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"Hmm maybe, but all that mattered is you are my love, and it's my child here that made you eating so much." Jared smiled and said, cupping the bump and continued nuzzling his back. They had learnt this time it's only one child, and Jared sometimes would lament not having a huge belly to play with, but the prospect of having another set of muliples was also scary, considering they had 5 infants around the house already.
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"Prove it." Jimmy said as jared snd jimmy got into another passionate night. Fred could hear them two down the hall going at it all night. Fred just laid feeling lonely. The next morning Fred was downstairs getting breakfast when he saw Jimmy come down the stairs with his really tight buttoned shirt and tie for work. "You two have a good night?" Fred asked smiling. "It was ok why?" Jimmy asked as he headed toward the door for work. " no reason." Fred said ashe ssaw jared come down the stairs whistling.
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(Sorry I didnt realise i hadnt replied to this!)
"Morning Fred." Jared got down a bit faster to catch Jimmy to kiss him goodbye. "Bye babe. Be safe." He turned around towards Fred and asked strangely. "Fred, why dont you need to go to work yet? Oh.... did you take a day off to wait for Alex?" Jared squinted at Fred and smirked.
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"No I uhhh.... was feeling a little under the weather I had to call in but I'm feeling a bit better now." Fred fake coughed. "I almost forgot that he was coming today. What time was it again?" Fred asked trying to pull off that he wasn't interested.
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"Did anyone tell you your such a horrible liar. You should practise on your acting skills." Jared laughed. Just then the doorbell rang and Fred almost jumped up to get the door, making Jared laugh. He wondered if it was Eric or Alex, probably Eric as Alex wasnt really a morning person as far as he could remember.
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As Jared went to the door and opened it Eric was leaning against the side of the door post one hand on his belly that was barely covered by his small shirt. The other hand was holding a sandwhich that he was eating. "I'm here to meet Alex." Eric said his mouth full. " Gloria is on her way." He finished as he swallowed the food.
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"And you are surely making good use of the time to sneak in food." Jared smiled and went to greet Eric. "Gloria got her day off? Dont tell me that's just for meeting Alex. I would be getting jealous over my cousin who had attracted all your attention." He helped Eric to the couch, mindful of how he needed aid supporting his weight now.
Just when they had settled, the doorbell rang again and Jared went for it, Fred assuming it was Gloria. "Oh hi Alex, it's been quite some time!" Jared found it to be Alex and gave him a huge hug. "Sorry I wasnt here yesterday. Come on it."
"Oh bro! Nice to see you again! Fred. And this is....?" Alex came in with both hands full of lugage. He had a black glasses on and a pale face, but with the size of his luggage he woulf have to be way stronger than he appeared to be able to handle them with ease. He nodded to Fred and looked at Eric with a curious face.
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Fred jumped to attention not expecting Alex so soon. As Jared I troducwd him he ran over to shake Alex's hand. "Nice to meet you I'm Fred Jimmys older brother." Alex shook Fred's hand. Fred couldn't believe how attractive Alex was and tried his best not to keep staring he didn't want to seem weird. "I'm Eric the neighbor you will excuse me if I don't get up not easy these days." Eric said rubbing his belly as he finished his sandwhich. Jimmy came out of the bedroom after hearing the door bell. Seeing Jareds cousin Jimmy was surprised himself how attractive he was. "Here let me help with one of those." Jimmy said gabbing one of the small bags Alex had. "Yeah of course let me help you as well." Fred came rushing to grab the heavier luggage.
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(I thought Jimmy went to work?)
Jared smirked at all the attention Alex was receiving. "Bro you are truly getting all the attention fixated on you. Come on let's go to your room." Jared helped Alex take the luggage that was dropped to the floor when Fred went to grab Alex's hand, and went on to the spare room. "Your are real lucky you know? I wouldbt have this room if you had come just a few months earlier. I just moved to this bigger house. And here are the nursery where my 3 babies and Fred's 2 newborns are." Jared introduced the room as they went on thr corridor.
"Oh... Fred's babies? So... he isnt single? Just.. I see he is here likr... alone?" Alex asked as he followed Jared.
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(Sorry forgot just forget that part of it lol.)
Eric sat on the couch rubbing his huge bulging belly while he waited for Gloria to make it over here. Fred went out to the front porch to grab the remaining bags of Alex when he saw Gloria coming over carrying a huge chocolate cake. "Wow what's the occasion" Fred asked Gloria. "It's a welcoming gift for Alex." She said smiling as she walked into the house. As she walked in Eric immediately saw yt? e cake. "Is that for me?" Eric said getting a bit hungry again. "One piece of it is and no more." Gloria said putting down on the kitchen counter.
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(Haha alright.)
Jared and Alex, still unaware of Gloria's arrival, continued on. "Ah.. no Fred is single now. The babydaddy dumped him just before their wedding after knowing he was pregnant. Well ... i think you should ask him yourslef for the details. Here's your room. Shall we go down first? I think Gloria, wife of Eric, who are our neighbors should be here by now."
Alex let out a breath of relief, and simply nodded at Jared's suggestion. They went down and Jared greeted. "Hey Gloria, wow such a nice cake, thank you so much. Meet Alex here. Gloria, this is Alex, my cousin, my new housemate too." "Hi Gloria. You surely is a great cook for making such a lovely cakr!"
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"Thank you so much, my my my you are as attractive as ever." Gloria said shaking Alex's hand. "You must have dates all the time." She said smiling. "Do you have someone special?" Eric asked trying to pull his shirt down as much as possible so his belly wasn't showing too much. Fred stood there waiting to hear the answer.
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"Currently no. I am single." Alex couldnt quite stop himself from glancing over to Fred at this. "Thank you all of you for welcoming me so warmly. I hadnt expected all these." He smiled directly to Fred.
While they were about to chitchat a bit the babies had fussed and all of them went to the nursery.
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Fred and Alex were the last ones in the room slowly following behind. "So Jared tells me your some kind of computer hacker." Fred said wishing he didn't sound so stupid. "I mean work with computers or something."
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"Doesnt matter, hacker is more accurate anyway. Jared's got a big mouth and I should know he would have spread that." Alex blushed a bit, being a hacker wasnt exactly a good occupation. "What do you do as a living? And.... Jared told me thayy but I just want to confirm.... the father of your babies...?"
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"I'm a gym instructor." Fred said flexing his arms showing of his biceps. " I was almost married until my soon to be husband got me pregnant and decided he didn't want a family so soon and left. Which brought me here to my little bother Jimmys house who at the time was also pregnant
. Leaving your cousin to take care of two heavily pregnant men." Fred smiled thinking that he sounded pathetic telling him about his pregnancy problems.
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"Well that's lucky for him. Honestly with your figure now I cant believe you have given birth to 2 children!" Alex smiled at Fred, eyeing him over in an appreciative way. "And I must say you are very brave to be raising your kids on your own. What are they? Boy or girl?"
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"One of each." Fred said "its not easy but Jimmy and jared have been a big help." Eric stepped outside the room bumping into Alex with his belly trying to squezze past him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you I just have to go sit down these babies are weighing me down to much." Eric smiled waddling to the couch. "I don't miss those days." Fred told alex.
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Alex looked at Eric with his huge belly with a bit of longing before turning back to Fred. " arent planning to have more children then?" He asked trying to hide his disappointment. Alex had always craved for a huge family with lots of kids and to be honest, he would love to see Fred stranded down by the belly and needing to flex those bulging muscle hard even for simple gestures of raising himself up.
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"It crossed my mind but I'm not sure." Fred said as Jared came out giving one of the babies to Alex and Fred to hold. "These are my little ones here." Fred said smiling