Keeping Promises and Unwavering Memories (First come first served)
"It doesn't matter to me if you meant to see those sonogram pictures or not. You're doing me a huge favor. I just...well, I wish I could see you..."
"Oh, bet that's the hormones talking." she teased as she slowly began getting comfortable with the stage manager.
"If it is, then they've been talking for a few weeks. Come see me! I'd offer to take you somewhere but my mobility is pretty severely limited these days," he said as patted his large belly.
"Is that a date I hear?" Matilda asked with a quirked brow, she wanted to try but as far as she was concerned, she still had a lot of performance days left before she's free for dates again.
"Well...yeah, I was hoping so. I really want to see you again..." he felt himself shaking with nerves, hoping he could get a positive response out of her.
To hell with her performances, "Okay, sure, I'm free anyway." She said with an almost excited tone despite her not being one for such giveaways.
"Great! How about this Friday at 7? I can try to make some food for when you show up." He felt his heart pounding with excitement at seeing Matilda once more. He knew he had to pull off this date.
"Sure, you seem excited." She said with a hint of surprise, having not expected for him to look forward to the date, she thought he was doing it just to get on her good side.
"Well...yeah! I've been thinking about this for a while now so I'm getting a rush now that it's actually happening. I hope I'm not coming off too strong...I probably shouldn't have said anything..."
"It's okay, I mean, if you really want to. So at seven? Pick me up at the Opera House, of course I might still be wearing my spandex and ballet shoes but that's okay, I could change quickly." she rambled on in an almost nervous tone, twirling her hair in her fingers.
"Sounds great! And ballet gear is fine. It's what I know you best in anyway. I'm see you in a few days!" They said their goodbyes and hung up, and Charles smiled as wide as he ever had. He rubbed a band over his large belly and felt a wiggle from inside, which he cooed at.
Matilda was smiling like an idiot upon hanging up her phone and soon she went back to watching the ballet she was watching previously.
Charlie hardly slept the next few days. He was far too excited to see Matilda once more. So when Friday finally rolled around, he did what he could to look good. He found one of his larger sweaters and wore some of his nicer stretchy pants. He waited patiently outside of the theater that evening for her to come out.
Matilda already had her hair loose but when she came out she was still wearing her costume for Giselle but she didn't really notice. She saw Charlie and smiled, waving at him.

"Harrison, over here!" She called out.
Charlie turned his car and rolled up next to Matilda, motioning for her to get in. "Hey Matilda! How was rehearsal?" He had to contain himself from smiling too hard as she buckled herself in.
"Psychotic." She said with a grin as she settled into the car seat, "How bout you? You went to work or skipped?"
"Skipped again..." Charles said with a blush. "I just can't let anyone see me like this," he nodded down to his large belly,  pressed up against the steering wheel. "Once these kids come, I'll be back."
"And who'll be taking care of the kids?" She inquired with a quirked brow, "Unless you're having them adopted."
"This is gonna sound bad, but...I haven't really thought about it," he blushed and turned his eyes from whatever judgmental gaze he might be receiving. "I've always wanted kids, sure...but eight? At once? How would I care for them? And alone, to boot. If I gave them up for adoption, it would be best for everyone involved, I think. To keep them would be selfish, you know?"
Matilda shrugged, "Well, it's your life, can't really force you to keep em even if I wanted you to." She said nonchalantly, "Besides, who am I to you to coand you what to do and what not to do?"

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