Closed [NSFW] Our Debut Was A Masterpiece || CeruleanSnowFlake
Alright so to summarize things for any readers/future reference:

This is sort of an AU with Cerulean and my character's from previous plots/ideas thrown into one 'verse' kind of RP. It'll be set in a mating center where all characters are either alphas or omegas with all the dynamics that come with it. That'll include heats and knotting and the like so if that's not up your alley I would suggest not reading or following along. It'll be NSFW I'm sure at some points so I'll put a warning in nice and early if you couldn't already tell from the title. In this verse alphas and omegas are rare compared to the rest of society, and as such those who are found unmated are brought into mating centers and are coupled with another unmated alpha/omega until a child is produced.

This is kind of my idea of where everything is and where everyone's rooms are. It may or may not be changed around and we'll probably add to it as more characters will possibly be introduced in the future as random pairings are decided. :)

All character biographies and reference pictures can be found somewhere in our character thread here. Whether or not their information is up to date or fully complete I cannot promise.

First Floor
     Common Area
     Dining Area
     Medical Area

Second Floor
     Room 1 - Rey & Fax
     Room 2 - Blake & Kay
     Room 3 - Grant & Caliban
     Room 4 - Raleigh & Thorn
     Room 5 - Ryder & Kai
     Room 6 - Vincent & Cherry

Third Floor
     Room 1 - Eos & Lex
     Room 2 - Leon & Apache
     Room 3 - Jared & Eden
     Room 4 - Unity & Shawn
     Room 5 - Dusk & Shea
     Room 6 - Diesel & Bayden
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

It was hard to not feel slightly sick as the bus rolled onward towards their destination. None of them really knew what they were going to find once they got there and that made it worse... Well if anything could be worse then finding out you were part of a rare dynamic and then forced from your home and to a place that might as well be a prison.

Bayden's own family, his father and younger brother had basically carried him onto the bus. They hadn't been the kindest towards him before he presented, but afterwards, they had seemed to get worse, so really he didn't think he could go anywhere worse then where he'd came from.

Still, he took the time to look glance around the bus at the other five Omega's currently being transported. They were all so different, and yet they were being brought to the same place by one little thing.

A pretty, rather delicate looking strawberry blonde was sitting next to a taller, lean young man with wild blue and bright yellow streaked hair. They were brothers,and they had an older alpha brother being transported on the other bus.

Personally, Bayden thought they looked nothing alike, but the wild haired one seemed very protective of the other and he seemed to do well at comforting him. He looked at Bayden and grinned, his pale purplish pink hued eyes outlined in black and a two thin tattoos.

He had to be hiding his fear worry for the sake of his brother, how else could he seem so carefree?

But then, there was another young man, this one tall and lithe with near waist long pale blonde hair that contrasted with dark caramel colored skin and a glittering pale blue eye. The other was hid beneath a plain black patch, or perhaps gone altogether. Who could know, unless they are told or ask? Maybe he wore it just because he could?

Still, the blonde didn't look at all fearful or worried, in fact, he looked rather excited.

"What do you think it'll be like? What do you think they'll make us do?" He spoke loudly, his tone curious and demanding without being really demanding.

"Who knows", answered a young man with jagged raven black hair that touched his shoulders. He looked slightly amused at the other, but he also had a hint of nervousness in his posture, in the way he shifted himself in his seat.

"Maybe they want to sell us to some rich perv as a pet or something", he added, jokingly, but his grin didn't reach his grey eyes.

"That's a terrible thing to imagine", another blonde put in softly from a middle seat. He was smallish, his hair golden and eyes a bright blue. He and the strawberry blonde were what Bayden imagined any omega should look like.
They were obviously male and yet pretty, and soft spoken, and seemed sweet.

Compared to those two, the rest of them didn't fit the stories Bayden had heard or what he'd expected in his own mind...Of course, he was an omega and he looked like any other man he'd ever seen.

"Hey! Look! That building. I think this is the place!" The blonde with the patch had hoped into a seat with a window that faced a huge building that could very well be a hotel or apartment complex.

It was lovely looking on the outside and the grounds and trees looked magnificent, but there was a fence. At least twelve or more feet high made of thick wire and three thinner strands running along the top with bright yellow signs at the post.

That made it look more like a prison then a resort and Bayden felt his stomach drop again.

The gates screeched opened, they drove through, and they shut again, with a resounding clank.
The bus they'd been shipped off to the center in was small, Caliban counted only five other omegas not including himself on the bus heading towards the mating center they would all soon be living in for an undetermined amount of time. It had been explained that there were three other buses on route to the center as well; another bus carrying omega as well as two buses carrying their assigned alphas. When they arrived at the center they were told they'd be given room keys where they would meet their assigned mates, between drop off and dinner that would be served in the dining room it would leave them over an hour to get acquainted with the alphas.

Caliban couldn't say that he was excited for this whole experience, but there were worse things in the world that could have happened to him. Living in hiding most of his life he'd seen what happened to omegas that got caught by the wrong kind of alpha or packs of them. He shuddered to think about it, instead tucking his knees under him as he took advantage of having the seat to himself to gaze around the other omegas stuck on the bus with him until they arrived.

They all certainly carried their own charms with them; only about half of them actually even looked omega, though the heaviness of the sweet scent in the air made it clear they all were. Caliban didn't include himself in that half either, and that wasn't saying that he didn't find himself pretty, it was more that he carried an air about him that was more dominating that submissive despite his instincts. There were two others on the bus he could describe like that, in fact they could have passed as brothers or at least half. Though not only did they carry a dominating air about them, they appeared dominating. Even sitting it was clear to him that both men were tall with slim features and clearly masculine faces, and, despite the scents, it was difficult to believe the two blonds were actually omegas at all.

The taller one had made it clear that he hadn't wanted anyone to sit with him by purposefully sitting right in the center of the seat with his arms crossed and knees out, taking up as much room as possible as he looked rather intimidating with his sour face and many piercings. His eyes were an electric, almost neon, green color that gazed out the window for the most part, though he'd caught the gaze wandering across the others in the bus as well. No one had sat next the other blond either; though Caliban was sure his eyes were not nearly as green as the taller omega's usually, currently they were fogged up with sedatives. The poor omega had clearly been caught at the wrong time, and Caliban had witnessed staff injecting the odd looking omega with sedatives in an attempt to postpone the omega's imminent heat before boarding them all on the bus to the center. As it was the drugged omega sat with his warm face pressed against the cold window, green eyes half lidded as he attempted to get some rest despite Caliban knowing how uncomfortable the rocking of the bus must be to him.

Sitting closer to the back of the bus and sharing the same seat, were two young looking omegas that probably fit the stereotypical omega standards better than anyone else on the bus heading towards the center. They would have nearly looked identical if it weren't for a chain that ran from the lip of one to his ear and a small birthmark right beneath the other's left eye. They were clearly close as they sat whispering about what they could expect from the center they were headed to, the more energetic one often being shushed by the one with the piercings.

"I hear some alphas get really possessive, especially after they conceive...what if I don't get to see you often?"

"Quiet, Kay. You're making it impossible for me to hear my own thoughts."

"But I just want to know--"

"Well how am I supposed to know?"

Turning his crimson gaze away from the bickering brothers, Caliban took notice of the one other omega on the bus. There was something almost inhuman about the last omega, an ethereal glow about him that made him almost unapproachable though his face was as docile and sweet as any omega's should be, eyes a silver-blue color in their pureness. His own gaze was out the window, eyes following along with the forest line that could be seen in the distance with a longing that spoke more than he did.

Aside from the twins in the back, the bus ride was pretty silent.

It was only when the center came into view and they approached the long gated driveway that there was any reaction from the others, eyes following the large building as they pulled up beside the building and the gate closed behind them. After the bus came to a stop and entered park, there was a voice that came over the intercom of the bus, though they couldn't see the source of the voice anywhere. It explained that there was a second bus going to be pulling up beside them carrying the other omegas and that they would enter together once the second bus parked, the alphas were being dropped off on the other side of the building and they would be joining in the common area where keys and rooms would be sorted.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

"Everyone may exit the bus",the driver said after the other bus was parked next to them. He didn't say anything else, just opened the door and Bayden watched as the eye patch blonde practically hoped out, missing the stairs completely. He introduced himself as Shawn when he took his place in the line up next to the door of the facility.

"Are you excited or something?" The Raven haired one who'd attempted joking earlier, Fax he'd said his name was, ask as he took the place next to Shawn.

"I am kinda... I mean I've known alpha's before and not all of them are bad. I can't wait to meet mine!" He exclaimed, nearly wiggling on his feet.

Fax shared a look with Bayden at that as he took his own place next to the wild haired one, who introduced himself as Apache.

He was standing next to the smallest of them, his brother who was called Cherry. He was looking around while the strawberry blonde spoke to the other petit blonde, Lex.

A breeze blew and their scents mingled with he sweet scent of the other Omega's lining up just across from them.

Shawn was grinning at a red haired omega who he instantly claimed smelled like candy. He then proceeded to talk the poor guys ear off while being loud enough that anyone could hear.

Fax seemed to be staring at a rather rude looking blonde with piercings and he had a star struck look in his grey eyes and that Bayden found interesting, and Apache seemed to found amusing for some reason.
Once they got permission to exit the bus, the small group of omegas didn't need to be told twice as they hurried to escape the cramped space. The first thing Caliban did after stepping off the vehicle was take a deep inhale of the air around them; still coated in the sweet scent of omegas but also a clear freshness that was much more soothing than the warm air of the bus. Next he let his red eyes take a survey of the omegas filing off the other bus, surprised when not all of them fit the omega-look either. It was a slight comfort to see the differences in everyone, but also made him worry about the differences that would be in the alphas as well.

The tallest of them, apparently named Shea he discovered when they were checked off a list held by a staff member, stood closest to the door. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his pants as his eyes only occasionally drifted up from the ground that he glared at with an intimidating ferocity. It didn't slip by Caliban's gaze, however, that the tall blond had caught the sight of a dark haired omega being marked off with the other group. Not that Caliban could blame him, the blond covered in piercings was certainly eye catching in a way a tiger was eye catching... Stunning to look at but you knew better than to get too close.

Brought out of his thoughts but a sudden voice at his side, Caliban noticed that one of the omegas from the other group had slipped into their own group, moving right up to Caliban without hesitation. Not that Caliban actually minded, he was probably one of the few there in his own group that didn't have a personal bubble large enough to sink the titanic, he was just surprised slightly.

"I smell like candy?" Caliban repeated as if he hadn't heard properly, chuckling slightly behind his hand. "Well I'll take that as a compliment. I make them," he explained, before his eyebrows furrowed and he mended himself. "Or I made them, it was a good source of income. Although the increase in business was probably he reason for my capture if we're honest."

The groups were waved through the front doors by the staff, Caliban allowing the other omega, known as Shawn, to keep by his side as they were lead into a large common room where they were informed the alphas would be meeting them in only a few moments.

The twins, Kay and Kai, were still sticking close to each other's side, managing to find a spot by the windows to stand and wait as one of the staff members disappeared to prepare the room keys for the couples once the alphas arrived and they were paired with their assigned mates. Caliban stuck with Shawn, pleased to find someone he could get along with already, even if he was sightly convinced the omega was only sticking around because of his sweet candy smell. He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a hard toffee from the pile he kept to satisfy his own sweet tooth, offering it to the other omega. "Would you like to try it?"

It wasn't much, but at least it'd prove to be a small distraction while they waited for the moment when the group of alphas would be lead through the doors on the other side of the room. The tension in the air was thick, and he could smell the nervousness coming from some of the omegas-- perhaps even a bit from himself admittedly. It was nerve wracking to think that in only a few moments they'd be meeting the alpha they'd been matched with to produce a child. No small task, and not something that Caliban wanted to be stuck doing with someone who was cruel or demanding either.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Shawn had nodded at the red haired omega, Cali and grinned. "You do, but that's good and yes please, I haven't had candy in like forever!" He grabbed the piece of toffee and tossed it into his mouth. He told Cali of his own job at a music store and how it was his boss that turned him in.

The other omegas seemed to be speaking now that they were aloud to move out of line as the loud speaker voice seemed to be speaking to the alpha's.

He turned his gaze to the first line of alpha's brought in past them to the other Commons room.

One of tallest of them was a guy who looked like he'd steaped out of a fairytale. He had broad shoulders and golden blonde hair that looked windswept. He smiled at them as he passed by, a friendly smile that reached his kind dark blue eyes. Grant the instructor called him.

The next guy didn't look so friendly. He was tall and lean with spiky black hair and cold green eyes. He glanced around as he passed and when he caught Shawn's gaze he flipped him the bird. Jared, an asshole, Shawn decided he'd remember him and do something to annoy him given the chance.

Next came a guy called Blake. He too was tall and his hair was also black and did a messy of array of jagged strands. He seemed to zero in on the twins, though his grey/blue eyes where a lot kinder and he seemed more curious then anything.

Raleigh, Shawn knew from the volunteer center and his purple/pink hair stood out almost as much as Apaches two toned hair. Though despite the color of Raleigh's hair and eyes, there was nothing about him that wasn't alpha. He carried himself with pride and dignity, but he wasn't unkind, Shawn knew and was glad that he would be paired with one of the omegas in the room.

The last two alpha's also had black hair oddly enough, though ones was longer and the others just a little less then short.

The longer haired one was the shortest of the alpha's and his eyes were mismatched. One was bright blue-green and the other blood red. His hair was actually longer in front, chin leangth and framed his face. Actually now that Shawn thought about it, the guy, Dusk, looked more like an omega then a few of the omegas, himself included. He waved at Cherry and Apache with a hand that had long black nails and he smiled. It was their older brother, surely.

The last alpha, he looked a bit out of place, and agitated. He was a neko and his ears twitched and tailed flicked as his two-toned eyes glanced around the room. He had to be almost as tall as the blonde guy, maybe an inch or so taller and lean and strong, just like a panther. His name was Ryder. He seemed to try to ignore them as he steode past and Shawn had to resist the urge to reach out and grasp his sleek black tail as he passed by.

He couldn't wait to see the next group of alpha's and wondered which one he'd be assigned to.
The second group of alphas entered in not long after the first had dispersed around the common room, Caliban's eyes immediately drawn to the alpha leading the second group. He was a tall and muscular blond with captivating blue eyes, everything about his appearance screamed alpha even more than his scent did. The impressive introduction was interrupted as the blond was given a rough shove forward from behind, nearly tripping on his own long legs as he was forced into the room by a slightly shorter but clearly older alpha behind him. The two were introduced as brothers, Eos and Unity; Unity being the blond who'd turned around to complain to his silver haired brother. Eos on the other hand seemed to completely ignore the blond's grumbling, his hot magenta eyes taking in the omegas around the room. Even Caliban couldn't help the shiver of discomfort that ran down his spine as the gaze ran over himself, the alpha's presence completely overbearing and clearly territorial. Caliban could only pray he had nothing to do with that alpha.

Following after the brothers came a relief; a calm looking man with a dark gaze to match his dark hair. He was clean, from his clothes to his clean shaven face, to the point where Caliban wondered what kind of business the alpha had been in before being brought to the center. It was a job where he certainly didn't need to get his hands dirty, and though he had a calm and collected appearance it was obvious that he was not one to be disagreed with either. Vincent, he was introduced to the group as, though Caliban had already deemed him the nickname 'Mobster'.

Following after Vincent came another alpha that seemed to be just as calm as the Mobster, though he didn't look nearly as dangerous. The man with teal colored hair and eyes to match, introduced as Rey, came into the room without a heavy and demanding aura about him and yet was still able to capture glances. He was tall with broad shoulders and narrow eyes that Caliban swore looked through you rather than at you.

Their relief of seemingly approachable alphas was once again disrupted when the last two alphas came through the doors at the same time, laughing among themselves as if completely comfortable with where they were. Completely unphased. Apparently cousins, Leon and Diesel had originated in Germany and had been captured while traveling. Their English appeared fine and fluent as they spoke it to each other, disregarding the staff as they strode into the common area. The younger of the two, Leon, was covered in more piercings than the tall bond omega, Shea, and tattoos as well. With the amount of detail and time it would have had to take Caliban was lead to believe he'd done them himself. The redhead also couldn't help but notice the predatory gaze Leon cast upon the omega in the room, more specifically the blonds. Diesel was hard to read, half his face covered by a cloth face mask that he was sure was more for appearances than anything. Though the red gaze that peered over them and between blond bangs practically glowed compared to Caliban's own crimson eyes.

Once the alphas were in the room with the omegas, the other staff returned with the room keys and they began issuing them out. They called out names, two of them, to come and collect a single key. It was clear that whomever they were assigned a room with would be their alpha-- would be the father of their future children. A shudder ran down Caliban's spine at the thought.

"We'll start with the second floor," explained one of the staff, a clipboard in one hand and an intimidating looking Doberman at his side; sitting and watching us all with intelligent eyes. "Room one: alpha Rey and omega Fax." The dark haired staff member called out the name while a blond at his side held out the key to the room, eyes practically daring one of the two to approach and take it from him.

There was a moment of hesitation before the teal haired alpha approached the staff with weary eyes, clearly untrusting of the center's staff members, taking the key being held out to him between two fingers and going to approach the omega known as Fax. The blond staff member chuckled before he reached in for the second key and the dark haired staff continued going down the list.

"Room two: alpha Blake and omega Kay."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Blake approached the man holding out the key and took it before turning to his assigned omega. It was one of the silver haired twins he'd been looking at earlier, though not the one he'd been paying most attention to. He gave a nod and gestured for him to follow.

Fax followed after his own assigned alpha with a bit of a frown. He was nearly as tall as the guy bit he was still a bit wary and followed slowly.

He turned his head when he heard three other sets of alpha/omega pairs called.

"Next is alpha Grant and omega Caliban, room 3", a blonde guard called as he held out a key in one hand and twirled a pair of handcuffs around the finger on his other hand.

Grant took the key and turned to the crimson haired omega and smiled as gently as he was able.

"Move along", the blonde guard said as he called another set.

"Alpha Raleigh, Omega Thorn, room 4", the guard said, smirking when Raleigh almost missed the key.

In Raleigh's defense, he hadn't expected to be paired with such a sweet and gorgeous omega, though really all the omegas were gorgeous, but this one. He seemed to shine and his smile was as almost as sweet as his scent. He waited to the omega stood next to him before walking towards their room.

"Alpha Ryder and omega Kai", Pilar called out and grinned wide when Ryder approached. "Well, well, a pussy who is an alpha, I never would've imagined", he taunted. Ryder hissed and snatched the key quickley-- and turned to his new silver haired omega. He wasn't sure what to do, so he just gestured towards the door that all the other pairs left through and started to walk.
Looking towards the dark haired alpha, Kay let out a small breath of relief when the man named Blake seemed to be one of the more non-aggressive looking alphas, though he gave his twin's hand a light squeeze and a wish of good luck before he headed towards Blake who was gesturing for him to follow. His violet gaze hesitated on another dark haired alpha as he followed behind his assigned alpha, meeting the dark gaze of the alpha in the suit before turning the corner and losing sight of the rest of the group.

Rey glanced back to make sure the raven haired omega was following, his steps slowing slightly as he noticed how hesitantly the omega was following him. Offering the key out to the side and slightly behind him, as much as he could, he gave the omega the opportunity to enter their room first. "I suppose it'd be nice if I introduced myself properly," he started, running his teal gaze over the omega behind him. "I'm Rey." He knew the omega had heard his name in the introductions and when they'd been partnered together, but there was something more comfortable with introducing himself that he hoped would also settle the omega.

Caliban looked to the tall blond alpha that he was roomed with, wondering what he'd done right in live to be paired up with the 'Prince Charming' of the bunch of alphas. He was relieved as the alpha shot him a smile, offering a genuine smile back himself, before worrying slightly for the the other omegas in the room. He wanted to stick around and see the rest of them off but the two of them were pushed along towards the flight of stairs that would lead them upstairs to the bedrooms by one of the guards, following the alpha along towards their room. He supposed he'd see the others when they were all called for dinner and hopefully be able to catch up with them then, offering a small wave to Shawn as he was left behind with the other omegas that were waiting.

Thorn smiled at the alpha he was paired with as the man with the purplish pink hair approached him, drawn in by the alpha's colors and shine as he held himself as a proud alpha. Thorn himself had a glow about him that carried with it a pride that didn't quite reach the person it surrounded and as they stood together it was almost as if the pair of them had been destined to be partners. They were a powerful couple in their appearance alone, dignified and captivating. It was hard to believe they'd been thrown together at random.

The dark haired staff, Ranger, watched as the group slowly drained from the room, trying his best to refrain from rolling his eyes at Pilar's playfulness today.

Kai watched the strange alpha come closer, clearly irked at the guards comment as Kai himself struggled to keep his giggles to himself. He couldn't help it, he'd never seen anyone quite like this Ryder alpha that he'd been partnered with. He could only shrug to himself as he hurried slightly to catch up with the taller male that was already walking towards the door, almost stopping himself from reaching out to grab the sleek and soft looking tail but unable to when he couldn't help his own curiosity. When he realized it was real, feeling he muscles and real warm fur beneath his hand, he let go immediately. "I'm so sorry," he held his hands up, with wide eyes. "That Not me?"

Clearing his throat, Ranger continued down the list as the blond, Mirage, by his side reached for another key. "Room six is alpha Vincent and Omega Cherry."

The dark alpha in the suit moved forward to grab the key from Mirage, surprisingly not getting a reaction from the guard as he moved towards the blond, very omega-looking, Cherry. He tried his best at a reassuring smile, something he hadn't had to do often as he usually worked in the background and shadows. Heard of but never seen. He politely reached his hand out to the blond omega in offering, having the manners of a man born years ago rather than the young gentleman he was.

"Moving onto the third floor," Ranger continued on, the Doberman at his side yawning widely, showing off his perfectly white and sharp teeth. "Room one will be alpha Eos and omega Lex."

Moving forward in such a way that forced others to move out of his way rather than going around them, Eos took the key from Mirage with a look of disdain. Violet eyes met with the hot magenta gaze that was more than unnatural, almost supernatural. The silver haired alpha could only scoff and chuckle in the blond's face, nodding his head as he moved backwards without fully turning his back to Mirage. "Whenever you want to dance, boys." He waved to the staff before motioning his omega forward, waving the key in front of him. "Come on now, pet. We don't have all day."

Even Ranger had to fight the grimace that threatened to appear on his face, part of him wanting to sympathize with these omegas but also knowing such an act would bring too much attention to himself. Instead he shook his head and moved on. "Room two is alpha Leon and omega Apache."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Fax blinked a bit at the alphas introduction, but he smiled a bit once he realized what the man was doing. "Oh, I'm Fax. It's... nice to meet you", he responded and moved just a bit closer.

Ryder had stiffened at the touch on his tail, but when he turned and the omegas tried to deny himself of having done it, the alpha found himself grinning a bit as he rolled his eyes. "It is real and it's very sensitive, so be careful okay", he said as gently as his deep voice aloud and slowed his walk a bit so that omega was next to him.

Cherry glanced at Apache who gave him a reassuring smile, before he stepped forward towards his alpha. The man looked and spoke properly, even kindly, but Cherry was rather timid in nature and something about the man spoke of authority, still his smile was friendly enough and Cherry offered one of his own shyer ones.

He took the proffered hand out of politeness and because it almost looked like the guards were glaring. He lowered his head to escape their gazes and followed his new alpha up the stairs.

Lex watched as his alpha approached the guards then challenged them and he felt a pit in his stomach. What had he done to get paired with the seemingly most aggressive alpha off the bunch?

Lex flinched a bit as the keys were cancelled in front of him and he commanded to follow. He really hoped pet was just a nickname and not a prelude to what he could expect.

Apache approached the guards table, stopping just behind his alpha as he retrieved the key. The guy had a ton of piercings and tattoos, and he looked a bit...unstable? Apache wasn't sure really, but he was determined not to become anything other then an equal partner. He grinned at the Alpha and sucked on his own lip ring as he waited for said alpha to lead them to their new rooms.

Pilar happily took his place to announce the next two couples. "Alpha Jared and Eden, room 3", he called, rocking on his feet and popping the gum he was chewing. He glanced over the approaching alpha and smirked a bit.

Jared ignored the smirking guard and grabbed the key before turning to his new omega. The guy was something else and he smelled of a stunted heat. Something about that made the alpha in Jared angry and he shot a glare at the guards along with a single fingered salute before taking the omegas by the arm and guiding him up the stairs.

Pilar grinned at the alpha's retreating back and called the next pair. "Alpha Unity and omega Shawn, room 4".

The big blonde that approached was definitely alpha, and apparently he'd been paired with the crazy of the bunch, which made Pilar laugh as the one eyed blonde patched onto his alpha.

Shawn was pleased. The alpha was big and gorgeous and just his type. He wasted no time in linking his arm with one of the tone ones and he grinned. "I'm Shawn, and I can't wait to get to know you!" He spoke happily, not once letting go as they walked to the stairs.
Rey's smile broadened as the omega came closer, pleased that he seemed to have lowered some of the walls Fax had put up around him. "The pleasure is mine," he assured, motioning the omega forward towards the door. "I hear we have a few moments before lunch is served," Rey explained, trying to remember everything the staff had mentioned. "That should give us some time to get used to the room and whatever they've managed to supply us with."

Relaxing a little at the grin that appeared on the alpha's face, Kai increased his pace slightly as the alpha slowed so that they were walking side by side. "That's interesting," Kai mused to the dark haired man at his side known as Ryder. He couldn't stop staring at the ears on the top of the alpha's head, seemingly moving on their own and really had to make a valiant effort not to touch the tail again either. The fur had been soft and warm beneath his hands and he certainly couldn't deny his interest and curiosity in the extra appendage. "So are your ears the same then? Sensitive I mean?" Admittedly he was starting to sound a bit like his twin with the curiosity, but he couldn't stop himself. "Can you hear better than normal?"

Snagging the keys from the staff holding them out to him, Leon offered about as much interest as he showed anything else that wasn't a tall blond omega or his cousin. Clicking his tongue ring against his teeth to show his dissatisfaction towards the staff that simply offered a smile in return that was more of a threat with bared teeth. Deciding it wasn't currently worth the fight, Leon turned his gaze towards the omega behind him, shamelessly taking the time to look the omega over before motioning him forward. "Come now, darling, before the guards start whipping out the cattle prods." He chuckled with a teasing wink as he started forward towards the stairs.

Distracted by the pounding in his head and the uncomfortable ache that ran through his body, Eden hadn't even noticed his name had been called until he felt the firm grip on his arm and caught the heavy scent of alpha beneath his nose. Pale green eyes glanced up through the fog to see a man with wild black hair and eyes that reminded him of a sharp green sea. He looked angry, though for some unexplained reason he felt the anger wasn't directed at him and leaned into the aggressive alpha rather than pulling away. He almost didn't notice the alpha flipping off the guards as he was guided towards the stairs and he would have laughed and flipped them off himself if he'd been feeling better, instead his lips did manage to turn up a little as he attempted to straighten himself out. The alpha was only slightly taller than Eden was, which was still impressive considering Eden would consider himself above average in the height department, especially for an omega.

Unity couldn't stop the raise of his upper lip in a snarl towards the guard that chuckled at him, the noise stopped short as the omega he'd been paired with latched onto his arm, surprising him. None of the other omegas had been so...assertive or daring as to grab at their assigned alphas. Unity wondered silently what he'd done to get this one, he had a feeling his brother probably would have been better suited to handle one like this. He had to admit, the omega had a rather firm grip on his thick but long arm as he glanced down at the blond with a raised eyebrow and a questioning glance, taking the key without breaking his gaze. "Is that right?"

Momentarily forgetting his quarrel with the blond guard named Pilar, Unity began leading the omega towards the stairs, the omega refusing to let go of him even though admittedly Unity hadn't tried to detach him either. "You're a rather audacious one aren't you? Like a little honey badger."

Only two more keys left to hand out, Ranger told himself, running a hand through dark locks as he watched the couples start up the stairs and to their rooms. Then they'd have a short break while the housekeepers and kitchen staff prepared lunch, he was looking forward to that. At least everyone was usually quiet when they had mouths full of food.

"Room five is alpha Dusk and omega Shea," Ranger read off, watching Mirage hold out the key at his side from the corner of his eye. However, his attention was soon caught by the tall blond omega with many piercings. Unlike the others, this one did not wait for his alpha, simply marching towards the stairs on his own, leaving the alpha known as Dusk to fetch the key and then catch up with the stubborn omega.

Mirage chuckled deeply as he handed off the key to the alpha with the odd colored eyes, shaking his head in mock sympathy. "Good luck with that one," he teased the other alpha. "That bitch'll chew you up and spit you out." Another laugh escaped him. "I'll be you're switched in no time, you don't have the balls."

Ranger cleared his throat, shooting an unimpressed glare towards the blond staff at his side. "You're just as capable of following the rules, Mirage," the blond was reminded. "No antagonizing the clients."

Rolling his violet eyes, Mirage reached for the last set of keys. "Right, I forgot we're in the presence of the walking and talking edition of the rules." He tossed the keys a little more aggressively than he meant to at the alpha of the last pair, the blond one with piercing red eyes that peered over an unsettling face mask. Without breaking his gaze, Diesel caught the keys in one hand, the other still comfortably resting in the pocket of his jacket, causing Mirage to blink slightly at the speed of the alpha.

"Alright then," Ranger finished, settling the clipboard where he'd managed to check off the attendance of their latest clients beneath his right arm. "Lunch will be called in twenty minutes. You'll know when all meals are ready when the announcement comes across the intercom. There's an intercom in the hallway of every floor and one in each room to ensure you do not miss scheduled meals or community time. Now off with the rest of you."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Dusk had watched as his assigned omega; and he'd noticed right off that the omega was larger then himself and seemed to already be very distant. He watched the omegas disappear up the stairs and sighed as he stepped forward to the key.

The two blonde guards were annoying, Dusk decided as one taunted him and the other leered. He took the key and offered them a slight grin. "I'm betting that I have more balls then the lot of you, so perhaps you should be careful of my omega instead", he said smoothly before turning and walking towards the stairs, hoping his omega was waiting for him there at least.

Bayden noticed his new alpha didn't say much, which suited him just fine really, but it was also a bit unsettling. The mask he wore hid half of his face from view and his eyes were piercing, commanding almost. Bayden let his thoughts wonder around the alpha as he followed him up the stairs to their assigned room.

Fax looked around the room, a small apartment really as his alpha, Rey did the same. The living room held a dark colored couch, an easynchair, three wooden end tables and a wooden coffee table, and two floor lamps. The floors in the room was carpeted with a wine red carpet.
The kitchen was tiny, separated by a breakfast bar and houses a fridge, a stove, and a microwave that. There were cabinets, a counter, so it was a space well served, but also curious. Why would they need a kitchen if they were required to eat in the dining area.
Fax shook his head and went about exploring the apartment.

Ryder nodded at Kai's questions as he opened the door to their apartment. "They are amd yes I do hear better then the average human with them", he answered as he stepped inside.

The apartment was played out like all the others, a living room, a small kitchen, a moderately sized bathroom, a large bedroom and a smaller one.

The livingroom had carpeting, this one a navy blue, and a couch and chair in dark colors and tables in a dark wood. The larger bedroom was furnished, the smaller wasn't. It was to be used as a nursey no doubt, and presumably the furniture would be brought in after conception.

Shawn grinned and nodded. "Thats right. See im a glass half full kinda guy. Why think of a situation as bad before you know its true or not", he responded and hadn't let go of Unity until they entered their own apartment. He went the bedroom first and he explored it thoroughly. When he came out, he dropped an armload of, 'accessories and aids', onto the white coffee table and grinned once again at Unity. "Guess they want us prepared".

Apache dropped onto the couch. The fabric was scratchy, but plush and he was exhausted. He looked at his alpha and gave a lazy smile. "How are we doing this Leon? You as boss and me as servant? Cause I don't think that's gonna fly. You seem fun, but I'm also sensing that your idea of fun is somewhat different then mine, and I anit a psychic, so you're gonna have to lay it out for me".

Jared had managed to get his omega into the apartment and into the room with a bed. The poor guy was still obviously doped to the gils and from his scent, some of his heat still lingered. "I'll admitt, I'm an ass at times, but I won't take advantage of you", he told the omegas, no, his omega.

Jared then went into the bathroom, it and found a clothe in the towel closet and returned to the bedroom, to his omega and lay it across the heated forehead. "I'm not sure why I suddenly feel this way, but... Well, I'll figure it out later. Right now, let's get you feeling better first."
Neon greens glanced back over his shoulder as Shea looked for his alpha behind him. The thought was certainly a discomfort, knowing that the whole point of being here was to carry a child for this random alpha. Shea already knew his appearance as an omega was a failure, who was to say his abilities as one wasn't just as messed up? The thought upset him probably more than it should have, running a frustrated hand through his hair as he caught sight of the dark haired alpha smoothly walking away from the rude guards. Part of him almost felt guilty for the alpha, for being assigned an omega like himself. He cursed and tried focusing his gaze on the top of the stairs while he waited.

Diesel led the omega, Bayden, up the stairs and towards their room. They're was a slight awkwardness in the air as the two of them were quiet, not that Diesel could complain. He'd seen some of the other omegas that had been in the group and could consider himself lucky this was the one he'd been partnered with.

Reaching to open the door, Diesel motioned the omega forward, ushering him into the room before sitting the door behind them. Once they were inside, Diesel reached up and pulled down the face mask to hang around his neck, revealing a masculine and yet attractive face. Two rings on the left side of his lower lip proved that his cousin had at least once gotten his hands on Diesel, his tongue running across the spider bites. "So," he started, red eyes running along his new mate. "Bayden was it?"

Rey looked around the room he'd now be sharing with the omega known as Fax. He was a good looking young man, not carrying the presence of an omega exactly but still there was an attractiveness that could not be questioned. He wanted to keep the omega as comfortable with him as possible, letting the omega wander about the room while he examined a few things here and there, mostly trying to look busy and as nonthreatening as possible. 

Kai nodded at the explanation, peeking into every room of their small apartment like living space. "Oh? Well, you're in luck then. You've got the quieter of us, between Kay and myself I mean." The silver haired omega stopped at the empty smaller bedroom, peering into the emptiness with obvious curiosity.

"So," he started, turning his curious violet gaze to the cat-like alpha. "They really mean for us to produce a child together, huh?" Kai paused for a moment. "Would our children look like you?"

Unity gazed at the toys and accessories laid out on the table by his new omega with clear surprise. He wasn't human, hadn't really had time to live as one with his older brother hovering over his shoulder the majority of the time. Hesitantly he reached over to grab one, lifting the thing up to inspect it further. "What is this exactly?" His lips turned down in a frown. "Is this better than the real thing for you?"

Leon raised an eyebrow at the omega looking comfortable sprawled out on the couch. "And you think you have a say?" He teased with a smile, showing too much teeth to be genuine. "If I were to lay it all out for you there would be no surprises, no adventure. You'll just have to stick around and find out, darling." He chuckled with a wink before disappearing into the room and throwing himself on the bed, purposely taking up the entire space as he rubbed his scent across the entire space, claiming it all. 

Eden was grateful for the relief as soon as he hit the bed, burying his heated face against the cool pillow while his eyes never left the alpha that was now his. Despite his appearance and the way he treated the others, Eden felt cared for and his body surprisingly relaxed rather than tensed in his presence, unlike the other alphas. He still felt ill as his heat fought against the drugs but he was happy not to be alone.

When the cloth was placed on his forehead, he felt immediate relief from the warmth that had taken over him. Unable to stop himself, his hand reached out to the alpha, grabbing his upper arm as he tried to offer a weak but genuine smile. "I'm sorry," he managed. "This is a pretty shitty way to meet."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

"Hi." Dusk said as he caught sight of his omega. He offered a smile as he glanced over the omegas tall stiff form. "I'm Dusk, well Dakota is my actual first name, but I prefer Dusk", he spoke as if he were just talking to anyone, hopeful to ease the blondes discomfort.

"Guess I'm not much like any alpha you were expecting, huh? Appearance wise I mean. Not that I actually believe that appearances have anything to do with it or matter...", he stopped both when they reached the door and because he felt as if he were talking too much.

Bayden took in the revealed handsome features and the rings in his alphas lip. "Yes, my name is Bayden. Did I hear right? That your name is Diesel?" Bayden ask as he shifted his green gaze from his alpha and swept them across the visible portion of their rooms and back again.

Ryder listened as Kai spoke, he found the silver haired young mans voice pleasant and he seemed to pause between his questions. "They do. Though I have no idea why they do and it is possible that any of children could have ears and a tail such as I do... Then again, they could appear completely human", he answered the questions and sat on the couch. "May I ask? Are you...pleased to have been paired with me?"

Shawn didn't bother to stifle his giggles as he looked at his clueless alpha. "You've really never seen a dong before? Or lube?" He grinned as he held up a bright green toy. "These are used for playing and stimulation mostly. The lube is for when we omegas aren't in heat, or you alphas wanna play or bottom", he explained, his eyes sparkling. "Though honestly I've never actually expirenced the real thing, but I hear toys have nothing on it. Have you ever been with an omega before?"

"I seriously have no where else to go", Apache responded with a slight smirk. He followed the alphas retreat with his eyes and then after a few minutes got up and went to investigate; He couldn't help his curious nature. He snorted when he saw the alpha splayed allover the bed and the dark hunter green comforter. "You're already scent marking the bed? Does that mean I've been designated to the couch? Cause FYI, honey, that's so not fair", he snarled as he crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"The whole situation is sh*tty overall", Jared retorted as he carded his fingers through the sweat damp strands of soft blonde hair. "I think you got the short end of the stick though. I can't believe they drugged you, stunted your heat and still brought you here, but then I don't think they care either way", Jared sighed and stood to go resoak the clothe. "Think you could drink some water? It'd do you good to keep hydrated".
Rubbing his shoulder awkwardly, Shea cast his gaze down at the alpha that had managed to catch up to him as he waited at the start of the stairs for him. It wasn't that the alpha himself was bad, or that Shea disliked him in particular. Part of him felt a little guilty for being so off-putting, but he was afraid, though he'd never admit it. Afraid of what being paired together with this alpha would entail for him. It was something he wasn't ready for, and a shiver ran through him at the thought of it. If only he hadn't been careless enough to get caught.

The alpha, Dusk as he called himself, talked as they walked up the stairs to their room. Shea listened more than he spoke, though he didn't ignore the alpha and he decided that was a decent improvement from where he'd started. "It's not your appearance," Shea attempted to explain, glancing towards Dusk with a light sigh. "The whole situation is uncomfortable and I'm not much of an omega myself." Stepping into the room, Shea's neon gaze scanned across the furniture and rooms he could see. "The entire center is pointless for an omega like myself." He sighed heavily. "I don't want you to get your hopes up; the odds of a pairing like ours producing a child is very slim."

Diesel's head cocked to the side as he examined the omega in front of him. "Diesel, yes." He nodded, moving towards the living space where he took a seat on the couch, leaving room for the omega if he wished. "You may hear my cousin call me Die," he added as an after thought, red gaze turning up towards the brunette. "You're free to call me that as well if you'd like." His tongue ran across the spider bites on his lip, letting his head loll back against the couch.

Immediately, Kai turned towards his alpha at the question, violet eyes wide. He certainly hadn't been expected to be asked something like that; it wasn't really as if he had a choice in his mate anyway, though the fact that the alpha even bothered to ask made him smile lightly. He moved forward, hesitantly at first, before deciding it wasn't worth the effort to tentatively go around things. They were paired together as mates now, they'd have to get used to each other's company eventually. So he dropped himself down on the couch beside the cat-like alpha, trying to offer his best smile as he brushed his silver bangs out of his face.

"What kind of question is that?" Kai asked, curious as to what made the alpha worry about something like that. "I mean, admittedly I was afraid to be paired with a stranger and expected to produce a child, but so far things seem to be going better than expected. You've been kind and patient so far, and I think your tail and ears are pretty cute to be honest. So, yeah, I'm pleased with you," Kai explained, reaching a hand out to bravely give the alpha's thigh a light squeeze.

Unity didn't bother to hide his unimpressed stare as he moved his hard blue gaze towards his omega, a blond eyebrow raised with a hint of disdain. "Of course I've seen a dick," he shot back, tone making it clear he had taken some offense to that. "This is not one. This is...rubber and an odd color." He dropped the toy ungracefully back onto the table, leaning back against the couch as he crossed his ankle over his knee. "No I have not," he admitted, though his lips turned down into a smile. "Do not take that mean I am inadequate as an alpha, however. I am fully capable."

Turning over on his back, Leon glanced at the omega from beneath dark locks, a coy grin on his face. "I never sentenced you to the couch, love. You came up with that one on your own. You're more than welcome to sleep here if you like," he teased, continuing to scent the sheets beneath him. "Soon enough you'll smell of me anyway, why prolong the inevitable, darling?"

Eden's eyes closed slightly as the fingers carded through his hair, offering a weak chuckle at the alpha's complaints. "No, they certainly don't seem to care." His lips turned down in a frown when the cloth disappeared from his forehead along with the presence that had been at his side. "I'll be alright by tomorrow hopefully," he added as an after thought, though he wasn't quite sure if it was to convince the alpha or himself. Using more strength than he thought he had at the moment, he pushed himself up with his elbows into a sitting position to find the dark haired alpha returning from the bathroom. "I can try," he managed. "But I'm not making any promises." He ran a hand through his own hair, pulling back with a grimace when he realized the state he was in. "Sorry I'm such a mess," Eden groaned. "My name's Eden, Eden Forester."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

Dusk watched band listened to his omega, to Shea, as he spoke. He seemed a little self-depreciating, and a little nervous in Dusk's own opinion.

"I think you look fine. Omega-wise or otherwise."

As Dusk watched him, he saw Shea shiver and frowned a little, but he didn't say anything else until Shea finished speaking.

"I don't see how we don't have the same chance as any other pairing here", he answered before tilting his head just slightly and looking the omega over once more.

"Is there something wrong with you? Did someone do something?", Dusk ask, both curious and concerned. "I'm not and wasn't expecting us to do anything, unless we both wanted it, but to hear you say its unlikely. I'd kinda like to know why you think so."

"I'll just call you Diesel", Bayden answered as he moved to examine the  cabinets above the sink. "Is Diesel your real name? Or just the name you are known by now?" Bayden questioned as he glanced at plates and glasses before shutting the door and asking more questions before the alpha could even answer the first.

"What did you do before you were brought here? More importantly, are you free of diseases? My heat will be soon, and I heard that once two children are born between the pairs that that pair is released", Bayden looked from where he was fiddling with a tea pot and straight at Diesel. "If you're amendable, I'd like to start as soon as possible and in contrast, make my stay here as short as possible".

Ryder nodded as the omega took a seat on the couch as well, speaking as he answered the neko's questions. "It would be more frightening for you omegas. You are expected to be with a strange alpha, mate, and carry a child. I don't blame you for being wary", he said, then flushed as Kai called his tail and ears cute and gave his thigh a squeeze.

It made him happy to hear that Kai felt mostly comfortable around him, if not yet entirely.

"I want you to tell me if I ever do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I'd like us to get to know one another, to trust each other, before we even consider doing what those b*stards expect us to do", Ryder said, trying to keep himself from purring at the warmth offered by Kai being so close. It wouldn't do seem like some kind of werido, especially after what he had just said.

Shawn's grin widened at the alpha's explanation. He bit his lip as the alpha gestured at the rubber pleasure aid and spoke with offense. It was cute and the darker skinned blonde kept himself from pouncing on his alpha by listening to him admit he'd never been with an omega and then assure that he was still a capable alpha.

"I've never been with alpha. You'll be the first, and I'm glad. You seem like you'll be more then capable", Shawn offered a wink as he pinked up the items once again and exclaimed happily. "I'll put these back into the drawers until we decide when to use them".

Apache snorted, but a grin tugged at his lips anyway. "I suppose I will. But why shouldn't I prolong it? Its fun to tease and despite what you may have heard about some omegas, I haven't needed an alphas help during a heat", he moved into the room and leaned over the side of the bed, hands placed on the mattress as he stared into the eyes hidden half beneath the dark fringe.

"I bet that once my heat starts, you'll be begging me to let you f*ck me and I'll just say no. But if you are able to control yourself, I'll step back and be as obedient as or omegaish or whatever you want. I win, and you treat me like a king. Deal?"

Jared handed the glass of cool water to Eden as he introduced himself. "I'm Jared Summers, and over all, I'd say you look good anyway, Eden", he gave a quick grin and then walked over to the closet. "So, I found what bags we got to bring was already in the closet. He picked up a bag that the center had tagged with Eden's name and brought it over.

"You wanna grab a quick shower before lunch?"
Turning to face the alpha in front of him, Shea ran his own gaze over the dark haired man. Dusk seemed calm and curious, though Shea knew he wasn't giving him much to work with about himself so he could understand the curiosity even if he didn't find himself all that interesting. The raven was rather handsome, though Shea would never admit it out loud he couldn't suppress the passing thought, and his odd eye color was certainly attention drawing. With a sigh he tried to draw himself out of his own thoughts, running a hand through his hair in slight frustration.

"I appreciate you trying to comfort me," he started with a frown, throwing himself down onto the couch while he gave a regarded the alpha with a shamed expression. "But you cannot tell me you wouldn't have preferred a more fitting omega." Shea turned his gaze towards the ceiling as he tried to get himself to relax, Dusk seemed kind enough but his body still felt the alpha presence and he was discomforted by that.

Turning his gaze towards Dusk from just the corner of his eyes, he shrugged his shoulders slightly. "My heats are irregular and shorter than normal, though the center told me that was due to the fact that I've avoided alphas since presenting and should right itself within the first month of being here. I'm still doubtful."

At the sudden barrage of questions, Diesel picked his head up slightly from where he was relaxing on the couch. It seemed he wasn't able to answer fast enough for the omega who had suddenly erupted. Part of Diesel wondered if he was just firing the questions off to keep his mind from going somewhere else, or if he was just that nervous that he had to question and pace and fiddle.

Red eyes met with the omega's green when he stopped his toying with objects long enough to look Diesel's way, the alpha slowly pushing himself off the couch to make his way over to the omega that had been assigned as his for the time being. Diesel's hand came up to grip at the omega's jaw line, tilting his head to the side so he could inhale his scent where it was strongest, he let his teeth graze the skin at the back of his neck before pulling away with a dart of his tongue to finish it off, a hum of approval in the back of his throat. "Your heat is soon," he verified, the scent of the omega still in his nose as he moved towards the sink to fill a glass of water.

"Aren't you just nice and prepared," his voice was obviously teasing as the crimson gaze flashed back towards the omega before he sipped at the full glass. "And what do you think will happen once those two children are born? Do you believe you'll just walk out of here free to go?" He scoffed at the idea with a shake of his head. "I'm glad you're so excited about this, Schatz, but odds are you'll only be recycled through the program."

Kai was pleased that he could at least comfort the man with his words, letting himself get comfortable on the couch with Ryder before they would have to leave for lunch. "Yeah it does sound intimidating at first," he agreed, nodding his head slightly. "I think I'll be able to do it though," he was quick to add. "You seem very nice, and I don't think I'll be uncomfortable with someone like you. I think what I'm worried about the most is what happens to the two children we're supposed to create together at the end?"

His lips turned down in a frown at that, turning his violet gaze up at the raven haired alpha. "I hear we'll be released as a pair after we produce two children. Do the children go with you or I? Or does the center take them from both of us?" He shivered at the thought of that, running a hand through his hair nervously. "I don't want that to happen, but it sounds like something they would do."

Unity watched the omega with interest as the blond's face changed listening to him talk, it was obvious that he was drawing in the interest of the omega without too much effort on his part. Who knew, perhaps there was a possibility they'd get along after all. The dark skinned man was strange, like most humans were, but he was interesting and a little cute admittedly. With a chuckle, Unity shook his head and leaned forward again on the couch as he watched the omega disappear with the toys.

"Just wait until your heat comes," Unity called after him. "You won't be touching those silly props."

Leon watched as the omega came closer to him, his words and his offer sounding more like a coy threat than anything-- Though he supposed that was the intent after all. Leaning up on his elbows Leon darted forward as if to steal his lips in a kiss but instead nipped lightly at his nose before falling back against the bed with his eyes closed. "You say that like it's actually a threat to me," he teased in return. "I feed off sexual energy." Peeking an eye open towards the wild colored hair, he grinned.

"With the number of couples at the center, odds are your heat will come at the same time as one or two of the others. As long as they're fucking, I can feed off their energy alone." A deep chuckle escaped his throat as his head cocked to the side. "Are you sure you want to torture yourself needlessly like this, darling?"

Managing a smile at the attempted compliment, Eden watched Jared walk over to the closet. He fought the whine that threatened to escape at the alpha's departure of his close vicinity by taking large sips of water. Eden had taken suppressants plenty of times in the past and that was probably the reason the dose he'd been given by the staff center weren't enough to completely knock him out of his heat. Instead he felt caught somewhere in this horrible middle that made all his muscles hurt and his head feel heavy and overheated.

Setting the cup on the bedside table, Eden let himself fall back against the pillows as he watched the dark haired alpha at his side. "Do you think they'd come hunt me down if I skipped lunch?" He pulled the blanket up over himself, pleased with the way the weight of the blanket felt against him as he melted further into the bed. "I don't know if I'll be able to get up."
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

(This here a time skip, about four months)

Four Months Later....

Shawn was happy, bouncy, and talking the ears off of anyone who would listen about how excited he was to be having a baby. Bayden tried his best not to scowl as the one eyed blonde spoke loud and giggly. He looked proud and sent glances and grins across the room to table were his alpha sat with some of the others.

He seemed to genuinely enjoy to experience. It was annoying.

The thing was, the guy had gotten pregnant during his first heat, and he seemed to just be happy about having a baby, and not because it meant he was that much closer to freedom.

Then again, as clueless as Shawn oftened acted, it was possible he didn't even know about the quota, or maybe he didn't care.

It really wasn't fair, Bayden thought sourly, he himself had been through two years already and still nothing. It was like fate was conspiring against him.

Fax watched the tall, pierced blonde sitting across from him. Shea smelled of pregnancy himself, and he had looked rather easy around his alpha earlier. Not that Fax wasn't glad that he seemed to have a decent enough alpha, he felt a little jealous. Not of Shea, but of his alpha.

Since the first time he'd seen the green eyed omega, Fax had felt a steady tempo in the beating of his heart that he hadn't felt with anyone else. Alpha or Omega.

The spoke, though not as often as the raven haired omega wished. He wanted to ask Shea if he felt anything for his alpha, if he loved him, or if maybe he felt the same things Fax felt himself. He was too scared to ask though.

Rey was a decent alpha, but Fax hadn't shared any of his heats with him yet. Fax hadn't wanted too during his first two, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to now. Rey had been very understanding so far, supportive even, offering to bring Fax food and water when he locked himself into the bedroom for the two days his heat lasted.

He was a good alpha, but Fax wasn't really interested in any alpha, and he wasn't sure he ever would be.

Apache hadn't really wanted to come down for lunch. His heat was on his proverbial doorstep and the scents of two pregnant omegas wasn't helping the instinct he felt to breed, nor was the scent of heat on one of the other omegas.

Apache looked across the room to the alpha table were they sat talking and scowled as he caught he gaze of his own alpha. He scrunched up his nose and stuck out his tongue childishly before turning away to hide his grin.

At least he wouldn't be the only one suffering and if he could tease his alpha mercilessly, then maybe this heat would be worth it. Besides, if worse came to worse, he had that rainbow colored pleasure aid he could use...maybe. Really the colorful thing was hideous. What has the staff been thinking? They certainly had a weird sense of humor.
Caliban watched with interest as Shawn practically bounced in his seat, excitedly talking about the baby he was expecting and how his pregnancy was going, all the while shooting affectionate glances towards his alpha, Unity. For some reason it wasn't hard at all for Caliban to get along with the other omegas, listening attentively as they all spoke though usually it was the outgoing Shawn that had the most to say. So he sat through lunch, giving the pleased blond most of his attention while he picked through his food, nodding along with Shawn's words.

"I'm glad that you seem so happy about all of this," Caliban commented between mouthfuls of pasta. "Are you going to have the medic tell you the gender or leave it a surprise?" Thorn too seemed interested in Shawn's condition, his eyes coming up expectantly to meet with Shawn's at Caliban's question.

In fact the only two that seemed to have a real problem with Shawn's condition was Bayden and Shea; Bayden sitting there with a bitter look on his face while Shea literally looked at everything except the pregnant omega. Not that the blond could really escape the topic of pregnancy, not when he himself smelled of it just as heavily.

Shea had been getting along better with Dusk, or at least trying to as best he could. It was still strange for him to have an alpha around him, even more to so know that alpha was his. When he'd come into heat a little more than three months ago he'd tried to fight it at first, but the smell of alpha so close and the fact that Dusk was slow and comforting made resisting easy to give up. Now he kind of wished he'd put in a little more effort as the idea of him being unable to carry a child was thrown out the window the very first time he's submitted himself like that.

Instead he was stuck feeling sick most days, and he felt like strangling whomever's bright idea it was to name it morning sickness when it hit him noon and night too. Dusk was being incredibly supportive however, Shea would give him that much; unable to imagine doing this on his own and it had only been three months so far. Still, he wouldn't say that he was completely comfortable with having the alpha around him all the time and he could appreciate these times spent with the other omegas; even if that meant having to put up with Shawn's excitement over his own baby and the raven haired omega's eyes on him from across the table.

Not that he really minded the latter of the two. Fax was someone he could get along with, someone that Shea actually talked to often and probably felt the most comfortable with and that probably had a lot to do with the fact that he wasn't an alpha and he didn't try and pry him either. No, the only complaint that Shea had was the looks that Fax didn't think Shea noticed. Except he did notice, and it made him feel things that he probably shouldn't feel towards another omega. It didn't help that, now that he was pregnant, his hormones were slipping more and more out of his control and the things he wouldn't mind doing with Fax...

"Stop staring," Shea ordered with a frown, flicking a macaroni piece across the table towards the raven. "You're unusually quiet."

Over at the table with the alphas, the atmosphere was nowhere near the same. Between the dark shadows that seemed to almost swallow Leon up from nowhere as the tattooed alpha sat there in his rage and Eos who seemed downright irate that his younger brother had succeeded in getting an omega pregnant before him, not caring in the least when Unity brought up the fact that Eos had sired many children before actually arriving at the center. To Diesel the whole entire thing was nothing but one big bother, and with as many alphas and omegas forced in one place as there was, he was counting down the days until things started to blow up.

Like the guards who kept casting weird looks over at the catboy alpha and seemed to know everyone's daily schedules by heart. He hadn't seen much of the other guard which was unfortunate; it wouldn't be right to say the quiet guard, Ranger, was nice only that he minded his own business and tended to leave everyone alone.

At the thought of leaving people alone, he was reminded of his own omega; almost feeling the brunette's heated gaze on the back of his head as he tried to focus his attention on his tweaked cousin. He knew the omega wasn't pleased with the fact that Diesel hadn't gotten him pregnant yet, but the alpha was uncomfortable with the idea of getting the omega pregnant just to have him walk out just as quickly as they were forced together. It didn't feel right to him, so he'd been doing his best to prevent conception from happening; even if that meant borrowing a little black magic from his cousin.

Not that Leon cared about anything right now; the scent of his omega almost at his heat was driving the dark haired alpha crazy and the fact that his omega and him had some bogus deal and he couldn't do anything...well let's just say Leon was sure to take his frustrations out on the other alphas. Diesel could only hope that creepy unicorn alpha didn't get tired of Leon's aggravations first.
[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"

"If you aren't careful, you're gonna end up with a literal bouncing baby", Apache teased once his attention was back on the omegas at the table.

Shawn grinned at him, wriggled a bit in his seat and turned to Cali as he ask his questions. "I already know what it is", he insisted poked his own fork into the red heads pasta. "She's a girl and she's gonna be gorgeous, just like her daddy", he caught Unity's gaze and kissed the air in his direction.

"Have you gone through heat yet Cali? You're with Mr. Disney Universe right? How is he, he looks big, is he big? Come on, tell me, tell me, TELL ME!!!", Shawn demanded as he shook the red head, his new best friend he decided from early on, and as such that meant he was entitled to details.

Bayden ignored the bubbly, annoying blonde; though he did feel pity for the poor red head who seemed to have garnered Shawn's demanding attention.

He looked over to the next table and glared icily at the back of his alphas head. Really he knew it wasn't Diesels fault, but it felt better to blame the alpha, at least partially for his not being pregnant yet.

(Just a little short something :D)

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