chuckled under his breath at the thoughts running through his head finding his mind was beginning to run wild like all he women's minds he's know before coming with the group.

~Help me I'm human~

Koji purred and kissed Jeremy back."Thank you, my beautiful Ella. I only wish for your happiness as I promised in our vows". He cooed back gently

The group started to head up the mountain, traveling up the steps of the impressive titan of a rock. As they reached near the middle of the mountain, they found stone statues resembling samurai warriors holding katanas. The statutes had ice and snow covered on parts of their bodies. They were all lined up down a stone path. For some reason, they all felt like they were being watched.

(Sorry if I'm sounding pushy in this post, I just wanted to progress the story a bit. Though I do love the downtime dialogue.)

(Thanks, it's cool)

Koji held Jeremy's hand tightly in his larger one. He eyed the stone warriors with a wary look. He didn't like the feeling he was getting from them.

The stone statues stayed motionless, stuck in the ice. Suddenly, a shard of ice was shot at Koji and Jeremy. A ice statue with a bow and ice arrows fired at them as the Warriors with the swords came to life.

Koji cursed as he jumped out of the way with Jeremy in his arms. He pulled his own sword out and prepared for a fight with the icy cold stone statues. He pushed Jeremy behind him to protect him and looked for weak spots on the warriors.

(Apologies for the delay. Still without Internet and under the weather-recovering)

Aster followed, leading the way as some form of husband would with Shiloh close before they came across a clearing with statues. He released his hold on the other males hand the moment they came to life and reached for his bow. One situation after another it seemed.

Koji worked on protecting from the statues and fought them off.

The statues continued their assault before seeming stopping. They stopped attacking and retreated back to their spots. What the group didn't know, was that a two headed Ice Wyvern was headed their way.

Koji paused and cursed at the sight of the ice demon coming their way. He wasn't sure if it was friendly or not.So he decided to stay on his guard with Jeremy behind him.

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