Jungle capture (Open)

dante does not take notice though being down below. he has some food in his hands that he is snacking on and senses no reason to get up from where he sits.

Thunder decides he wants the elf and swoops down grabbing the elf in his talons and flys off back to his home high in the mountain.

dante is picked up and carried off. he flails in thunder's talons and lets out a loud yell of surprize as he is carried off "what's going on?!?! where are you taking me?" he asks when he finally stops struggling and just hangs there.

Thunder smiles "home elf to my home high in the mountains to a nice cave I've fixed up. And no elf I won't eat you"

dante breaths only a small sigh of releif to hear he will not be eaten. though he does have to wonder what will happen to him. he stays fairly quiet though so as to make sure he does not get dropped or something. that would be a terribly long fall. he slowly relaxes seeing mountains up ahead knowing his feet would touch land soon.

He sees a nest like spot on the bit of ground before a cave below that cave is a hundred foot drop. The eagle flys into the cave and puts the elf down thunder then turns human and streaches "home sweet home" the cave is clean and well decorated with shiny things. There is the sound of water from further back in the cave.

Dante's knees buckle and he ends up sitting on the floor of the cave looking up at the red haired wonder that had picked him up and brought him here. "what is your name? why did you bring me here?" he asks slowly gaining his footing back.

Thunder looks at the elf and grins "I'm thunder and I decided I wanted you here. Cus I feel attracted to you." He touches Dante's cheek " what's your name?"

(08-07-2013, 11:04 PM)Okamiryun Wrote:  Shizan smiles "I found boar hunting for truffles and I thought you would like the mushroom as well as the boar" He looks at Leo and offers what has been cooked.
(Wulf1walker are you a seeder or a carrier?)

"The boar sounds good," Leo said and returned the smile as he took the cooked food. "The only way I'll eat mushrooms is if they're with another type of food, but I'll still eat them."

Leo put the mushrooms among the meat and took a bite. It was delicious.

"Mmm, it's good," Leo said as he finished what he had before quirking his head to the side. "What are truffles?"

Shizan thinks looking up "rare and hard to find mushrooms the boar say its the most tasty and flaverful mushroom." He then looks at Leo and smiles " I thought it would be great for you to have if its that tasty. Tomarrow I'll ask some of the birds for the location of fruit. If you want anything let me know"

Dante blushed slightly at the touch but replied. it's only fair that he answer as he has been asking questions. "my name is Dante... Dante Darkwater." he says not sure what to say about thunder being attracted to him. he had a few flirt with him. but not just come out and say that they were attracted to him. his ears twitch slightly as he reaches to touch one of thunders wings

The feathers are soft thunder smiles and feels Dante's hair. Thunders hair is acctully softer down feathers. Thunder try's out Dante's name "Dante I like it. It's a good name"

Dante shivers slightly his hair is like silk as it runs through Thunders fingers. he looks out of the cave opening amazed by the sight. "what will you do with me? is there anyone else near that i should be worried about?" he does not seem opposed to stay here with Thunder which is a good sign atleast.

Thunder smiles "no this is my home no one else lives here I have no mate or children. It tend to get lonely."he enjoys the feel of Dante's hair and decides to sniff it

he blushes as he sees Thunder get close enough to sniff his hair. he has a natural scent that of strawberries somehow. he gasps slightly and loses his footing catching himself on Thunders shoulder. "yeah. i could see that being lonely. to have no one..." he looks out at the view. "its so pretty up here though. can't say that i would not mind staying here. you must know where everything is from this high up." he smiles and looks at Thunder.

Thunder smiles and lets Dante be there his wing covers Dante "yes I know where alot of things are and my territory is vast as far as I can fly"

(08-08-2013, 01:02 AM)Okamiryun Wrote:  Shizan thinks looking up "rare and hard to find mushrooms the boar say its the most tasty and flaverful mushroom." He then looks at Leo and smiles " I thought it would be great for you to have if its that tasty. Tomarrow I'll ask some of the birds for the location of fruit. If you want anything let me know"

Leo nods and gingerly climbs out of bed to walk over and stand near Shizan. He places a hand on Shizan's shoulder, thinking.

"Well, may be some strawberries, peaches...," Leo said thinking of what kind of fruit he would be wanting, "Oh, and blueberries, um, and whatever else kind of fruit you can find. As for anything else, if you think I'll like it, go ahead and get it for me to try. I'm open to trying anything and everything."

Dante moves into one of Thunders wings enjoying the soft feathers surrounding him as he smiles looking out at the surrounding land. he has relaxed and no longer fears what will happen. he takes a deep breath before asking the question that was bound to come up at one point or another. elves are well known to pick up on many things around these parts. "would you be interested in a mate?" he blinks his cat like eyes looking to thunder before he listens to the water running further back in the cave.

Shizan smiles "I'll look for what ever I can get for you Leo" he gives Leo the rest of the meat

Thunder grins and hugs Dante "yes I would like a mate. Very much" he sniffs Dante's hair again

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