Mpreg Cafe (Open RP)
Reav smiled at his friend's words. He felt assured that everything will be okay. He patted his stomach tenderly then answered Daniel. "Of course I want you to be there and when your time you can count on me that I'll be there! Wouldn't miss it for the world. Oh! I call godfather to one of the twins, is that alright?" He smiled cheerfully. "Well that's in two months so I'll still have time to prepare and be of much help when you birth."
"Sure, Reav, I would love if you could be one of the godfathers" Daniel said with a smile "but I don't think you'll have that much time, buddy. I mean, look at me, I am huge right now, I look like I swallowed a beach ball" he,laughed "I consider myself lucky every day the babies won't arrive yet, but I know they will probably come soon. I am at the ending of the seventh month, you know? I think they will come in two weeks or less" he said
Reav brightened upon hearing Daniel's approval about him being one of the godfathers. "Thanks. I'll make sure to be the best godfather they'll have!" However, he was stopped from being giddy when he heard the closer than expected due date. "T-two weeks?!" He gulped, nervous but still managed to put up a shaky smile. "W-well, I'll j-just prepare faster hehehe." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Speaking of, what made you say that you would probably birth sooner? Is it really just the size or are there any other reasons" He helped Daniel sit on the bed and looked at him with worried eyes.
"Yes, their size, the fact that they are very heavy. I even started to feel some contractions now and then" Daniel replied as he sat on the bed "Thanks, Reav, i appreciate the help" he smiled at his friend and said "It's okay, no need to be so worried, i'm fine. I can't barely wait to meet them" he said. "Besided, everything will go just fine, you and Will are going to be with me, right? So, everything will be fine"
"Right" Reav tried to brighten up but he still worry. "You should really take a break from working, especially now that you said you were having occasional contractions. Will and I will manage the cafe so you should rest." He said as he rub Daniel's bump. He then heard his own stomach growl and he blushed a bit.

"Let's go eat?" He asked shyly.
"Sure, i am hungry too" Daniel said, smiling, and started to stand up, but stopped when he felt a strong contraction on his belly. Surprised, he sat on the bed again, holding his belly with one hand andmoaning as he waited for the pain to stop
Reav became excited at the thought of food and was about to head outside the room when he heard moaning. He looked back and saw his friend scrunched up in pain, a hand clutching his belly. Immediately he was found at the side of Daniel again running a hand on his friend's back.

"Daniel, what's wrong?" He guided Daniel in to breathing properly. "Hee hee hoo, that's it." then a hand was placed on Daniel's stomach. "Is it the babies?"
"I'm not sure... perhaps" Daniel said, breathing as his friend helped him "I think it is, but... argh... i think it's juts a regular contraction, a braxton hicks" he said, while groaning
Reav was not convinced. "You look in more pain to be having just braxtons. Is there anything I could do that can help you lessen the pain?" He started massaging the huge orb of his friend hoping that it would help."
"No, it's okay, i'm really fine" Daniel said, smiling. "I told you, I still have some more time with them before they come. Probably just two weeks, but maybe more" Daniel said and stood up "but i'm really glad to have you helping me. To have you both helping me" he said, holding Reav's and Will's hands

(would it be alright by you if we made a time skip, so the babies would come after he reaches the 8th month?)

"If you're sure. And the pleasure is ours to help a friend in need." Reav said as he continued rubbing the stomach of Daniel.
"But I'm still serious about limiting your work." he chuckled.

(a month later...)
"Thank you, ma'am. Please come visit us again soon!" The last of their customers that day left the cafe, and Reav sighed happily knowing that it had been another successful day. He was much bigger now, his bump becoming more pronounced. He rubbed his stomach fondly as he felt the babies active inside him.

"Hush now, little ones. Papa will be resting soon. Let's check your uncle Daniel first, okay." He then started heading to the room where he knew his friend was.
"Oh, hi, Reav" Daniel said as he stood up slowly from the bed "Do we have any more clients for today?" he asked, wanting to be helpful. He would never admit letting his friends make all the job alone, of corse, even though the job was harder because of the belly. Inside him, his babies were very active and would always be kicking. This would attract glares from clients sometimes, but Daniel was okay with it.
Reav sat beside Daniel then shook his head no. "The last one just left and all things have been taken care for. I closed the shop before checking on you. So... how are you feeling today? Anything out of the norm?" He scooted closer to his friend and put a hand on Daniel's stomach. "They're becoming really active now, aren't day? To think in just another week or two, we'll get to meet the little ones in here." Reav said with much excitement in his voice.
"Yes, i barely can't wait to hold my little angels" Daniel said with a smile, that quickly became a frown as he felt another contraction tightning his skin and his birth canal. He breathed as the contraction reached its peak and then it was gone.
A smile formed on Reav's lips as he saw the happy look his friend has. He was happy for Daniel. "I can't also wait to meet my nephews/nieces. I'm gonna spoil them for sure!" His enthusiasm was changed into worry when he saw Daniel wince in pain. Knowing that his friend can birth any time soon, he was alarmed when he saw the pain in his friend's face. He guided Daniel to sit down back on the bed and rubbed his back.

"Daniel, what is it? Is it time?" He asked in worry. "D-do I have to call William or the paramedics?"His friend had been experiencing numerous braxtons for the past week and this had surely got him on edge. Now he doesn't know whether it is the real thing or not. But one thing is on his mind.

 'Please let Daniel be okay.'
"I... I think it's time" Daniel said, breathing in and out, dealing with the contraction when suddenly he felt water running down his legs: his water had broken "I think we should call Will. He also said he wanted to be here when time came". However, on that moment, Will entered in the room. He had heard Daniel yelping and ran upstairs to see what had happened "What, what happened? Daniel, are you okay?"

Daniel smiled and said "Hi, Herc. My water just broke now, so i guess it's time" He said rubbing his belly and breathing in and out.
"Oh...i-it's time." Reav's eyea widened like saucers. He tried his best to keep calm and not hypervnetilate. 'Your friend needs you so be a man!' So he gulped shakily and put up a smile for Daniel.

"Okay everything's going to be alright. Now let's get you comfortable, we've got triplets to meet!" Reav was glad that atleast he seems collected and confident but even so he was a mess inside. His thoughts were becoming a bit hazy. 'So what first. Ah! He should lie down first and then we check the dilation.' He looked at William and sent him a smile.

"Will, can you help Daniel lie down but give him some elevation on his back." He observed what William did and nodded. "Yes that's right." Reav then got up from the bed and positioned himself below his friend. 

"Daniel, I'm going to check your dilation okay." He then looked at Will again and saw the man was already at the side of his laboring friend, cheering him on. 'They really make a pretty good couple. Wonder if any of them had even noticed that.'
"Okay, Reav" Daniel said, spreading his legs so his friend could check his dilation. Will sat there by his side, holding his hand with a smile on his face and playfully messing with Daniel's hair. The laboring guy laughed, distracted by Will

"Well, big guy, here we are" Daniel said, looking at Will and breathing in and out as a contraction reached its peak. Will had his bth hands on Daniel's belly, so he could feel it contracting.

"Yeah, here we are" Will said with a smile "And look at you now, you are so huge. And you call me 'big guy'. That is almost sacrilege" both laughed from the joke. Will rubbed Daniel's belly and asked "How do you feel, Daniel?"

"I'm okay" Daniel replied, breathing. "Hey, Herc, i'm glad you are here. I'm glad you both are here" he said, talking to Reav, realizing he hadd almost forgotten he was there "Really, Reav, thanks for being here. Thank you both" he said, with a smile.

"So, how many centimeters am I dilated, doctor Reav?" Daniel asked playfully
Reav chuckled at the cuteness of his friends. He was proud at Daniel for being composed even when experiencing pain; and was impressed at Will for being good at making Daniel comfortable; or is it just their chemistry working? He chuckled again.

"I'm flattered Daniel." Reav was relatively calm at this point. "So let' s see. This may feel uncomfortable. Okay; it looks like your already halfway through; 5 cm."

(is that okay or would you like to change the dilation?)
(I'mreally sorry for the late, I feel so bad for taking so long. The dilation is perfect)

Daniel breathed in and out slowly "Wow, five centimeters. This is going on so quickly and so easily until now. I wonder how long will it take for me to recover, I've read that natural labors take less time of recovering than c-sections" he said,

"So, Reav, are you excited to get to know your godchildren?" He asked with a smile, trying to distract from the pain. He moaned as he felt another contraction. Soon he felt Will hand on his, squeezing it. The red haired looked at Daniel intensely, with love and faith

"Easy, Daniel. You can do it. We can do it together" and then he did something that Daniel didn't expected him to do, although he hoped for it: he kissed him.

Daniel kissed him back

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