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"Babe where is my belly rub?" Jimmy asked already taking his shirt off. "Your little ones want to feel there daddy's magic belly rub." Jimmy said. "My gosh Jimmy you are spoiled." Fred laughed "first mom always spoiled you now you have your own personal angel to help your every whim." Fred joked
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Jared pretended an exasperated sigh abd reached for the lotion again. He squirted double the amount as he had used on Fred to cover the massive belly. Usually jared would have teased Jimmy a little and maybe give him a handjob, as the belly had been too big for Jimmy to reach his cock. Now with a guest here, he kept the touch to the belly strictly.
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"Hey babe could you hand me a chocolate covered pickle first?" Jimmy asked. Fred rolled his eyes. "Really Jimmy." Fred started chuckling. "Can't you wait until the man's done before you start eating again." Jimmy glanced at Fred. "Hey the babies are hungry I can't control when." Jimmy explained.
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"You could have and should have told me to do that before I got my hands deep in lotion again..." jared said to Jimmy with an eyeroll, but still complied with his wishes.
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As Jimmy laid back and let Jared rub his massive belly he began eating his pickle. "So Jared tell me about yourself before you became a baby daddy. Jimmy don't tell me nothing these days." Fred said
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"Well I am a writer. I am an only child but I have always wanted a sibling. You two made me quite envious really. Lucky our children won't have my problem." Jared smiled and look at Jimmy with a little pat on his belly. "I grew up in the outskirts really, but after uni I moved here and fell in love with the city. You, Fred? What do you do for a living?"
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"I'm a professional fitness trainer....of all things if you can beleive that." Fred laughed rubbing his belly thinking of the irony of it all. "Now it looks like I need one." He began laughing. " now that's funny!" Jimmy said " I thought you were an accountant?" Jimmy asked " No I quit a few years ago I studied to be a fitness instructor and got a job at my local gym. That's where I met Philip and ...well that's that." Fred continued to rub his belly
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Thinking fleetingly that Fred must have lost his source of income as he obviously couldn't work at his condition, Jared continued on the chat. "Well Jimmy you needn't be worried about getting in shape again after the birth! You got a professional trainer as your brother, who I think would be very willing to participate in anything that could torture you."
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"Are you kidding I be more than happy to put you through the fires and tribulations of physical fitness." Fred chuckled. "Yeah well at least I don't have much to lose. " Jimmy said "should take a week or two." Fred and Jared looked at each other and Fred started laughing.
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Jared joined that l laughter. "Oh Jimmy you are such a great joker. Fred seriously from your professional view how long take for Jimmy to get that baby weight off, if ever." Jared asked playfully.
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"Well if he sticks with the specific diet I set up and works out three times a day in small patterns....I say 30 years." Fred started laughing again. "Oh very funny Fred I'm not that big." Jimmy said. " No but seriously I would say 5 maybe 6 weeks."Fred said after wiping away a few tears from laughing so hard.
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"See Jimmy? No need to worry about that weight gain and all. You should trust the expert here." Jared told Jimmy, remembering his little break down in the nursery just a few weeks back.
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"Like I'm going to trust a guy who can't even see his own feet to give me advice on fitness." Jimmy said with a smile. "Oh nice one little brother. That was a burn if I ever heard one." Fred said laughing again. Jared finished up rubbing Jimmys belly and sat down in between Fred and Jimmy on the sofa. "I want to thank you two for having me over its been the most I laughed in awhile." Fred said
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"Oh the pleasure's all mine... us. I think i can speak on behalf of Jimmy here who would never admit that. It's been a while since he got a good laugh too." Jared said, suddenly getting serious.
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"Fred what's that on your shirt." Jimmy said. It appeared that a liquid was spilled on his shirt. When Fred lifted up his shirt it looked like he was lactating. "Wow that's never happend before." Fred said
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"And to think you are only 6 months! Your packs does develop in advance." Jared said. He then whispered to Jimmy "babe gosh I would have to be the first one to drink from your breast. You sure you are not secreting yet? Maybe we could do more breast massage tonight.... you know the kids are really coming soon. Pratical need there."
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"Do you think we should?" Jimmy whispered back. " I never really had that problem is that bad?"
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"Hmm if you really dont then we could stick to formula. I thought you did mention your breasts being sore and sensitive? Let's take a closer look tonight, maybe they just needed some coaxing."
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"What are you two whispering over there?" Fred said trying to wipe away the milk from off his breasts.
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"Well we are just saying how Jimmy lost to you. He hadnt started to have milk yet." Jared cant help but blush a little.