Men Serving Men Surrogacy (First come first serve)

He chuckled, soon turning into the parking lot and unbuckling as he left the key in the car for valet as he got out of the car,"We'll see if they have any then."He smiled and grabbed his jacket,"If not, then we'll drive around for you, how about that?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick smiles at that and kisses his cheek "You're too sweet to me" he says softly as they put their name in and are lead to their table. He takes his seat, adjusting his jacket as he looks over the menu
Quincey nodded a bit, smiling then following them to the booth they would be sitting at,"So."He started once they took their seats and had gotten settled,"I guess we should start talking more about things couples would."He mentioned and sat back, glancing up at the waiter who poured them water and thanking him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick nods at that and sips at his drink before starting the conversation "What is your family like?" he asks curiously
Quincey played with the lemon in his water with his straw, glancing up at Patrick and thinking for a moment as his brows furrowed,"Difficult, but...really too nice for their own good."He replied, shaking his head,"Can't wait to see the look on their faces when we tell them the news."He smiled, he was the only child as stated before, though he had plenty of other relatives.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick nods "I bet your family will be excited to hear about the babies" he agrees, putting in their orders and smiling to him "My family's a bit large, I was one of four kids and then my parents remarried and I became one of seven"
"Yeah, they will. They won't be psyched about the way it's happening, but the promise of four cute new faces around the place will lighten the mood."He said, returning the smile and then taking a sip of his drink before choaking a bit,"Oh really?"He asked and chuckled, clearing his throat,"No wonder you like big families."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick chuckles and nods "It's never lonely when you have a full house" he admits, leaning back "We'll see how many we have though, these four will probably be a handful" he jokes
"Very true."He nodded, chuckling at him then letting the waiter place down their plates in front of them, thanking him then thinking of another topic they could go over,"I don't think I ever asked you how many kids you would want."He mentioned and smiled some,"Is there a limit for you?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick sat back and thought it over as he rubs his stomach "I'm honestly not sure" he admits "These four will be a handful, but if we can handle it, I wouldn't be opposed to more" he admits
"They sure will."He agreed,"I know that being an uncle only gave you a taste of what being a parent will be like, huh?"He smiled some and reached over to take his hand, squeezing it then letting go to take a sip of his water again,"I'll let you be the one to drive the minivan."He chuckled playfully.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick scoffs at that "I can see the headline now 'CEO of large company late for meeting due to being caught in the student drop off'" he says with a chuckle "That'll be interesting" he says honestly
Quincey smiled,"Yes, it will."He agreed and started seasoning his pasta with parmesan and pepper, he took a mouthful of what was on his fork then swallowed after chewing for a quiet moment, smiling some,"Do you think we should..."He trailed off a moment then continued,"You know, uh...."He took a breath,"Move in together maybe?"He blushed shyly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(Sorry my internet was down!)

Patrick looked up to him and nodded "I think that could be a good idea" he agrees softly "I haven't shown you my place yet have I? We could go there tonight, and talk about where we'd like to stay"
((Oh. That's fine. ))

Quincey looked surprised,"Really?"He asked and sat up a bit more in his seat, grinning now as he laughed lightly,"Okay. Yeah, that sounds like a plan."He agreed and nodded, taking a sip of his drink.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick nods and sips his cranberry juice "Of course, with four kids on the way we have quite a bit to do to get a home ready in time for them" he points out
He chuckled and nodded,"Agreed."He said and smiled, excited for this,"Alright, maybe we should make a list."He mentioned, laughing softly and finishing up the pasta on his plate.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Patrick is finishing his as well, sitting back and rubbing his full stomach "well first of all we're going to need cribs" he points out "Then things like changing tables, and other little things"
Quincey wiped his mouth then pulled out his notepad that he usually used for work, but guessed it could be repurposed for now as he began writing down the things Patrick listed off,"Got it. Then there's the task of us agreeing on what type of furniture we want for our kids."He said, looking up at him,"Please tell me you're the one to buy the most basic of things, and not complete fanatic when it comes to buying the most expensive unnecessary things."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"As long as it's safe and looks nice" Patrick supplies "Although I do feel we should invest in the stroller with four wheel drive, a stereo, and w wifi hotspot" he says with a joking smile

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